Please stay safe, Meryl. Reading this valuable forensic work brings the memory of Kary Mullis sharply into focus.

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we all have to go someday. better leave with a good conscience.

whatever is written is going to happen, no way to escape it :) peace ...

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Here is the statement of financial support from a recent Rambaut paper, including Wellcome Trust, as you predicted:

The authors thank all of the researchers who have shared genome data openly via the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID). The COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium is supported by funding from the UK Medical Research Council (MRC), part of UK Research and Innovation, the UK National Institute of Health Research and Genome Research Limited, operating as the Wellcome Sanger Institute. W.T.H. is funded by the MRC (MR/R024758/1). R.R. is funded by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/R012679/1). D.L.R. and E.C.T. are funded by the MRC (MC_UU_12014/12) and acknowledge the support of the G2P-UK National Virology Consortium (MR/W005611/1) funded by UK Research and Innovation. D.LR. also acknowledges support of the Wellcome Trust (220977/Z/20/Z). A.R. acknowledges the support of the Wellcome Trust (Collaborators Award 206298/Z/17/Z — ARTIC network) and the European Research Council (grant agreement no. 725422 — ReservoirDOCS). https://www.nature.com/articles/s41579-021-00573-0

Ethics declarations Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

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Fauci's virology spook group. Love it

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Thanks for your excellent reporting. You can fool some of the people some of the time .....

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Appreciate you so much Meryl Nass. Thank you for bringing this spook's role to our attention.

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Thank goodness Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe got two injections plus both recommended boosters, because he just contracted Covid for the second time. (That's how the governor sees things, anyway.)

Cognitive dissonance, thy name is government.

Here's the link: https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/pennsylvania/gov-wolf-tests-positive-for-covid-19-for-the-2nd-time-is-isolating-at-home/article_4d56c4aa-e5fa-11ec-a254-6f5bc86cae18.html

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I think it is more willful ignorance, poor reality testing, denial or lying.

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Can you say "evil intention?"

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Not for Gov. Tom Wolfe, but yes for Rambo.

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I agree with you. The first thing that came to my mind reading this was "malicious intent cover up attempt".

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I'm guessing "clever marketing" for the preferred governmental narrative. (Either that, or the man is a complete dolt.) Ain't politics fun?:-)

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What will it take to charge and prosecute these reckless, careless subhumans who, imo, shouldn't be part of society? Do they think we will forget? Never will I forget that traitor Birx, making light of wearing face shields, suggesting that we decorate them with decals. Never. And NIH, et al continue to fund universities, such as U of R, to implement masking, isolation, testing, and killer shot mandates. Their latest? A tiered system for covid masking! In June!

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Hopefully this tiered masking approach won't take hold in other universities. Their FAQ section was interesting...who needs to wear masks... "the policy applies to everyone—students, faculty, staff, visitors, and others—including those who are fully vaccinated and boosted, and those who have received vaccine exemptions. Everyone will be required to wear a face mask indoors."

Guess those shots are "effective"...effective insanity!

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Ol scarf lady birx - what a pathetic joke - who really was NOT!

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Currently reading Scott Atlas's book. Scarf lady not so innocent.

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Thank you for staying with this. Dangerous and exhausting work… not for the faint of heart.

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Send rambaut to fight in the UKraine

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volunteer that is ... but his type send others to do that sort of work ... yeah well, God in his own due time with deal with it.

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i believe covid is a red herring keeping people distracted from the real issue EMR poisoning

good article today at Ray,s blog

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The identity of our country is that we are free independent beings unshackled by government tyranny; we live with modest constraints on our liberties only to ensure the general peace and the defense of our country. This is what we are: it's written into our Constitution. The essence of our country, that we ourselves have decided on, is: we are a free people, and freedom is ensured through a free press and the free exchange of ideas. This is our ontological being; steady, firm, and unshaken except by would-be tyrants.

This is all we need to know. No one can come along and arbitrarily erase this identity and say, no, you're just a bunch of descendants from slaveholders (we are not) or say that we should have no concern for freedom (as Fauci says,) only "stay safe." This is not who we are. Many of those who have gone before have given the ultimate measure of devotion, as Lincoln said, so that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.

We are not a cowardly, craven, censoring people. Those who believe we are need to go. This is not who we are.

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Dr Nass - would you please consider talking about antibodies being breathed out. Do people breathe out antibodies? As I am certainly not interested in getting any v persons antibodies...via breath, saliva, etc, I am curious about your take on this. Thank you for your consideration.

Preprint article "Evidence for Aerosol Transfer of SARS-CoV2-specific Humoral Immunity'


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If it was circulating in humans for years before anyone noticed it, it that a reflection of how "deadly" "Covid" actually is?

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https://youtu.be/r5BAxPlZLbQ the right to terminate a pregnancy could be owned by the state. The next phase of control the state decides if you keep your pregnancy.

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Same song

Second verse

A little bit louder

A whole lot worse

(What spooks like this sham

rambout do)

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Has dormant monkeypox been found in this country and reported by pathologists? I find it hard to believe this has been floating around without any detection.

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Then there's the argument, and pretty good one, that the virus or any virus, has been properly isolated and the shown to cause the same sickness in another. Lots of interesting theories out there.

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