Thank You, Dr. Nass for explaining this trial designed to kill with HCQ to people.

It is important that trials designed to fail, and even to kill, have been used during the COVID pandemic to keep people contained in fear, because "we have to wait for the vaccine".

This control-narrative is much fatigued now, but we all need to hold-accountable those who carried out such studies.

There are anecdotal reports from far and wide that many hospitals carried out policies which effectively killed people, especially once they were on mechanical ventilation.

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Apparently Belgium was super-enthusiastic about using Remdesivir, which may explain why they had the highest mortality rate.

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Apr 7, 2022
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Yes, discussion of hospital case fatality rates in Belgium vs. Germany - Belgium adopted Remdesivir as standard of care and Germany did not.

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Apr 7, 2022Edited
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We'll probably never know accurately. I'm not a stats person and can't contribute there. Don't you sometimes just want to watch old cartoons and pretend the world is good?

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The world isn't good. Sorry. But bury your head in the sand if you need to. This evil will be waiting. Only God promises eternal life with him.

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Apr 7, 2022Edited
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In other words. people with weakened immune systems succumbed due to Covid instead of the flu because the "Flu" has a new name......"Covid".

Same old wine in a brand-new bottle.

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Apr 8, 2022
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You're pretty smaht.

Are you in the Biden administration?

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Thanks for highlighting this. The rigging of trials to evade proof of efficacy (at the least) has been going on a long time (decades!), but I hope the corruption is finally coming to head and reaching its zenith.

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So very interesting!

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Calcifediol is a form of immediately effective vitamin-D, available in Europe, not the US. The Spanish studies were promising immediately.

It's good. No question.

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"Drug levels in lung tissue are 200-700 times higher than in plasma"

But the drug needs to be in plasma because the bulk of the covid damage is to endothelial vascular cells, amirite? But much lower levels are needed for effect than were given.

There was a Spanish study, touted to prove that HCQ isn't a zinc ionophore (which it clearly is), which showed that HCQ locked up virus in endosomes. Locked up virus doesn't replicate and is eventually digested. But endosomal proton pumps will eventually lower the pH, releasing both virus and zinc into the cytosol.

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Criminal. Thank you Dr nass for helping expose these crimes.

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Apr 7, 2022
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It spreads in families and from friend to friend. Toxins, 5G, and Vitamin D deficiency don't do that. The virus has certainly been isolated thousands of times using standard methods that require growing it in cell culture. Viruses don't grow outside cells to my knowledge. So you can't get enough of them without cells to be able to identify and isolate them.

Kaufman, Cowan etc. set up a straw man argument and a lot of people have fallen for it--mainly those who never worked in a lab.

I wrote 3 articles about this on my blog at least a year ago and I debated these two clowns once. They were impolite, uneducated and silly. I prefer that you don't use my real estate to trash talk my friends Malone, Cole and McCullough, who are a lot smarter, knowledgeable, grounded and more dedicated that the people you mentioned.

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They also don't believe viruses exist. Tell me how this disease spreads if there is no infectious agent

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They don't believe that the disease spreads. They believe that covid occurs by magic.

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Apr 7, 2022Edited
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Suggest you slander elsewhere as they are my dear friends and Celia picked up a story from a wildly pro-vaxxer without realizing it

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The viral isolation question is a red herring.

Viruses are notoriously hard to isolate, but also exist in quasi-species swarms with a range of genetic sequences. There are methods that allow the sequencing of pieces of the genome at a time, and that's so much easier and less costly, that it's the usual approach.

Of course, we do not know what the military might have done. They have have isolates.

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Physicists treated electrons as real before one was ever "isolated."

The virus deniers think that science comes from textbooks--especially Koch's postulates.

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Apr 7, 2022Edited
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What is your reluctance regarding IVM?

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Apr 7, 2022Edited
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Ivermectin, zinc doxycycline combnation, coupled with a good level of serum vitamin-D works great for COVID, the sooner the better. I treated lots of patients until I was fired for non-vaccination in October 2021.

Vitamin-D levels are slow to rise, and the immune system does not work properly without enough vitamin-D, but a single dose of 200,000 to 300,000 units orally of vitamin-D will get the blood level into the normal range in 3 days and keep it there for weeks. Here is the link to that extensive body of research, which is not new research at all. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4824637/

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I haven't been able to find any studies of the rates of conversion of D3 to 25OHD by the liver. Color me skeptical that a bolus dose of D3 would have much impact on 25OHD levels.

25OHD = calcifediol (aka "Rayaldee" aka "Fortaro")

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This is a summary of numerous and extensive studies of high dose vitamin-D dosing, including vitamin-D levels following doses of 200,000 and 300,000 units D3, Those are convenient one-time doses and get normal serum levels in 3 days, which persist for 2-4 weeks. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4824637/

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Here's a 2018 article that's a little more recent.

Title: "Is calcifediol better than cholecalciferol for vitamin D supplementation?"

"We reviewed all publications dealing with a comparison of oral cholecalciferol with oral calcifediol as to define the relative efficacy of both compounds for improving the vitamin D status. First, oral calcifediol results in a more rapid increase in serum 25OHD compared to oral cholecalciferol. Second, oral calcifediol is more potent than cholecalciferol, so that lower dosages are needed. Based on the results of nine RCTs comparing physiologic doses of oral cholecalciferol with oral calcifediol, calcifediol was 3.2-fold more potent than oral cholecalciferol. Indeed, when using dosages ≤ 25 μg/day, serum 25OHD increased by 1.5 ± 0.9 nmol/l for each 1 μg cholecalciferol, whereas this was 4.8 ± 1.2 nmol/l for oral calcifediol. Third, oral calcifediol has a higher rate of intestinal absorption and this may have important advantages in case of decreased intestinal absorption capacity due to a variety of diseases. A potential additional advantage of oral calcifediol is a linear dose-response curve, irrespective of baseline serum 25OHD, whereas the rise in serum 25OHD is lower after oral cholecalciferol, when baseline serum 25OHD is higher. Finally, intermittent intake of calcifediol results in fairly stable serum 25OHD compared with greater fluctuations after intermittent oral cholecalciferol."


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I don't see anything in the articles that mentions a 3 day lead to effective levels. More like 2 months.

Cholecalciferol has a serum half life of ~24 hours. (This obviously varies with BMI.) Calcifediol has a serum half life of ~21 days. Cholecalciferol relies on the liver to produce calcifediol. Calcifediol supplementation does not. People who supplement with calcifediol can drink alcohol without affecting their calcifediol levels much. And this also bypasses the impact of NAFLD.

Inflammatory bowel syndrome impacts oral cholecalciferol supplementation much more than calcifediol supplementation. IM injections can be used for cholecalciferol supplementation to get around this problem, but they aren't FDA approved.

In an urgent immune situation, calcifediol is the vitamin D treatment of choice. Impact is as quick as bowel absorption--about 4 hours.

Both David Grimes and Sunil Wimalawansa are truly experts about vitamin D supplementation and both recommend calcifediol over cholecalciferol in urgent situations.

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I wonder if that dose of vitamin D won't also cause a tremendous amount of vascular plaque formation.

There is a less risky way to increase vitamin D quickly--calcifediol.

Just ignore the warnings about Rayaldee--they are obsolete. If you give a 200k IU bolus of D3, you will cause the liver to create calcifediol. Or you could give 0.15 mg Rayaldee.

If you have Fortaro on hand, you can save a thousand $$.

If you want to minimize vascular plaque formation, supplement with vitamin K2.

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Apr 7, 2022
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Our ability to fight of microbial invaders within our bodies is real and wonderful.

We call it the "immune system" and study it with the methods we have devised in the last century or so. We use intellectual abstractions, ideas, but the abstraction is not the thing.

There has been much focus on antibodies, because they are relatively easy to measure. Now we have found that the memory-containing immune cells, B-cells and T-cells, remain poised to mount a full scale response to the same or similar invader in the future, but it is much harder to test for this, much more expensive and time consuming.

We are all constrained in our efforts to understand reality by the costs and limits inherent in our investigations. (Those who fund investigations also have very real interests. They avoid asking questions which would hurt their profits, for instance.)

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Apr 7, 2022Edited
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Apr 7, 2022Edited
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What I mean by "Works" is what we all usually mean by "works", which is that people taking the treatment feel better quickly, most feeling much better when they wake up the next day. Out of all the people I treated early, which was somewhere over 70 people, only two were hospitalized, and neither needed mechanical ventilation. Both did better than expected in the hospital, and both were chronically ill in multiple ways.

Good diet is fundamental to our health, as you observe. I grow and eat vegetables from my gardens year round (in central Texas, where this is possible). Many people will never practice good diet, but they are human, and they suffer, and they need help, too.

Ivermectin is a minimally modified molecule, produced by a quirky soil bacterium discovered in Japan in the 1970s. It is remarkably safe and cheap. Sometimes it is life-saving.

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Interesting. I wonder how this correlates to the results observed when it is used in appropriate dosage as explained by the FLCCC.net.

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Apr 7, 2022Edited
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Agreed, a decent diet is profoundly effective against most chronic "diseases" (conditions).

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Apr 7, 2022Edited
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My sister in law died from a disease that you claim doesn't exist. gfy

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