Disinformation has always been information that society's worst actors don't want disseminated.

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Yes, and it goes by the name "truth" in most circles other than those actors'.

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Have you been reduced to rewording the obvious?

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Only for those too steeped in the lies to recognize it for themselves..

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Why would anyone need to be steeped in lies to recognize them?

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"Too steeped in lies to recognize truth"; may also apply to those too obtuse to read and comprehend plain English...

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Not to mention those so ensconced in narcissism to recognize they are so.

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No one in the investment group of vaccinators want any one using free speech to warn against the increasing numbers of death and injury... but that bubble of censorship has burst already...the babble of those injured and killed can no longer remain silenced.. Musk is doing what any humanitarian would do.. stop the carnage by telling the truth.. anyone still trying to silence the people are part of mass murder.. and will have to pay the consequences of subverting truth.

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If anyone has any critical thinking skills at all, they would look at the censorship over the "pandemic" retrospectively, see how many times the public health officials got the information wrong and realize how counterproductive it is to let someone, especially the government, decide what is true and what is not. But people are not using critical thinking skills anymore. It's about power, money, narrative, fear...

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Look among those labeled as "disinformation peddlers" or "vaccine hesitant", during '20 and '21, especially; there you will find those critical thinkers you thought were lost! Those had enough "clean" education to look at the information being pushed, and declare it illogical on its face, and evaluate the alleged disinformation and leaks for kernels of truth.

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Yes, there are some. Just perhaps not enough to stop the current movement to expand censorship. I’m mostly commenting on the fact that the censorship is growing and some, actually many people still support it.

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May 29, 2023
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I’m so sorry. This has been so difficult to watch happen all over the word.

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May 30, 2023
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All of us who are aware feel what you expressed deeply. We have to grab on to whatever sanity we can while the ship appears to be sinking.

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Musk has cojones. I commend him for pulling out of the EU's fascist and tyrannical censorship agreements.

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Interesting that Rumble is not on the EU hitlist. It has been banned here in France, from where I write, but a VPN gets round that.

This is the whole point about censorship, apart from being immoral and stupid: it is easy to defeat.

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However, I've heard that the U.S. gov't is going to make VPNs illegal.

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Doesn't surprise me a bit.

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80 years after WWII fascism has reared its ugly head in Europe once again!

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Our government with all of its lies about Covid and flip flopping on ‘rules’ was the one creating the misinformation and thereby creating a lack of trust in the government and its institutions. It was the brave ones who critically questioned what they did that made that apparent to some of us. Our first amendment guarantees our right to speak our opinions, whether the government agrees or not.

The government took illegal action and violated the constitution and the first amendment by trying to control what people were allowed and not allowed to say on social media and the media. We the people need to hold them accountable and not allow this censorship to continue. Especially through an unelected body such as the WHO. We will NOT be silenced into compliance.

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Censorship targets truth not lies. "Disinformation" like "conspiracy theory" is used to attack freedom of speech and suppress the truth.

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Speech is NOT to be controlled.

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Why do I find it amusing that Macron would consider humor a threat to his regime. 💩

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May 29, 2023
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Nono you’re mistaking his 100 days (cent...sans Jours) to restart his second 5 year term, only French kissing now

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Righteous indignation on a mass scale is the appropriate response! How dare they try to squelch commentary that has no violent content whatsoever!

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It would be interesting to launch a full scale study into the evolution of the term “misinformation”. I am not sure I had ever paid it attention until about four years ago when it seemed to be being adapted to mean information that was inexpedient, and the public were better off not knowing rather than information which was false.


Was that what it already meant in 2018? Not at all sure.

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Misinformation is accidental; one gets a detail in error without intent to lie; disinformation, conversely, is the deliberate intent to push a particular narrative, KNOWING it's a bald-faced lie! Covid was disinformation from our (US) gov't from day 1 forward; the George Floyd "murder", and the Jordan Neely "murder" are 2 more in recent history fairly widely publicized.

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Trust the sci-lenced.

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As someone who lived and did business in China, there is little functional difference in these requirements and those forced upon big tech companies in China by the CCP.

Warning? Thierry should watch her F’ing tongue or we might have to ship her off to a country she’d be more at home in.

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I'm glad Musk is feeling feisty on this one. Hemay carveout a preferential "free-speech" position for Twitter, though we know it still suppresses, or has not restored some accounts.

"Ceanest dirty shirt" may appy.

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Most Mis/Dis-information regarding the useless but potentially DEADLY injections has proven accurate. So who determined what we should think, say, profess, broadcast and spread? This is why they need to shut us down - but it's too late. We've told the world what really been going on with Covid, Experimental Injections, No LIASBILITY for deadly depopulation injection makers!

World Health Organisation is now totally corrupted by Elite money and influence to 'SELL' dubious and unnecessary dangerous medicines. Bill Gates & Co are the largest contributor to the WHO and Bill says "The most lucrative investments I ever made are VACCINES". That says it all!

Big Pharma enjoy 'No LIABILITY' for their poisonous, unrealistically (in-house) QC'd crap, which seems closer to a DEPOPULATION formula than one formulated for human wellbeing! In house 'QC' and Efficacy means the licence to print money goes unchecked because those that are supposed to 'CHECK' (CDC, FDA, etc, ) receive financial support for their 'blind' cooperation.

Now that most of us know that the WHO is just a New World Order (WEF) instrument to obtain total control of our FREEDOM, the war is starting to turn in our favour. We must not get complacent or stop our NOISY protestations just because the Covid episode is 'history'.

The WHO have the next Scamdemic lined up for release as soon as they obtain their sinister Health Treaty.

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