I watched you and Sasha Latypova on CHD today Dr. Nass - excellent show. It is SO obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills that the gene-therapy platform is flawed and it was doomed from the start. We are watching a eugenics program, run by the DOD. NO politiciam or so-called "leader" will step up to stop the shots. Crimes against humanity. Peace.
Social security medicare ect.. debt reduction scheme. My healthy 76 year old mom will keep getting injected despite having a sharp mnd. my explaining reasons not to and my pleas would not change her decision. I have yet to tell her that the gov wants her dead sooner than later since that would sound crazy.
And there is our dilemma: we sound crazy or we perpetuate the lie through our silence. I think that many people know in their heart of hearts that what the governments did/are doing is wrong, but to admit that would mean admitting that they wish us harm and they just can’t cope with that. Also, they know that they would be excluded from the herd which would be intolerable to them - or so they think.
You see this awfulness for what it is, plain and simple. I have relatives who are ordinarily using their heads, but have chosen to accept something that violates all of the rules of clear thinking because of it’s momentum, not it’s practicality. It’s like watching those who stick around for the cattle stampede while the forward-thinking climb a tree.
With some folks, in this case most folks, you have to be patient and pray for a wake-up call to get them back to reality.
I tell all my family and friends but they look at me like, 'she needs her medicine, she cannot possibly believe what she is telling me". Keep smiling and praying for all who fall into their web. We have Dr. Nass to keep us informed and keep passing along info in little pieces.
I thought that the segment with the highest gullibility for the covid shot was the BA/BS educated ( aka, those that think they are smart) whereas the high school educated (common sense) and Ph. D.s (should understand science) avoided the covid shots like the plague that they’ve turned out to be.
Not to mention we are used to “more” all the way around. Food, space, freedoms, etc. If one were worried about conserving as much of the natural resources as possible for themselves, they would want total control over the other inhabitants. Some of us are already used to “obeying” authority than others, so naturally they would be the chosen other inhabitants. There is also another theory worth considering. Our sun has a natural cycle and what we, as a species, can grow and sustain ourselves on directly depends on the power of the sun. If TPTB knew we are headed into a significant grand solar minimum, it would make sense to want as much control as possible as to retain as much power as possible. There seems to be a historical correlation between GSMs and revolutions and/or regime changes.
I agree with Kathleen's comment. They must take out the critically-thinking people. They have begun shipping modular mRNA manufacturing Pods to Africa. They must destroy the republic of the USA and it's constitutional government or else the whole plan fails.
Simple practical logistics. If the jab were exclusively or even primarily pushed on "the poor" on the "weakest" and as Kath Janoski stated "uneducated ... so (that) they can be controlled" (implying more easily fooled) I think that the chance of success would be smaller. I am sure that even those supposed poor BECAUSE uneducated, would, given their familiarity with the incessant longstanding abuse visited on them by the "rich and powerful" by the entire Juggernaut of "modern civilization" even the "poor" so implicitly down-graded would naturally be more jab resistant.
Indian farmers, almost all very poor by "our" standards know all about "our" products. They have good reason to be doubtful. "Modern Civilization" is not only more accepting - but has more money. The fundamentally predatory nature of the PTB visited by THEIR Capitalism comes to the fore. Our real controllers are beyond utterly cynical: Eugenics is a general integral to the one true aim of PROFIT/CONTROL. Any doubt is only possible in those who still believe that because our controllers are "civilized" like us they share our interests. Ordinary Americans did not own the means of their own nation at its beginning nor have made any gains since. And now that the elites' machine is running out of low hanging fruit - big surprise US and THEM is redrawn. The Native "Indian" had only to wait about two hundred years for the Euro Elite to start eating their own owned trash.
Thank you but this free independent person will take zero injections from companies who have no liability for the adverse consequences of there product. Nor will this free independent person ever support another politician who will not support changing the law that protects this evil practice.
I believe these bio weapons will become the yearly flu shot and that was the goal all along. Fauci had promised his big pharma pimps for years to deliver a mandated, global flu shot. Or perhaps they will shove both shots on people on a yearly basis. This is one chick that will not be taking any of their depopulation bio weapons. I knew vaccines were neither safe or effective well before COVID hit. I would not take a vaccine before COVID I surely won't ever take one now. Heck, I don't even vaccinate my dog why would ever even consider taking their kill shots. I did my homework a long time ago and I wish more parents would stop vaccinating their children. More children die, are disabled for life or end up with chronic health conditions BECAUSE of the children vaccines their parents give them. NEVER put the safety of your child in the hands of ANYONE. Not even your doctor. After seeing how doctors have become obedient slaves to the medical complex I think your doctor might be the last person to listen too.
100%. Their goal was to normalize the gene-therapy platform. How can they possibly hear testimony from Keven McKernan about the huge levels of contamination in the vials - and then approve a new shot? It's 100% garbage science. It is living a lie; and murdering innocent people.
"They" knew before releasing the spike model. so any testimony was of little concern as implementation of so many factors was done. Human Lab rats for years in the World.
This is also a real live Lab tests on humans and more to come IF they have their way. Not only vaccines but metals in the body (foreign matter) to read your emotions etc., zapped by the 6G towers, Microwaves and more in those towers. To CONTROL YOUR LIFE
It is in our dentist shots too. How do we avoid it? Never have a cavity again? Never get a shot if they drill in your mouth? Holistic dentist anyone? Will a holistic dentist still use these bioweapons?
Sadly I got some dental treatment few months back and now seeing what I'm seeing in the dental shots , it's pretty terrifying!. I took EDTA, ascorbic acid, potassium and some magnesium citrate in a pint of water for a few days as soon as I saw the videos being released, it flushed me out good and proper. Now I take MMS , NAC, zinc , coq10, milk thistle and nattokinase to name a few. Just trying to stay healthy has taken over my life and pretty sure I speak for many of us on here!. Be safe and lucky all x
But didn't Biden revoke the Emergency Declaration in May? It would appear to be against the law to allow an EUA "vaccine" when no real emergency -- OR fake 'declared emergency' -- exists.
because there's money to be made with them thar poisonous darts - anyone who still is taking these injections should visit their local ER to see if they still have brain waves or have they flatlined! christ on bike - when will this utter freaky control/profits over people/eugenics narradigm end?
Even worse, this is what Wyeth [now Pfizer] said about all vaccines, not just the EUA variety:
"President Reagan asked Wyeth why they couldn’t make safer vaccines.
And Wyeth answered that they couldn’t because vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” And that phrase, “unavoidably unsafe,” is in the preamble of the VICP statute."
What's the point?! They used to have to make up an "emergency" so they could authorize EUAs. Now, they obviously don't need the actual emergency to pass EUAs because well, they're doing it and no one is stopping them. They're unaccountable and off the rails. And they're not going to get back on.
Obviously the continuous drumbeat of this ascribed virus that can’t seem to leave due to its success in terrorizing stupid people must continue. There is no virus. There is super antigens that were created in the Ukrainian bioterrorism labs run by Hunter Biden investors. The buggy virus doesn’t exist, and for anyone to believe that this plague will continue, and you need to violate your integument with a genetiy altering Franken inoculation into your bodies are out and out morons. Do not ever take a vaccination the science is a scam. They are all money making human destroyers. It may sound bodacious, but being a physician with the capability to critically think I know I am right and the entire viral bullshit is just that.
Nothing was more empowering than finding out the truth about medicine and viruses!.. medicine for the last 100 years or so is death by medication and viruses don't exist. Bacteria , fungi and parasites do exist. That is where natural old methods of medicine come into play, the likes of turpentine, dandelion and good healthy vegetables and spices ...that is why they are spraying us like bugs. These satanic bastards need to be brought down.
Fauci, Bourla, Gates, Bezos, Slow Joe Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and other corporate and government elites never were jabbed with the poison pin and will not be taking any booster this fall.
INFURIATING they are even still allowing these EUA gene therapies disguised as "vaccines" to still be given to the public. It is NOT in the best interest of public health AT ALL. How the hell can these people live with themselves?!?! They are harming innocents. Absolutely criminal!
The reason that FDA doesn't have standards for a 'vaccine' is that it isn't possible to have standards for a fraud, which the nicest way to describe what these criminals are engaged in.
A 'vaccine' by definition is created from a 'virus' but as there is no such thing as a 'virus', it follows that there is no such thing as a 'vaccine', ergo not standards are possible.
And for a toxic kill shot, no standards are required either, other than "what is the kill rate?"
When will everyone come to their senses? There is no such thing as a vacccine. If people studied the human immune system, they would realize that injecting toxic matter into the bloodstream would be a criminal act. It would break down the natural immune system. All this confusion today has been caused, because of erroneous information...and lies on the part of those merchandizing these toxic products. Those peddling these injections knew they didn't work and need to be severely punished for their criminal activity. Those who accepted these products without questioning them, , because they would put money in their accounts- are as guilty as those who manufactured them.
Did you know that the population of India routinely uses fenbendazole and has 1/3 the rate of cancer as the US? Now it is sudden death, soon, very soon, it will be longer, painful, suffering death. The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. All the preclinical research regarding how fenbendazole eradicates cancer is consistent with its effects in practice. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved three people (make that FOUR) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com its all free.
Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, kidney, lung, melanoma, bladder it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are leukemia, renal and SCLC lung cancer.
Not selling a thing, not even subscriptions, just spreading the word.
I watched you and Sasha Latypova on CHD today Dr. Nass - excellent show. It is SO obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills that the gene-therapy platform is flawed and it was doomed from the start. We are watching a eugenics program, run by the DOD. NO politiciam or so-called "leader" will step up to stop the shots. Crimes against humanity. Peace.
I see it as gov
Social security medicare ect.. debt reduction scheme. My healthy 76 year old mom will keep getting injected despite having a sharp mnd. my explaining reasons not to and my pleas would not change her decision. I have yet to tell her that the gov wants her dead sooner than later since that would sound crazy.
And there is our dilemma: we sound crazy or we perpetuate the lie through our silence. I think that many people know in their heart of hearts that what the governments did/are doing is wrong, but to admit that would mean admitting that they wish us harm and they just can’t cope with that. Also, they know that they would be excluded from the herd which would be intolerable to them - or so they think.
You see this awfulness for what it is, plain and simple. I have relatives who are ordinarily using their heads, but have chosen to accept something that violates all of the rules of clear thinking because of it’s momentum, not it’s practicality. It’s like watching those who stick around for the cattle stampede while the forward-thinking climb a tree.
With some folks, in this case most folks, you have to be patient and pray for a wake-up call to get them back to reality.
I tell all my family and friends but they look at me like, 'she needs her medicine, she cannot possibly believe what she is telling me". Keep smiling and praying for all who fall into their web. We have Dr. Nass to keep us informed and keep passing along info in little pieces.
Because we are financially better off and better educated.
The elites want the poor and uneducated to live so they can be controlled and abused.
I thought that the segment with the highest gullibility for the covid shot was the BA/BS educated ( aka, those that think they are smart) whereas the high school educated (common sense) and Ph. D.s (should understand science) avoided the covid shots like the plague that they’ve turned out to be.
I think the highest gullibility award goes to the doctors and nurses who still act like what happened was real.
Not to mention we are used to “more” all the way around. Food, space, freedoms, etc. If one were worried about conserving as much of the natural resources as possible for themselves, they would want total control over the other inhabitants. Some of us are already used to “obeying” authority than others, so naturally they would be the chosen other inhabitants. There is also another theory worth considering. Our sun has a natural cycle and what we, as a species, can grow and sustain ourselves on directly depends on the power of the sun. If TPTB knew we are headed into a significant grand solar minimum, it would make sense to want as much control as possible as to retain as much power as possible. There seems to be a historical correlation between GSMs and revolutions and/or regime changes.
I agree with Kathleen's comment. They must take out the critically-thinking people. They have begun shipping modular mRNA manufacturing Pods to Africa. They must destroy the republic of the USA and it's constitutional government or else the whole plan fails.
I never thought I could critically think until I couldn't walk after a flu shot and was told I had COVID-19...?
They want rid of pale skinned people.
Simple practical logistics. If the jab were exclusively or even primarily pushed on "the poor" on the "weakest" and as Kath Janoski stated "uneducated ... so (that) they can be controlled" (implying more easily fooled) I think that the chance of success would be smaller. I am sure that even those supposed poor BECAUSE uneducated, would, given their familiarity with the incessant longstanding abuse visited on them by the "rich and powerful" by the entire Juggernaut of "modern civilization" even the "poor" so implicitly down-graded would naturally be more jab resistant.
Indian farmers, almost all very poor by "our" standards know all about "our" products. They have good reason to be doubtful. "Modern Civilization" is not only more accepting - but has more money. The fundamentally predatory nature of the PTB visited by THEIR Capitalism comes to the fore. Our real controllers are beyond utterly cynical: Eugenics is a general integral to the one true aim of PROFIT/CONTROL. Any doubt is only possible in those who still believe that because our controllers are "civilized" like us they share our interests. Ordinary Americans did not own the means of their own nation at its beginning nor have made any gains since. And now that the elites' machine is running out of low hanging fruit - big surprise US and THEM is redrawn. The Native "Indian" had only to wait about two hundred years for the Euro Elite to start eating their own owned trash.
Thank you but this free independent person will take zero injections from companies who have no liability for the adverse consequences of there product. Nor will this free independent person ever support another politician who will not support changing the law that protects this evil practice.
I believe these bio weapons will become the yearly flu shot and that was the goal all along. Fauci had promised his big pharma pimps for years to deliver a mandated, global flu shot. Or perhaps they will shove both shots on people on a yearly basis. This is one chick that will not be taking any of their depopulation bio weapons. I knew vaccines were neither safe or effective well before COVID hit. I would not take a vaccine before COVID I surely won't ever take one now. Heck, I don't even vaccinate my dog why would ever even consider taking their kill shots. I did my homework a long time ago and I wish more parents would stop vaccinating their children. More children die, are disabled for life or end up with chronic health conditions BECAUSE of the children vaccines their parents give them. NEVER put the safety of your child in the hands of ANYONE. Not even your doctor. After seeing how doctors have become obedient slaves to the medical complex I think your doctor might be the last person to listen too.
100%. Their goal was to normalize the gene-therapy platform. How can they possibly hear testimony from Keven McKernan about the huge levels of contamination in the vials - and then approve a new shot? It's 100% garbage science. It is living a lie; and murdering innocent people.
"They" knew before releasing the spike model. so any testimony was of little concern as implementation of so many factors was done. Human Lab rats for years in the World.
This is also a real live Lab tests on humans and more to come IF they have their way. Not only vaccines but metals in the body (foreign matter) to read your emotions etc., zapped by the 6G towers, Microwaves and more in those towers. To CONTROL YOUR LIFE
It is in our dentist shots too. How do we avoid it? Never have a cavity again? Never get a shot if they drill in your mouth? Holistic dentist anyone? Will a holistic dentist still use these bioweapons?
Sadly I got some dental treatment few months back and now seeing what I'm seeing in the dental shots , it's pretty terrifying!. I took EDTA, ascorbic acid, potassium and some magnesium citrate in a pint of water for a few days as soon as I saw the videos being released, it flushed me out good and proper. Now I take MMS , NAC, zinc , coq10, milk thistle and nattokinase to name a few. Just trying to stay healthy has taken over my life and pretty sure I speak for many of us on here!. Be safe and lucky all x
On what source/information do you base this assertion? No snark or attack. I simply haven't read this anywhere.
Have read of this re dental supplies. Wise to be wary. Look at what is in foods without the Publics knowledg.< GMO .......Glyphosphate .....
Gee, "someone" who weirdly had NO profile likes my comment again. Wonder how they are on substack with no profile.
EUA still in place after 3 years???
It "legally" allows the crimes to continue. We are currently under EUA for Covid and Marburg. Criminals in every branch of the US government.
VA still pushing covid shots giving veterans one more chance to die for their country.
I am sure the flu shots will come out on platters again for the nurses, "come get your flu shot"...no questions just take it. This is really sick.
But didn't Biden revoke the Emergency Declaration in May? It would appear to be against the law to allow an EUA "vaccine" when no real emergency -- OR fake 'declared emergency' -- exists.
There are many things "against the LAW" for years
Dr Nass and Sasha explain the whole quasi-legal/not-legal situation in their conversation on CHD
The EUA is still in place for covid and marburg. The EUA enables the criminal activity. See Bailiwicks News Substack.Peace.
Thanks, Steve. I'll take your advice.
(So what emergency did Biden make a show of lifting last month, I wonder?)
Everything the "president" does is pure theater. I have never watched him or listened to him. Peace.
because there's money to be made with them thar poisonous darts - anyone who still is taking these injections should visit their local ER to see if they still have brain waves or have they flatlined! christ on bike - when will this utter freaky control/profits over people/eugenics narradigm end?
When each and every individual person takes a stand.
Even worse, this is what Wyeth [now Pfizer] said about all vaccines, not just the EUA variety:
"President Reagan asked Wyeth why they couldn’t make safer vaccines.
And Wyeth answered that they couldn’t because vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” And that phrase, “unavoidably unsafe,” is in the preamble of the VICP statute."
Strange to have an EUA when there is exists no emergency.
Give the WHO time to declare another emergency.
What's the point?! They used to have to make up an "emergency" so they could authorize EUAs. Now, they obviously don't need the actual emergency to pass EUAs because well, they're doing it and no one is stopping them. They're unaccountable and off the rails. And they're not going to get back on.
It's much bigger than that now.
It is about the WHO having total control over every nation on earth.
Obviously the continuous drumbeat of this ascribed virus that can’t seem to leave due to its success in terrorizing stupid people must continue. There is no virus. There is super antigens that were created in the Ukrainian bioterrorism labs run by Hunter Biden investors. The buggy virus doesn’t exist, and for anyone to believe that this plague will continue, and you need to violate your integument with a genetiy altering Franken inoculation into your bodies are out and out morons. Do not ever take a vaccination the science is a scam. They are all money making human destroyers. It may sound bodacious, but being a physician with the capability to critically think I know I am right and the entire viral bullshit is just that.
34 Bioweapon Labs in selected countries in the 1980s not just Ukraine for this performance.
Nothing was more empowering than finding out the truth about medicine and viruses!.. medicine for the last 100 years or so is death by medication and viruses don't exist. Bacteria , fungi and parasites do exist. That is where natural old methods of medicine come into play, the likes of turpentine, dandelion and good healthy vegetables and spices ...that is why they are spraying us like bugs. These satanic bastards need to be brought down.
Less than 1% of the population, including physicians has the slightest idea they are being played. See you at the Moose Lodge, Fred.
And they said that Ukraine didn't do that sort of thing was there any chance hunter did this.
Fauci, Bourla, Gates, Bezos, Slow Joe Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and other corporate and government elites never were jabbed with the poison pin and will not be taking any booster this fall.
They should be tied down and injected all said they had it and there children where living in a world of lies.
I take it the vaccines will still be inducing spike proteins
Never in doubt!.
Did Bill Gates give them the recipe?
INFURIATING they are even still allowing these EUA gene therapies disguised as "vaccines" to still be given to the public. It is NOT in the best interest of public health AT ALL. How the hell can these people live with themselves?!?! They are harming innocents. Absolutely criminal!
Sociopaths and Psychopaths' have NO CONSCIENCE nor empathy and other destructive traits-
The reason that FDA doesn't have standards for a 'vaccine' is that it isn't possible to have standards for a fraud, which the nicest way to describe what these criminals are engaged in.
A 'vaccine' by definition is created from a 'virus' but as there is no such thing as a 'virus', it follows that there is no such thing as a 'vaccine', ergo not standards are possible.
And for a toxic kill shot, no standards are required either, other than "what is the kill rate?"
Everyone in Govt. plus Gates, Soros, Tedros should be lined up and injected four times.
Did you forget that the congress and their staff were exempt from the Biden mandate?
That's one reason why they should be forced to take it before pushing anymore on the world.
Let’s make sure they get the special batches, right?!
The only way justice will be served! 😁
Anyone betting as to the percentage uptake?
From viewing people in daily life there are still a load of dumb idiots about !. There make billions out if it again...
When will everyone come to their senses? There is no such thing as a vacccine. If people studied the human immune system, they would realize that injecting toxic matter into the bloodstream would be a criminal act. It would break down the natural immune system. All this confusion today has been caused, because of erroneous information...and lies on the part of those merchandizing these toxic products. Those peddling these injections knew they didn't work and need to be severely punished for their criminal activity. Those who accepted these products without questioning them, , because they would put money in their accounts- are as guilty as those who manufactured them.
still none can sue vaccine makers ... ever ... that is how it works.
Did you know that the population of India routinely uses fenbendazole and has 1/3 the rate of cancer as the US? Now it is sudden death, soon, very soon, it will be longer, painful, suffering death. The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. All the preclinical research regarding how fenbendazole eradicates cancer is consistent with its effects in practice. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved three people (make that FOUR) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com its all free.
Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, kidney, lung, melanoma, bladder it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are leukemia, renal and SCLC lung cancer.
Not selling a thing, not even subscriptions, just spreading the word.