"I would like to take all these on, in addition to the biosecurity agenda"


But to do that, I think you need to look at the fact that we are dealing with a transnational deep state, hiding behind the world's central banks, that has infiltrated all or almost all countries.

So among the options are these two:

* educate more people about the transnational deep state

* establish a sovereign haven in some U.S. state or county, and have courts there investigate the transnational deep state

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Of course the root is the transnational deep state that rules nations and seeks expanded ownership and control.

The strategy and tactics are what we do. Start where people are and move forward.

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This is a good framing, Victorious Warrior-Sister.


The globalists need to maintain primary ownership through the coming wave of defaults and bankruptcies, as part-2 of the 2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis takes place.

If there are 10 competing claims (through "rehypothecations" and "derivatives", for instance) for every unit of real value/property, then when the Ponzi scheme collapses, there has to be a division of that property/assets, and "assignment of losses", as the term is used.

That division after the Ponzi collapse is a political process. There are basically "illegal laws" giving the gambles in the derivatives casinos super-senior "rights" to assets, over the "owners" of stocks, bonds and bank accounts, as well as the intermediaries and banks.

Ellen Brown explains: https://ellenbrown.com/2023/10/03/the-great-taking-how-they-plan-to-own-it-all/

Unjust assignment-of-losses will be politically untenable, so the financial elites need an emergency, where they will hold emergency-powers to assign the vast losses to retirees, pension plans, investors, anybody who owes any money and so on.

Preparing politically for prevention of theft by Global Financial Institutions, of people's stocks, bonds and bank accounts is a straightforward message, just as prevention of global-governance-takeover was a straightforward message at its core.

Pandemic emergency powers are off the list.

Global warming emergency powers will not cut it.

Financial Crisis Emergency Powers got played once by President Obama, pretending nobody will be hurt, but this time will be a very harsh reality to face, I believe.

World War-3 emergency-powers appear to be what global financial elites intend to wield. Watch BlackRock, the biggest asset manager, and somehow part of the Federal Government now, it seems.

Prepare for this coming attack. Don't bite on World War-3. There will probably be some kind of false-flag attack.

"Oppose war and war-powers", should be the preparedness message, I think.

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Houthi hell made the aircraft carriers obsolete?


The Great Rehypothecation

Are derivatives *intended* to drive the world to bankruptcy and totalitarianism?


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The real crime during Covid was the suppression of safe and effective early-treatment repurposed drugs, accomplished in the case of HCQ through apparently manipulated, fraudulent, and fabricated science. Thus was the medical system abused, and in turn this malfeasance caused direct harm to the people.

A case can be made that since the science suppressing repurposed drugs had no real-world foundation, this points to deliberate malfeasance: science in the service not of public health but private profit and control.

Strategy would be to expose medical malfeasance, as this is surely part of the globalist “follow the data” agenda moving forward. It worked last time.

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"With rebellion awareness is born" --Albert Camus

So those that are protesting and encountering the forces of opposition should make others aware, yes.

But also effort must be made to understand and anticipate those forces of opposition, to make strategy and tactics more effective.

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What do you suggest? Need specifics

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Demand that every candidate support ending sovereign immunity for rogue international organizations such as the Bank for International Settlements. The President could do that unilaterally. Educate people on why its important.

Corey Lynn has a great series on this. I don't think its pie in the sky, if candidates started hearing such things from average voters.


Otherwise they will keep dreaming up new ways to subjugate us.

Another avenue I suggest are citizen initiated grand juries, which could be a very powerful tool to bring rogue government officials to heel:


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Every candidate should also be pushed to publicly support:

medical freedom; bodily autonomy; informed consent.

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100% ^^

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Liked by Meryl Nass

IMO, the best hope (apart from divine intervention, which we can't assume will occur) for the long turn is to convince as many citizens and State government politicians of how far along the world already is on the road to a draconian tyranny (probably as part of a global debt management strategy) and to get them to realize that nothing short of returning to 10th and 9th amendment governance AND/OR secession may slow it down enough to re-strategize a plan for our debt, etc. At this point, our opposition seems to be willing to start WWIII to make sure we can't win. They truly seem to be insane.

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If you have read Isaac Asimov's fictional Foundation Series you will understand much better the planning of the Deep State. I think they "took a page" out of the triology to implement their plan. In summary, a small group of brilliant Psychco Historians calculated where society would go given minor nudges here and there. There goal was to bring the collapsing universe out of chaos in 1000 years instead of the 30,000 years otherwise predicted.

Unlike the triology which had virtuous scientists, the cabal is not after a world benefiting the people. It is not over. They will move ahead in other directions towards their goals using mass psycops. As stated in "The Art of War" all warfare is based on deception.

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Call for volunteer experts to assemble 2 teams:

* to advise relatives and friends of someone who has died suddenly, on how they can get a proper autopsy done

* to advise whistleblowers, officials and jurors involved in high profile cases on how to protect themselves from "suicide" and "accidents"

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Also work to repeal (needs triage by those who know more than me)

Top 10 repealable American federal laws enacted by US Congress and US Presidents, between 1944 and the present, to embed worldwide vaccination, mutilation and killing programs in US domestic federal law, and, through international pharmaceutical-military-weapons-product sales contracts and international mutual recognition agreements pertaining to pharmaceutical non-regulation, to embed the same programs in the national governance and laws of other countries.

42 USC 262 through 263-1 - Regulation of biological products; Enhanced control of dangerous biological agents and toxins; etc. (licensing of biological product manufacturing, including vaccines) ←Enacted by US Congress in 1944.

42 USC 264 through 272 - Quarantine and inspection, regulations to control communicable diseases (foreign, domestic inspection and quarantine provisions; etc.) ←Enacted by US Congress in 1944

50 USC 1511 through 1528 - Chemical and biological warfare program (authorization and funding for chemical and biological weapon research and use on human targets) ← Enacted by US Congress in 1969

42 USC 243 through 247d-12 - Public health service, federal-state cooperation (public health emergencies; vaccination tracking and distribution; liability immunity for vaccine manufacturers and users under emergency declarations; etc.) ← Enacted by US Congress in 1983

42 USC 300aa-1 through 300aa-34 - Vaccines (national vaccination programs; liability immunity for vaccine manufacturers and users under non-emergency conditions; etc.) ←Enacted by US Congress in 1986

21 USC 360bbb through 360bbb-8d - General provisions relating to drugs and devices (emergency use authorization/EUA product manufacturing, distribution; medical countermeasures; etc.) ← Enacted by US Congress in 1997

42 USC 300hh through 300hh-37 - National all-hazards preparedness for public health emergencies (national planning, coordination, chain-of-command, execution for military and medical personnel during declared public health emergencies; etc.) ← Enacted by US Congress 2002

6 USC 104 through 106 - National biodefense strategy (national biodefense strategy; implementation plans; etc.) ← Enacted by US Congress 2016

21 USC 2151b, statutory note, Sec. 5559 through 5566 - Population planning and health programs, international pandemic preparedness. ←Enacted by US Congress in 2022

6 USC 741 through 825 - Comprehensive preparedness system; national preparedness system ←Enacted by US Congress in 2006; global catastrophic risk management. ←Enacted by US Congress in 2022



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I don't think The US is the place to have such an investigative body since our deep state may be the deepest of all.

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Maybe. But *someplace* where a court can actually function.

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The globalists will continue to target cows because they seek to dominate all food production and distribution. And H5N1 seems to be rolling out..... Plenty of issues to tackle, fearless leader!

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Liked by Meryl Nass

Thanks John,

What the globalists want is "everything", but they also have weaknesses and some desperation about losing control in the next crisis. They must keep scrambling to create "special powers" to maintain their "ownership" at the expense of all others, in the second episode of global Financial Crisis.

No Special Powers! Fair division of assets and values in the big-bankruptcy. Those who need basics to survive must have that, and those who desire more than basic survival should form a line over there to the left, please.

I don't think they'll get the cows this time around. They are soon to face with their own crisis.


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You want ideas to use your donation base to change the world? Door to Freedom--where to now?May we HIGHLY suggest supporting Sue the WHO initiative Meryl. Your beloved subscribers signed up to take action against WHO and the fight is JUST BEGINNING - IT'S NOT AT ALL OVER.

We have the winning lawsuits built against WHO and yet we have literally no funding. How ironic - you have funding, but wonder what to do with it to act against WHO & make effective change?

Please pledge support where it will make the most impact - in COURT against WHO's breaches.

We spent 4 years to build the worlds most formidable cases, are ready to begin the lawsuits to actually sue the WHO & still need funding.

We have heard you speak to say the WHO cannot be sued and this is simply not true. IOJ can waive their immunity. In our opinion taking care of the problem legally in court is the only thing that Door to Freedom should be expanding into if you want to get to core issues you speak of and obviously care about, and change them from top down.

Thanks for considering pledging monthly support to Sue the WHO initiative as a path of where to go now for Door to Freedom! Your work getting a steady donation base for anti WHO work could easily go to finishing the job in courts and ensuring a real door to freedom.

Terminate Tedros & Sue the WHO!


Blessings - Interest of Justice - IOJ


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You have talked about suing the WHO for 2 years yet the ten international lawyers I met with have said it is impossible. So what court do you think you can get into and what is your pleading?

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We definately need an answer to that one.

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Just fyi you never showed up to work with us before

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Hmmm. I have not heard the good name of Reiner Fuellmich in quite awhile. I believe he is still imprisoned in Germany, betrayed by his colleagues. If I remember correctly his chief strategy was to encourage massive class action lawsuits here in America, where such a legal mechanism still exists. It sounds like a good plan to me. I thought the CHD Vaxxed/Unvaxxed: The People's Study bus was gathering steam to lead the way with this, rallying participants who have clearly been injured by the jabs to join in a class action lawsuit against the various criminals. The beauty being there is no limit to the number of people who may sign on to a class action lawsuit. Maybe Meryl and the troops here can focus on initiating an extremely well focused series of class action lawsuits in all of the areas of stated concern, and getting them rolling?

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According to one source, he can be contacted through his law firm's website, Fuellmich Law. The website provides a contact page with an email address and a physical address for the firm's office in Germany. You may also reach out to him through his political party, the Alternative for Germany party, via their website or social media channels. They can likely direct you to the appropriate channels to get in touch with Mr. Fuellmich directly. Here are some recent videos he made: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=fuellmich%20law

The May 10th 2024 video indicates he was still in prison as of that day.

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Thanks, Al. The message he transmitted loud and clear was that the attainment of justice is in the peoples hands. Via class action lawsuits among other things.

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Those other things include

the fact that the people do not always have the means of enforcing court decisions since the enemy has infiltrated law enforcement and the military in many if not most countries. Peaceful solutions through the legal system are not always an option.

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Please provide links so we can see these winning lawsuits. Thank you!

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Done. Thanks for the heads up.

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I think about what would hurt 'them' (deep state) the most? And I'm wondering if exposing the regular, on-going process of spraying the skies with chemicals, would be the most harmful to them? People have different awareness about it, and their possible motives, but bottom line is it's wrong and not benefitting citizens.

My suggestion would be to question if the chem-trails are causing poor health effects AND/OR making climate change worse!! (I personally don't believe in climate change, but it is so normalized, why not use it at their own game?)

If we made it about our health and concern for the environment, that should unite and motivate a lot of people. If it got exposed and stopped, imagine the effect it would have to the masses.... I think it would further reveal 'them' for who they are and help shift to help people wake up.... But it would take a concerted, co-ordinated effort to demand info release and to get it banned.

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All the info you need is at geoengineeringwatch.org

We don't have to demand anything because it is there for the taking. Why do so many act as this info is invisible? It is not!

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I also got the impression that Meryl and James gave somewhat different interpretations of IHR - Meryl’s being more emphatic that WHO has been stopped flat in their sinister agenda AT LEAST IN THIS ROUND. No doubt we must be vigilant. In any case I wish to thank them both for their unwavering crusade to inform us about the WHO and their nefarious plans. I also wish to repeat Dr David Martins closing words at a recent presentation at EU Parliament in Bruxelles along the lines “DON’T AMEND THE WHO, DESTROY THE WHO”.

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Great stuff, Meryl. However, I (and I would imagine other subscribers) are somewhat curious as to why you and fellow crusader James Roguski appear to have a somewhat different take on the latest state of play with the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty and IHR amendments. You obviously feel we have won a victory, wheras James appears to regard what has happened as a more akin to a defeat. Or is it just me getting my layman's knickers in a twist? I realise this is a very complex issue, but it would be really helpful if you guys could possibly produce a quick explainer (text or video, or preferably both) for us w footsoldiers in the crusade against the biosecurity state can tuck away in our breastplates.

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If you look carefully you will discover that many people were caught up in James' fervor and bewailed the IHR adoption... initially... lost in the sneaky WHO method rather than the substance.

Look more recently and you will find that many of them including Dr. Natalia Prego, Dr. Malone, Dr. Bell and Frank Gaffney have later come to share my initial and still current interpretation of what happened.

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First Dr. Nass' accomplishments are to be commended. She has allowed so many trolls to show their wares, to my chagrin, but alas we got to see what we were up against. She has wisdom, what did they have to offer, how did they treat the much assaulted foundation of debate? How many of them are robots, either actually or in essence? So thank you Dr. Nass for leading the charge by example and not bombast and ego.

The future of Freedom is found in what all the issues mentioned in your article share in common. Censorship, Big and Hate. Big? Globs, MIC, Gov, Phar, Tech, Money etc. They share a few big attributes. Big actions involve; façade, lies, crime, violence, unaccountable influence and massive resources, among a whole host of nasty attributes. It would behoove us to have experts on psychopaths to help SOS, as indeed these are their calling cards exactly. Robert Hare famously said he would go to Wall St. if forced to replace his psychopathic research subjects from Prisons.

There is an odd chink in their armor. It would seem one of the devil's rules is the evil must write down their plans, where others can read them. No not the tainted Pablum the MSM spoon feeds us. Its in the documents Meryl flushed out for us, to enlighten the world. Hidden, buried behind a wall of droll yadda yadda.

PNAC, WEF writers say plainly, we despise humanity. That is where the hate is shown, so blatantly.

For me, Remdesivir is the product of hate, Ivermectin comes from love. Private gatherings, where the price of admission, is its own proof of prejudice, one might hear and see the hateful truth. Certainly not from the PR company that reveals their 'findings'. Our prescribed mandated agenda.

So for me your title holds the key. Freedom, Freedom of Speech.

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This gets back to what I think is an important point that Roguski made, and that's that no coercive language is needed in the IHRs so long as there are people within governments who are willing to follow WHO advice and issue dictates from that.

Roguski links to Maria Zee, who is decidedly in the camp that says that what's going on is a larger movement toward digital health. The fear is that through a series of slick moves we may very well find ourselves in a digital prison wherein we're carefully monitored and managed, and injected with whatever "greater good" vaccines they wish if we want to be counted within that system (or perhaps even access transportation or funds.) https://rumble.com/v50krdh-maria-zeee.html I'd never heard of her, but she's spot-on when she says that we'll never be free of the WHO until we can get rid of the scum in our own countries who hang on every word by the WHO, and take every payout/incentive offered by the digital control system. Covid already showed us how many in the US will lock us down just because some authority says we must: no global law needed.

I tend to agree with James that this is no time to celebrate, regardless of whatever gains were made. These folks want their Digital Health Reset. Lots and lots of ink spilled on the future of digital health, and presumably the large sums to be made thereby. That network is slowly being built.

I think one of the key fights today is against censorship. If they win that one, then we lose. We end up being pockets of isolated resistance easily handled. If we win the war against censorship, then I don't see how they can win if the people understand and debate about what's happening, and are able to call out corruption and anti-humanism. This is why stamping out "health misinformation" and "anti-vaxxers" is so important to them.

In short, whatever the IHRs say is simply moving toward The Great Narrative that Klaus Schwab wrote about, and that's reflected in so much of the language we hear today about so-called global opportunities and threats and resilience, etc., from so many quarters. It's this larger great narrative, largely based on the pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe, that has to be countered and checked.

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Good question, Michael.

I had the same reaction having read Meryl's and James' differing reactions.

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”June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.”

When HFDF asked the court to opine as to whether or not the CDC’s claim that the COVID-19 vaccines were ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?”

But here is a problem - future vaccines are now as per ”June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled are "forced medical treatment" and the CDC’s claim that the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?” which makes all "vaccines" illegal, by definition and purpose.

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No. The 9th circuit said that at this stage of litigation it must be accepted that the claims of plaintiffs are accepted, which moots Jacobson (if the claims are correct) and now they go back to the trial court to be litigated without being dismissed due to the Jacobson interpretation. Big win but has no implications for all vaccines.

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My understanding is that the pertussis "vaccine" also just affects the symptoms so could be litigated due to this ruling.

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Meryl -

All these projects are crucially important. There's also 5G and disclosure of transformative technologies and media-based mind control and weather warfare. Don't feel that you need to spread out to cover them all. Follow the fire in your belly. Throw your full energy behind the cause that motivates you most, and trust that others will do the same. Collectively, we'll get it all done.

- Josh

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Thanks Josh,

Anticipate the next attack of the globalists to meet their-own-needs in the Financial-Crisis-Part-2. Ellen Brown explains the chessboard as it now stands:


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Food supply being attacked has to be addressed on a larger scale. I don’t think the general public understands what it mean if they continue to kill chickens by the millions and test every cow.

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It is way beyond that. Jeffrey Prather (Prather Point on Rumble) has been covering this topic.

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We can turn ALL of this around.

It will take 2 things - one we already have, the other we are all working on.

The first is, we need numbers - and we have them: 8 BILLION of us.

The second is to mobilize many of those 8 billion to RESIST, PROTEST, REFUSE TO COMPLY - and to push the criminals out of power.

As many rightly say, it's an information war to a large extent. We need to keep working to inform people. The truth IS emerging.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

I wouldn't be surprised if Tedros calls a pandemic soon, ridiculous as it might be, just so they can censor Fox News, even. Let's hope there are at least 5 States that will nullify and secede if necessary. I'm hoping they wouldn't want to take up arms against 5 states while fighting actors in Ukraine, Russia and the Middle East all at the same time. In fact, China might would use that crazy scenario as an opportunity to take Taiwan.

Our greatest power is acting in sufficient NUMBERS, SIMULTANEOUSLY. Waiting on the requisite politician replacements may take much too long. Too many voters still don't see a need for real concern, yet. And our opposition is willing to do things to win that many on our side are not.

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Now we need to get all these OUT OF OUR STATE LAWS. They were all put into each state a few years ago.

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Dr Nass, we can add media control/censorship to your 5 points.

Yes, you know this of course! but I just saw an example of how strong the government/corporate/MSM brainwashing still is.

I was looking for information on the very brave Professor Yasufumi Murakami & it turned up a "debunking" site that could have been North Korean... The conversation was January 2024 and the moderators were fielding questions by saying covid is a "lethal disease", the injections are necessary and side effects are very rare. They dismissed questions about the LNPs by saying, more or less, 'Oh everything can be toxic - depends on the dose and the vaccines are SAFE.'

They mischaracterized the data on the class switch IgG4 by scoffing at the very idea, saying "the vaccines do not contain IgG4" ! Whether that was just stupidity by the Moderators (no-one claims the injections 'contain' IgG4) or they are deliberately warping the facts, who knows.

One person wrote: "We can all agree we've been lied to about certain things in the pandemic though." The Moderator came back saying: "No we can't" and there have been no lies.

It reminded me we are getting the truth out - thanks to doctors like Dr Nass - but there is still a long way to go.

Incidentally, Professor Murakami mentioned in an interview that he's been warned if he tries to get vials of the stuff to analyze, he will be ARRESTED.

What a sorry state our "democracies" are in, thanks to the ORGANIZED CRIME SYNDICATE which has hijacked our world.

It was a shock to see there is STILL such nonsense being peddled

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The "Great Reset" was unleashed when it was because *the Yellow Vests were winning*

So to find where to go forward, we need to go back and look at the "Grievance Books" of the Yellow Vests

The Grievance Books

What happened to the Yellow Vests?


"From where we small people are, the capitalist governments seem fixedly stable and solid; but up there, with a bird’s-eye view, they see the widening cracks heralding the trembling of the earth. Down here we need a compass and a map"


What Are the Prospects for Socialism?

Experiences of the First World War

(June 1943)


"But in any case, even on the face of it, a closer look at the “new order” which the technocrats propose shows that it is not socialism or a reasonable facsimile thereof. It is fascism."



A Totalitarian Fantasy

Myths and Realities About a “New Order”

(March 1944)


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I can't believe that no one seems to be concerned about the geoengineering elephant in the sky; even those wo know about it. What part of the truth is so hard to acknowledge? Was the law that Tennessee just passed to ban it a ruse? This had to be extreay difficult to legislate with the globalist monster breathing Down their necks. Do you know of the brave legislators who instituted the Geoengineering Act of 2014? Unfortunately could not make it to law due to the heavy obstacles placed in the way by those who will do anything continue these hellish programs. Did you know that the US Government recently passed a law calling for a 5 year study of geoengineering to combat global warming. "I'm sure this news was "blasted" all over mainstream news

Just another cover to essentially legalize what has been going on for about 70 years and to further coverup the program and the dangers that the study "might" uncover. No maybe or might because the dangers clearly outweigh the sham benefits the program claims. The silence on this issue is deafening. The destruction goes on day after day after with a gigantic roar!

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The Rhode Island Geoengineering Act of 2014.

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unfortunately there are those armchair (in)activists calling Dr Nass 'controlled op' for having the audacity to take a tiny victory lap after her massive amount of hard work against the WHO power grab. I promptly asked one if he actually listened to what Meryl had to say AND for him to please tell me how much MORE active he has been in this arena, then her. (*crickets*) after all, nobody said we are 'done' fighting and are riding off into the sunset.

I for one believe she deserves congratulations and gratitude a plenty. they know we are here and they know we are NOT going anywhere. if anything, we are moving forward!

so kudos, Dr Nass!! the army is merely prepping for the next battle.

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And has done more than any other single human to expose & defeat the WHO crime syndicate.

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