Big pharma cannot survive without the help of the AMA, FDA, CDC, HHS and NIH all doing its demonic bidding. Their drugs just are not that good to stand on their own merit with proper trials and NO manipulation.

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Big Pharma can’t survive without creating new diseases and disorders and then making drugs or vaccines for them…

Cancer is not an infectious disease so how can you make vaccines for it???

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Human health and life have no value in comparison to corporate greed…

I often wonder how people like Burla, Bancel, Gates, Fauci or Collins sleep at night… one must be a psychopath to convince himself that the evil he is causing is for some greater imaginable reason…

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Back in Jesus's day the cost of betrayal was 30 pieces of silver. Inflation has sure put up the price to buy a person's soul.

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Back in Jesus day everything was for sale, including justice… I see no difference today just the prices of bribes have gone up…

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I will continue to avoid using any and all pharmaceuticals, both over the counter and prescription. This is the only way to stay safe from them as the regulators are all corrupt. Starve the system!

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AMEN. The public has been brainwashed for decades that everything on the shelf and everything their "doctor" or pharmacist gives them is safe. Most people blindly trust and don't bother to read any of the ingredients or the insert in any medicine they take.

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Most people can't get the insert for the drug they are prescribed. Walgreens won't give it them. Walgreens uses the excuse that the pharmaceutical manufacturer does not provide them with inserts to give to patients with their prescribed drugs. Excuse me, but aren't the patients taking the drugs the very people who need to be given the drug inserts more than anybody else? People can't read inserts that they cannot obtain upon request, when the pharmacy won't go back and ask the manufacturer for the insert because a patient wants to see it. It's happening to me in 2025.

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Boycott Walgreens. Look to local private pharmacies. There is one in the town I live in that even sells raw milk!!!

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The article said:

"Mr. Kennedy has vowed to stop this, and I welcome that. Until it happens, American medicine labors under a curse: we cannot trust our drug regulators to act in the public’s interest. Instead, they too often are acting in their own."

Please DON'T count on this to happen anytime soon in our life time. They are distracting us with their partisan game, they are ALL corrupt, under different labels, Republicans, Democrats, Communists...". Governments and officials will not do it for us. We need to establish a parallel system. Bill Gates and Larry Ellisons are hard at work, they are still freely roaming the streets of America.....shame...shame.. "The Land of the Free and the Home of the brave"

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Did you see the CNN Special on Bee Gee last night ight. He always does positive publicity on himself when people are bad mouthing him socially. He needs to be prosecuted but all billionaires think they are above any justice system.

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Pfizer took over the main manufacturer of Naloxone/Narcan.

Take a hard look at the FAERS data. Thousands of reported deaths and injuries. Curious as to any follow ups and are these also slipping by regulation when inspections are few and far between?


On another note can RFK JR work with our ambassador to pull the Chinese Wuhan data on the use of HBOT during the outbreak over the last years? Maybe we were treating this respiratory issue totally wrong by our emphasis on ineffective and unsafe vaccines particularly for those over 60 years.

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101 of any government job/contract is that "there shouldn't be any impropriety or even what might be perceived as impropriety." It's beyond impropriety, it's a blatant abuse of public trust!

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Listen to the drug ads on television and all the crazy stupid names they give these drugs and all the deadly side effects they list while the characters are boating or dancing or enjoying themselves. Pig Harma is such a pig.

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My personal favorite of those ads is: “Don’t take if you are allergic to the drug”. How dumb do they think we are?!!! Well, I guess some of us are. Not me, though.

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In your face what subeterfuge I don't know anyone happy taking drugs..cept illegal ones.

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Just like RFK Jr says "revolving door" between BigPharma, FDA, CDC, NIH, etc.

I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine and we all go merrily down the road with bulging bank accounts.

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RFK Jr has his work cutout for him..then Trump will implement in record time..We are all sick of these devil doers.

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Sounds like you believe in ...Miracles ! I do too, when God is involved. It will take a MIRICLE to Correct All The CORRUPTION that we Ignored during the last

60 + Years that brought US to this Human Catastrophe. We lived our lives uninvolved , believing all humans are loving , GOD , fearing people. Now , we can Believe that MONEY drives ALL Evil. And the LOVE OF MONEY, Will Not Get You into HEAVEN.

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Yes Patte I survive by miracles


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CORRUPTION has helped the Vax Industry flourish, since the beginning. Who invented these vaccines with toxic matter in them?. Didn't they know that POISON kills...and the matter in them was dangerous? No valid testing has ever been done! If it had been done and these toxic substances were discovered...How could they explain, why hazardous elements were in them?

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And imagine if they were accountable to the customer when someone is harmed by one of these mystery ingredients? We need lawsuits to come back. I'd love to see the discovery in one of the trials where one of these "scientists" would have to explain why some of these "special" ingredients are in the shot and what in the heck it's in there for!

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Unbelievable! My bet is that you will NEVER hear this from the mainstream news media!

I never expected this at this date!:

"The American Life Insurance Council has stated that life insurance policies may deny payments if someone dies from a COVID-19 vaccine, as these vaccines are considered experimental drugs, and policyholders should be aware of this risk."

Here's the title of a post I just received from one of Mike Adams' websites:

Wealthy French businessman died from the COVID-19 vaccine – but life insurance company DENIES PAYOUT, citing voluntary suicide by experimental jab


"The judge in the case determined that the side effects of the COVID vaccine were well-known, and the man willingly chose to get vaccinated despite the risks, essentially committing suicide"

Because of my background in the medical health sciences, I was able to do an Internet search in January of 2021 and easily learn that the Covid-19 jabs were depopulation bioweapons. But, most people don't have that background. And, I NEVER heard the U.S. government health agencies, or the Covid-19 jab manufacturers, or the mainstream media give us such a warning. To me, this is absolute bullshit! People should be in prison for this...

You might want to pass this news on to people you know who are still getting Covid jabs. The same will hold true for any other jabs that come on the market and start out as experimental EUA (Emergency Use Only) FDA jabs. This will be the case for any jabs that may eventually appear for the "bird flu" they are fraudulently trying to make into a plandemic. I hope Kennedy gets his act together and stops this shit.


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Lock them all up, corruption on steroid's, strip them of wealth, the ill gotten, anyone found responsible for and who has been negligent, whose malfeasance has contributed to the unnecessary pain, suffering, losses incurred by others, anyone impacted… those responsible deserve to be so penalised… finally, enact a moratorium on government service followed by appointment to the private sector including direct family members …ditto private sector flips to government service… the rubbish you won’t get the best involved is exactly that rubbish, akin the argument advanced justifying ridiculously high salaries in business, for every CEO earning multiple 7-8 figures there is a multitude of equally capable and qualified contemporaries who would take up the reins at a fraction of the remuneration awarded these high earners… time to end it all now.. grift, the scourge of modernity and an inhibitor of true progress … just saying.

Kia Kaha (stay strong) From New Zealand

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We need all pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide the published insert for each and every drug that is prescribed and dispensed at a pharmacy through a prescription or through the pharmacy. Nobody will every discover the accurate and complete risks of each drug unless each patient taking a specific drug is required to be given that published insert about the very drug they have been prescribed or are to be given. There is no other way to be given fully informed consent about the drug itself, and the prescribing doctors rarely have access to any insert of the drug being prescribed. The responsibility for the information inside the insert must be that of the drug manufacturer and the pharmacy in a two-step process at the time each and every drug is dispensed. This certainly is not happening now. A patient is not given this insert no matter how they ask the pharmacy for it. I think their is collusion between the drug company and the pharmacy to not provide these inserts to the patients so that patients cannot discover that their symptoms actually come from that drug because it is likely their symptoms they do not know why they have them are coming from prescription drugs.

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How can this corruption be so flagrant, is that the right word ? They're flaunting it, in our face, and saying you can't do anything about it? Or trying to draw us out? Even with my unique brain these days I would've waited at least a year or two before I put people in positions like that From the FDA because it just confirms everything we have accused them of.

Just wow, the audacity, I'm surely missing something here. I and many others have been educated and schooled by FLCCC and CHD on How big Pharma and the government have been operating together, as well as the playbook that they follow consistently. I'll shut up now.

Meryl, thank you so much for everything that you do, and you do it so well. I have no idea how you can keep up the pace as well as the good attitude having to deal with these issues all the time. I pray you get everything in life that you've ever wanted and need in life. ❤️🙏❤️

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I'm totally NOT surprised as they get most of their budget from pHARMa!

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Another example of a revolving door is Scott Gottlieb. He was commissioner of the FDA to 2019 then went to the board of Pfizer just before the Covid 19 vaccine rollout. Gottlieb also approved the first gene therapy Kymriah in 2017 as head of FDA. Revolving doors are not good.

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