Every time I hear of somebody's friend or relative dying suddenly of a heart attack, stroke or cancer, I immediately wonder, "was he/she vaxxed?"

I'm not the only one who keeps getting that reaction, but I hold my tongue in consideration for people's feelings.

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I’m with you there Dr Day.

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Absolutely, and yet there is no mention of the vaccine from Prof Paul Hunter. He seems to skirt around it...

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Same here, I find it hard to be truthful with friends who’ve took the jab. What do you say?

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Yes, it is difficult. I have even found that when asked me a question about my conclusions, one or two have lost their tempers and accused me of losing mine! Pure projection. if feel here that it is Important to stay calm and quiet, let them have their say. I would respond then by saying that I have a ton of information and would be happy to print it out for them, and they can read it, and not be yelling at me. Invariably, they don't even want to see anything that goes against their belief system. It's weird... I think it could be an ego thing. No way do they want to see an alternative point of view, even if they are experiencing vaccine injury - it is something else.

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I sow the seed in their mind.

Why are the jabbed dying?

Look at the data.

That’s all I can do.

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True.. some seeds fall into an unfertile mind, I guess.

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I know right!?!

Or a post of a family member or friend passing and not saying why or what happened at all...and everyone comments, ‘sorry for you loss, may they Rest In Peace’ no explanation, no questions...I guess don’t ask, don’t tell is the status quo...the new normal...

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When I watch a news of ”Traffic accident due to sudden death of bus driver”

I feel the same as you , here in Japan.

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Arigato, Masaki San.

(I could say "Fuji San", but that would be funny, wouldn't it?)


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In Japan, autopsies of accidental deaths are a side job of private surgeons, so there probably won't be a precise autopsy like Dr. Arne Burkhardt's without the budget of the police. miserable!

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Still, Japan has been more careful and honorable, not sacrificing so many people to Pfizer and Moderna, advising against vaccinations in many cases, removing clearly contaminated vaccines, and even advising/allowing ivermectin though not government advice.


Green tea appears to reduce initial SARS-CoV-2 infection rate. (Sencha, Japan's secret antiviral weapon!)

Epigallocatechin gallate from green tea effectively blocks infection of SARS-CoV-2 and new variants by inhibiting spike binding to ACE2 receptor

​We demonstrated that green tea beverage (GTB) or its major ingredient, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), were highly effective in inhibiting infection of live SARS-CoV-2 and human coronavirus (HCoV OC43). In addition, infection of the pseudoviruses with spikes of the new variants (UK-B.1.1.7, SA-B.1.351, and CA-B.1.429) was efficiently blocked by GTB or EGCG. Among the 4 active green tea catechins at noncytotoxic doses, EGCG was the most potent in the action against the viruses. The highest inhibitory activity was observed when the viruses or the cells were pre-incubated with EGCG prior to the infection.​..

..​The inhibitory effect on the virus infection was highly potent as GTB at a 320-fold dilution remained significantly effective (Fig. 2b, c).


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Thank you very much, MD. John Day. From Japan Mr. Mt.Fuji🗻🤪, My height is only 168㎝

From the spring of 2021 some Japanese doctors and scholars

say that ``this is gene preparations, not vaccines,'' are dangerous.

But their words never appear in the mainstream media.

Only those who have noticed it for some reason know about it and let their acquaintances and friends know about it.

Most of the people are even getting booster vaccinations because of the government's propaganda.

Looking at the flow of government propaganda,

The first step is "not infected" -> "not developing symptoms" -> "not becoming severe" -> "shut up and get vaccinated".

I laugh.🤣

The 4th time has now started.→Propaganda maybe 'You can go to heaven easily within a few years'.

I have a smart friend who has completed two boosters and a third booster.

Even if I tell and give them information for they should stop them.

But they are brainwashed and won't listen.

Even if they are smart, it's like they're living in a dream.😮‍💨

There is also an experiment in which pseudo-mRNA is incorporated into human DNA (2022Feb: Sweden Lund University),

I am worried about their future.

I have a relative who is a physician, and he also thought "mRNAvaccine" as presumably safe image for the flu in the past.

He said that he got carried away by that words and got everyone in his family vaccinated twice.

I gave him a photo of 14 Canadian Doctors who died young the other day.

Maybe he will wake up.

I drink green tea occasionally, but I honestly prefer coffee.

Ivermectin has become Off-Label Use due to the discovery by a Japanese (Dr. Omura),

I asked him (physician) and he said that Merck's Japanese sales company, MSD, does not ship products for Corona.

Therefore I personally imported it from India and use it occasionally for prophylaxis.

No abnormalities have been found in blood tests so far.

I wish you good health.

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https://pathologie-konferenz.de/en/ The evidence presented by experts on this panel must be officially presented to @ICC @iclgi_network to stop the vaccine-driven-genocide by #Pfizer BioNTec #Moderna UK Crown as was decided by a court of Kanaka 1/22 in a case made by @KevinAnnet @ICANdecide

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I suspect that rational arguments by humans already sentenced to die will bear no weight with the deciders this time.

I'm working on survival.

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Quoted from the article "The infection is known to increase the risk of stroke and heart attacks" Yeah right! Covid is a flu. Its the VACCINE causing the strokes and heart attacks. And come on are you serious, a "government" inquiry? Are you expecting them to report on their own medical FRAUDULENT practice's?

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The blood clotting is from the vaccines. The shots are a poisoning of the blood. A government inquiry? Recall the 9/11 commission report didn't mention the imploding of Building 7?

We are armpit deep in government corruption. We are forever touting we are the greatest country, yet look at the VAERS program and how time consuming and clumsy it is. Many doctors don't even know about it.

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Agree "The blood clotting is from the vaccines. The shots are a poisoning of the blood." but would be better to also note that these "bogus vaccines" have an actual "bioweapon" in them -- S1 spike protein -- that was developed by USG, caused initial SARS outbreak in 2002, is causing blood clots these days too, etc, etc. "We the people" need Americans to be awakened to fact that covid-shots are a "bioweapon" intentionally released on humanity by the elitists.

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Gina Matthews, Agree with your comments noting that it is the covid-shots causing the excess injuries/deaths, but is also very important to make clear the “fact” that covid-shots contain a “bioweapon” -- the S1 spike protein -- first developed by Pfizer in 1990, made infectious to humans by Fauci/Baric (UNC) in 1999, patented in 2002, and then deployed against humanity to cause the first outbreak of SARS in 2002-2003. (see Links-#1, #6 below) ||

If this “fact” is NOT made clear in virtually all covid-shot-related comments, it will never become widely known enough to cause the massive public outcries needed for the “prosecutions for crimes against humanity” to commence in a timely manner. Wish Dr Nass would include this “fact” in her posts re covid-hots. ||

Note also that blood clots, from micro-clots to very large clots, are caused by the S1 spike protein “bioweapon” developed by USG. ||

Relevant Links (#1 is essential info, #6 is key info re related legal battles, rest add related detail) ||

#1 = (01:48-02:50 murder of 5-year-olds, 6:46-19:25 some key overviews) https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-david-martin-no-more-mister-nice-guy-red-pill-expo_Uz8Jf4f2R83mDGk.html (50:15, Martin) ||

#2 = (01:22-05:23 excess deaths, 18:02-20:45 financial collapse) https://rumble.com/v17mn9u-edward-dowd-economic-fallout-of-covid-vax-fraud.html (24:14, Dowd) ||

#3 = (37:33-42:45 crime overview) https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/eulogy-for-a-selfless-truth-warrior (1:01:03, Zelenko) ||

#4 = (dr.z slides) https://timetofreeamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/Zelenko-Control.pdf (Zelenko) ||

#5 = (1:05:55-1:18:59 crime overview) https://odysee.com/EP8-Radical:93141ffa7a818f56b65173802a614f39bf7b6f9c?src=embed (1:37:22, Yeadon) ||

#6 = 700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vax by 2028 – Dr. David Martin

Published June 28, 2022 579,272 Views

https://rumble.com/v1acoaa-up-to-100-million-will-die-from-cv19-vax-by-2028-dr-david-martin.html (1:03:20, Martin) ||

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Agree. I just read a long post about the 'There is no Virus/Germ theory' and it is just missing the big point that a computer-generated sequence, computer printed, added to a virus, serial passaged through mice and ferrets, - that is not natural, nothing about it is natural or bat soup related - making it neither Germ or Terrain Theory - that is biowarfare Gain of Function work. Genetic difference and Metabolic Syndrome make some people more susceptible, and genetics makes some less susceptible - by design seemingly making it genocidal biowarfare. All effective treatments are being prevented and deadly ones mandated as the treatment to provide, even to children. As a former Public Health professional trained in Epidemic response at the community level: They are not helping us, they are harming us. Normal is no longer going to work against diabolical collaborators who are in high placed positions throughout society.

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Agree, “normal is no longer going to work” to defend America against these evildoers. Must fix serious weaknesses in America’s resistance against these criminals, which so far has thankfully been of the Gandi/King type -- an absolute necessity, because otherwise this resistance would be crushed by force, making it highly counterproductive. Related thoughts follow.

NOT also imposing “fear” directly on the individual criminals overreaching their authority is a major weakness in America’s resistance to tyranny, just like it is to abandon a “potent weapon” (massive, nationwide timely peaceful outcries from the public via protests, boycotts, etc) because a key enabler of this weapon is missing (nationwide coordination across all resistance groups).

“We the people” must therefore push American resistance leaders to:

__(A) Work together to establish nationwide coordination mechanisms that can respond in a heartbeat (eg, email lists, calling trees, etc)

__(B) Also sue lower-level public servants that broke the law; for example, those that:

____(1) Enabled federal law to be broken by their bosses when imposing Public Health Measures consisting of HUMAN RESEARCH -- experimental lockdowns, experimental gene therapies, experimental suspension of Hippocratic Oath, experimental insertion of bureaucrats between doctors and patients, etc.

____(2) Violated federal law (eg, Administrative Procedure Act, National Research Act, Belmont Report, etc) by NOT empaneling unconflicted Institutional Review Boards, to approve/disapprove HUMAN RESEARCH, as required.

The communists/marxists use such weapons against us very successfully, and the American resistance movement is being hindered significantly by NOT correcting these major weaknesses.

FYSA = Covid Disaster timed to delay collapse of World Financial System = (50:35-58:20 covid-financial connection) Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era? (2021.03.10) = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3WUv5SV5Hg (1:03:06)

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Covid-19 symptoms are unquestionably beyond what normal flu symptoms exhibit. The “flu only” mantra has no real traction, except through conflation-derived testing and allocation

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It can look like flu or be a whole lot worse. In general, the younger you are, the less severe. In kids it is usually a cold or asymptomatic.

My case was like flu (but I took early treatment). The longer it goes on, the worse it can be. And yes, genetics and obesity and diabetes play a big role in severity. And LUCK.

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I often find that "genetics" is used instead of "we don't know"... it doesn't work in idetnical twins though.. with positive PCR test...

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CDC training video for MDs states clearly the only way not to misdiagnose influenza symptoms as covid19 is to use the PCR test.

In other words, if there were no PCR test for covid19, we would have another bad influenza season, like in 2018, when 80. 000 Americans died of complications from the flu...

BTW: Influenzas "vanished" worldwide in April 2020.

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COVID 19 has never been isolated and the PCR used to “identify” it was never meant for that. It also throws 95% false positives. The so called “Covid” has become a product of the pathogens and Spike protein as well as the maiming of the inmune system of victims of these poisonous injections.

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While it seemed at first that false positives would be very high, in practice I did not see that. Those who seemed to have COVID generally tested positive and those who did not seem to generally tested negative. Perhaps the labs did not follow the cycle threshold guidance issued by CDC.

Viruses have only ever been isolated in cells, since they can only reproduce in cells. That is the only way to get enough of these things, generally less than a micron in size each, to measure them or see their effects. The COVID virus family has been isolated in this manner hundreds of thousands or perhaps now millions of times in virtually every country in the world. Viruses cause measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox and shingles, many forms of hepatitis, flu, RSV, CMV, Epstein Barr, colds. Etc.

For those who say there are no viruses, please explain how these diseases cause illness (what is their pathogenesis if it is not viral?) and how are they are transmitted?

Hint: If you say "exosomes" then I will demand you tell me the difference between an exosome that can cause these diseases and be transmitted between people, and a virus.

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CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S., highest death toll in 40 years

By Associated PressSept. 26, 2018


How many Americans died of flu during covid19 panic-demic? Less than 1000? Right..

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I’ve been trying to point that out to anyone who would listen. Kary Mullis who invented the PCR test was vocal about this point. Once you discredit the testing the thesis of the pandemic blows up. Nobody seems to care. It’s sick really.

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I received a FOI request answer from the Department of Health and Social Care Reference FOI-1240596 and it stated that a positive PCR test means nothing medically.

I asked this question:

- supply the justification that a "positive" test means the person is suffering from the virus as is a danger to the public and must be isolated.

The actual quote: "SARS-CoV-2 RNA means the RNA is present in that sample at that point in time. It does not mean that the patient has the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).”

To corroborate this there is this info and Government documents:


Some quotes:

Cycle threshold (Ct) is a semi-quantitative value that can broadly categorise the concentration of viral genetic material in a patient sample following testing by RT PCR as low, medium or high – that is, it tells us approximately how much viral genetic material is in the sample.

A single Ct value in the absence of clinical context cannot be relied upon for decision making about a person’s infectivity.

The clinical significance of positive results with high Ct are difficult to interpret in the absence of clinical history and context.

And the absolute best and damning quote:

RT-PCR detects presence of viral genetic material in a sample but is not able to distinguish whether infectious virus is present.

Or from a RT-PCR test kit manufacturer that the Government uses and who I picked at random and contacted asking for information about what a test result means, in the various technical documents they sent me it stated at various points:

The final diagnosis should not be based solely on the results of this product. The final diagnosis should be based on a combination of different test methods and clinical results at the discretion of the physician"

The detection of viral RNA of SARS-CoV-2 is dependent upon proper specimen collection, handling, transportation, storage, and preparation, including extraction. Failure to observe proper procedures in any one of these steps can lead to incorrect results.

Results from the device should be correlated with the clinical history, epidemiological data and other data available to the clinician evaluating the patient.

This device is a qualitative test and does not provide information on the viral load present in the specimen

This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.

Cross-reactivity with respiratory tract organisms other than those listed in the Analytical Specificity Study may lead to erroneous results.

So they tests should not be used to “diagnose” anything and are certainly not a test that can then be used to state the person is a “case” medically and therefore can be used to justify restrictions and lockdowns.

I asked them where the requirement for the 45 amplification cycles came from. Their answer was:

“This is a PHE requirement rather than what is laid out by the manufacturer."

The DHSC also kindly supplied this link in the same FOI answer to a document by Health Technology Wales which in answer to this question:

- the official policy/guidance from DHSC to the various bodies who are following the above policy. I can confirm that the Department holds information relevant to your request. As the information held by the Department is in the public domain, we will under Section 21 of the FOI Act (information accessible to the applicant by other means) refer you to the published source, a summary of evidence on the accuracy of the test,


It does include a few notable gems such as :

We identified 39 individual studies and one pooled analysis reporting outcomes including diagnostic accuracy, detection rates and the time taken to obtain test results. (they added this update) We carried out quality assessment of the studies and judged the majority to be at risk of bias in one or more aspect of their design or conduct, which means their results may not be reliable. (My comment) So not too accurate then these studies?

Some studies did not include methods of confirmatory/differential diagnosis to validate the test results obtained (e.g. the proportion of likely false positive and negative results). (they added this update) A pooled analysis estimated the sensitivity of an initial RT-PCR test result to be 89%, using results of repeated RT-PCR as the reference standard. (My comment) So does this mean that there is an estimated 11% false result?

There are important gaps in the available evidence on the effectiveness of tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2. (they added this update) Studies of virus testing in asymptomatic patients, or in specific populations such as healthcare workers are limited in number and there is no evidence on the validated diagnostic performance of the tests beyond their use in the hospital setting. (My comment) So pretty useless then?

A true assessment of the accuracy of RT-PCR test results is very challenging, and using these RT-PCR for validation mean the same issues apply to the results of antibody tests studied in this way. (My comment) so the test has lots of problems with accuracy and the antibody test cannot be used for doublechecking the results due to these inaccuracies?

So basically as admitted by the DHSC thePCR tests are “unreliable” to say the least, have no reference standard to double check the accuracy against and that have results that means nothing medically.

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Yes, but the unique symptoms began well before the vaccine rollout. So, what was the source of these early infections?

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A flu.

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By the term “unique”, I meant symptoms and pathology that not typically associated with flu. IE blood clots, vascular degradation, multi organ failure etc

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What's the proof covid is the flu???

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According to two high powered docs in LA County, COVID has become (mostly) a cold.


Full news conference:


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I have seen it first hand at many Canadian hospitals. All formerly influenza patients became covid19 positive as if overnight around March/April 2020. Out of 30k tests 7 were positive for influenzas and none after April 2020.

The flu "vanished" because of masking ... you fill in the blanks... Sweden was no different with no restrictions..

A miracle happened?

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The UK Government: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid Scroll down to Covid ... COMMON SENSE. The stats have a 99% recovery rate. With that recovery rate, puts it in the FLU category!

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Dr Nass,

You have an uncanny ability to sleuth out questions that are not apparent to most, yet these questions, when grappled with, have the potential for bringing real clarification and rectification. You are a real gift of sanity and discernment.

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I am shocked at these questions



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I see what you did there. Lol

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OMG - that article was scream-worthy.

They're baffled! What could be causing it.

It's a good sign (keep repeating). Why?

Formerly, they were saying the Injections were 'Safe and Effective' (the Mantra of 2021 and early 2022).

Now - they are ignoring the obvious. Because if they even raised the question, it would be so clear and obvious - no bafflement, no mystery - the game would be over instantly.

Step by step...





Now the game is ours to lose, and that would be hard to do.

They will hold the lid on, if they can, until the fall, when OAS strikes with a vengeance, and possibly a WIV 'assist'. Then the next level of this war will unfold.

Be ready.

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Here in Spain the journos are terrorizing the people with a fake heat wave. All the "deaths by Pfizer" are labeled "deaths by Global Warming".

We don't have more heat than other years. Just 105 ºF of max temp in the worst places. Not good, but we are used to it. It is a far cry from the 115 of the heat wave of 2005.

We do have more deaths than other years. And more deaths under 50. And in nice places with a max temp of 90-95. It is not the heat, at all.

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Spain was a badass country. Vatican II Robber Council did to Spain what Muslims and commies couldn't

Spain will be glorious country again. We just need a true Pope.

I'm Irish and mourn syorm that messed up Spanish armada

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"Should we be investigating the roots of the ICD-10 coding system to identify some of the Great Reset perpetrators?"

YES and EVERYTHING needs to be investigated.

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Dr Meryl,

There is some good news coming from Italy! May be you have heard of it already, but here's the link: https://brightlightnews.com/daily-round-up-july-20-2022/

Historic Italian Court Decision On Mandatory Vaccination

The judge said if pharma won't disclose 100% of the contents, then informed consent is impossible, which makes the mandate illegal... Could we use this arguement here in our courts?

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Great work, and good luck with your legal issues. Your post topic added to something I was working on, and I included an excerpt. I hope that is okay. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/another-oversite-21-psych-med-use

It is about a complex research need that could also help as VAIDS rates worsen. Starting with surveys like the LongCovid patients did on their own might be a way to start. Refining survey questions takes people answering or trying to. It helps to have a small n=# Pilot phase before going larger.

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'The reality is going to be quite complex' - oh, yes, let's bury ourselves in a quagmire of contrived complexity. That way the SIMPLE TRUTH can be REPRESSED forever. Toxic injections, political lock-downs and orchestrated oppressive totalitarian tyranny ... is not conducive to life. EVER.

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The corruption that’s been exposed is so profound that little surprises me anymore. Thank you for continuing to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together.

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wow - 70,000 different diagnosis codes! that definitely sounds like a systematic obfuscation plan. maybe map them all to a smaller, more generalized set of 'death codes' so that database analysis can be done more easily - assuming one can actually get at all the consolidated death records in digital form somehow. All the wacky stuff like this: "burns sustained on water skis, bitten by pig, sucked into jet engine" could be mapped to a single group, call the "Darwin Award" code :)

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Yes, people are doing this, reviewing the codes. By not including all the myocarditis codes, CDC's expert Nicola Klein managed to reduce myocarditis cases considerably. It isnt that hard, really, to lump the codes in a way that is more meaningful.

But this goes to show, if I am right, the detail of the planning for a deliberate pandemic (or two) and the duration of the planning.

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Agreed - lots of deliberately malignant planning has gone into this, clearly many years of it. Just looking at the various patents paper trail Dr. Martin and others have unearthed is enough to ring that bell. I suspect we'll probably never know exactly how deep this rabbit hole goes, but I'm all for exterminating the entire colony of BigPharma/Gov Regulator "rabid rabbits" and filling the entire warren with gasoline and lighting a match, like some people do yellow jacket nests. And then follow up with a number of truckloads of concrete :)

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Excess deaths at home is very spooky and concerning. We read more and more about famous people dying in their sleep but, that’s probably the tip of the iceberg.

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"1,540 excess deaths in the week"

roughly equivalent to 9,000 deaths in a week in the US

Bear in mind that there were approximately 137,500 excess US working age deaths in 2021, the majority of which were most probably heart disease, cancer, and stroke, which I suspect were secondary to covid vaccinations.

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The devil is in the details. A resurrection of old fashioned journalism is what we need. We will never hear the truth if we wait for our government to look into it. All I know is one day when I'm good and dead I hope I they just leave me alone and leave me dead.

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I think we all know exactly what is causing most of the excess deaths.

A tiny foreign body called a "Spike protein" whether from a disease called Covid 19 or more likely from a criminally created. rush job. cobbled up. faux vaccine.

Those that acquired the spike from infection and fought it off without the faux vax seem to have eliminated it with the natural immune system that God gave them.

The ones who fell for BIG governments siren song whispered by a senile old fool who thinks he's in charge..............well........all we can do is pray for them.

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