Thanks for the heads-up. And despite what the commonly accepted global entities say, to them I quote Charles Krauthammer, late of Fox News, who said “Your saying so doesn’t make it so.”

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The ONLY virus that kills is government.

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Let me shed some light on how BIRDY FLUOLOGISTS claim to prove the existence of the avian flu ‘virus.‘

They start by extracting bird fluids and placing them in cell cultures or eggs. Next, they create toxic concoctions from those cultures and inject ridiculous quantities directly into the digestive systems and tracheas of tiny 4 to 6 week old baby ducks - you know, just how transmission occurs in nature 😃🥺

‘Surprisingly,‘ some of these tortured ducklings become under the weather, and sadly others die from these direct injections of toxic brews. Symptoms and deaths are attributed to a ‘virus‘ never shown to exist. No controls are conducted to verify these claims.

1 or 2 birds testing positive with a fraudulent PCR 'test' - not testing for a virus - becomes the pretext to exterminate millions of birds worldwide. This mass culling is then attributed by the paid parrots of the Lame Stream Media to a 'virus' never shown to exist. This madness serves 2 purposes: It perpetuates the fraudulent germ theory LIE and provides cover for those intent on decimating our food supply as part of a depopulation agenda.

While it is essential to attack mandates, toxic jabs, and One Health tyranny they are merely branches on the Pseudoscientific tree of Viro LIE gy. This dangerous nonsense will persist until we uproot the entire ARBOREAL PsyOp! Any useful idiot tending to this tyrannical timbers roots needs to take a hard look in the mirror.

How many mothers would willingly subject their kids to poisonous jabs once they realize viruses do NOT exist and germ theory is one COLOSSAL FRAUD??

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Another excellent response and revelation and greatly appreciated! As you so astutely state the fraud began about 200 years ago, especially with Pasteur's unproven theory of germs of the air which he admitted on his deathbed was wrong; Pasteur was a charlatan and plagiarist whose greatest accomplishment was stealing honest discoveries from his genius contemporary, Antoine Bechamp whom history has almost entirely forgotten; the greatest fraud of all which is the greatest crime against humanity is that the world was bequeathed the false paradigm of allopathic medicine which was and is only sustained with repeated lies and deception; following the true geniuses of medical science such as Bechamp, Royal Rife and Florence Nightingale would immeasurably have led to the betterment of all human health and well being but we didn't and continue to pay the heavy price by following fake science to its ultimate DEAD END.

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Perfectly expressed. Another 🎯🎯🎯 Yeah, this fraud has deep roots and has found plenty of useful idiots to peddle it over the years.

Didn't Pasteur mutter on his deathbed “the microbe is nothing, the terrain everything.“ What a final confession from a snake oil salesperson.

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Yes, and Bird flu becomes more infectious to people with Bill Gates and friends tinkering in a laboratory somewhere to make it that way. Just so they can make more $$.

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At the root of this latest SCAM is the One Health strategy of falsely blaming Nature and animals as sources of transmittable disease, whether bats, pangolins, ducks, geese or chickens; the "bird flu" was certainly manufactured in a lab just as Covid-19 was a synthetic respiratory pathogen developed using GOF in North Carolina under Ralph Baric; overall it's part of the globalist agenda to control ALL LIFE as we know it so that these psychopaths can rule as the "new gods" which they fashion themselves to be; the sick bastards will ultimately fail because the natural world has its own sovereignty and will survive human hubris and evil every time.

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"the "bird flu" was certainly manufactured in a lab just as Covid-19 was a synthetic respiratory pathogen developed using GOF in North Carolina under Ralph Baric; ....."

Gain of Fiction Alert!! All Baric did was insert specific nucleotide sequences into cell cultures; not individual "viruses.". Then, with a magician's touch he added some bacteria, tossed around terms like transfection and cloning but essentially just spliced extra RNA sequences into the mix. He claimed those sequences were incorporated into the final "virus" product, asserting that he had gained its function.

He did no such thing. There was never any virus shown to be in the culture to have its function gained. Baric merely claimed a "virus" existed in a cell culture brew. That brew was starved of nutrients then poisoned with antibiotics to produce cytopathic (cell breakdown) effects. This cell breakdown was attributed to a "virus" never shown to exist. Naturally, no control was done. This would spoil the circular reasoning and logical fallacies viroliegists love to indulge in.

Subsequent genetic analysis of the cell culture brew revealed the same sequences originally inserted by Baric. What a surprise!! No scary virus was discovered. Yet, he proceeded to patent the so-called new organisms that exist nowhere but in his computer.

Now we fast forward to the Fan Wu paper. That crew comes up with 56 million sequences, arranges them into a genome; lo and behold discover the same sequences as were inserted into Baric's cell culture brew. How did that happen?

It's not because Baric created a new organism which spread around the world and Fan Wu found it. Not at all. With the raw data in Fan Wu's paper, you can't come up with the genome he published. Clearly, provably, he made it up!!

So, here is the QUESTION: How did it come to be that 2 imaginary viruses, one "made" by Baric, the "other" by Fan Wu come to have common fictions in their published genomes?? That is the QUESTION!!

Answer: That made the story of a lab created gain of function virus, work. So, this narrative was planted years ago through Baric's patents. The intrepid Fan Wu "catches" Baric in the act by "finding" the same sequences as in Baric's model even though it's impossible from his raw data. Fraud heaped on fraud.

What this pair really did was game a lot of innocent people.

The reason both models involve the same sequence pertaining to the same scary "HIV Furin Cleavage site" is that what was necessary to sell the deception. Plenty of prominent figures have rolled up to sell this turkey to a global population herded into a false dichotomy: natural virus or man-made gain of function virus. A skilful narrative to distract people away from the fact that pathogenic viruses do not exist.

The “virus” was certainly invented in a lab, but it was a computer lab and the only entity that was intentionally leaked out was a computer simulation. The results of the simulation were sent around the world as digital code over the internet and the resulting PCR primers that were deployed in kits en masse created the “cases” for the COVID-19 fraud.

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Excellent and insightful analysis and I totally agree! Unfortunately we still have many virologists and "scientists" promoting the false narrative and trying to avoid the fact that a "virus" (or whatever it is) has never been cultured and isolated by anyone anywhere in the world; there are far to many complicit in the game and are stakeholders in the profit-making "vaccine" and bioweapon industry to allow the narrative to end any time soon.

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Dr. Nass, thank you for all your hard work.

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Duh.!! Elephant in the room. Avian flu isn't a threat cos it doesn't exist as a transmissible microbe. As a fiction of a PCR its well and truly established. If you wanna buy into that BS be my guest.

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"I have been writing and speaking a lot about Avian Influenza (H5N1 bird flu) recently."

Are you a fiction novelist?? Your ability to pen prose on things that don't exist is truly remarkable. With avian flu 'virus' you wouldn't be winging it, would you?

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Of course! So many in the science and medical professions have been "winging it" in various ways and degrees, including selling themselves out entirely; they were doing that long before Covid; there have been and are rare exceptions but far too many have jumped on the bandwagon leading to money and compensation of some kind; that includes so many on substacks contributing to the outright lies and BS, charging for subscriptions and selling products of all kinds to "protect" us from the very "viruses" and vaxes they once or still are opposed to; talk about blatant hypocrisy , fence-straddling and self-serving cowardice and promotion have run rampant and now serve the same globalist evil agenda.

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LOVE IT!! Keep emptying the chamber on these criminals.

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You nailed it!

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Agreed 🕺🤸💥

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Vaccines are an important part of the mostly peaceful depopulation program—culling humans and animals is a win-win 2fer!

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EVENT 201 BIRD FLU fake pandemic


If you think the next "pandemic" isn't coming soon, you'd better check out the International Bird Flu Summit


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Happy Independence Day... Freedom isn't free, and it cannot exist in the vacuum of ignorance. As always, Meryl, you are a beacon of light, along with others who persist, persevere, and are convicted in purpose. God bless you.

Secondarily, I want to thank you for providing a preface to all warnings and updates surrounding the next controlled attempt at brainwashing, coercing, and mining the world's population for profit and power. It is difficult to say if the delivery of the planned depopulation is carried out methodically over time - rather than by abrupt annihilation - as subterfuge, or in a lame attempt at escaping justice, both temporal and divine. Whatever the rationale, it is not prudent to, once again, let time tell.

Thank you for prophetic insight, and the clarion call.

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My friends,

With the blatent truth of government corruption being showcased heavily today, and in the heat of a presidential election that is filled with a Reality TV host and a Geriatric Genocidist, we need to wake up the world more than ever. That's my duty as an artist/human being.

I need your help to share THE FIRST Film EXPLOITING THE CORRUPTION OF COVID by Michael Angel Loayza Jr.


Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram so I can continue to create this content:

Awakening Society With Purposeful Entertainment




Your love is much appreciated.

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God bless you Meryl for all your invaluable truth telling! Your voice matters! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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The New World Order is very busy modifying Bird Flu and many other diseases for maximum impact upon humans (it's called Gain of Function). They'll soon be ready to launch the most dangerous to us.

Bring back hanging for all involved in the manufactured Covid and DEADLY mRNA injection SCAM!

Lambs to the slaughter. It seems very few questions were asked about 'EXPERIMENTAL mRNA (Gene Editing) injections'. No evidence was requested about the origins and background of the man-modified disease before millions took the giant leap of faith. No investigation as to why and how Big Pharma enjoyed ZERO LIABILITY for any/all adverse effects (serious, long term or even DEATHS) that follow many 'vaccines'?

It's excusable, I suppose, because it was early days in the Covid depopulating scam and the 'pretend vaccine' CULL!

Now, after 4 years of data (much of which is deliberately hidden or falsified by Big Pharma) there is considerable evidence that Covid was designed, engineered, modified and intensified by Fauici & his associates in order to justify the magically quick 'CURE' which can, and do, KILL recipients. The jabs seem to have little or NO IMPACT on stopping Covid spreading or Covid being caught more frequently by the gullible 'vaxxed' amongst us.

Now that most of our early Conspiracy Theories seem to have been proven accurate - if not understated, many have accepted the 'pretend vaccines' make recipients more susceptible with every shot. The injections exacerbate pre-existing illnesses and even re-introduce illnesses that were cured many years ago.

Do not accept another shot until Pfizer et al, are held financially responsible for injuries and DEATHS caused by their deadly depopulating (money-making) injections.

You were warned - but now it's probably too late. Each extra injection you take reduces your Life Expectancy!

NO MORE mRNA injections until creators of the CULLING injections are executed for Pre-meditated Mass Murder!

Unjabbed mick! I'll live longer without medical intervention!

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Except there is no scientific evidence at all of any "virus", so every related claim is based on a house of cards.

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So is what I'm hearing here that the bird flu can't be spread between humans *unless* it is a GOF virus flu that was made capable of doing so in a lab?

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