When Kennedy becomes our next President, Dr. Nass should be presented the Medal of Honor for her relentless work on exposing the WHO and this globalist attempt at taking away our sovereignty!

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Would you like Kennedy's choice of a Vice president to take over, if he could not perform his duties? She bought her way into the position with her millions. She is the ex-wife of a technocrat.

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Nice sentiments, but Kennedt may have to become Trumps running mate to become the next to the next president.

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Setting us up nicely for their creation and release of Disease X, Y, Z is what it looks like to me. They will then use the treaty as a vehicle to further their mission to control us all in the midst of the fear and panic.

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Control is what they want. This is why the “treaty” will never change in any meaningful way. The entire “treaty” is a power grab—all other language is just distraction.

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Hello Meryl,

You sure never cease to amaze me. It's clearly evident that you didn't get your degrees from an obscure mail or on-line university. Your smarts, coupled with your old fashioned work ethic and morality are appreciated more than you know. God bless you. Please safe, stay strong and stay inspired!

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It's too late! The world now knows the WEF's World health organisation is part of their New World Order program to enslave all but our self appointed rulers = The Super-Elite!

We all know the WHO is now totally untrustworthy and corrupted by 'Elite influencers' who contribute over 90% of their budget. Gates contributes (INFLUENCES) over 50% towards the WHO and this buys him total control of their dubious and cunning Policies (The Treaty would have terminated every nation's rights to Sovereignty and Freedom to apply their preferred Health policies!

Just as well we, the public, decided the 'unelected' CORRUPT WHO in now obsolete and therefore meaningless in World Health Matters.

Our next mission is to ensure that LIABILITY for all medical injections, vaccines and all other medicinal products are properly tested for SAFETY and EFFICACY, before any 'EXPERIMENTS' are irresponsibly used upon humans. No LIABILITY is insane and cannot be justified under any circumstances.

We, the people, have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I'm thrilled to share that following an email I sent this week to all 220 of our Irish elected representatives—both parliamentarians and senators—one of our respected senators delivered a speech this morning in the Senate regarding the WHO amendments. They graciously acknowledged and appreciated the points raised in my email - this is all thanks to your hard work Dr Nass and your ability to clarify the essence of the amendments and their intent has been instrumental.

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Thrilled to hear it!

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People said surveillance and censorship: control of misinformation and disinformation had been removed. Not so. They are just moved to an Annex and inserted elsewhere, on page 45. >> And I had been so hoping that they found religion and had seen the error of their ways.

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Everything coming from the government & their shills is a lie & a trick to get your compliance. Never forget how they rolled out the covid scam.

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Of course I agree. Craig Murray gives a good picture of our current dilemma on seemingly another topic that is especially poignant if you've read "Murder in Samarkand" and know why he was subsequently sentenced to prison for being a reporter who obeyed the law, but was insufficiently obedient. Israel & Co. SHATTERING ALL Norms of Intl. Law Will Haunt Us All | Ex-UK Ambassador Craig Murray


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Much appreciation for weeding out the verbal traps intended to achieve the "global enslavement treaty". More of those traps will be applied to succeed in legalizing the greatest racket, ever.

From https://www.globalresearch.ca/who-intel-agency-gates-foundation/5855404

"Less than two years after the Gates Foundation purchased the stock (pre-IPO) at $18 per share, it peaked on Aug. 6, 2021 at $389. At that price, the Foundation’s $55 million investment was worth $1,182,044,186.00 ($1.182 billion)."

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The UN has a back-up, back-up-plan for September, to establish a global governance framework, even if the WHO treaty and IHR Amendments fall through https://usawatchdog.com/un-plans-tyrannical-future-for-you-alex-newman/

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We must abandon it all. Exit the WHO entirely. Words are only words and very expensive words. How many billions more would we be on the hook for?

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The opacity and volume of verbal diarrhoea emanating from the WHO is in proportion to the degree to which this international organization (among others) is divorced from the lives of ordinary people.

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"In my view, fights around the WHO pandemic treaty and WHO IHR amendments are distraction maneuvers to occupy the time and energy of people who might otherwise work on repealing or nullifying federal and state public health emergency and communicable disease control law."


Globalist misleaders focus public attention on WHO International Health Regulations to distract people from understanding and repealing federal and state public health emergency law.


(note: Katherine Watt has blocked all comments)

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Katherine is almost always right but this time she is all wrong And she refused to engage with me on this subject

She does not understand that similar laws are being created at the level of nation states, organizations like the EU and at the level of the WHO and UN And that all of them will need to be Taken down.

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Why does it have to be an either/or proposition instead of an and proposition. I have signed the opposition to the WHO amendments and wrote to both my US Senators to support a 2/3"s vote to ratify any WHO treaty. I will write my state senators and have them pass what was done in Louisiana. All hands on deck!

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I thought Katherine was on the same page as the reast of us proud Conspiracy Theorists.

Mick from Hooe (UK).

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Everybody makes mistakes

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I think she is. Just a difference of opinion on priorities/ focus. (Am not trying to speak for Dr. Nass, of course).

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Thank you for commenting on this Dr. Nass. I read every word you write, but also follow Katherine, though legalese not my forte.

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I’ve been following Dr. David Martin who discusses the crimes committed by the WHO. Go to Odysee and type in his name for those who don’t follow him. Martin testified in the EU and UK recently. I think he’s also on the right track in that the WHO is a criminal cartel and he discusses legal strategies including RICO to take them down. He’s a wealth of information as you are Dr. Nass.

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The pretend WHO Slave Treaty hides the biggest travesty = ZERO LIABILITY for drug makers that sell astronomically expensive but harmful injections - using their ZERO LIABILITY concession as a shield from litigation = A Licence to KILL!


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Thank you Dr. Nass for keeping on top of all the ways these weazels try to wriggle and wrestle our freedoms and bodies from us. Our very lives actually.

May God help us all and bless you and keep you safe.

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The focus of your opposition is totally wrong. The "language" does not matter at all. What we have to deal with is a political body that should not exist and cannot, until now, be done away. The focus should be on: 1) how to do it away; 2) how to make its life impossible. Draghi is squishing himself into VDL's seat. I do not need to add anything else. If he would become the new EU Commission president and he would have the power to "enforce" WHO measures or half-measures. We haven't see nothing yet. 1) and 2) are valid also for any Draghi commission.

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The now CORRUPTED WHO = An unelected Trojan Horse for the WEF's New World Order!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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The mainstream disinformation and censor machine is alive and well. One of their most dangerous tools is the popularization of the lable of conspiracy theory. The news is rampant with this concept as they try to downplay the significant measure of Tennessee in enacting a law banning geoengineering, a major tenicle of the globalist attempt o run the show, from its airspace. Volumes of scientific and government documents are available to support the reality of this weather modification program and resulting assault on our lives and well-being that has consistently been denied despite the fact that it literally "Flys in our faces.:

If your looking for an actual conspiracy "theory," consider the false premise that the unelected, wealthy, power hungry globalists are working for the benefit of mankind.

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Absolutely No Compliance.. with any of Big Brother's Global Complex's. It's local level time.. contact our Districts political leaders.. let them know in No Uncertain terms we want the WHO Abolished.. Gracious and Resolute... Nothing less will do..

BB's going Next Level to maintain the Psyop, Daily now, the Ministry of Propaganda loses more control of the Global dialogue. Its on the brink of total loss. To survive BB must shut down the Net for a few days and when it comes back up it will most probably be 'sterilized' and severely censor any voices speaking Truth to Power, Substack included.. anything against the Great Reset agenda.. especially exposing the Psyop. 2] Start shrinking the Global food supply more via the next Plandemic.. right around the corner, Bird Flu Bio Weapon and the wholesale slaughter of 'Infected' chicken ranches by the millions.. completely Unjustified.. BB wants No Meat in your diet period.. Crickets ... so we must support local ranchers as directly as possible.. let them know No Vaccines or mRNA in anything they produce... Organic only

3] Marshall Law to be implemented at BB's earliest opportunity... sometime this year maybe in just a few weeks? ... then Going digital currency and social credit system..

There are individual Answers to each of these measures..

I hope I am wrong..but doubt I am.. I certainly could be regarding the sequence...

so we UNITE! and KEEP FIGHTING...!

We Can Win this War and create a Better World..! thru Non Violent Non Compliance...

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Curt ..... who is BB⁉️

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BB = Big Brother = [Bill Gates, WEF/WHO/CIA/DOD/ all Govt. Regulatory agency's/ Big Pharma] All doing their part in the Psyop - Great Reset..

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