“The Board concludes that the continued ability of Dr. Nass to practice as a physician in the State of Maine constitutes an immediate jeopardy to the health and physical safety of the public who might receive her medical services,”.

I do not recognize the world we live in now....where up is down and down is up. No matter, keep up the fight, Meryl....you have an army behind you.

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The irony of it all, as it is clear that the current captured practice of medicine seems to 'constitute an immediate jeopardy tot the health and physical safety of the public who might receive the services' of the board members of any physicians who are currently unsanctioned by the Maine Board of Medicine, hat tip to Jo Highet, as I don't want to be classified with the infamous President of Harvard University.

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If you can prove malicious prosecution, you should be able to sue the individual board members personally. I hope it turns out this way.

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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023

There is no shame in the fact that Governor Mills is distressingly ignorant of what the underlying and controlling facts are. She has been kept ignorant; misled, along with millions of others deceived in Maine and around the world regarding COVID, early treatment and the essential role of physician-attended medical improvisation at the individual patient level that has always been the standard of care, and still should be.

It is, however, troublesome that her staff has embarrassed her by allowing her misapprehension about the depth of the relevant credentials of Dr. Nass. That they fail to correct it only proves the extent to which ignorance has become a malignant force in the governor's leadership culture.

Maine should be proud of its daughters, and especially the experience and astonishing bona fides of Dr. Nass in bioweapons, microbiological contagion and management and international policy related thereto.

Who else native to Maine has such unique depth of on point expertise? Not many if any. Certainly not Governor Mills and her staff.

Whether the governor's misapprehensions are a result of political avarice or stupidity, the result is the same.

If Governor Mills is to be criticized, I think it should be criticism of her cowardice and the juvenile nature of that cowardice. What executive sends their sister to file such a complaint so they may strike the necessary pose to satiate their vanity?

Reasonable people can forgive the governor's ignorance and overlook the stupidity.

Reasonable people can even understand the political avarice, however unseemly and cruel.

What is difficult to forgive is the unconscionable; the suffering, the reckless harms and the deaths.

What is most unconscionable are the forever lost opportunities to abate the extent of harm and cruelty inflicted upon the people of Maine and their family members because of the vanity and cowardice of a governor who would use her sister in such a craven and juvenile manner to such depraved ends.

Reasonable people might conclude Governor Mills should resign. The apparent psychopathy of her detachment from the great harms and suffering she has caused by her policy actions and refusals to take action are as apparent as the malice being orchestrated in apparent bad faith as has been and continues to be directed against Dr. Nass.

How many thousands suffered and suffer terribly still? How many thousands died?

How many in Maine and their loved ones suffer this same fate because of the governor's apparent complicity in a bizarre policy to bureaucratically deny them early treatment and censor their physicians from pursuing personalized individual treatment to seek improvement by normal and long-established physician-attended medical improvisation?

When did human medical practice become one size fits all?

The only one-size-fits-all that I know of is the hangman's noose.

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I agree 100%. Also, no one should be above the law. Idk if this so-called medical board is hiding behind some sort of immunity, but sovereign immunity should be eliminated for ALL public serpents, from the top to the bottom, and all branches of government. No one should be immune from liability or prosecution for the damage they do to others, especially damage done under color of law.

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Yeah. Qualified immunity needs a huge overhaul, particularly where there is evidence of malice and bad faith prosecution. The attorney's perpetrating LAWFARE should face personal liability for actual and punitive damages. Same for government officials withholding or dissembling information necessary for a reasonably informed public or otherwise withholding reasonable corrective action of government error, misapprehension or harmful wrong doing.

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Audit the bank accounts of the board.

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Yes!!!! And that of their lawyers

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Their spouses, brothers & sisters, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles: the Biden business model gets around.

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All medical boards have become loathsome globalist puppets. I’m sorry Dr Nass. It’s too corrupt to be fixed. Exit & create an honest system. Thank you for all you do 🙏🏼

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Meryl, if I may address you by your first name, I suggest that you find a medical freedom state (Florida, Nebraska, Tennessee?) and apply for a license there, or as Dr. Kory did, apply to be licensed by a Native American tribe (IIRC the Crow tribe is an option). You could do that awaiting establishment of parallel licensing per Freedomisnotfree in this string.

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As a doctor, she can treat only a few patients. As an expert activist, she is reaching millions across the world. Our victory!

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However, she'd got to eat and pay at least her rent or property taxes, if not mortgage, etc.

The other issue is that this will end some day, and she will need to earn a living and will want to practice medicine, so this injustice must be corrected and the perpetrators must be punished severely (they will in the afterlife, I know, but

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We the people can support her with our subscriptions / donations.

For example, 3,000 x $5 monthly = $15,000 monthly

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Excellent advice. Try to get licensed somewhere. They can't take away your calling.

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Florida needs to be cleaned up. People in Florida got remdesivir and vented to death just like in all the other states in America. DeSantis did nothing.

Also Florida has an extra special free kill law. That is hospitals and doctors are free to kill, or do whatever to a patient and the patient or love one of the patient can't do anything legally about it with few exceptions.

Florida is a corrupt state like everywhere else.

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Run death is near was strongly incentivized by federal reimbursement protocols and hospital protocols followed those guidelines / rules as patients are managed by hospitalists these days and they are all employed by the hospitals (meaning you wrote for the drugs that were on the protocol and you’re rewarded & if not you were fired (see Paul Marik’s case) ; protocols were written by infectious disease doctors who likewise were employed & under orders to maximize hospital reimbursement. The governor is not a doctor & doesn’t have & can’t get hospital privileges. Similarly your ventilator critique is/was beyond his job description due to lack of a medical license and hospital privileges. I don’t know that Dr Ladipo (?sp?) was on board as secretary of health at the time, and I am quite sure that absent hospital privileges and training, experience & specialty certification in pulmonary &/or critical care medicine he could dictate hospital procedures for invasive ventilation, and if he tried, there would have been administrative and Keagan blowback.

Your naivety is showing that you make that assertion, and makes me wonder if you are a Democrat operative.

Not to defend all that Gov. Ron did, or Florida as Nirvana, but it is a far site better than the People’s Republic of New York or Pennsylvania.

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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023

Neo-Malthusians are masquerading under a rebranded identity. The modern practice of Malthusian eugenics is now called "Medical Ethics."

I shit you not. And I think Fauci's wife is/was a big Federal Honcho in the Medical Ethics Bureaucracy.

"Death To All Useless Eaters!"

"They're all gonna die anyway. Just think of all the money we'll make."

"Yeah. And save the planet while we're at it. It's a win-win for everybody."

Nope. Not joking one bit. It's a thing; a well funded thing full of highly paid dark triads hell-bent on building Oligarchic Utopia. They run the hospitals, the major medical schools and related bureaucracies today.

Who else would do the things we've seen these last three years? What other kind person would do such a thing?

Res Ipsa Loquitur

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We an all need to be cleaned up before we are fit for heaven .

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Oh Dottie!

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Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023

Awwww Tommie. Thanks.

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Is there a way to disclose the names of the Board members on the Maine Board of Health? I think it would be good to know who they are and if they are in the position of practicing medicine. Their decision is abhorrent and their methods unconscionable.

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We must shame these people wherever they go. I'd love to see billboards or signs posted of their names and faces and what they did to Dr Nass. Don't serve them in the restaurants, make them wait for services, stop cleaning their houses, cooking their meals, doing their errands, etc. Make it that they can't walk out in public.

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It should be a matter of public record, they are, after all employees or at least contractors of the State of Maine. It should be legitimate for any Maine physician or patient/former patient of. Dr. Nash's to file a complaint with the Board of Medicine, each and every one of them for interfering with the patient's access to their beloved physician ( and given the pro-forma nature of the votes and actions, conceivably create a RICO case (Not legal advice, I don't even play a lawyer on TV). If they (individually or collectively) are the subject of complaints, there should be a process of investigating them for consideration of sanctioning them up to and including suspension and loss of License. If there is not such a process, then the legislation establishing the board and its procedures is legally (and maybe constitutionally) defective--maybe I should have gone to law school, nah.

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There the ones that are in the wrong! That makes me so mad 😡 I would love to have you as a doctor. I don’t have faith in mine anymore because she won’t admit that this Polymyalgia rheumatica plus rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the Pfizer shots. Just wants to treat my symptoms with prednisone & another pill once a week for the RA. I hate taking pills. I know there not good for your internal organs :(

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I have both also , no more prednisone, I eat only meat eggs and seafood . Carbs and sugar make inflammation in joints . I feel mine was the experimental jabs I got for Lyme disease that was taken off the market later for causing arthritis

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Well when Big Harma runs the State Medical boards ( semi secretly ) what can we expect.?

How do we get rid of their clout?

Start our own State Boards with our own peer reviews.

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Doctors ( not lawyers like in Ca ) are required snd they have to prove No Conflict of Interests. Just like when they present in a lecture. This should have been instituted already but Soros prob took advantage of the fact that it was not. Now foxes guarding the henhouse. So rudimentary. Let’s get rid of it!

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Are you saying that perhaps she can attack the board by alleging that they have conflict of interest get a lawyer and get their bank accounts, looking for $$ from Pfizer -- or Hunter Biden.

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It’s absolutely absurd the treatment of Dr. Nass. I hope & pray for Dr. Nass’s strength & courage to continue her fight. Truth will prevail!!

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Oh, she does!

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It amazes me how truth can be so unpopular.

Me thinks evil is ever present.

Thank you Dr. Meryl for your truths.

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Sad, frightening, Germany 1939. What is happening to us?

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Yep so many Americans who looked down their noses at the German people have surely failed the ‘good German' test. How many of them thought that they would have stood up for the Jews have shown themselves to be full of 💩?

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Just another example of how medical boards are corrupt and merely tools of Big Pharma and the State to spread propaganda and enforce narratives. It's high time the AMA, the various medical boards and the FDA are stripped of their enforcement power and sued out of existence. Will a brave governor make the first move (hint: DeSantis)?

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How about the address to the Maine bolim and phone numbers/ emails and let them know what we think of their BS!!

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Be careful, if you are protesting a conservative Justice of the Supreme Court you can dox and harass them, but regular people who just want to live their life free, are likely to have the Maine Bureau of Investigation or even the FBI come knock on your door in the middle of the night with guns drawn . . .

(bolim?? a typo??)

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I hope they all reap the consequences of their vaccines.

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What an honor to be condemned by such a band of corrupt fools! Blessings on you, Dr Nass.

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Non-legal advice: Check 18 U.S.C. sec.1964 (civil suit); sec. 1962 (c), (d). Conspiracy. Also check U.S.Congress's purpose of RICO statute in "Civil Rico: 18 U.S.C. secs 1961-1968 -- A Manual for Federal Attorneys"

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Meryl, Have you talked with Jeff Childers (Coffee and COVID substack & also one of the chief 'conspirators' in the COVID Litigation conference in Atlanta earlier this year --of course you have heard of him & likely talked to him, you guys I assume all talk to each other (except for those that sue each other like Robert Malone, MD and it seems like Micheal Yeadon is pissed off at Steve Kirsch for some reason---Sad, but then again that's what happens when humans are involve, why we don't just have Anabaptists riding around in buggies in Lancaster County but we have Black Buggy Mennonites and Grey Buggy Amish . . . , and hitting closer to home for me, 47 different Presbyterian Denominations (including heretical ones and some that just think you can't use instruments and can only sing Psalms-- Sigh!

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Love Jeff Childers, FL

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