In NZ the current anti-food move is to have introduced (under new Fast-track Legislation rules) a Bill that allows genetic engineering of food, both animal and vegetable -- AND says it doesn't have to be labelled as genetically engineered. Which will completely destroy our "clean green NZ" brand and leave even Kiwis unsure which if any of our own products are safely edible. Well, I suppose if farming is completely destroyed elsewhere in the world, people over there will be glad to eat even GE food from NZ. But OMG -- every which way you turn these WEF lunatics really do seem to want to reduce the population of the planet from 9 billion to half a billion, which Schwab has said is the desirable figure.
These people are both evil and crazy. Or perhaps they're really aliens, who want to take over this nice little blue and green planet because theirs is dying, or something. Keep a few of us as serfs and kill off the rest -- but slowly, so that they don't damage the biosphere by simply blowing it up with nukes. The only other alternative seems to be that they're just old-fashioned Marxists, who do seem to have a history of starving the populations they want to control. Oh dear, what a lovely Christmas message. Sorry!
We too have lost that don’t allow food made from GMO‘s to be labeled as such
But our organic label is supposed to preclude GMO’s
You might investigate whether there is other labeling in New Zealand that would help you avoid them and if New Zealanders realize this, they may choose to purchase only the non-GMO, which would make the GMO’s go away hopefully
I THINK the projected law says you can't label food as to whether it is OR ISN"T genetically engineered. That would mean you couldn't label food as NON-GMO by any usage of words. Not sure -- maybe they haven't gone into that. Thanks for the tip.
"They" (our secretive owners) need to cull a whole lot of us and rigidly control the rest of us, as natural resources like oil decline, or they will lose power.
That power is what they value above all else.
All solutions will be coercive and will kill-some-folks, and will gain control of all of the necessities of life, so they'll be recognizable that way.
"Their" "ownership" is a racket, enforced by violence, but the enforcers might decide they are on the wrong side. This happens in history.
When enforcers and middle to upper managers change sides, there is regime change.
My definitions of "crazy" are psychiatric definitions of formal-thought disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar-psychotic episodes.
Sociopaths are usually quite sane, and their persistence in our gene-pools at a low level, across thousands of years and on all continents, implies some value to the gene-pool from their presence.
Most people, about 70%, just want to believe what the people around them believe and are comfortable that way.
Some of us, maybe 5-7%, just make their own assessments and act on them, no matter what the group believes. I happen to be of that sort. I am polite, but no longer try to convince unwilling people of things through facts and reason.
What might be the value to a human gene-pool, a competitive-value against other human gene-pools, which would assure a few percent of sociopaths, people without empathy or compassion, but who may be very good at reading and manipulating those emotions in others?
I pondered this question in my first year of med school, and came to a reasoned hypothesis that their advantage to a gene pool was to kill a bunch of people when food supplies got low.
This might be a sneak-attack upon another village with better crops, but no sociopathic "leader".
This is an Apex-Predator Ecosystem Management paradigm, wherein our species has a subset to predate upon our species when we "overgraze" or the equivalent, and that subset ENJOYS that role, and excels at it, hence the lines of kings and "nobles".
Hoe might we transcend that? The clear and only answer I have found in these 40+ years of asking is Following Divine Guidance, which also gets to your closing question, which The Divine would answer with, "they have free choice".
"how do you suggest we get the enforcers & middle managers to change sides this time?"
I'm not trying to be obtuse, but this is something that I consider daily from various vantages, because it keeps coming up.
You can make your choice to seek, accept and follow Divine Guidance, which is a direct inspiration from The Divine, not a written text, though they can be useful, of course.
The Divine, in my experience, is compassionate, wise, insightful, and comes at some time when you are in the habit of remaining open, but not particularly when "called", though that prayer and meditation is good practice for developing the habit of openness to Divine Guidance.
That's all I've got, but I'm staying-tuned for further insights, should they visit me.
Like yourself he is a true warrior, and the only person that stands up publicly for the natives of the uk 🇬🇧, I’m sure if the corruption was taken out of our election system he’d lead the country to a brighter place.🙏
Thank you Meryl. Andrew Brigden is a giant amongst men. For any Brits here I must recommend “The Great Post Office Scandal” by Nick Wallis. Andrew was one of the few MPs who tried to help the sub-postmasters. The book documents a multimillion pound IT disaster, its coverup and the persecution and destruction of the lives of innocent people. (Sounds so familiar) I’m only half way through the book and it’s very hard to put down.
I can't say what I really want to say about what needs to be done in order to rectify the current global situation... but I will say this... When the masses decide to stop their bitching, moaning, groaning and complaining and finally drag the globalist culprits out of their cushy offices and into the streets, tar and feather them and shove live chicken up their asses the nonsense will come to an end... and not until then. Now having said that, just imagine what I really want to say.
So important to inform Americans of what is happening in the world at large as it is part of the same agenda being foisted on us here. Americans need to begin to understand what I call The Big Picture which places every one of the issues we face under the same umbrella. Every one of these issues follows the same rule book and has the same agenda: control of the public mind via fear mongering and control of the mass media, control of the public by controlling food (Nazi play book and stated by Monsanto), drugging people into mass dysfunction with legal drugs imposed on people including 'vaccine drugs' that negatively impact young children's immune system, and not to forget xenophobia that supports the genocidal destruction mainly of people of color and fear mongering of immigrants created by US imperialist policies in other countries that own coveted resources. The list goes on but I think this comment paints the picture. We all need to open our minds to these connections as well as the tactics of divisiveness used to keep people at war with each other.
Every last one of us, is affected by the globalists' plans. It is a rather chilling thought that every one of their evil plans to destroy us, brings us together. And as they think they are politically and financially immune from falling, our collective "rise" is their deadliest fear. Thank you
Please report what Andrew had to say about why he lost his election battle. I wonder if that snap UK election was not largely about getting him (and George )out of Parliament. His was one of the most significant voices fighting for medical freedom and fighting back against the vaccine tyranny. If, to quote James, the " powers that should not be" can so easily get rid of a long standing, respected, politician, with a large majority then democracy is diminished.
It was about the vote counting. Counters moved into a new building. various unusual procedures. No, the snap election was to slide out the last guy, who had already bought a house in California, and was ready to leave and hated, and slide in Starmer, who would do the same only worse. UNiparty.
Thanks Meryl. 30 to 3 is highly suspicious. His being out of the UK Parliament is a huge loss to the medical freedom cause. They could not shut him up and had to record all that he said. They had treat him respectfully and listen. I believe that the whole election was largely about Andrew. A brave man indeed.
This video was of the third Farmers' protest in London. Bridgen was sacked from being an MP for stating the Covid Scamdemic and the DEADLY jabs were deadlier than the Holocaust.
UK Farmers have been singled out for a new TAX which will end the hereditary tradition of handing farms down to the farmer's family upon death. This Tax will render farmland unaffordable and therefore of little value. Hey Presto! No farmers, no farms = No farmed Food.
Enter - Bill Gates, who is now the biggest owner of Farm Land in the USA. Gates is not interested in farming and the farmland is no longer used for FARMING!
Where will your food come from when Gates's Plan permeates through to the supermarkets?
Gates IS interested in marketing artificial meat. Join the dots.
The WEF (World Economic Forum = New World Order) wants us to stop eating meat by 2030. They are prescribing Bugs as our new diet! "They will eat bugs, own nothing but will be happy".
Unjabbed Mick (UK). Mine's a steak with vegetables! I'm not mRNA jabbed and therefore not yet dehumanised.
They are being much more sneaky about this in America. It is happening here as well, but it's being done under cover of darkness. It would take pages and pages to describe how farms are being shut down in America, but it is happening. Because of the way it's being done here, farmers here are not up in arms... yet.
There is one word for all of this… it is EVIL. It is wickedness that seeks to control everything and everyone. A world government or a corporate cabal (which only cares about profit for an elite group) are both an absolute nightmare because if you have one person or a small group of people…that are not even elected, you are at their mercy. I hate this crap.
I saw the up close video of him, sneakily throwing something on the podium before he goes down. That’s proof right there that it was fake. He did the exact same thing with Vince McMahon at the WWE. Took off a small piece of rubber to pretend there is blood so the blood will start squirting out and that’s what he threw out on the podium.
One guy they used to call a Nazi because of his right wing ideas got punched in the face and he didn’t come out of his house for two months Now all of a sudden people get shot and they have their mind to throw something on the podium before they go down? They have their mind to say fight fight, fight, or look for their shoes.
I’m telling you go to rumble anybody who doesn’t believe me about the throwing something on the podium You can’t do that if you’ve gotten shot
The globalists who make decisions like this will regret it, when they can't find the foods they want either. Many, most likely, like to eat in restaurants, but will find many of the foods they want are not available or restaurants they patronize will be forced to close. Whatever, we give out, will return.. I hope they get what they deserve for what they are doing to others.
Surely you can't believe that they would spend 50 years planning and forget their own survival in elegance...they will have farms, food and chefs in their underground bunkers or isolated enclaves. They will have their own restaurants and the best of everything, because they will own everything and the rest of us will own nothing.. It is everyone else who will go without, and the people will be told to get digital IDs jabs or starve to death.
Only moles would survive underground. Humans need sunlight. Sunlight produces the living vital food humans need. Depending on underground bunkers would not lead to a healthy outcome.. The bunkers would be their tombs.
I didn't say anything about staying underground forever. Wouldn't it depend on the circumstances, like geographical location, how long a period they would have to stay without sunlight, the effectiveness of Vitamin D supplements? In 2018 members of a Thai soccer team were trapped in an underground cave and it took 18 days to rescue them. All survived. A Spanish athlete survived 500 days underground. In Chili 33 miners survived being trapped underground for 69 days. Humans can be very resilient and there are various means of getting vitamin D besides sunlight, like certain foods such as egg yolks, mushrooms and fortified foods. . There are also means of channeling sunlight underground. You might want to look up Coober Pedy in Australia, which is one of a number of underground cities in the world today. After a nuclear explosion, and depending on proximity and , people would have to be in shelter for about 24 hours to 2 weeks. Much of this information was generated by Other AI programs may give somewhat different results.
I believe Bill Gates is the largest landowner in the USA. Perhaps his estates are set aside to provide wholesome food for our masters. Poaching will once again become a capital offence.
Bill Gates is up there in the list of top five evil people. He’s been spending a lot of time lobbying Congresspeople about the Epstein documents and who knows what else lately. I’m sure he was sent by others as well and has dirt on some to use as leverage.
Why the hell can a retired military General from the Chinese Peoples Army buy 100 acres of ranch and farm land next to an American military base? Utah, Texas, California? My God and other states as well. I heard also (from an American farmer) that China has bought almost all of the swine production in America which includes farms and processing plants! Why are we selling or allowing sales of this nature? Don’t forget how BG is farming insects to make meatless burgers. It is insane! Also, I heard from farmers (long ago) that the American system for labeling “ORGANIC FOOD” has been corrupted and the big food industry has wheedled in to get their not-so-organic foods labeled.
This theft of people's choices, rights and lives, seems to be going on around the world. Too much money (Billionaires) only want MORE money, and power! Definitely NOT a need! NOT a necessity in their position. The majority, the masses, desperately need their hard earned money, to survive! And support families. HOW do we all get on the right track? I realize, I am screaming into a blizzard. But enough of this greed and cruelty!
Agenda 2030 Must fail.
Andrew Bridgen, however, IS Your Bro.
Do not comply.
Thank you Meryl for bringing this to my attention…
He is a real freedom fighter as you are!
God bless you and him!🙏
In NZ the current anti-food move is to have introduced (under new Fast-track Legislation rules) a Bill that allows genetic engineering of food, both animal and vegetable -- AND says it doesn't have to be labelled as genetically engineered. Which will completely destroy our "clean green NZ" brand and leave even Kiwis unsure which if any of our own products are safely edible. Well, I suppose if farming is completely destroyed elsewhere in the world, people over there will be glad to eat even GE food from NZ. But OMG -- every which way you turn these WEF lunatics really do seem to want to reduce the population of the planet from 9 billion to half a billion, which Schwab has said is the desirable figure.
These people are both evil and crazy. Or perhaps they're really aliens, who want to take over this nice little blue and green planet because theirs is dying, or something. Keep a few of us as serfs and kill off the rest -- but slowly, so that they don't damage the biosphere by simply blowing it up with nukes. The only other alternative seems to be that they're just old-fashioned Marxists, who do seem to have a history of starving the populations they want to control. Oh dear, what a lovely Christmas message. Sorry!
We too have lost that don’t allow food made from GMO‘s to be labeled as such
But our organic label is supposed to preclude GMO’s
You might investigate whether there is other labeling in New Zealand that would help you avoid them and if New Zealanders realize this, they may choose to purchase only the non-GMO, which would make the GMO’s go away hopefully
I THINK the projected law says you can't label food as to whether it is OR ISN"T genetically engineered. That would mean you couldn't label food as NON-GMO by any usage of words. Not sure -- maybe they haven't gone into that. Thanks for the tip.
PS: Here at the moment the word "organic" just means not sprayed with pesticides.
They are not crazy, as it happens.
"They" (our secretive owners) need to cull a whole lot of us and rigidly control the rest of us, as natural resources like oil decline, or they will lose power.
That power is what they value above all else.
All solutions will be coercive and will kill-some-folks, and will gain control of all of the necessities of life, so they'll be recognizable that way.
"Their" "ownership" is a racket, enforced by violence, but the enforcers might decide they are on the wrong side. This happens in history.
When enforcers and middle to upper managers change sides, there is regime change.
That spirit is alive.
Depends on your definition of "crazy", I guess. If valuing power above all else counts as sane ... hmmm.
More to the point
, how do you suggest we get the enforcers & middle managers to change sides this time?
My definitions of "crazy" are psychiatric definitions of formal-thought disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar-psychotic episodes.
Sociopaths are usually quite sane, and their persistence in our gene-pools at a low level, across thousands of years and on all continents, implies some value to the gene-pool from their presence.
Most people, about 70%, just want to believe what the people around them believe and are comfortable that way.
Some of us, maybe 5-7%, just make their own assessments and act on them, no matter what the group believes. I happen to be of that sort. I am polite, but no longer try to convince unwilling people of things through facts and reason.
What might be the value to a human gene-pool, a competitive-value against other human gene-pools, which would assure a few percent of sociopaths, people without empathy or compassion, but who may be very good at reading and manipulating those emotions in others?
I pondered this question in my first year of med school, and came to a reasoned hypothesis that their advantage to a gene pool was to kill a bunch of people when food supplies got low.
This might be a sneak-attack upon another village with better crops, but no sociopathic "leader".
This is an Apex-Predator Ecosystem Management paradigm, wherein our species has a subset to predate upon our species when we "overgraze" or the equivalent, and that subset ENJOYS that role, and excels at it, hence the lines of kings and "nobles".
Hoe might we transcend that? The clear and only answer I have found in these 40+ years of asking is Following Divine Guidance, which also gets to your closing question, which The Divine would answer with, "they have free choice".
"how do you suggest we get the enforcers & middle managers to change sides this time?"
I'm not trying to be obtuse, but this is something that I consider daily from various vantages, because it keeps coming up.
You can make your choice to seek, accept and follow Divine Guidance, which is a direct inspiration from The Divine, not a written text, though they can be useful, of course.
The Divine, in my experience, is compassionate, wise, insightful, and comes at some time when you are in the habit of remaining open, but not particularly when "called", though that prayer and meditation is good practice for developing the habit of openness to Divine Guidance.
That's all I've got, but I'm staying-tuned for further insights, should they visit me.
Like yourself he is a true warrior, and the only person that stands up publicly for the natives of the uk 🇬🇧, I’m sure if the corruption was taken out of our election system he’d lead the country to a brighter place.🙏
God bless
Thank you Meryl. Andrew Brigden is a giant amongst men. For any Brits here I must recommend “The Great Post Office Scandal” by Nick Wallis. Andrew was one of the few MPs who tried to help the sub-postmasters. The book documents a multimillion pound IT disaster, its coverup and the persecution and destruction of the lives of innocent people. (Sounds so familiar) I’m only half way through the book and it’s very hard to put down.
I can't say what I really want to say about what needs to be done in order to rectify the current global situation... but I will say this... When the masses decide to stop their bitching, moaning, groaning and complaining and finally drag the globalist culprits out of their cushy offices and into the streets, tar and feather them and shove live chicken up their asses the nonsense will come to an end... and not until then. Now having said that, just imagine what I really want to say.
So important to inform Americans of what is happening in the world at large as it is part of the same agenda being foisted on us here. Americans need to begin to understand what I call The Big Picture which places every one of the issues we face under the same umbrella. Every one of these issues follows the same rule book and has the same agenda: control of the public mind via fear mongering and control of the mass media, control of the public by controlling food (Nazi play book and stated by Monsanto), drugging people into mass dysfunction with legal drugs imposed on people including 'vaccine drugs' that negatively impact young children's immune system, and not to forget xenophobia that supports the genocidal destruction mainly of people of color and fear mongering of immigrants created by US imperialist policies in other countries that own coveted resources. The list goes on but I think this comment paints the picture. We all need to open our minds to these connections as well as the tactics of divisiveness used to keep people at war with each other.
Thanx Meryl for helping to educate.
very well put ^
Every last one of us, is affected by the globalists' plans. It is a rather chilling thought that every one of their evil plans to destroy us, brings us together. And as they think they are politically and financially immune from falling, our collective "rise" is their deadliest fear. Thank you
Please report what Andrew had to say about why he lost his election battle. I wonder if that snap UK election was not largely about getting him (and George )out of Parliament. His was one of the most significant voices fighting for medical freedom and fighting back against the vaccine tyranny. If, to quote James, the " powers that should not be" can so easily get rid of a long standing, respected, politician, with a large majority then democracy is diminished.
It was about the vote counting. Counters moved into a new building. various unusual procedures. No, the snap election was to slide out the last guy, who had already bought a house in California, and was ready to leave and hated, and slide in Starmer, who would do the same only worse. UNiparty.
Thanks Meryl. 30 to 3 is highly suspicious. His being out of the UK Parliament is a huge loss to the medical freedom cause. They could not shut him up and had to record all that he said. They had treat him respectfully and listen. I believe that the whole election was largely about Andrew. A brave man indeed.
This video was of the third Farmers' protest in London. Bridgen was sacked from being an MP for stating the Covid Scamdemic and the DEADLY jabs were deadlier than the Holocaust.
UK Farmers have been singled out for a new TAX which will end the hereditary tradition of handing farms down to the farmer's family upon death. This Tax will render farmland unaffordable and therefore of little value. Hey Presto! No farmers, no farms = No farmed Food.
Enter - Bill Gates, who is now the biggest owner of Farm Land in the USA. Gates is not interested in farming and the farmland is no longer used for FARMING!
Where will your food come from when Gates's Plan permeates through to the supermarkets?
Gates IS interested in marketing artificial meat. Join the dots.
The WEF (World Economic Forum = New World Order) wants us to stop eating meat by 2030. They are prescribing Bugs as our new diet! "They will eat bugs, own nothing but will be happy".
Unjabbed Mick (UK). Mine's a steak with vegetables! I'm not mRNA jabbed and therefore not yet dehumanised.
They are being much more sneaky about this in America. It is happening here as well, but it's being done under cover of darkness. It would take pages and pages to describe how farms are being shut down in America, but it is happening. Because of the way it's being done here, farmers here are not up in arms... yet.
There is one word for all of this… it is EVIL. It is wickedness that seeks to control everything and everyone. A world government or a corporate cabal (which only cares about profit for an elite group) are both an absolute nightmare because if you have one person or a small group of people…that are not even elected, you are at their mercy. I hate this crap.
Yes, Satan's Evil Vs. God's Good, nothing new under the sun!
It would be good to know the truth about who the foot soldiers are. I think we (the US) is one of the MOST propagandized populations.
The "Great Reset" goes on, though the MSM doesn't use those words anymore.
The "assassination attempt" on Trump was obviously faked and nobody said a word. Is anyone surprised that they then continue to steamroll over us?
I saw the up close video of him, sneakily throwing something on the podium before he goes down. That’s proof right there that it was fake. He did the exact same thing with Vince McMahon at the WWE. Took off a small piece of rubber to pretend there is blood so the blood will start squirting out and that’s what he threw out on the podium.
One guy they used to call a Nazi because of his right wing ideas got punched in the face and he didn’t come out of his house for two months Now all of a sudden people get shot and they have their mind to throw something on the podium before they go down? They have their mind to say fight fight, fight, or look for their shoes.
I’m telling you go to rumble anybody who doesn’t believe me about the throwing something on the podium You can’t do that if you’ve gotten shot
He has no scar at all from bullet wound
You believe the guardian? Why?
The globalists who make decisions like this will regret it, when they can't find the foods they want either. Many, most likely, like to eat in restaurants, but will find many of the foods they want are not available or restaurants they patronize will be forced to close. Whatever, we give out, will return.. I hope they get what they deserve for what they are doing to others.
Surely you can't believe that they would spend 50 years planning and forget their own survival in elegance...they will have farms, food and chefs in their underground bunkers or isolated enclaves. They will have their own restaurants and the best of everything, because they will own everything and the rest of us will own nothing.. It is everyone else who will go without, and the people will be told to get digital IDs jabs or starve to death.
Only moles would survive underground. Humans need sunlight. Sunlight produces the living vital food humans need. Depending on underground bunkers would not lead to a healthy outcome.. The bunkers would be their tombs.
I didn't say anything about staying underground forever. Wouldn't it depend on the circumstances, like geographical location, how long a period they would have to stay without sunlight, the effectiveness of Vitamin D supplements? In 2018 members of a Thai soccer team were trapped in an underground cave and it took 18 days to rescue them. All survived. A Spanish athlete survived 500 days underground. In Chili 33 miners survived being trapped underground for 69 days. Humans can be very resilient and there are various means of getting vitamin D besides sunlight, like certain foods such as egg yolks, mushrooms and fortified foods. . There are also means of channeling sunlight underground. You might want to look up Coober Pedy in Australia, which is one of a number of underground cities in the world today. After a nuclear explosion, and depending on proximity and , people would have to be in shelter for about 24 hours to 2 weeks. Much of this information was generated by Other AI programs may give somewhat different results.
I believe Bill Gates is the largest landowner in the USA. Perhaps his estates are set aside to provide wholesome food for our masters. Poaching will once again become a capital offence.
Bill Gates is up there in the list of top five evil people. He’s been spending a lot of time lobbying Congresspeople about the Epstein documents and who knows what else lately. I’m sure he was sent by others as well and has dirt on some to use as leverage.
Why the hell can a retired military General from the Chinese Peoples Army buy 100 acres of ranch and farm land next to an American military base? Utah, Texas, California? My God and other states as well. I heard also (from an American farmer) that China has bought almost all of the swine production in America which includes farms and processing plants! Why are we selling or allowing sales of this nature? Don’t forget how BG is farming insects to make meatless burgers. It is insane! Also, I heard from farmers (long ago) that the American system for labeling “ORGANIC FOOD” has been corrupted and the big food industry has wheedled in to get their not-so-organic foods labeled.
Because Brandon, the Nimrod puppet, is in their pockets.
This theft of people's choices, rights and lives, seems to be going on around the world. Too much money (Billionaires) only want MORE money, and power! Definitely NOT a need! NOT a necessity in their position. The majority, the masses, desperately need their hard earned money, to survive! And support families. HOW do we all get on the right track? I realize, I am screaming into a blizzard. But enough of this greed and cruelty!