How much jail time does Collins think he, Fauci, and most of America's doctors and mainstream media writers deserve? 10 years?

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For starters…..Perhaps an mRNA shot every three months for life.

And then when they have medical issues or problems as a result….give them psychiatric drugs for their anxiety and mental health issues….while telling them it’s in their head.

And when they collapse and die from a stroke, cardiac arrest, or just don’t wake up in the morning….refuse their family and loved ones an autopsy.

If they are fortunate and only suffer an injury but not death….force them to go to work and meet with friends regularly who ridicule them and tell them they are wrong about their disability because the shots are clearly “safe and effective.”

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Yeah-- A daily dose of their own damnable "medicine" would be fitting, wouldn't it, now?

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I like your thinking!

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I think 2 months is the magic number, now.

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Right now it is.. but why not 2 weeks? If you look at their progression from the beginning, it could certainly go that way. Gotta keep those useless antibody titers up!

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Life in Gitmo

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Weekly waterboarding.

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Dec 8, 2022·edited Dec 8, 2022

Too nice-- make it daily, then stick 'em in the hole (blacked out solitary confinement). I say 30 years is too short. At Nuremburg they simply hanged the bastids. I say this time it should be televised, certifiably live. And we need to make sure they aren't body "doubles..." or faked executions ;-)

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Only 17 were executed after Nuremberg, the rest were released after 3 or 4 years. Many thousand were imported into the United States in Operation Paperclip and also to the Soviet Union as scientists and engineers.

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Life or worse if found to have intentionally or recklessly mandated instruments of illness and death.


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death penalty

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I agree 100% - why would taxpayers want to pay for the "roof over their heads" (even if it's a prison cell), food, television, gamerooms, healthcare, etc??? A "toxic jab" for THEM is much cheaper, more appropiate and it'd accomplish THEIR OWN plan, to "reduce the world population." 😉👍

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Murder is a life sentence; mass murder - INTENTIONAL - is far worse.

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Dec 8, 2022·edited Dec 8, 2022

Steve - I believe they think they'll get zero years of jail time. A good poll question for your substack.

Fauci's ridiculous recent NEJM article still selling natural origins pretty much commuicates zero jail time.

Bummed you weren't at the DC roundtable today!

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What Collins and his cohort deserve -- and what they'll get -- are two different things. Those in government who abuse their power and ignore their accountability are many. And the damage they generate is beyond imagination. But when we look at history -- recent history -- we see that few if any pay the price for their malfeasance. Nearly all are members of a mutual protection cult.

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They own the police and plan to use them as necessary.

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do not comply

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With no parole.

And no tacos.

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No window or outdoor activity.

No television or radio. .

No air conditioning.

Spam, morning noon and night.

A cold hot dog on Sunday.

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There is a sliding scale for Crimes Against Humanity, Steve. Top tier get the best chairs in the house... after a proper trial, of course...and "I do not recall" is not an acceptable response.

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Mussolini treatment

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Collins, Fauci, VRBPAC members, etc (ie, all of the MD’s who pushed mRNA pseudo-vaccines on the public) are guilty of gross malpractice/incompetence, and should face the harshest of criminal and civil penalties possible.

But this noble objective is unlikely to be achieved until the legal offenses become more focused on the “grand fallacy” being pushed by these MD’s -- laypersons have been brainwashed to think that mRNA pseudo-vaccine technology can be used safely, when medical textbooks/studies show otherwise, at the most fundamental level, because of how the human immune system works.

In a nutshell, the problem is that the proteins made by a cell, in response to the mRNA message, are foreign, non-self-proteins, which cause the cell that made them to be attacked -- and die a violent death, with high inflammation -- by “complement” (killer system #2).

Dr Bhakdi MD explains this phenomena clearly, in layperson terms, in this excerpt from CHD TV 2022.10.21 -- (00:45-29:00 of https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/friday-roundtable/worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m-d-sucharit-bhadki-m-d/ )

Couple this with tptb planning to convert all vaccines to mRNA, while omitting any substantive testing, spells disaster for humanity. So, is critical for these criminals to be quickly removed from the playing field, and punished, by better focusing the offensive along the lines noted above.

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Agreed. They can evade by not recalling moments, policy decisions but the immunological underpinnings of all this are/were seriously flawed. They need to be pressed on that in public by knowledgeable folks because a demonstrated lack of knowledge in that arena would disqualify them openly and immediately . Any accurate omission of the known biology (prior to covid era) by them would effectively kill the narrative that has been pushed (e.g. that mRNA transfections are anything like other vaccines). The pursuit of motives is murky, the lab leak vs natural origin is a bit of a red-herring in this regard but demonstrated biology would likely be a much more solid base to attack from. Their narrative has to be killed by arguing using THEIR framework of biology.

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Thanks for the feedback, makes sense! We all need to share this info far and wide, to help Americans avoid injury, while hopefully attracting some lawyers to go after, and put away, these criminals, so that this madness will cease.

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No jail for people who actively attempt to and actually kill kids.

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However long they think it is not long enough.

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Death Penalty for War Crimes for War Crimes against humanity. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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Daily injections of the vaccine!

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The first quote is shocking because COLLINS killed one million Americans by blocking access to hcq and ivm in order to create the market for the junk science mRNA shots.

And the second quote is shocking because the bivalent shot was authorized based on 8 mice and he did not call that study small or underpowered.

That guy is absolutely going to hell.

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Don’t forget about their favorite torture tool, the ventilator

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yeap, what trump called himself? the king of ventilators ... such a moron, cant make this up.

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he has still not uttered a word of repudiation of the vax, not even "I was misled by the advisors"

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I actually saw some video footage Collins acting in some capacity as an evangelical. I am well versed in the bible, and I don't see any compatibility here. The lies and duplicity don't measure up. Remember that Collins and Fauci at times used Burner phones. Who does that?? Criminals.

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and spies and guys cheating on their wife.

Nice group of people

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actually I think only that Wellcome Trust guy, (Ferrar?) admitted to using a burner phone. arrogant narcissists like Fauci don't bother to cover their tracks because they believe they are right and can crush anyone who says otherwise. (and sadly, he's been successful at that.)

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Hand in hand with Uncle Tony.

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Toby, going to Hell?

I think he and Tiny Tony came from Hell.

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"Hell is empty, all the devils are here".... Shakespeare

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Wolf in sheep's clothing. We were warned about such people.

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you wouldn't be an April Smith who had a band in central Jersey a couple decades back, would ya? If you were, that was some good music.

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He's right. Misinformation did contribute to many deaths. And I suspect it's continuing to do so. People like Collins should be stopped.

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Yes classic projection and gaslighting. Psychopaths.

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cross between Ministry of Truth and opposites day.

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I know what kind of trials I want and Mr. Collins might not like them much.

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Unbelievable lies and propaganda from Collins. His claim that these bogus vaccines could have saved 300,000 people is gaslighting and disinformation at its worst. Not many - if any - people were saved by these toxins. Just the opposite. The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable that more people under 60 have been seriously injured and killed by these toxins than from covid itself. His own mis- and disinformation against the Great Barrington Declaration, HCQ, ivermectin, destructive lockdowns, etc caused MORE illnesses and MORE deaths than covid did. Along with Fauci and others, this guy is a criminal in my mind.

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These pukes are the best liars!

The work product of our premiere bureacracy NIH.


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Absolutely true. The data is irrefutable over two years and the world!!!

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Francis Collins is another criminal with aN MD that deserves to go to jail for malpractice. He is a blight on my specialty.

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Has anyone heard of Dr. Francis Collins discovery of Cystic Fibrosis (CF) defect? It might have contributed to his NIH director position. Here is what I know about it: The 1st mutation in CF was discovered and published in Science by Dr. Lap-Chee Tsui who started as a post doc at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto in the lab where I did my Ph.D. A someone in Dr. Francis Collins lab in Ann Arbour MI sent Dr. Tsui a jumping gene library, which is a common courtesy if another researcher asks for a gene library. That's it, that's the whole contribution Dr Francis Collins has done and Lap-Chee Tsui was nice and included Francis Collins on the Science paper as a co-author. I think Francis Collins got more mileage out of it than Lap-Chi Tsui who actually did and published the work. I think Dr. Collins is an opportunist and I would take anything he says with a healthy dose of skepticism.

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You can see their new strategy emerging.

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Blame trump and anything and everybody but themselves, accompanied with a massive dose of "I don't recall".

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Hah hah haaah-- LMFAO!!! This is straight outta Ronnie Ray-Gun's Iran-Contra hearings defense playbook, CLASSIC!!!!

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It is concerning. Steamrolling, looks like. Blatant and repetitive denial.

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It is worse than that. Arrest opposition. They have the power and they will use it. We have entered dangerous territory.

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Dec 8, 2022·edited Dec 8, 2022

What ELSE should we expect from The MOTHER-W.E.F.FERS!!!

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The worst part of the whole thing, is the reason those people deaths were listed as unvaccinated, was because they did not consider you vaccinated until two weeks after shot number two. Everyone knows that nearly half of the deaths from the shot happened shortly after the first or second shot was given. Therefore, they could all be called unvaccinated.

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Ohhh….I noticed that pattern VERY EARLY on when reviewing VAERS as part of my research about whether to vaccinate.

What I saw was many many many cases of elderly and vulnerable/immunocompromised individuals who had survived a year of the pandemic WITHOUT a vaccine.

Then in the early part of 2021 (I was reviewing cases in April) we saw individuals get vaccinated with the first shot and then get COVID and succumb to the illness. Others got sick after the second shot, but died before the two weeks were up to consider them fully vaccinated.

The pattern was so evident to my untrained eye that I asked a doctor locally (who was pushing the vax and advocating for its use in kids) if it could be that because the vaccine gave one’s body an actual pathogen to fight that it burdened the immune system and thereby made those at risk more susceptible to the actual virus. In short, the shot did not cause COVID but it meant that one’s system was fighting spike proteins flooding their system and still have enough reserve to fight off the actual virus and its spike proteins. A traditional vaccine shows the body a dead virus which the body’s immune system responds to but the actual virus is not invading one’s system.

The pattern in VAERS was so obvious that when my husband decided to get the virus I told him to quarantine before and after getting the shot. My thought was that he did not want to run the risk of essentially a double exposure that might cause the infamous cytokine storm!

But hey, what do I know?!?!

My hesitation from the outset was the failure of the drug companies to test the vaccines on the very individuals they were pushing hard to take it….elderly, hospice patients, cancer patients, those with autoimmune, pregnant…

How could they maintain “safe and effective” if they did not do their due diligence?!?!???

Also, as one with a history of autoimmune issues and immune dysfunction….why would one train their own cells to produce a pathogen and run the risk that your immune system would in turn attack your body? Isn’t that the very essence or nature of autoimmune disease? Furthermore, autoimmune diseases are not fully understood. They are not cured, but rather treated to reduce symptoms or hopefully gain a patient a reprieve through a remission…not a cure.

The main point being we still have much to learn bout the immune system and it’s dysfunction so how can we in good conscience monkey around with it like this and insist on global vaccination without long term data on side effects? It did not make sense from the outset. And the more questions I asked….the more questions I had and the more unsatisfactory the answers became.

The fact that more doctors did not wonder about the approach is hard to fathom.

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how does he sleep at night? it was HIS misinformation that killed people, his with holding of treatments that worked, his "take down" of the GBD that killed the economy.

i listened to the interview he did with lex friedman and he LIED about joe rogan. he said rogan dissuaded people from taking the vaccine and was responsible for deaths. friedman didn't confront him on that. i have never heard rogan tell others not to take the vaccine. he admits that he encouraged his parents to get it (which he may regret one day but we all make mistakes).

what is not a mistake is Francis Collins' lies about joe rogan, about his roll in the GOF that unleashed the virus on the world, about what he did to the GBD. he has proven himself to be a horrible excuse for a human being

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Don't forget that this heinous individual also viciously attacked the Great Barrington Declaration, thus adding even more countless deaths and destruction to his credit.

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Weasel Fauci's weasel brother. (apologies to actual weasels)

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...and this Dr. Dude, who claims to be Christian, seems to think he can improve on the Creators' magnificent design. What arrogance. He and his cohort, Dr. Fauci, need to spend some time in jail.

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Dec 8, 2022·edited Dec 8, 2022

I think the best thing that HCQ and Ivermectin did for a panicked populace was to keep them out of the hospitals where they would otherwise have died from Remdesivir and improperly used ventilators.

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Collins is so full of himself it is a thing to behold. Does he really think that the plebs out here are so stupid as to believe the bs he is spouting. We can probably expect to see much more of their obfuscating. It is like throw it on the wall and see what sticks. These people, Collins, Falsey and the many others that cooperated with the NWO and Elites to push this depopulation scheme deserve nothing less than a Military Tribunal and sentencing to the firing squad. Such disgusting human beings.

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a la Ceaucescu... a fitting end to clueless tone deaf despots.

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Honestly, it doesn't get any more ridiculous than this, until it does. Every day we hear something even more ridiculous than we heard just yesterday. Witness:


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