The failure of Rochelle to admit this disaster, or even engage politely to discuss concerns, underscores that she is a functionary hell bent on groveling beneath her master - and not a scientist or medical professional concerned with individual humans and their lives. Astounding depth of evil.
Why is my son’s camp form for summer 2023 asking about Covid and Covid Vaccine? I would like to ask Rochelle from Hell whether her precious 3 children were vaccinated.
Prerequisites for the position based on recent 'promotions' of recent FDA CDC directors earning/stealing 💰💰millions💰💰 at the physical and mental expense of The Public
I think you are correct! I heard - on the GV about 6 months ago - that the NWO plan is to inject humanity with 500 mRNA vaxxes by 2030!
If they start on Jan 1 2024 and include the whole of 2030 that's ~71 shots per person (WTF!!) multiplied by ~8 billion (minus the elite). Setting aside the ludicrousness and sheer INhumanity of injecting that many shots into human beings, what sort of testing regime, what sort of Quality-assurance could there possibly be for so many new (we presume they are new and are not manufactured yet!) "vaccines" in such a short space of time? None that I can see.
One good thing that has come out of Covid is that it has taught a lot more people to be (much) more cautious about vaccines that they were before 2020. The Medical authorities simply stating that "they have now perfected mRNA technology to the point where they are able to produce/release vaccines in a fraction of the 10 years that used to take" , does NOT mean that the statement is true; it does NOT mean that the process they are talking about actually exists, is robust - or that it produces a SAFE or effective product! We know they have LIED, that they still LIE. We have no reason to expect that to change.
"He’s right about loss of confidence; I’ll never trust anything from these paper pushers & microphone addicts ever again." I agree. That's a very positive take-away from all of this stupidity. Peace.
Thanks Dr. Nass. Dr. Jessica Rose posted an article this morning about LaDapo's "persistence". Here is my comment from her SubStack:
Ladapo is a perfect example of how one can "persist" without taking concrete action that actually makes change. He can write as many letters as he wants to. The letters he writes are absolutely pointless when you stop and think about it - do you really believe that the recipients are of sound enough mind to actually read and comprehend what he is saying, albeit in a round-about way?
Think about it. What is Ladapo's job? To protect the health of each and every Floridian. To that end, is he somehow unaware of the bonuses paid to Florida hospitals for putting elderly patients on Remdesivir? He's the "Surgeon General", so, of course he knows.
Think about it. Is he unaware of Ed Dowd's recent testimony to the senate that over 600,000 Americans have been murdered by the shot? ( Not the "virus", the SHOT ) Unless he lives under a rock somewhere, he knows this.
Think about it. Is he aware of Dr. Denis Rancourt's work that proves that there was NO pandemic and that over 13 million people globally have been killed by the shots? If he does not know this and I know this - a retired EE living in Florida, we have a big problem.
Is he aware of Kevin McKernan's recent analysis of Moderna and Pfizer gere-therapy shot vials which clearly show seriously contaminated product with things like plasmid DNA?
Think about it. Let's say LaDapo and DeSantis are aware of all the facts that I listed above. Why don't they stop the killings via hospital protocol and via the gene-therapy shots?
Answer: They are both cowards. Until they actually stop the killings, they are both a very real part of the problem. Grow some balls, stop the shots and protocols, and tell the truth.
If they continue to "persist" in the current fashion, they both are "good Germans". Back in nazi Germany, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, hanged by Hitler for plotting to assassinate him, wrote a brilliant essay from prison that perfectly describes both LaDapo and DeSantis:
Think about it. Unless they actually take real, corrective action, everything else they continue to do is stupid; people are dying every day from this abomination.
I added this bit of data later:
Here is a bit of additional supporting data for my thesis:
C'mon "Doctor" LaDapo, are you for the eugenics program in progress or not? ( Substitute the GOV, SG or AG of any state for LaDapo - the result is the same. )
I disagree. I don't think you read his letter, or you would know he is well aware of how the shots kill. He has helped provide more medical freedom in FL than any other state. Several of my friends who moved there back this up.
Thanks Dr. Nass. I did indeed read his letter. The point of my comment is that his well-crafted letter is nowhere near enough. If Dr. LaDapo is well aware of how the gene-therapy shots kill, can't he as the SG of Florida ( I moved here from Kauai, HI two years ago for obvious reasons ) stop the gene-therapy shots?? If we define "medical freedom" as the ability to choose a transfection shot that has copious data to support the fact that it kills and maims people, then we are in a whole new ballgame. He won't stop the deadly shots or the hospital protocols. As far as I know, we are talking about the deadliest product in history; it's a business model based on failed science - science that was known to be junk science for decades. As the saying goes, it's all about the money. On another note, I do not think you should restrict comments - the back and forth discussions via the comments are a good thing; they should not be censored. Thank you. Peace.
I get what you're saying. I do. The frustration with all of this is real. The crimes have been committed.
Writing letters to morally bereft criminals like Califf, Walensky, Fauci, puts in writing evidence. It places the writer on the high ground in terms of providing opportunities for the recipients to respond and correct. If they do not, then they get to answer questions about why not during discovery.
I get your point SheThinksLiberty. It's frustrating to say the least. I found out a good friend in Hawaii - a true Hawaiian, ( in the King Kamehameha bloodline ) had to leave work because he has heart damage - a resting rate of 125; he is the third person I know amongst friends/family that has heart damage from the transfections. My niece has had two procedures to lower her heart rate; she is in her early 20's. My friend in Massachusetts daughter ( PhD, early 30's ) is on meds to control her heart rate. The transfection shots are deadly and they were designed to sterilize innocent people. We are not talking about 50 people who died from the fake swine epidemic "vaccines". We are talking about killing millions of people under the guise of "public health". If LaDapo really wanted to ban the shots, I am sure he could find a way. I do not expect it to happen. Whatever happened to "first, do no harm" and informed consent? No wonder I never listened to politicians ( yes, LaDapo is a politician ) - they are the rock bottom of humanity; morally weak to the core. Peace.
Yes, the injury and death are staggering. We just lost my husband's favorite cousin -- U.S. marshal, so double-injected (and maybe even "boosted?") -- to a "sudden" heart attack. He'd just returned from a quick vacation, feeling great, and then? Dropped dead. 54? "Sudden" heart attack.
I am at a loss, too, as to the refusal or hesitancy to pull the junk. You know as do I that this state has its own contingent of whack jobs who would likely scream bloody murder if the Governor or Dr. Ladapo took (if they could) this crap off the market.
I have no way of knowing if a surgeon general can ban anything. He could say he wanted to or recommended it, but does his role contain the legal authority to actually issue an order for removal with the corresponding authority to use either "law enforcement" or other means to do the physical removing? Might be worthwhile to pick up the phone, call the Surgeon General's office, and ask.
I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your husband's cousin SheThinksLiberty. May he rest in peace.
You hone in on the important points quickly. I have called the SG's office but I have never asked that question.
The psychological nudging today is very effective; that's coming from Kevin McCairn, PhD and Walter Chesnut - they had a great live stream last night. All the really smart guys I know are shocked to see their colleagues defending mRNA trash. It's a business model and the goal is pure profit; regardless if any innocent human being dies as a result. Trolls are now paid by Moderna and Pfizer to disrupt intelligent meetings between honest scientists online.
In no way, shape or form can I relate to the liars. It makes me want to vomit. I've decided to reduce my intake of anything political and to stop making comments regarding our "leaders". I'm a God-fearing man; the liars will get their day in court, but I won't be their judge. May there be peace on earth. :-)
We just got a call yesterday about a hometown friend of my husband's. On vacation, started feeling not great. Hospitalized for blood clots and kidney failure, transported home. We'll await updates...
So. It's happened, is happening, and will continue doing so -- tragically. In my now very small circle of people from my "other life" who are still in touch, they're all still OK, it seems, but who knows?
I can relate to your reaction to liars and to their "day in court." It will come. A quote attributed to Minister Fanning Yater Tant applies: "When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken or cease to be honest."
And we find ourselves surrounded by the dishonest, Steve...from friends next door to "friends" in high places.
Sorry to hear about your husband's friend SheThinksLiberty. It is indeed happening. Getting the spike protein in as many arms as possible was the goal, with evil intent. "Friends" is the correct designation; the effectiveness of the psychological operations has left very few critical-thinkers. I am staying focussed on real scientists who tell the truth. Take care. Peace.:-)
I've been saying this last few days ALL over the place... We can't meme it or argue it to death...or like you said write it a letter to death. We are bombarded all day every day with articles about things we already know and did day one...along with new ways the government is doing to wipe as many out as possible and make the rest of us good little slaves. When there's another BOMBSHELL still nothing gets done. WHAT ARE WE ALL GOING TO DO ABOUT IT BECAUSE NO POLITICIAN IS COMING TO SAVE US?! We can't vote them out because, oh yeah they'll just cheat due to we DIDN'T FIX 2020. In the beginning we needed to educate others. We did so because we cared! Also, since cdc did away with pcr tests WHY ARE PEOPLE ALLOWING THEMSELVES TO BE TESTED??? It absolutely will not end until we do something. I'm not a 100% sure what that is, but get ready for another doozy of a year in 2024. Between all these democratic voters and criminals Brandon has let in and another Scamdemic being concocted it'll be boat loads of monkeys in a barrel fun! 🙄🥴😠
Dr. Ladapo & Governor DeSantis are both in positions of authority. They talk a good game but really DO nothing. DeSantis was the only Governor who didn’t order pediatric vaccines but that doesn’t mean that they weren’t sent or accepted.
Medical freedom means that if someone wants a vaccine they have the right to it. However, people were lied to about the COVID shots. Tell them the truth and give them a choice.
It is NOT a vaccine. It is a gene-therapy transfection. If they actually tell them the truth, no person would give informed consent. The paper inserts included with the vials were blank. The changed the definition of the word "vaccine" to switch to mRNA technology, which is fundamentally flawed - and they knew it was flawed for decades! They changed the laws - some people think the "emergency" is over, but the EUA is still in place. The EUA strips away your rights. It's painfully obvious that all of these so-called "leaders" are operating in sync, to enable a new form of totalitarianism. Don't give people a choice to take the deadliest shot in history - a shot that has been proven, by Mathew Crawford, to have zero efficacy. Peace.
Nobody knows the whole truth on any of the vaccines. If you tell people that all are harmful in one way or another but some are deadly, no one will take them. IMO that’s the best outcome. How likely do you think that is going to happen?
I agree. The propaganda regarding the shots is disgusting. Walensky insisted they were OK for pregnant women! If LaDapo really, truly wants to help Floridians live a longer life, he needs to stop the transfections 100%. It's the worst crime in history. Peace.
I agree with your goal. I also know how hard it has been for those fighting this fight for years, honorably and getting nowhere. Are we to blame them for the lack of action taken too? DeSantis and Ladapo are doing more to bring attention to this issue than any other I know other than Ron Johnson and RFK Jr. who's been taking arrows for years over speaking up. I am a realist even though I appreciate your frustration.
I agree. It's a uni-party. What a complete idiot. 13+ million people have been murdered by the shots via the big "vaccine" platform change that his executive order ushered in. It's a business model. If every one of his voters ( I voted for him twice ) knew exactly what the "technology" he enabled is actually doing - he would get zero votes.
He did not know what was in those injections. Fauci lied to him and told him that without the vax 2 million people would die. And his main priority was to get the country open economically.
I think he has been counseled many times by now that he better keep his mouth shut about it or he will not win. I think if he has stopped bragging about it, it is for that reason. Ron will have more support from Independents unless Trump does more to bring them in and shutting his mouth about the vaccines will help him.
Trump tweeted about hcq and treatability. warp speed trademark may have been an attempt to scare thinkers away from hacksins. Brainwashed wanted a cure. Stopworldcontol.
Com discusses these possibilities for trumps actions. Maybe he wants brainwashed injected to remain calm.
You have to follow him on Truth Social to understand him. There is a meaning to CovFeFe, I don’t remember it right this minute but it had something to do with the mineral table.
If he comes out about the vax they will do to him what they did to Tucker Carlson. He’s running for President. He can’t be shut down. Whatever you think of his personality, which if you have watched him lately, he has changed. He is much more serious & thoughtful & he has some great ideas to fix things.
The letter can be used in legal proceedings. Warner Mendenhall is planning more lawsuits, not just Brook Jackson's. Aaron Siri plans more. The more we do and the more people we wake up, the quicker this disaster will end. The WHO and UN power grabs are next up.
I love all you do and cover for us. I understand you want to go to a paid format and you have every right. If you leave it so we can read your content that would be very helpful. Dr. McCullough has made his paid, only can see a couple teaser paragraphs so I miss out on his valuable info which is a shame. I cannot afford to pay for all the good quality people out there.
You think you will get better from others? Look at the other 49 states. Florida is head and shoulders above them in terms of ethics, performance, and livability. No one is perfect. If you are, I suggest translation is the proper course for you. I, myself, look elsewhere and see that, while things could be better, they could be a whole lot worse...and they are most places.
I wasn't meaning to attack. The state level government has no particular relationship to the county government. However, the state just passed a bill that makes what Leon County is doing illegal. This is just a summary and you should read more about it on the state of Florida website. But essentially the new law ensures that "no patient is forced by a business, school, or government entity to undergo testing, wear a mask, or be vaccinated for COVID-19" (Words from the state of Florida website.) So my guess is the Leon County website is either old, wrong, or both. But you should take it up with Leon County. You cannot expect the state government to police every page of every website every day. I write/call on things like this all the time at the local level. It is how we got a whole new school board elected (in a far-left county in Florida).
Time to start calling/writing about how what their web site says is against Florida law.
Thanks for all the important information. But, why have a Governor, if the Counties are going to override the Governor. Then why even have one. Leon County School District is Leftist.
The head of Leon County Schools filed a case against DeSantis about the ineffective masks.
DeSantis won. DeSantis later came out and said no school district can make children get
the JAB or where the mask. I called the Orange County School Districts all the time on it.
We live in the Jerry Demings Leftist Orange County. That man tried to push mask wearing.
I never complied. I do have health issues. Couldn't wear one. Goes against my convictions.
I just called stores and cleared it with them before I entered. You know Jerry he's
Can you show us the disrespectful letter from Walensky and Califf? I'd like to see how disrespectful it was. This CDC epidemiologist (also on substack) tore into the Florida Lapado study on COVID vax injuries. Katelyn Jetelina - your local epidemiologist.
Thanks for all you do, I think shedding light on the vax patent 2015? And the spike patent is even more telling. It would appear that this Warp speed is not a new DARPA program and wasn’t Trumps idea as he claims. I also would like to know where the profits went, the Fed balance sheet and Moderna also a DARPA group.
It is to people who have been studying and following along and researching for themselves and listening to honest expects not profiting off this disaster. Unfortunately, many people would look at this CDC letter and think the CDC is credible. That's what's infuriating to me.
I read it and while a person who hasn't looked at the studies and the whole reporting situation over time and rather deeply could be fooled by the "evidence" in the CDC letter. A person like Ladapo, who has been watching closely knows their tricks and outright lies. He knows how to stop the bad studies put forth. The sheer and arrogant lack of transparency should be enough alone. The fact that these gene therapies rebranded as vaccines were released under EU by press release and not with raw data of the trials for other professionals to examine a head of injecting people is a disgusting abdication of responsibility. The letter was an insult to a person who has been paying attention and knows their game. It was basically a blow off without teeth.
I have a definite bias toward Ladapo. I'm sure that letter went out after review by the AG's office and others. I think Ladapo, may have to exercise caution given the grand jury's formation.
A great crime has been committed from the very beginning. "They" have come at us from every angle -- medical, government, "law enforcement," academia, and those "Americans" "running" businesses large and small who forced their fellow American to undergo forced medical interventions. It's a pretty unflattering picture all the way around.
No Ladapo is great! I was commenting on the letter the CDC sent him. It was insulting but the average person might not see it because they don't have the knowledge to know how they are being fooled. Ladapo knows their lies and games so their boilerplate BS doesn't cut it. I'm glad he sent back the letter he did. Great questions they refuse to answer.
Ah! OK...yes! That FDA/CDC "response" letter to Ladapo's original Feb 2023 inquiry contained four pages of absolute deflection and non-answers to his questions. I'm sure that explains his demand in this most recent letter for real answers.
If they fail to respond or do so in a way similar to their Mar letter, then we'll see where Ladapo goes from there.
A very good question....I'm unfamiliar with how long it takes from grand jury approval to selection to presentation of evidence to indictment. All depends on the case, I'm sure. Here in FL, it's gone a little quiet on that front.
These Ladapo letters make me think, though, that they could be a part of the evidence gathering for the grand jury to bring indictments -- or after when there are witnesses "in the box."
I am truly amazed how the CDC and FDA stood by their inaccuracies for as long as they could. I am appalled with how scientific facts were ignored and doctors were discredited. I am angered by how people's health was also disrespected.
Well, right, but however she was there, she is still there. That's why it's perfectly in line for Ladapo to write her. She is still the director of that criminal organization in Atlanta.
A 13th point of contention would be the hospital death rate for breakthrough COVID hospitalizations. Not only did CDC stop reporting the outcomes of breakthrough hospitalizations after 41,000 of them accrued, but they "erased" the earlier reports on them. And they reported it in a way where you cannot do an age breakdown:
I tried to download this from each of the 3 pages listed, but it doesn't work, and this link makes it easier to download as a single pdf than to try to copy and save each of the 3 pages as separate jpg files. Thanks for all you're doing. I am unemployed and can't afford right now to upgrade to a paid subscriber so here is how I can make a contribution.
Wow. Awesome letter. Love the last paragraph! Thanks Meryl for posting this- and thanks to Mr Ladapo - doing a great job. I wonder if he will get any response/reply that is worth more than 2 cents!
Florida here: Prior to midterms, I wrote to every legislator up to DeSantis plus Ladapo requesting help when they doc ordered hospice for a 3x Moderna then 2xCovid in hospital when legal “right to try” possible yet ignored and NONE responded.
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 18, 2021
Canceling the Spike Protein
Striking Visual Evidence
Editorial by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
************** excerpt
"Suggested Protocol (to be coordinated with the guidance of your chosen health care provider):
For individuals who are post-vaccination or symptomatic with chronic COVID, vitamin C should be optimally dosed, and it should be kept at a high but lesser dose daily indefinitely.
Ideally, an initial intravenous administration of 25 to 75 grams of vitamin C should be given depending on body size. Although one infusion would likely resolve the symptoms and abnormal blood examination, several more infusions can be given if feasible over the next few days.
An option that would likely prove to be sufficient and would be much more readily available to larger numbers of patients would be one or more rounds of vitamin C given as a 7.5 gram IV push over roughly 10 minutes, avoiding the need for a complete intravenous infusion setup, a prolonged time in a clinic, and substantially greater expense (Riordan-Clinic-IVC-Push-Protocol, 10.16.14.pdf).
Additionally, or alternatively if IV is not available, 5 grams of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C (LivOn Labs) can be given daily for at least a week.
When none of the above three options are readily available, a comparable positive clinical impact will be seen with the proper supplementation of regular forms of oral vitamin C as sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid. Either of these can be taken daily in three divided doses approaching bowel tolerance after the individual determines their own unique needs (additional information, see Levy, vitamin C Guide in References; Cathcart, 1981).
An excellent way to support any or all of the above measures for improving vitamin C levels in the body is now available and very beneficial clinically. A supplemental polyphenol that appears to help many to overcome the epigenetic defect preventing the internal synthesis of vitamin C in the liver can be taken once daily. This supplement also appears to provide the individual with the ability to produce and release even greater amounts of vitamin C directly into the blood in the face of infection and other sources of oxidative stress (
Hydrogen peroxide (HP) nebulization (Levy, 2021, free eBook) is an antiviral and synergistic partner with vitamin C, and it is especially important in dealing with acute or chronic COVID, or with post-COVID vaccination issues. As noted above, the COVID virus can persist in the stool. In such cases, a chronic pathogen colonization (CPC) of COVID in the throat continually supplying virus that is swallowed into the gut is likely present as well, even when the patient seems to be clinically normal. This will commonly be the case when specific viral eradication measures were not taken during the clinical course of the COVID infection. HP nebulization will clear out this CPC, which will stop the continued seeding of the COVID virus in the gut and stool as well. Different nebulization approaches are discussed in the eBook.
When available, ozonated saline and/or ozone autohemotherapy infusions are excellent. Conceivably, this approach alone might suffice to knock out the spike protein presence, but the vitamin C and HP nebulization approaches will also improve and maintain health in general. Ultraviolet blood irradiation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy will likely achieve the same therapeutic effect if available.
Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and chloroquine are especially important in preventing new binding of the spike protein to the ACE2 receptors that need to be bound in order for either the spike protein alone or for the entire virus to gain entry into the target cells (Lehrer and Rheinstein, 2020; Wang et al., 2020; Eweas et al., 2021). These agents also appear to have the ability to directly bind up any circulating spike protein before it binds any ACE2 receptors (Fantini et al., 2020; Sehailia and Chemat, 2020; Saha and Raihan, 2021). When the ACE2 receptors are already bound, the COVID virus cannot enter the cell (Pillay, 2020). These three agents also serve as ionophores that promote intracellular accumulation of zinc that is needed to kill/inactivate any intact virus particles that might still be present.
Many other positive nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are supportive of defeating the spike protein, but they should not be used to the exclusion of the above, especially the combination of highly-dosed vitamin C and HP nebulization."
The failure of Rochelle to admit this disaster, or even engage politely to discuss concerns, underscores that she is a functionary hell bent on groveling beneath her master - and not a scientist or medical professional concerned with individual humans and their lives. Astounding depth of evil.
She is a criminal. Ethics and morality mean absolutely nothing to her. Peace.
Why is my son’s camp form for summer 2023 asking about Covid and Covid Vaccine? I would like to ask Rochelle from Hell whether her precious 3 children were vaccinated.
Prerequisites for the position based on recent 'promotions' of recent FDA CDC directors earning/stealing 💰💰millions💰💰 at the physical and mental expense of The Public
I think you are correct! I heard - on the GV about 6 months ago - that the NWO plan is to inject humanity with 500 mRNA vaxxes by 2030!
If they start on Jan 1 2024 and include the whole of 2030 that's ~71 shots per person (WTF!!) multiplied by ~8 billion (minus the elite). Setting aside the ludicrousness and sheer INhumanity of injecting that many shots into human beings, what sort of testing regime, what sort of Quality-assurance could there possibly be for so many new (we presume they are new and are not manufactured yet!) "vaccines" in such a short space of time? None that I can see.
One good thing that has come out of Covid is that it has taught a lot more people to be (much) more cautious about vaccines that they were before 2020. The Medical authorities simply stating that "they have now perfected mRNA technology to the point where they are able to produce/release vaccines in a fraction of the 10 years that used to take" , does NOT mean that the statement is true; it does NOT mean that the process they are talking about actually exists, is robust - or that it produces a SAFE or effective product! We know they have LIED, that they still LIE. We have no reason to expect that to change.
Trying to bring sanity into the world of insanity.
His letter is clear, sites sources, uses plain English, & “follows the science.”
Our so-called experts lie, obfuscate, dodge & deny.
He’s right about loss of confidence; I’ll never trust anything from these paper pushers & microphone addicts ever again.
"He’s right about loss of confidence; I’ll never trust anything from these paper pushers & microphone addicts ever again." I agree. That's a very positive take-away from all of this stupidity. Peace.
💯 My2¢ - would substitute 'poison' pushers for paper
They all knew and should have known what they were perpetrating on The Public
There are hundreds of receipts online Dr David Martin is outstanding
I agree. The timeline is so very clear. Dr. Martin saw this taking shape over 20 years ago. No one would listen. Peace.
Thanks Dr. Nass. Dr. Jessica Rose posted an article this morning about LaDapo's "persistence". Here is my comment from her SubStack:
Ladapo is a perfect example of how one can "persist" without taking concrete action that actually makes change. He can write as many letters as he wants to. The letters he writes are absolutely pointless when you stop and think about it - do you really believe that the recipients are of sound enough mind to actually read and comprehend what he is saying, albeit in a round-about way?
Think about it. What is Ladapo's job? To protect the health of each and every Floridian. To that end, is he somehow unaware of the bonuses paid to Florida hospitals for putting elderly patients on Remdesivir? He's the "Surgeon General", so, of course he knows.
Think about it. Is he unaware of Ed Dowd's recent testimony to the senate that over 600,000 Americans have been murdered by the shot? ( Not the "virus", the SHOT ) Unless he lives under a rock somewhere, he knows this.
Think about it. Is he aware of Dr. Denis Rancourt's work that proves that there was NO pandemic and that over 13 million people globally have been killed by the shots? If he does not know this and I know this - a retired EE living in Florida, we have a big problem.
Is he aware of Kevin McKernan's recent analysis of Moderna and Pfizer gere-therapy shot vials which clearly show seriously contaminated product with things like plasmid DNA?
Think about it. Let's say LaDapo and DeSantis are aware of all the facts that I listed above. Why don't they stop the killings via hospital protocol and via the gene-therapy shots?
Answer: They are both cowards. Until they actually stop the killings, they are both a very real part of the problem. Grow some balls, stop the shots and protocols, and tell the truth.
If they continue to "persist" in the current fashion, they both are "good Germans". Back in nazi Germany, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, hanged by Hitler for plotting to assassinate him, wrote a brilliant essay from prison that perfectly describes both LaDapo and DeSantis:
Think about it. Unless they actually take real, corrective action, everything else they continue to do is stupid; people are dying every day from this abomination.
I added this bit of data later:
Here is a bit of additional supporting data for my thesis:
C'mon "Doctor" LaDapo, are you for the eugenics program in progress or not? ( Substitute the GOV, SG or AG of any state for LaDapo - the result is the same. )
I disagree. I don't think you read his letter, or you would know he is well aware of how the shots kill. He has helped provide more medical freedom in FL than any other state. Several of my friends who moved there back this up.
Thanks Dr. Nass. I did indeed read his letter. The point of my comment is that his well-crafted letter is nowhere near enough. If Dr. LaDapo is well aware of how the gene-therapy shots kill, can't he as the SG of Florida ( I moved here from Kauai, HI two years ago for obvious reasons ) stop the gene-therapy shots?? If we define "medical freedom" as the ability to choose a transfection shot that has copious data to support the fact that it kills and maims people, then we are in a whole new ballgame. He won't stop the deadly shots or the hospital protocols. As far as I know, we are talking about the deadliest product in history; it's a business model based on failed science - science that was known to be junk science for decades. As the saying goes, it's all about the money. On another note, I do not think you should restrict comments - the back and forth discussions via the comments are a good thing; they should not be censored. Thank you. Peace.
I get what you're saying. I do. The frustration with all of this is real. The crimes have been committed.
Writing letters to morally bereft criminals like Califf, Walensky, Fauci, puts in writing evidence. It places the writer on the high ground in terms of providing opportunities for the recipients to respond and correct. If they do not, then they get to answer questions about why not during discovery.
This is my sincere hope anyway, Steve.
I get your point SheThinksLiberty. It's frustrating to say the least. I found out a good friend in Hawaii - a true Hawaiian, ( in the King Kamehameha bloodline ) had to leave work because he has heart damage - a resting rate of 125; he is the third person I know amongst friends/family that has heart damage from the transfections. My niece has had two procedures to lower her heart rate; she is in her early 20's. My friend in Massachusetts daughter ( PhD, early 30's ) is on meds to control her heart rate. The transfection shots are deadly and they were designed to sterilize innocent people. We are not talking about 50 people who died from the fake swine epidemic "vaccines". We are talking about killing millions of people under the guise of "public health". If LaDapo really wanted to ban the shots, I am sure he could find a way. I do not expect it to happen. Whatever happened to "first, do no harm" and informed consent? No wonder I never listened to politicians ( yes, LaDapo is a politician ) - they are the rock bottom of humanity; morally weak to the core. Peace.
Yes, the injury and death are staggering. We just lost my husband's favorite cousin -- U.S. marshal, so double-injected (and maybe even "boosted?") -- to a "sudden" heart attack. He'd just returned from a quick vacation, feeling great, and then? Dropped dead. 54? "Sudden" heart attack.
I am at a loss, too, as to the refusal or hesitancy to pull the junk. You know as do I that this state has its own contingent of whack jobs who would likely scream bloody murder if the Governor or Dr. Ladapo took (if they could) this crap off the market.
I have no way of knowing if a surgeon general can ban anything. He could say he wanted to or recommended it, but does his role contain the legal authority to actually issue an order for removal with the corresponding authority to use either "law enforcement" or other means to do the physical removing? Might be worthwhile to pick up the phone, call the Surgeon General's office, and ask.
I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your husband's cousin SheThinksLiberty. May he rest in peace.
You hone in on the important points quickly. I have called the SG's office but I have never asked that question.
The psychological nudging today is very effective; that's coming from Kevin McCairn, PhD and Walter Chesnut - they had a great live stream last night. All the really smart guys I know are shocked to see their colleagues defending mRNA trash. It's a business model and the goal is pure profit; regardless if any innocent human being dies as a result. Trolls are now paid by Moderna and Pfizer to disrupt intelligent meetings between honest scientists online.
In no way, shape or form can I relate to the liars. It makes me want to vomit. I've decided to reduce my intake of anything political and to stop making comments regarding our "leaders". I'm a God-fearing man; the liars will get their day in court, but I won't be their judge. May there be peace on earth. :-)
Thank you for the condolences, Steve.
We just got a call yesterday about a hometown friend of my husband's. On vacation, started feeling not great. Hospitalized for blood clots and kidney failure, transported home. We'll await updates...
So. It's happened, is happening, and will continue doing so -- tragically. In my now very small circle of people from my "other life" who are still in touch, they're all still OK, it seems, but who knows?
I can relate to your reaction to liars and to their "day in court." It will come. A quote attributed to Minister Fanning Yater Tant applies: "When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken or cease to be honest."
And we find ourselves surrounded by the dishonest, Steve...from friends next door to "friends" in high places.
Sorry to hear about your husband's friend SheThinksLiberty. It is indeed happening. Getting the spike protein in as many arms as possible was the goal, with evil intent. "Friends" is the correct designation; the effectiveness of the psychological operations has left very few critical-thinkers. I am staying focussed on real scientists who tell the truth. Take care. Peace.:-)
... the link to two amazing PhD's talking real science:
I've been saying this last few days ALL over the place... We can't meme it or argue it to death...or like you said write it a letter to death. We are bombarded all day every day with articles about things we already know and did day one...along with new ways the government is doing to wipe as many out as possible and make the rest of us good little slaves. When there's another BOMBSHELL still nothing gets done. WHAT ARE WE ALL GOING TO DO ABOUT IT BECAUSE NO POLITICIAN IS COMING TO SAVE US?! We can't vote them out because, oh yeah they'll just cheat due to we DIDN'T FIX 2020. In the beginning we needed to educate others. We did so because we cared! Also, since cdc did away with pcr tests WHY ARE PEOPLE ALLOWING THEMSELVES TO BE TESTED??? It absolutely will not end until we do something. I'm not a 100% sure what that is, but get ready for another doozy of a year in 2024. Between all these democratic voters and criminals Brandon has let in and another Scamdemic being concocted it'll be boat loads of monkeys in a barrel fun! 🙄🥴😠
Dr. Ladapo & Governor DeSantis are both in positions of authority. They talk a good game but really DO nothing. DeSantis was the only Governor who didn’t order pediatric vaccines but that doesn’t mean that they weren’t sent or accepted.
Medical freedom means that if someone wants a vaccine they have the right to it. However, people were lied to about the COVID shots. Tell them the truth and give them a choice.
It is NOT a vaccine. It is a gene-therapy transfection. If they actually tell them the truth, no person would give informed consent. The paper inserts included with the vials were blank. The changed the definition of the word "vaccine" to switch to mRNA technology, which is fundamentally flawed - and they knew it was flawed for decades! They changed the laws - some people think the "emergency" is over, but the EUA is still in place. The EUA strips away your rights. It's painfully obvious that all of these so-called "leaders" are operating in sync, to enable a new form of totalitarianism. Don't give people a choice to take the deadliest shot in history - a shot that has been proven, by Mathew Crawford, to have zero efficacy. Peace.
Nobody knows the whole truth on any of the vaccines. If you tell people that all are harmful in one way or another but some are deadly, no one will take them. IMO that’s the best outcome. How likely do you think that is going to happen?
I agree. The propaganda regarding the shots is disgusting. Walensky insisted they were OK for pregnant women! If LaDapo really, truly wants to help Floridians live a longer life, he needs to stop the transfections 100%. It's the worst crime in history. Peace.
I agree with your goal. I also know how hard it has been for those fighting this fight for years, honorably and getting nowhere. Are we to blame them for the lack of action taken too? DeSantis and Ladapo are doing more to bring attention to this issue than any other I know other than Ron Johnson and RFK Jr. who's been taking arrows for years over speaking up. I am a realist even though I appreciate your frustration.
I agree. They take ZERO action.
he is probably being diplomatic, since trump is a resident of florida.
I disagree, I think that’s an act. You will notice he has not brought it up for quite a while.
I agree. It's a uni-party. What a complete idiot. 13+ million people have been murdered by the shots via the big "vaccine" platform change that his executive order ushered in. It's a business model. If every one of his voters ( I voted for him twice ) knew exactly what the "technology" he enabled is actually doing - he would get zero votes.
He did not know what was in those injections. Fauci lied to him and told him that without the vax 2 million people would die. And his main priority was to get the country open economically.
You have more faith in him than I do Leslie. Peace. :-)
I guess we will find out eventually.
I think he has been counseled many times by now that he better keep his mouth shut about it or he will not win. I think if he has stopped bragging about it, it is for that reason. Ron will have more support from Independents unless Trump does more to bring them in and shutting his mouth about the vaccines will help him.
RFK,JR is telling the truth!
He doesn’t need to be counseled, just seeing what happened to Tucker Carlson is evidence enough. He’s not stupid.
Trump tweeted about hcq and treatability. warp speed trademark may have been an attempt to scare thinkers away from hacksins. Brainwashed wanted a cure. Stopworldcontol.
Com discusses these possibilities for trumps actions. Maybe he wants brainwashed injected to remain calm.
yeah he tweeted about lots of things ... hillary, lock her up, clean the swamp etc. etc.
remember Covfefe ??? wonder what was that all about ...
the poor man appointed all the wrong people around him ...
You have to follow him on Truth Social to understand him. There is a meaning to CovFeFe, I don’t remember it right this minute but it had something to do with the mineral table.
If he comes out about the vax they will do to him what they did to Tucker Carlson. He’s running for President. He can’t be shut down. Whatever you think of his personality, which if you have watched him lately, he has changed. He is much more serious & thoughtful & he has some great ideas to fix things.
Great letter from Dr. Ladapo----but are these people who perpetrated this atrocity EVER going to be held accountable? Will there be ANY consequences?
The letter can be used in legal proceedings. Warner Mendenhall is planning more lawsuits, not just Brook Jackson's. Aaron Siri plans more. The more we do and the more people we wake up, the quicker this disaster will end. The WHO and UN power grabs are next up.
I love all you do and cover for us. I understand you want to go to a paid format and you have every right. If you leave it so we can read your content that would be very helpful. Dr. McCullough has made his paid, only can see a couple teaser paragraphs so I miss out on his valuable info which is a shame. I cannot afford to pay for all the good quality people out there.
Then you tell me why the Leon County School Districts WEBSITE still has on it the COVID JAB for
students in the 7th grade and older. It also states the JAB is also available for Kindergarten and up.
WHY ISN'T HE DOING SOMETHING about taking this off the Leon County and all Counties (if it
appears on the others, too). I called and left message. Nobody ever answers today.
Dr. Ladapo, if you are reading this, please answer my question.
Good luck with that Lynn. None of our so-called "leaders" answer any requests. They are 100% useless. Peace.
You said it. Now, when I call Governor Desantis office you can't leave a message anymore.
Why is that? Is he and his Staff working for the voters of Florida who voted for him on
reelection? Or is he busy thinking that his future plans will come to fruition? Too bad
DeSantis sold out to the Rhinos and Globalists. I will never vote for him again period.
You think you will get better from others? Look at the other 49 states. Florida is head and shoulders above them in terms of ethics, performance, and livability. No one is perfect. If you are, I suggest translation is the proper course for you. I, myself, look elsewhere and see that, while things could be better, they could be a whole lot worse...and they are most places.
Well let me tell you. My nephew is starting kindergarten this fall. He will be under the
Leon County School District. I don't want to see the JAB offered at all on their website.
Maybe you should not voice your opinion until you hear the reason. So, you think it's
logical to have COVID shots still on the School Districts website? I certainly don't.
Don't attack me on the other issues that you mentioned. I never said anything about
them. Dr. Ladapo should be all inclusive when he's doing research. You can't talk
about one group of people and not about children. By now, Dr. Ladapo knows the
JAB is lethal to children.
I wasn't meaning to attack. The state level government has no particular relationship to the county government. However, the state just passed a bill that makes what Leon County is doing illegal. This is just a summary and you should read more about it on the state of Florida website. But essentially the new law ensures that "no patient is forced by a business, school, or government entity to undergo testing, wear a mask, or be vaccinated for COVID-19" (Words from the state of Florida website.) So my guess is the Leon County website is either old, wrong, or both. But you should take it up with Leon County. You cannot expect the state government to police every page of every website every day. I write/call on things like this all the time at the local level. It is how we got a whole new school board elected (in a far-left county in Florida).
Time to start calling/writing about how what their web site says is against Florida law.
Thanks for all the important information. But, why have a Governor, if the Counties are going to override the Governor. Then why even have one. Leon County School District is Leftist.
The head of Leon County Schools filed a case against DeSantis about the ineffective masks.
DeSantis won. DeSantis later came out and said no school district can make children get
the JAB or where the mask. I called the Orange County School Districts all the time on it.
We live in the Jerry Demings Leftist Orange County. That man tried to push mask wearing.
I never complied. I do have health issues. Couldn't wear one. Goes against my convictions.
I just called stores and cleared it with them before I entered. You know Jerry he's
Val's husband. :-(
You do have a point.
Sorry. He doesn't'
He doesn’t have a point that our leaders are useless? They turn off their answering services. They are inaccessible.
If only they did as little damage as they do good!
As long as their lies enrich (💰) them to deadly effect, they’re not quite “100% useless” enough.
Are you in a position to attend your county commissioners' meeting?
Can you show us the disrespectful letter from Walensky and Califf? I'd like to see how disrespectful it was. This CDC epidemiologist (also on substack) tore into the Florida Lapado study on COVID vax injuries. Katelyn Jetelina - your local epidemiologist.
It is on this site, with a warning that if you get upset easily, don't read it. It is incredibly infuriating.
I found it.
Thanks for all you do, I think shedding light on the vax patent 2015? And the spike patent is even more telling. It would appear that this Warp speed is not a new DARPA program and wasn’t Trumps idea as he claims. I also would like to know where the profits went, the Fed balance sheet and Moderna also a DARPA group.
It is to people who have been studying and following along and researching for themselves and listening to honest expects not profiting off this disaster. Unfortunately, many people would look at this CDC letter and think the CDC is credible. That's what's infuriating to me.
The injuries & deaths are real.
I read it and while a person who hasn't looked at the studies and the whole reporting situation over time and rather deeply could be fooled by the "evidence" in the CDC letter. A person like Ladapo, who has been watching closely knows their tricks and outright lies. He knows how to stop the bad studies put forth. The sheer and arrogant lack of transparency should be enough alone. The fact that these gene therapies rebranded as vaccines were released under EU by press release and not with raw data of the trials for other professionals to examine a head of injecting people is a disgusting abdication of responsibility. The letter was an insult to a person who has been paying attention and knows their game. It was basically a blow off without teeth.
You mean Ladapo's follow-up letter? Weak?
I have a definite bias toward Ladapo. I'm sure that letter went out after review by the AG's office and others. I think Ladapo, may have to exercise caution given the grand jury's formation.
A great crime has been committed from the very beginning. "They" have come at us from every angle -- medical, government, "law enforcement," academia, and those "Americans" "running" businesses large and small who forced their fellow American to undergo forced medical interventions. It's a pretty unflattering picture all the way around.
No Ladapo is great! I was commenting on the letter the CDC sent him. It was insulting but the average person might not see it because they don't have the knowledge to know how they are being fooled. Ladapo knows their lies and games so their boilerplate BS doesn't cut it. I'm glad he sent back the letter he did. Great questions they refuse to answer.
Ah! OK...yes! That FDA/CDC "response" letter to Ladapo's original Feb 2023 inquiry contained four pages of absolute deflection and non-answers to his questions. I'm sure that explains his demand in this most recent letter for real answers.
If they fail to respond or do so in a way similar to their Mar letter, then we'll see where Ladapo goes from there.
What is actually happening with the Grand Jury?
A very good question....I'm unfamiliar with how long it takes from grand jury approval to selection to presentation of evidence to indictment. All depends on the case, I'm sure. Here in FL, it's gone a little quiet on that front.
These Ladapo letters make me think, though, that they could be a part of the evidence gathering for the grand jury to bring indictments -- or after when there are witnesses "in the box."
Seems to me that that it’s a PR stunt, but we’ll see.
I am truly amazed how the CDC and FDA stood by their inaccuracies for as long as they could. I am appalled with how scientific facts were ignored and doctors were discredited. I am angered by how people's health was also disrespected.
someone tell him, wallensky has already left ...
She is still there. She has submitted her resignation with her last day slated for Jun 30, 2023.
she was never there
Well, right, but however she was there, she is still there. That's why it's perfectly in line for Ladapo to write her. She is still the director of that criminal organization in Atlanta.
(I’m more convinced than ever that Dr. Daniel Cunningham of the CDC was THIS vaccine’s first “fatality”...)
Could very well be...
I don’t think she’s even in the country.
Walensky is no leader, she is a puppet on a string abandoning ship!
Thanks for posting this, Dr. Nass.
A 13th point of contention would be the hospital death rate for breakthrough COVID hospitalizations. Not only did CDC stop reporting the outcomes of breakthrough hospitalizations after 41,000 of them accrued, but they "erased" the earlier reports on them. And they reported it in a way where you cannot do an age breakdown:
Hi Dr. Nass, here is the link to download the 3 page pdf letter which you have displayed in this blog article:
I tried to download this from each of the 3 pages listed, but it doesn't work, and this link makes it easier to download as a single pdf than to try to copy and save each of the 3 pages as separate jpg files. Thanks for all you're doing. I am unemployed and can't afford right now to upgrade to a paid subscriber so here is how I can make a contribution.
Wow. Awesome letter. Love the last paragraph! Thanks Meryl for posting this- and thanks to Mr Ladapo - doing a great job. I wonder if he will get any response/reply that is worth more than 2 cents!
I used to live in a blue state and moved to FL to avoid the shot, and all the rest.
Florida here: Prior to midterms, I wrote to every legislator up to DeSantis plus Ladapo requesting help when they doc ordered hospice for a 3x Moderna then 2xCovid in hospital when legal “right to try” possible yet ignored and NONE responded.
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 18, 2021
Canceling the Spike Protein
Striking Visual Evidence
Editorial by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
************** excerpt
"Suggested Protocol (to be coordinated with the guidance of your chosen health care provider):
For individuals who are post-vaccination or symptomatic with chronic COVID, vitamin C should be optimally dosed, and it should be kept at a high but lesser dose daily indefinitely.
Ideally, an initial intravenous administration of 25 to 75 grams of vitamin C should be given depending on body size. Although one infusion would likely resolve the symptoms and abnormal blood examination, several more infusions can be given if feasible over the next few days.
An option that would likely prove to be sufficient and would be much more readily available to larger numbers of patients would be one or more rounds of vitamin C given as a 7.5 gram IV push over roughly 10 minutes, avoiding the need for a complete intravenous infusion setup, a prolonged time in a clinic, and substantially greater expense (Riordan-Clinic-IVC-Push-Protocol, 10.16.14.pdf).
Additionally, or alternatively if IV is not available, 5 grams of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C (LivOn Labs) can be given daily for at least a week.
When none of the above three options are readily available, a comparable positive clinical impact will be seen with the proper supplementation of regular forms of oral vitamin C as sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid. Either of these can be taken daily in three divided doses approaching bowel tolerance after the individual determines their own unique needs (additional information, see Levy, vitamin C Guide in References; Cathcart, 1981).
An excellent way to support any or all of the above measures for improving vitamin C levels in the body is now available and very beneficial clinically. A supplemental polyphenol that appears to help many to overcome the epigenetic defect preventing the internal synthesis of vitamin C in the liver can be taken once daily. This supplement also appears to provide the individual with the ability to produce and release even greater amounts of vitamin C directly into the blood in the face of infection and other sources of oxidative stress (
Hydrogen peroxide (HP) nebulization (Levy, 2021, free eBook) is an antiviral and synergistic partner with vitamin C, and it is especially important in dealing with acute or chronic COVID, or with post-COVID vaccination issues. As noted above, the COVID virus can persist in the stool. In such cases, a chronic pathogen colonization (CPC) of COVID in the throat continually supplying virus that is swallowed into the gut is likely present as well, even when the patient seems to be clinically normal. This will commonly be the case when specific viral eradication measures were not taken during the clinical course of the COVID infection. HP nebulization will clear out this CPC, which will stop the continued seeding of the COVID virus in the gut and stool as well. Different nebulization approaches are discussed in the eBook.
When available, ozonated saline and/or ozone autohemotherapy infusions are excellent. Conceivably, this approach alone might suffice to knock out the spike protein presence, but the vitamin C and HP nebulization approaches will also improve and maintain health in general. Ultraviolet blood irradiation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy will likely achieve the same therapeutic effect if available.
Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and chloroquine are especially important in preventing new binding of the spike protein to the ACE2 receptors that need to be bound in order for either the spike protein alone or for the entire virus to gain entry into the target cells (Lehrer and Rheinstein, 2020; Wang et al., 2020; Eweas et al., 2021). These agents also appear to have the ability to directly bind up any circulating spike protein before it binds any ACE2 receptors (Fantini et al., 2020; Sehailia and Chemat, 2020; Saha and Raihan, 2021). When the ACE2 receptors are already bound, the COVID virus cannot enter the cell (Pillay, 2020). These three agents also serve as ionophores that promote intracellular accumulation of zinc that is needed to kill/inactivate any intact virus particles that might still be present.
Many other positive nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are supportive of defeating the spike protein, but they should not be used to the exclusion of the above, especially the combination of highly-dosed vitamin C and HP nebulization."