“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.”

- Dr. Benjamin Rush

Prescience ! ... from an intelligent, ethical doctor in the Colonial Era of America’s REVOLUTION. ... seems a lotta folks were not listening then. Are they listening now ?

Thank YOU Meryl for all you are doing ...

“ The WHO is coming ! The WHO is coming ! “

.... with thanks and an apology to Paul Revere for his midnight ride & warning for ALL FREE PERSONS paying attention everywhere !

We need Dr. Rush’s Constitutional AMENDMENT for PERSONAL HEALTH FREEDOM Guaranteed to ELIMINATE the 8 items of proposed, self-serving tyrannies outlined in Meryl Nass’ article !!!

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Time to explore and learn about all the nature given medicines that have been on earth LONG before Pharma raped the world.

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Great comment. It makes me think this country needs the political equivalent of Rush's Thunderbolts! In Maine, citizens worked hard for a number of years to include a right-to-food amendment to our state constitution (which grew from a local food sovereignty movement, the first of its kind in the country). But regarding the fake "vaccines" and CONvid scam medical abuses... nary a peep. Apparently, the hippy-dippies up here are far too placid a collection of creatures, still too trusting of "authority" when it comes to issues medical. *sigh* I suppose that is one outcome when the majority of a state's population is above the mean age and on government-doled healthcare.

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The feds killed the right to food in Maine when it came to selling meat! After all that! But we will bring it back...

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...and dairy, didn't they? Now it doesn't work unless your town has approved it? And your operation still has to be approved by state inspectors?

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I pray that the good doctor Rush is guiding us from above. God bless his soul and all of us who are working to stop the realization of his sound predictions.

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This is only the beginning if this goes through. The fact that no govt will stop this is a clear picture of how this small group is able to control the world. Absolute nightmare!

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Also the possibility of a 14th Amendment declaration of independence by the states from any such "treaty." Need a legal opinion on this, or better, a favorable judgment.

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Considering elections in America are obviously rigged - - both physically AND electronically AFTER ballots are handed over to corrupted authoritie$ - - the upcoming WHO ‘treaty’ serves up THE most IMPORTANT problem concerning HUMANITY’S HEALTH FREEDOM worldwide in the future. We MUST ACT NOW to derail this pending train wreck.

It’s as though “CV-19” was a practice-run for “Nazty-isms on steroids.”

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That is what seems to be coming, if it's not already here in some way we haven't detected.

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Thanks for this concise summary it's too hard to keep up with everything that is coming out.


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I cannot believe there is not a group yet formed to go arrest these people and put them jail. Who in the world do they think they are? This would be unheard of at any other time in the past. If things keep rolling along like this, next they'll be coming into my house and telling me how to run my home. Shortly after, they'll be coming into my home and telling me to leave my house, it's for my own good - that my house is there house now, and it's all for my own good. Why have they not been run out of town yet? These people should go to jail and serve as an example and a warning to other people who may think about trying to take "medical" control over my body, over your body, over everyone's body -

for the good of everybody's health. This is a medical con job concocted by white collar criminals.

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Because Congress is in on it, apparently? And we can't "vote the bums out," due to election- rigging?

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This is war on humanity by all the world leaders for the sake of curiosity - morbid curiosity. At this point I honestly think we would all be better off if stupid people lead the way.

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Here's one strategy, which might be of interest: https://www.inpowermovement.org/old-home

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In other words: it will become legal to torture and kill us all...

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Sounds like the perfect plan to benefit....Satan.

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Great list, like the 30 second elevator ride pitch.

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You nailed it! Exactly the way I have felt for over 3 years now. One thing I find today is people just aren't friendly anymore. So many seemed locked in their own world and the real world doesn't seem to exist to them. It's just different out there. I have become somewhat of a hermit. I live in rural America on 5 acres with garden, pets and chickens and stay home as much as possible.

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Part of the plan as well. Disconnect people so they start lacking empathy and create more divide which was already an issue prior to the plandemic!

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If only we could live rural! We’re suffocating here in RI as too many are flocking here. None of the townies that grew here can afford to buy here anymore, well u less you spend way more than you should. If we hadn’t bought 12 yrs ago, we’d not even afford the rents here. That’s with a combined monthly income of $8k! It’s awful. I would be happy if I never had to go anywhere again! Sad in a way.

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Yep our rent has DOUBLED since covid!

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Dr. Nass we should have a mass mailing to all Senate members and the appropriate agencies. Do you know which Dept. we should be writing to? Is it the Dept. of HHS in addition to all Senate and House members? It seems the trigger for all that we have seen didn't launch until the Dept. of HHS gave the pandemic a green light for MCM's? However, clearly we need accountability outside that office and or above that office? The current US Admin. Surgeon General is literally a joke so what is our recourse?

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Several mass email mailings about our breakfast briefing last week were sent to everyone in Congress. They are doused with email. Phone calls, letters and faxes count more.

The Sovereignty Coalition uses the Align Act software to make it easy to send messages to all the people you want to. See below:


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Thank you xoxo

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This may be helpful in trying to contact U.S. lawmakers....https://preventgenocide2030.org/exit-the-who

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How do we stop this madness?

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Door to freedom is posting things to do. We are in the middle of this, more coming.

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This is the hill i die on!

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Geezzz What has Netanyahu done with selling the Israeli’s DNA to big pharma…


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NOTHING the WHO and their partner WEF has in store is “good for you”.

All their other partner the U.N. Agenda’s 2030 fluffy,

lying language is really cleverly disguised feudal enslavement

for the 99%,

while the empire gets to REIGN once again.

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If you’re in Maine, be sure to call Sue Collins and tell her to get off her ass. This needs to be stopped entirely pull the vote just like they did last month. This time make it permanent America is not playing in Joe Biden is not paying.

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