Awesome we are on the right side of history.God bless you my sister.Keep the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Jesus went to the market to buy some vegetables, someone near him asked can you buy for me too? Jesus answered where you in a capability to earn some money for yourself? He answered yes but love should be shared without money not? Jesus answered that’s your business not, what’s love got to do with it?

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Perhaps we need to assume that ALL agencies of the government and ALL representatives and All officials are captured, totalitarian narcs. Distrust and verify. Document everything. Develop criteria locally to get clear about everybody. Follow the money. Demand that they take a stand.

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One of the other commenters provided another way to obtain the document with even better resolution. When I said, go to the box, I meant the box for the substack “the racket”

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One thing I completely forgot about last night is that if you open this link in your browser,


and put your cursor anywhere on the image and then right click, you can copy the image and then go to any folder on any of your storage drives and right click on that folder and then paste that image into the folder. This particular image file will appear as a file with the file name of a19feb55-8004-49fd-9491-7c642286e90c_12500x8333.jpg. You can right click on that filename and rename it, if you wish. This is the best way to save an image that you might want to access again, because you now have an exact copy of the original and the one on the Web can't disappear on you. (-: Sorry I forgot about this last night. It was 4:12 AM and way past my bedtime. <g> But, I was so happy that you (Meryl) found this information. - Thank you.

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

With regard to The Censorship Industrial Complex image, you can simply paste the following URL into your browser's address bar and use the Ctrl + keys to enlarge and the Ctrl - keys to reduce the image; or just click on the link here and the image will automatically appear in your browser and you can again use the Ctrl and + and - keys to enlarge and reduce the size. And use the scroll bars on the right side and bottom of the screen to scroll to the part of the enlarged image you want to view. - When you greatly change the magnification of the image, you may have to wait a few seconds for the image sharpness to be focused. The sharpness will be as good as the original image and much better than a screen shot.


I've saved this link to a Notepad txt file that I've titled "The Censorship Industrial Complex", and stored it in my News Media->Censorship folder so I can quickly located it, when necessary.

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ThAnks for this!!

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My life was basically ruined 14 years ago with a number of vaccines I needed to take for graduate school. I became very fond of your knowledge 1) because I knew for a Fin fact what happened to me and 2) you were one of a very very few acknowledged/ supported the truth back then. God bless you and never let these MFers change that. We r here behind you now!! And we will be here for you. I’ll be behind you - always supporting you!

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

This leviathan of ring-wraiths was ultimately formed by the ruling class printing Fed fiat money 24/7, forging this orc army using govt slush funds then super-charging with private-corporate philanthro-pathic, tax-free cash. Their crown jewel of control is coming next—one CBDC to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.

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This is why it's essential that we remove "personhood" from corporations, both profit and non-profit. Any entity CHARTERED by government is PART OF government, and the 1st Amendment should apply. Without the 1st Amendment, we always have to show the government was specifically involved with ordering or encouraging the censorship. If we understand that corporations and NGOs are PART OF government, the 1st Amendment always applies.

1) Corporations are not persons and do not have the rights of biological people. 2) spending money is not speech and campaign contributions may be regulated.

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Please write more in depth on this topic.

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Move to Amend is a movement to over-rule Citizens United via a Constitutional Amendment (https://www.movetoamend.org/). In furtherance, Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) has introduced HJR54 (https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-joint-resolution/54/text). It currently has 44 cosponsors, unfortunately all Democrats. I don't understand why Republicans don't cosponsor, as most of the corporate money currently goes to Democrats, and the corporate fascists have thoroughly taken over the Executive branch. It is what it is. It's possible HJR54 is an attempt to embarrass Republicans and identify them as the party of "big money." If so, it's working and Republicans need to call the bluff by cosponsoring. If Republicans have specific objections, they should offer amendments to the language.

For a long time, the Move to Amend organization was sponsoring resolutions at the state level calling for a Constitutional Convention of the states if Congress does not propose such an amendment. I don't know whether they're still doing that. They may have been scared off by the argument that such a convention would not be limited in what it could propose.

In the past, there have been competing proposals. I don't know if they still exist. This amendment or something very similar would enable Congress to rein in Big Pharma, the MIC and government grants that further globalist interests. We haven't been able to pass such reforms because corporations understand that such corruption gives them immense power and lobby against it.

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The People That Don’t Like To Share

-Their Jet Fuel

-Their Gated Communities

-Their Private Clubs

& Their Tech Networks

Are Aligned With The People That Naively Demand

That Everything Be Shared With Them.

Spoiler Alert: That Ain’t Gonna Happen.

Not In A Million Years.


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Twitter’s new CEO is Linda Yaccarino, a WEF muckity-muck. I wonder if this means Tucker is not going on twit? Perhaps this is why Musk said nothing had been inked, yet? Still refuse to join twitter. Musk is their guy, folks.

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Linda Yaccarino is a mixed bag, reportedly a pro-Trump conservative, competent CEO... But what will her job be? Musk completely decides that. She has good relations with advertisers. That may be the important factor. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/top-nbcuniversal-ad-exec-and-world-economic-forum-taskforce-chair-become-twitter-ceo

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Trump is not a conservative. Trump is a ‘transactionalist’…which made him pretty good at foreign policy and business. If you are connected to the WEF, you have very different views than Constitutionalism in mind.

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Just saying"mixed bag"; wait and see. Lots of different possibilities.

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Time will tell, yes. Musk is an interesting individual, but I have learned that people cannot rise above their own worldview. Our worldview can change, but that usually requires a type of awakening that he is not familiar with, yet.

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Wow. That is a great perspective. Thanks soo much for sharing and all the work you do. I’m in awe of your skills, ability and willingness to help us out of this very tight spot. 🫶

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“The list of NGOs includes Wikipedia (so don’t you dare donate—this is further evidence of Wikipedia’s narrative control).”

My suspicion of Wikipedia is what really sent me down the rabbit hole a while back. It was actually quite personal and nearly traumatic at the time.

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Wikipedia is under CIA control.

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You sound like you know something. What you say fits.

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Not surprising. Wikipedia has been warping life down to its lowest level for a long time.

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Wow, this needs to be a book!!

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I've spent the vast majority of my 68 years on the planet endeavoring to separate the wheat from the chaff, having entered first grade reading at a third grade level with a junior high vocabulary. because my 8-year old sister and mother stated reading to me as soon as I was born and continued until I could read to them. The public fool system's failure to enhance literacy can have no other purpose but to enslave the students' minds.

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That is so true! I suspect promoting ideology over literacy, and the substitution of whole language reading pedagogy, which does not work, over phonics, was purposeful to make kids illiterate. Reading and being read to individualize, teach point of view and perspective, allow us to make images in our brains which we have stopped doing, imagining replaced by sluicing of images into the brain. Reading teaches vocabulary, which enlarges the world, and syntax, and sentence structure, and confers interiority. Slaves in the U.S. could be lashed or tortured for reading, it was totally forbidden. Now kids don't have books in their homes, only screens, and the lockdowns made this so much worse. The Humanities have fallen, and it is through the Humanities that we become individuals who can be citizens in liberal democracies. They want us to not exist except as part of a hive, like China, subjugated like the Saudis, silenced, unable to write or think or speak effectively. I do think it is all on purpose, like the elimination of recess from US schools. The Koch brothers website clearly states that they want to get rid of public education. So people can't cognitively defend themselves from this censorship industrial complex, everyone plugged into the hive mind of social media and tv instead of thinking for themselves.

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One has to wonder how wealthy the Koch brother would be is they'd had to rely on a illiterate workforce.

In truth, I learned reading by whole language teaching beginning before I had any understanding of phonics. My mother and sister would follow what they read to me with their forefingers as they did. I was in the public fool system before I encountered phonics, which I did, but it was too late to take well.

I never heard about Fredrick Douglass until I was a libertarian volunteer, voraciously reading everything I had access to in the Colorado Libertarian Party's rather limited library.

We'd be much better off if parents stopped relying on the public fool system for educating their children, where education has always been its second imperative after indoctrination.

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Indoctrination seems to be relatively new, no? Not sure when that effort to change culture via the school actually started. Perhaps the teachers who were educated in the late 60's became culturally changed by the events. But we are not all on-board, we SubStack readers don't seem to be so woke.

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Indoctrination has been around for as long an any human being wanted to make another human being do what s/he wanted him/her to do.

Maybe you have a totally disparate definition of indoctrination from the rest of humankind:-)

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"get rid of public education" - In the times before public education, those who sought knowledge found it. They sought and found mentors along with libraries. Obviously, the general population was less inclined so had a harder time achieving much. But we humans strive to thrive - most of us keep trying.

Some years ago in Japan, public education was limited to the 8th grade. Those wishing to attend HS were required to pay and most families found ways to pay for their male children, female children were though to not need further formal education. And passing Uni entrance exams was critical for many; failing might end in suicide because the student had embarrassed their family. I might think Japan rich enough now that the practive has ended. but don't know. Not that girls didn't go on to educate themselves - they did. They learned to read Kanji beyond the 2000 basic characters. HS gains ~ 40-50k Kanji and Uni 200k+.

Sometimes what a person gets for free, they take for granted. Much free stuff is worth what you paid for it. Notice the youngest kids WANT to go to school before their peers tell them school is not fun. Learning should always be fun; seeking knowledge in innate (IMHO).

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May 13, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

You can tell a lot about a person by the people they choose as friends, group affiliations and philosophies they adhere to and sometimes their business partners. Both words and actions tell you the truth about who they are. People should have believed this about Obama, but chose instead to not question these easily knowable facts. It is somewhat understandable to have been blinded a bit by his warm smile, his stated desire to bring people together and the desire for breaking that barrier of a black man being in the highest office. We should not make this mistake ever again… including with Musk. He is intellectually curious, but his government contracts, WEF associations, ideologies (transhumanism) and staffing choices show that he does not share the worldview that founded this once great nation. He does like, however, to play the game.

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Amen! Musk is a hard person to figure out but I think you did it! And as far as Obama, look at his friends.

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Ew. That's a lot of yucky employees.

I bet we each know one or two of them, or perhaps rubbed elbows with them. Blech.

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Truth is only one among many candidates of potential value such as EQUITY, by which it may be overshadowed and eventually obliterated. “The Post George Floyd Revolution; Roger Devlin reviews Heather MacDonald’s When Race Trumps Merit” https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2023/05/13/the-post-george-floyd-revolution-roger-devlin-reviews-heather-macdonalds-when-race-trumps-merit/

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