RFK Jr nailed this medicine man in his book! Unfortunately there was no oversight of his role in the Covid con to stop the great harm ! The reason had to be his bosses knew the exercise!
Even though I donate to CHD's good works, I'm censored and banned from commenting on RFK Jr.'s website! I think it was because I mentioned God too much! I.e., the lack of Godliness correlates with the mess we now see, as mass vacanations correlate with mass 1 in 30 childhood disorders we now see! Without God, we're doomed to Satan's world, as we now see!
Wasn’t AID's created from/ in monkeys, when looking for a polio vaccine to cash in on? I remember seeing a POLIO RESURCH sign on some African monkey research out post, later denied and hid all that monkey business? But look how much money they made off that neo “First Do Harm” business model!
I recall reading an article that followed Fauci’s career and his involvement in the creation of aids. I’ve tried to find it again, but haven’t been able to locate it. Scrubbed?
Purchase Dr. Judy Mikovits books, on thriftbooks.com: Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science
Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases
Ending Plague: A Scholar's Obligation in an Age of Corruption So though this isn't an article, you'll learn more from her. Stay away from the shots for the rest of your life, if possible. Learn about your body's best mega dose vitamin C dose. I take 10 grams/day in a divided dose.
What a remarkable woman Dr. Micovits, to stand up and survive the persecution from the evil Dr. Fauci! God bless all whistle-blowers who shine the light of truth on Satan's evil!
Don’t get your hopes up that the states will be able to prosecute Fauci. I just read how the PREP act will override anything states want to do if the HHS declares an emergency.
I can’t remember where I read that. Maybe James Rou….? The guy who has been keeping us updated on what the WHO is trying to do.
Of course the American people didn't vote for Joe Biden, he was installed by fraud, the 8 million fake ballots that gave him a supposed 81 million votes, but Harris only got millions less, one clear reason, " True the Vote" reported that drop boxes were down 80% in 2024, so the Democrats didn't have those drop boxes to stuff with hundreds of fake ballots in the middle of the night, see 2000 Mules for video and geo cell phone tracking evidence
Bill Gates loved his first fraud and scam and murders with azt so much, he partnered with him for all the scams prior with the FDA/CDC scheduled poisons for school children and workers, then after all their practice they showed how much Gates and Fauci love so much to help humanity by planning event 201 and the covid-19 scamdemic plandemic., all players put in place, put in positions ahead of time, money paid and the plandemic was on.. Gates and all his partners and friends made billions and killed millions soon to be billions, and they are planning more if they are not jailed or worse like they all should be.. So glad Trump exited the WHO, and the scam Paris Climate scam, stopped the EV mandates.. Hopefully RFK Jr finishes the job.. Would love to see some investigations and jail time and executions..
These type people do not understand Kindness and TRUTH.. They have to be investigated, which has already been done unfortunately the millions of people they killed cannot testify against them, so the living will have to along with family members.. Please do not equate and waste your philosophical outlook on people who have committed mass murder and will continue.. EVIL to them is TRUTH, EVIL to them is justice to their crimes, because their EVIL does not stop until you are dead. They depend on you being civil and LOL playing by the rules.. They have no rules but to destroy and make money while they do it..
My uncle, an ENT doctor worked with fauci back in NY during the aids epidemic. He told my Mom, early 2020 "I didn't trust him than & I don't trust him now" Justice will be served, either in this lifetime or the next. In GOD we Trust ...
And yet Jesus teaches us to pray for our enemies, those that persecute us.
With that in mind:
Fauci/Birx/Gates/Soros/Rockefellers/Bilderbergers/Freemasons/Rothchilds /Clintons/Club of Rome/Group of 300/DeepState/Swamp/CIA/NSA/FBI/Epstein/Mossad/Maxwells need our prayer.
Jesus also teaches that God has given government the authority to determine when capital punishment is due (Genesis 9:6; Romans 13:1-7). It is unbiblical to claim that God opposes the death penalty in all instances. Christians should never rejoice when the death penalty is employed, but at the same time, Christians should not fight against the government’s right to execute the perpetrators of the most evil of crimes done by the evil wicked people you listed!
Door to Freedom founder Dr. Meryl Nass, who follows FDA and CDC vaccine advisory meetings and often blogs about them, welcomed the meeting’s cancellation and expressed skepticism about flu vaccines.
“The purpose for the U.S. flu vaccine program is shrouded in mystery,” Nass said. “The CDC creates models of influenza mortality and then tells us how many deaths occur from flu each year by citing its own models.”
Nass described the VRBPAC’s annual meetings to select strains for the following season’s flu vaccines as “a crapshoot.”
“The VRBPAC are there to give cover to U.S. government officials who do not want to pick the wrong strains,” Nass said.
Nass referred to a 2005 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine that could “not correlate increasing [flu] vaccination coverage after 1980 with declining mortality rates in any age group” and that “observational studies substantially overestimate vaccination benefit.”
A CDC report issued today found the flu shot less effective for some children this year. According to CBS News, “Effectiveness was 32% for children and adolescents, from the CDC’s U.S. Flu VE network of health care systems. That’s down from 67% in last year’s estimates.”
Biologist Christina Parks, Ph.D., said it is “time to stop pretending the flu vaccine is effective.” She added:
Especially considering jabs comes from our gov. regulated 50 billion in fraud fines and leader in *cause of death/ Big [evil Pharmas! I.e., Death and Fraud, as in "Death is the wages of sin." As mentioned in Romans 6:23! (*See Dr. Null's book, Death By Medicine) (If you like mass-death stories?)
She saved me from taking the Covid vaccine. I read her article warning people about the Covid vaccine. After reading her article, I knew there was no way I would take it.
How else could our 50 billion in fraud fines Big Pharma "medicine" kill *12.5 to *40 million in the last 50 years without using fraud? (**IF you can believe the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] *iatrogenic study? The more accurate, well-documented book, *Death By Medicine has it at 40 million or 2191 each day, I.e. making Big Pharma "medicine" the leading cause of death! I.e. Facts you can't refute, only ignore! Then ask yourself, Why didn’t I know that? Answer: Because you’re brainwashed! Try looking all that up, if you dare!
I lost so many friends during AIDS during 80's. Of course it was the AZT. Young vibrant men. They they had no voice. Thanks for all that you and those who are speaking out do. Stand up to death tyrants and their poisonous plans...✌️
He put the voice of God in the common people's hands and was killed for it by the big shot religious RCC! Somewhat similar to the big shot Jews shutting up Jesus Christ! Big shots like to play god! For what is the sound of a voice censored, as so many good Doctors found out be RX-ing Ivermection!
I always thought the LGBTQIA+ promotion community was the "voice" "speaking out."
Was I wrong? We went from scandalous, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damm." to comedian Lenny Bruce beeing jailed for using the F-word in a nightclub act, to what we have now! I wonder if that's what happened in Sodom Gamorra? I.e., when you dump God, you get Satan's evil! I.e., What we have now!
#shattertheswarm Recommend watching YouTube Video Dr. Shiva Live: The SWARM- How The FEW Control The Many. What WE Do To Break Free. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biological Engineer Massachusetts has worked with President Trump when he was elected during 2016-2020. Dr. SHIVA was the first to call out Fauci in March 2020 #FIREFAUCI. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Twitter quote March 9th, 2020- "As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent . & push MANDATED Medicine." Dr. SHIVA told Trump not to shut down the economy in March 2020, and wrote an open letter to Trump outlining a 4 part plan on how to deal with the pandemic. The letter was delivered to Trump by his ex-wife Marla Maples. Unfortunately, nothing became of it. Dr. SHIVA also did the voter analysis after 2020 election of Michigan and Maricopa Counties. He also found the backdoor portal and 4 playbooks where government and Big Tech censor free speech (for details go to winbackfreedom.com or vashiva.com). Dr. Shiva on Twitter (X) told Elon about this backdoor portal, and asked him to shut it down (so far nothing). Dr. SHIVA teaches systems science to help people think critically and identify "the not so obvious establishment" with his GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT for TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH. Dr. SHIVA is not afraid to call out the "not so obvious establishment". He has called out Kushner, Elon, RFK Jr, and Trump and has the receipts to backup what he is saying. In his words it "it ok to use the right swear word on the right scumbag, at the right time." Dr. SHIVA is pragmatic and direct. He has been right about many things. In Dr. Shiva's opinion, "the estimated 200,000 so called elites" want to control the 8 Billion of us for power, profit, and control.” Presently, Dr. SHIVA is using CYTOSOLVE to investigate the pathways of the mRNA (from the vaccines) in the cell. He not only studies biological systems, but is knowledgeable about political, financial, agriculture/ food systems as well. The C.L.E.A.N. / Certified R.A.W food certification was facilitated by Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai on November 22, 2024.
Wow! Interesting! I’ve never heard of him; it’s not a good reflection on trump or jfk, Jr. I’ve never trusted kushner, especially after learning of his interest in the Gaza port real estate.
Yes....scientist Peter Duesburg wrote INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS...and covered the whole disgusting fraud. 6OO,OOO victims died with AZT.... maybe more. Celia Farber write about this in an article NOT HIS FIRST RODEO...I think it was her anyway...sorry if I am wrong. This has been on people's radar for awhile...though of course, glossed over mostly. I am so grateful to RFK jr for going after him in his great book titled FAUCI.
Fauci has killed more people than Hitler and gotten away with it. Walked out of D.C. with a $4OO,OOO annuity from the NIH...or was it the CDC...Anyway, he had a great retirement parachute. HIs wife...Christine Grady the director of ethics for another gubermint agency also got a sh*t load of money....Farmya owns us and we let 'em do it. Face it.
At the end of 1989, two years after we had started the highly controversial AIDS column in SPIN, we published an article by Celia Farber called "Sins of Omission" about the truly bad and ...
Our Groundbreaking AIDS Column: An Interview with SPIN Founder Bob ...
But to get back to Celia Farber, she was an intern at SPIN. She was a…
http://stylemagazine.com/news/2021/dec/09/chds-robert-f-kennedy-jr-reveals-faucis-aids-bungl/One of the AIDS treatments promoted by Dr. Fauci and his agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), was azidothymidine (AZT), a powerful and toxic chemotherapy drug used widely for AIDS patients despite the availability of less toxic options. AZT, according to SPIN magazine, is a drug that “was worse than the disease, and killed faster than the natural progression of AIDS left untreated. AZT had been an abandoned cancer drug, discarded because of its fatal toxicity, resurrected in the cynical belief that AIDS patients were going to die anyway, so trying it out was sort of like playing with the house’s money.”
Kennedy draws comparisons with Dr. Fauci’s remdesivir recommendation for COVID treatment even though less expensive, safer and, according to a growing number of physicians, more effective options such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are readily available.
Kennedy also exposes Dr. Fauci’s experiments using various toxic AIDS drugs on Black and Hispanic foster children in New York and six other states. Children (many of whom were living at Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City) who refused to take the “medicine” were forced to have tubes inserted into their stomachs to receive the drugs. At least 80 of the children died during and following these experiments, many of them buried in a mass grave in Gate of Heaven Cemetery approximately 25 miles north of New York City.
According to journalist Celia Farber, as quoted in The Real Anthony Fauci, “I found the mass grave at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, New York. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a very large pit with Astro Turf thrown over it, which you could actually lift up. Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins, haphazardly stacked. There may have been 100 of them. I learned there was more than one child’s body in each. Around the pit was a semi-circle of several large tombstones on which upward of one thousand children’s names had been engraved. I wrote down every name. I’m still wondering who the rest of those kids were. As far as I know, nobody has ever asked Dr. Fauci that haunting question.”
One of the AIDS treatments promoted by Dr. Fauci and his agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), was azidothymidine (AZT), a powerful and toxic chemotherapy drug used widely for AIDS patients despite the availability of less toxic options. AZT, according to SPIN magazine, is a drug that “was worse than the disease, and killed faster than the natural progression of AIDS left untreated. AZT had been an abandoned cancer drug, discarded because of its fatal toxicity, resurrected in the cynical belief that AIDS patients were going to die anyway, so trying it out was sort of like playing with the house’s money.”
Kennedy draws comparisons with Dr. Fauci’s remdesivir recommendation for COVID treatment even though less expensive, safer and, according to a growing number of physicians, more effective options such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are readily available.
Kennedy also exposes Dr. Fauci’s experiments using various toxic AIDS drugs on Black and Hispanic foster children in New York and six other states. Children (many of whom were living at Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City) who refused to take the “medicine” were forced to have tubes inserted into their stomachs to receive the drugs. At least 80 of the children died during and following these experiments, many of them buried in a mass grave in Gate of Heaven Cemetery approximately 25 miles north of New York City.
According to journalist Celia Farber, as quoted in The Real Anthony Fauci, “I found the mass grave at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, New York. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a very large pit with Astro Turf thrown over it, which you could actually lift up. Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins, haphazardly stacked. There may have been 100 of them. I learned there was more than one child’s body in each. Around the pit was a semi-circle of several large tombstones on which upward of one thousand children’s names had been engraved. I wrote down every name. I’m still wondering who the rest of those kids were. As far as I know, nobody has ever asked Dr. Fauci that haunting question.”
CHD’s Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Reveals Fauci’s AIDS Bungling in the Runaway Bestseller ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’
Style Magazine Newswire | 12/9/2021, 1:34 p.m.
Washington, DC - In his new bestselling book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Children’s Health Defense board chair and lead counsel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. provides readers with previously little-known information on Dr. Fauci’s handling of pa
True concerning AZT and the entire AIDS exercise being the prototype for the Covid operation. “The Real Anthony Fauci” makes that pretty clear but if want additional detail on Fauci’s mendacity during AIDS I recommend reading Peter Duesberg’s excellent “Inventing The AIDS Virus”.
In 1998 in college biology classes we were talking about how corrupt Dr. Fauci was and the crimes around the aids virus they created.
He should have been prosecuted in 1986 and never be allowed to practice medicine again.
More like practicing experimental witchcraft.
RFK Jr nailed this medicine man in his book! Unfortunately there was no oversight of his role in the Covid con to stop the great harm ! The reason had to be his bosses knew the exercise!
Even though I donate to CHD's good works, I'm censored and banned from commenting on RFK Jr.'s website! I think it was because I mentioned God too much! I.e., the lack of Godliness correlates with the mess we now see, as mass vacanations correlate with mass 1 in 30 childhood disorders we now see! Without God, we're doomed to Satan's world, as we now see!
I pray RFK Jr. has the ability to stop humanity from going down the road to hell. I see a new dawn emerging in DC.
Wasn’t AID's created from/ in monkeys, when looking for a polio vaccine to cash in on? I remember seeing a POLIO RESURCH sign on some African monkey research out post, later denied and hid all that monkey business? But look how much money they made off that neo “First Do Harm” business model!
I recall reading an article that followed Fauci’s career and his involvement in the creation of aids. I’ve tried to find it again, but haven’t been able to locate it. Scrubbed?
Purchase Dr. Judy Mikovits books, on thriftbooks.com: Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science
Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases
Ending Plague: A Scholar's Obligation in an Age of Corruption So though this isn't an article, you'll learn more from her. Stay away from the shots for the rest of your life, if possible. Learn about your body's best mega dose vitamin C dose. I take 10 grams/day in a divided dose.
What a remarkable woman Dr. Micovits, to stand up and survive the persecution from the evil Dr. Fauci! God bless all whistle-blowers who shine the light of truth on Satan's evil!
How was it possible that Fauci retained his position after the AZT debacle? At least today we have 19 State AG's looking to prosecute
Don’t get your hopes up that the states will be able to prosecute Fauci. I just read how the PREP act will override anything states want to do if the HHS declares an emergency.
I can’t remember where I read that. Maybe James Rou….? The guy who has been keeping us updated on what the WHO is trying to do.
Maybe Meryl can help with the name?
James Roguski
Downstream of a decadent society
I would change that to bureaucracy
Professor DiBella, a political science professor / banker out of Rochester, NY back in the 80s / 90s would say:
- watch out for Joe Biden
- you get the politicians you deserve
The politicians get their approval (tacit or explicit) from society;
they REFLECT the society.
Hopefully society waking up to woke and putting that to sleep.
Of course the American people didn't vote for Joe Biden, he was installed by fraud, the 8 million fake ballots that gave him a supposed 81 million votes, but Harris only got millions less, one clear reason, " True the Vote" reported that drop boxes were down 80% in 2024, so the Democrats didn't have those drop boxes to stuff with hundreds of fake ballots in the middle of the night, see 2000 Mules for video and geo cell phone tracking evidence
Bill Gates loved his first fraud and scam and murders with azt so much, he partnered with him for all the scams prior with the FDA/CDC scheduled poisons for school children and workers, then after all their practice they showed how much Gates and Fauci love so much to help humanity by planning event 201 and the covid-19 scamdemic plandemic., all players put in place, put in positions ahead of time, money paid and the plandemic was on.. Gates and all his partners and friends made billions and killed millions soon to be billions, and they are planning more if they are not jailed or worse like they all should be.. So glad Trump exited the WHO, and the scam Paris Climate scam, stopped the EV mandates.. Hopefully RFK Jr finishes the job.. Would love to see some investigations and jail time and executions..
We cannot drive out evil with more evil but there needs to be accountability.
At a minimum, those thugs AND THEIR HANDLERS need to be brought to justice and imprisoned.
These type people do not understand Kindness and TRUTH.. They have to be investigated, which has already been done unfortunately the millions of people they killed cannot testify against them, so the living will have to along with family members.. Please do not equate and waste your philosophical outlook on people who have committed mass murder and will continue.. EVIL to them is TRUTH, EVIL to them is justice to their crimes, because their EVIL does not stop until you are dead. They depend on you being civil and LOL playing by the rules.. They have no rules but to destroy and make money while they do it..
Who was advocating "evil"? Remember, People who are kind to evil are evil to the kind!
My uncle, an ENT doctor worked with fauci back in NY during the aids epidemic. He told my Mom, early 2020 "I didn't trust him than & I don't trust him now" Justice will be served, either in this lifetime or the next. In GOD we Trust ...
And yet Jesus teaches us to pray for our enemies, those that persecute us.
With that in mind:
Fauci/Birx/Gates/Soros/Rockefellers/Bilderbergers/Freemasons/Rothchilds /Clintons/Club of Rome/Group of 300/DeepState/Swamp/CIA/NSA/FBI/Epstein/Mossad/Maxwells need our prayer.
Hell is so bad we don't even wish it upon them.
Jesus also teaches that God has given government the authority to determine when capital punishment is due (Genesis 9:6; Romans 13:1-7). It is unbiblical to claim that God opposes the death penalty in all instances. Christians should never rejoice when the death penalty is employed, but at the same time, Christians should not fight against the government’s right to execute the perpetrators of the most evil of crimes done by the evil wicked people you listed!
FDA Calls Off Meeting to Select Flu Strains for Next Season’s Flu Vaccine
Door to Freedom founder Dr. Meryl Nass, who follows FDA and CDC vaccine advisory meetings and often blogs about them, welcomed the meeting’s cancellation and expressed skepticism about flu vaccines.
“The purpose for the U.S. flu vaccine program is shrouded in mystery,” Nass said. “The CDC creates models of influenza mortality and then tells us how many deaths occur from flu each year by citing its own models.”
Nass described the VRBPAC’s annual meetings to select strains for the following season’s flu vaccines as “a crapshoot.”
“The VRBPAC are there to give cover to U.S. government officials who do not want to pick the wrong strains,” Nass said.
Nass referred to a 2005 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine that could “not correlate increasing [flu] vaccination coverage after 1980 with declining mortality rates in any age group” and that “observational studies substantially overestimate vaccination benefit.”
A CDC report issued today found the flu shot less effective for some children this year. According to CBS News, “Effectiveness was 32% for children and adolescents, from the CDC’s U.S. Flu VE network of health care systems. That’s down from 67% in last year’s estimates.”
Biologist Christina Parks, Ph.D., said it is “time to stop pretending the flu vaccine is effective.” She added:
Anyone that puts any injection in their body for any reason needs to see a shrink.
Especially considering jabs comes from our gov. regulated 50 billion in fraud fines and leader in *cause of death/ Big [evil Pharmas! I.e., Death and Fraud, as in "Death is the wages of sin." As mentioned in Romans 6:23! (*See Dr. Null's book, Death By Medicine) (If you like mass-death stories?)
Ervin magic Johnson. Didn't die cuz he quit az
Dr. Judy Mikovits saved him.
She saved me from taking the Covid vaccine. I read her article warning people about the Covid vaccine. After reading her article, I knew there was no way I would take it.
whatever it takes
The fork in the road is simple. Either one believes health comes from a needle, or one realizes it does not.
But poor Arthur Ashe
DR. Len Horowitz outlined this fraud in excruciating detail in 1996.
Way back then it was assumed that virus as agents of infectious disease exist
and can be transmitted. Really at this late date we must do better.
Virus as agents of infectious disease MOST DEFINTIELY, do not exist.
The Medical Cartel and their bosses Big P created a fraud that lasts forever.
The entire "bird flu" is absolute non science. We have been gamed.
We must stop perpetuating the fraud.. Fauci is a criminal genocidal goon.
How else could our 50 billion in fraud fines Big Pharma "medicine" kill *12.5 to *40 million in the last 50 years without using fraud? (**IF you can believe the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] *iatrogenic study? The more accurate, well-documented book, *Death By Medicine has it at 40 million or 2191 each day, I.e. making Big Pharma "medicine" the leading cause of death! I.e. Facts you can't refute, only ignore! Then ask yourself, Why didn’t I know that? Answer: Because you’re brainwashed! Try looking all that up, if you dare!
I lost so many friends during AIDS during 80's. Of course it was the AZT. Young vibrant men. They they had no voice. Thanks for all that you and those who are speaking out do. Stand up to death tyrants and their poisonous plans...✌️
They had "a voice"--Duesberg, Rasnik, Farber, Maggiore, several more who aren't coming to mind at the moment--but they were strenuously censored.
William Tyndale was also "strenuously censored" (at the stake) for what he did!
Yes. But he had a "voice", first.
He put the voice of God in the common people's hands and was killed for it by the big shot religious RCC! Somewhat similar to the big shot Jews shutting up Jesus Christ! Big shots like to play god! For what is the sound of a voice censored, as so many good Doctors found out be RX-ing Ivermection!
I always thought the LGBTQIA+ promotion community was the "voice" "speaking out."
Was I wrong? We went from scandalous, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damm." to comedian Lenny Bruce beeing jailed for using the F-word in a nightclub act, to what we have now! I wonder if that's what happened in Sodom Gamorra? I.e., when you dump God, you get Satan's evil! I.e., What we have now!
#shattertheswarm Recommend watching YouTube Video Dr. Shiva Live: The SWARM- How The FEW Control The Many. What WE Do To Break Free. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biological Engineer Massachusetts has worked with President Trump when he was elected during 2016-2020. Dr. SHIVA was the first to call out Fauci in March 2020 #FIREFAUCI. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Twitter quote March 9th, 2020- "As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent . & push MANDATED Medicine." Dr. SHIVA told Trump not to shut down the economy in March 2020, and wrote an open letter to Trump outlining a 4 part plan on how to deal with the pandemic. The letter was delivered to Trump by his ex-wife Marla Maples. Unfortunately, nothing became of it. Dr. SHIVA also did the voter analysis after 2020 election of Michigan and Maricopa Counties. He also found the backdoor portal and 4 playbooks where government and Big Tech censor free speech (for details go to winbackfreedom.com or vashiva.com). Dr. Shiva on Twitter (X) told Elon about this backdoor portal, and asked him to shut it down (so far nothing). Dr. SHIVA teaches systems science to help people think critically and identify "the not so obvious establishment" with his GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT for TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH. Dr. SHIVA is not afraid to call out the "not so obvious establishment". He has called out Kushner, Elon, RFK Jr, and Trump and has the receipts to backup what he is saying. In his words it "it ok to use the right swear word on the right scumbag, at the right time." Dr. SHIVA is pragmatic and direct. He has been right about many things. In Dr. Shiva's opinion, "the estimated 200,000 so called elites" want to control the 8 Billion of us for power, profit, and control.” Presently, Dr. SHIVA is using CYTOSOLVE to investigate the pathways of the mRNA (from the vaccines) in the cell. He not only studies biological systems, but is knowledgeable about political, financial, agriculture/ food systems as well. The C.L.E.A.N. / Certified R.A.W food certification was facilitated by Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai on November 22, 2024.
Wow! Interesting! I’ve never heard of him; it’s not a good reflection on trump or jfk, Jr. I’ve never trusted kushner, especially after learning of his interest in the Gaza port real estate.
Fauci's First Fraud was AZT. He had honed the playbook before COVID appeared.
I interviewed Ken McCarthy about his book on this subject for CHD-TV
Meryl Nass Substack 2025 Feb 27 Thu
Yes....scientist Peter Duesburg wrote INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS...and covered the whole disgusting fraud. 6OO,OOO victims died with AZT.... maybe more. Celia Farber write about this in an article NOT HIS FIRST RODEO...I think it was her anyway...sorry if I am wrong. This has been on people's radar for awhile...though of course, glossed over mostly. I am so grateful to RFK jr for going after him in his great book titled FAUCI.
Fauci has killed more people than Hitler and gotten away with it. Walked out of D.C. with a $4OO,OOO annuity from the NIH...or was it the CDC...Anyway, he had a great retirement parachute. HIs wife...Christine Grady the director of ethics for another gubermint agency also got a sh*t load of money....Farmya owns us and we let 'em do it. Face it.
https://www.spin.com › 2015 › 10 › aids-and-the-azt-scandal-spin-1989-feature-sins-of-omission
AIDS and the AZT Scandal: 1989 Feature - SPIN
At the end of 1989, two years after we had started the highly controversial AIDS column in SPIN, we published an article by Celia Farber called "Sins of Omission" about the truly bad and ...
Our Groundbreaking AIDS Column: An Interview with SPIN Founder Bob ...
But to get back to Celia Farber, she was an intern at SPIN. She was a…
2nd link claims page was not found.
http://stylemagazine.com/news/2021/dec/09/chds-robert-f-kennedy-jr-reveals-faucis-aids-bungl/One of the AIDS treatments promoted by Dr. Fauci and his agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), was azidothymidine (AZT), a powerful and toxic chemotherapy drug used widely for AIDS patients despite the availability of less toxic options. AZT, according to SPIN magazine, is a drug that “was worse than the disease, and killed faster than the natural progression of AIDS left untreated. AZT had been an abandoned cancer drug, discarded because of its fatal toxicity, resurrected in the cynical belief that AIDS patients were going to die anyway, so trying it out was sort of like playing with the house’s money.”
Kennedy draws comparisons with Dr. Fauci’s remdesivir recommendation for COVID treatment even though less expensive, safer and, according to a growing number of physicians, more effective options such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are readily available.
Kennedy also exposes Dr. Fauci’s experiments using various toxic AIDS drugs on Black and Hispanic foster children in New York and six other states. Children (many of whom were living at Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City) who refused to take the “medicine” were forced to have tubes inserted into their stomachs to receive the drugs. At least 80 of the children died during and following these experiments, many of them buried in a mass grave in Gate of Heaven Cemetery approximately 25 miles north of New York City.
According to journalist Celia Farber, as quoted in The Real Anthony Fauci, “I found the mass grave at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, New York. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a very large pit with Astro Turf thrown over it, which you could actually lift up. Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins, haphazardly stacked. There may have been 100 of them. I learned there was more than one child’s body in each. Around the pit was a semi-circle of several large tombstones on which upward of one thousand children’s names had been engraved. I wrote down every name. I’m still wondering who the rest of those kids were. As far as I know, nobody has ever asked Dr. Fauci that haunting question.”
One of the AIDS treatments promoted by Dr. Fauci and his agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), was azidothymidine (AZT), a powerful and toxic chemotherapy drug used widely for AIDS patients despite the availability of less toxic options. AZT, according to SPIN magazine, is a drug that “was worse than the disease, and killed faster than the natural progression of AIDS left untreated. AZT had been an abandoned cancer drug, discarded because of its fatal toxicity, resurrected in the cynical belief that AIDS patients were going to die anyway, so trying it out was sort of like playing with the house’s money.”
Kennedy draws comparisons with Dr. Fauci’s remdesivir recommendation for COVID treatment even though less expensive, safer and, according to a growing number of physicians, more effective options such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are readily available.
Kennedy also exposes Dr. Fauci’s experiments using various toxic AIDS drugs on Black and Hispanic foster children in New York and six other states. Children (many of whom were living at Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City) who refused to take the “medicine” were forced to have tubes inserted into their stomachs to receive the drugs. At least 80 of the children died during and following these experiments, many of them buried in a mass grave in Gate of Heaven Cemetery approximately 25 miles north of New York City.
According to journalist Celia Farber, as quoted in The Real Anthony Fauci, “I found the mass grave at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, New York. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a very large pit with Astro Turf thrown over it, which you could actually lift up. Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins, haphazardly stacked. There may have been 100 of them. I learned there was more than one child’s body in each. Around the pit was a semi-circle of several large tombstones on which upward of one thousand children’s names had been engraved. I wrote down every name. I’m still wondering who the rest of those kids were. As far as I know, nobody has ever asked Dr. Fauci that haunting question.”
CHD’s Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Reveals Fauci’s AIDS Bungling in the Runaway Bestseller ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’
Style Magazine Newswire | 12/9/2021, 1:34 p.m.
Washington, DC - In his new bestselling book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Children’s Health Defense board chair and lead counsel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. provides readers with previously little-known information on Dr. Fauci’s handling of pa
correct link.....I notice that sometimes links t"controversial" material somehow are posted incorrectly....HOW STRANGE and how unsurprising...
True concerning AZT and the entire AIDS exercise being the prototype for the Covid operation. “The Real Anthony Fauci” makes that pretty clear but if want additional detail on Fauci’s mendacity during AIDS I recommend reading Peter Duesberg’s excellent “Inventing The AIDS Virus”.
Duesberg got destroyed for his vigilence.
It seems that issue got swept under the rug. Like covid it killed so many. He must be held
accountable for killing so many people.
Still he goes free for committing so many murders with his putrid drugs.
How did Fauci get away with harming people with AZT and keep on with a lucrative career in a position of authority and misplaced respect?
Off subject . Do you know why this would be a good idea to have this contractor involved in data management in some our largest well know hospital system? https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/innovation/how-tampa-general-is-using-the-same-tech-as-the-military.html