Wolfgang Wodarg called it correctly in March of 2020. He is a true hero and they did everything they could to try and destroy him.

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Great interview Meryl. I listened this afternoon and plan to forward to friends. Thank you.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Every president going back to Ford tried to run an epidemic scam on us followed up with newly made vaccines. I was working in a hospital during Obama’s epidemic and it was business as usual and no one was even paying attention to the fear porn. And lo and behold every epidemic ran its course without max vaccination. Just like Covid was losing steam just before the jabs came out.

But it’s Sweden that proved the truth. They didn’t lock down and had few deaths, but once they started jabbing people the cases and deaths skyrocketed. Weird how the pro jab folks didn’t notice that.

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Dr. Wodarg was very early with Dr. Yeadon shouting a strong warning to beware. He was listed as a hero in my first book and is 100% deserving. Great interview, Meryl!

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The virus is real, but the pandemic is false.

Uh, ok.

Give me another hit of airplane glue, bartender. This is starting to make more sense to me.


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I would love to see more opinions on things I have come across in the past 3 years ..... Dr. Robert Cathcart apparently treated over 25,000 patients with high dose, divided dose vitamin c therapy .... and I can't find where but I believe that I read that he said high enough divided doses of vitamin c would eliminate any virus. Dr. Judy Mikovits found retroviruses from the cell lines used to produce vaccines were causing illness/disease in the population ..... so presumably higher doses of vitamin c could eliminate alot of illness/disease ??? Would love to see these ideas explored more. https://www.losaltosonline.com/archives/obituary-robert-f-cathcart-iii-m-d-innovator-in-medicine/article_f03735f5-171c-5905-ad6d-9010b5bffc7f.html https://www.optimalc.com/images/xcathcart-vitamin-c-dose-chart.jpg.pagespeed.ic.9Q4ns_Xv02.jpg wonder if this is the fastest way out of the vaccine harmful effects issue .......... people taking vitamin c to get away from the toxicity of the vaccines, both covid and other vaccines.......... http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v17n24.shtml FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 18, 2021

Canceling the Spike Protein

Striking Visual Evidence

Editorial by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD ............................ http://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v08n07.shtml FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, February 14, 2012

Vitamin C Prevents Vaccination Side Effects; Increases Effectiveness

by Thomas E Levy, MD, JD

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Where are the samples of these 'viruses' please?

When will you stop misleading people into believing in your pet theories?

It is painful to have to correct your thinking at such a late stage of your careers, I am sure, but sooner or later you will have to admit that no virus has EVER been isolated.

All influenza (and similar) are caused by changes in electro-magnetic radiation. So the event we call Covid19 was EXPECTED when 5G was rolled out worldwide.

Read Arthur Firstenberg's book The Invisible Rainbow and the work of Yuri Grigoriev of Russia:


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Thanks Dr. Nass. Very enlightening indeed.

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What a badass name.

Right up there with Knut Rockne and Bobby Orr.

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Why is Big Pharma immune from any LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS caused by their injections?

Because of the increasing proof that injections can be deadly and because this frequently occurring fact is so badly covered up, I will not allow any needle to push unknown materials into my body! Not even my DENTIST!

None of these injections carries any assurance of SAFETY because the makers enjoy NO LIABILITY for injuries or DEATHS that follow the procedure. Can anyone explain how this makes sense - PLEASE?

It's not "The Chinese" to blame for Covid, although they became complicit! It was/is originally a USA (Department of Defence) program that financed and managed the 'Gain of Function' (Bio-WEAPON) program. The original 'experimentations' were undertaken in the USA (N. Carolina University is just one location) and were eventually deemed 'too dangerous to continue on US soil'! The GoF program was 'exported' to China, and in my opinion, the Wuhan China link becomes unimportant. The serious deliberate 'DEPOPULATION' program implications are being masked by the 'origination' argument! More important is the fact that VIRUSES were being modified deliberately to maximise virus harm and thereby KILL humans. Originally these 'WEAPONS' justified the opportunity to create a profitable injectable 'cure' (they bizarrely call VACCINE). The 'origination' argument is simply a 'smoke-screen' to mask the evil intentions. The pretend cure ("a supposed VACCINE") does NOTHING to stop the virus but seriously reduces natural immunity to multiple illnesses. The Covid Vax is proving to be very dangerous and often DEADLY to humans. And, unbelievably, NO LIABILITY is required from these vax-making murderers!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabed to live longer!

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