When I was a little boy (only last week!) my dear late parents had me vaccinated against smallpox, polio and cholera. (Despite my being so young and so long ago ... last week! ... I recall that cholera shot really made me unwell.)

Anyway, the whole concept of a "booster" for a vaccine never existed until a year or so ago. A proper "vaccine" does not need any "booster". You have immunity and that is that. It is the whole point of vaccination. No one ever suggested I needed a "booster" for polio/smallpox/cholera. (Which, by the way, can actually be quite nasty if you get them.)

How did we go from a totally novel and bizarre innovation of "booster", to its repeat several times over?

And all this for a virus largely harmless to the vast majority of healthy people?

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I realized this many years ago with my pets. Boosters = consistent revenue stream. Nobody is looking out for us, our kids or our pets, except ourselves. Healthcare has become an "investment" . Fear is the motivator.

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Yes, boosters come from the veterinary profession. Big Pharmacy biologics must have observed that and thought "damn, beyond the juvenile series, they get their clients to bring their pets in every single year for a " booster", sounds like a plan"!! Vaccines in dogs and cats are administered in the subcutaneous space on the neck (except for Rabies) so acute adverse reactions are not so common, but I'd have to say a lot of chronic issues crop up later and lives are definitely shortened. I don't vaccinate any of my animals and the dogs and cats routinely live into the upper teens and the last cat I had died at 22.

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Yes Nevermore! As people started to treat pets like kids, the thumbscrews were turned and Big Pharma caught the trend bc people only wanted the best for their pets. 10 years ago my vet had posters in the waiting-room about vaxxing your (Indoor) cat against heartworm (regional and this was not a HW+ region). Ludicrous. Like you, I decline shots for pets and they live into late teens. After I lost a cat age 8 due to him being riddled with tumors 30 years ago, I made the connection, annual boosters. Strongly promoted in most vet practices. A dog or cat isn't going to speak out. Sad days. Bancel, CEO of Moderna was a vet. He must have noticed the human bias and subsequently exploited a weak spot in our humane nature.

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bourla the CEO of pfizer was a vet as well ... small world ...

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I know several family and neighbor pets whose personalities changed immediately after a rabies booster, and/or died. I didn't realize that the administration was different. This explains some things.

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trump like boosters and thats all matters ... maga!!

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The entire vaccine story - not just the disaster that the covid ‘vaccines’ have been - is mostly myth. They did not eliminate smallpox, polio, or the measles. All were in serious decline by the time their associated vaccines were introduced.

In short, vaccines have been mostly a grift all along. Even going back to Jenner, their effectiveness- much less their safety- has been hotly disputed.

Want to learn more? Then I suggest a couple of books: “Dissolving Illusions” by Humphries and “Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth” by Anonymous. You will never look at a needle the same way again.

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"Turtles" is definitely on my reading list. The whole covid fiasco opens up crates of cans of worms. Do "vaccines" work? It they work, at what cost? I was disturbed there is now, apparently, a vaccine for chickenpox. We all got chickenpox at school. Mothers would be relieved when their kid got chickenpox, because they knew they were over it and immune in the future. I certainly got it. Not nice, but it was done. Give me a choice: chickenpox or a chickenpox vax, and I would choose the former without hesitation. (Hey - I got like a week off school!)

Maybe we need a vaccine against vaccines. It is here already: "informed consent".

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Read Illusions and Turtles ..... is arriving today. Illusions was eye opening and just with this book I will never get any vaccine or gene therapy again. Nope. I read it right after jab came out. Further convinced me of the scam going on since smallpox.

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That was exactly my reaction to "Illusions". Great book.

As an aside, I also highly recommend reading RFK Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci" and Duesberg's "Inventing the AIDS Virus". Both of these books deal with more recent histories of corruption in modern medicine and both are eye opening. "Inventing" was particularly informative in that it clearly shows that the AIDS debacle served as the playbook for the COVID crisis. And Fauci got his start with AIDS. The book also (spoiler alert) convincingly disposes of the notion that AIDS is caused by HIV.

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I’m reading “The new abnormal, rise of the biomedical security state” and they’ve already successfully tested transmissible vaccines on animals. They manufacture a virus that is highly contagious as a response to some pathogen in the wild. They only have to inject a small number of us, because it will spread like wildfire on its own, like Covid did. The theory is that the transmissible vaccine will be sufficiently similar to the pathogen that our immune response to it will then create a defense against the actually pathogen in the wild. This is coming.

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Without any medical background whatsoever, when talk started almost immediately after the shots came out that boosters would be needed I knew the “injectable product” was a total sham. Every three or four months? They’re crazy, I thought. No one will take boosters so soon. Well, I was wrong on that but it does seem to be good news that only about 16% of the US (I’m assuming already jabbed) population is taking the bivalent.

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Ha. Most of them are the seniors around me. Some with serious new autoimmune diseases from the first 2. They’re on their own.

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How? Marketing, propaganda, manipulation, brainwashing. Sadly, it worked on most of the population.

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safety first!!


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Maybe humiliation is the point.

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It’s disgusting we’re still advocating this they tried to get my wife to take it again while she’s pregnant I’m so thankful she never got it. I was conned into it in school. frustrated with myself I didn’t drop out or try to get out of it but I still had faith in medicine at the time (I was a pre Med biomedical engineer but knew something was wrong) wish I’d found this and other substacks then) Pray with supplementation and healthier choithis choice want come back to haunt me.

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Boosters for six-month-olds. I can’t … I just cannot fathom. Anyone who wishes to voice their rage can send my satirical piece to the FDA, et al:

• “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the)

Karl Lauterbach can try to whitewash history all he’d like, but I have the receipts for his vile and discriminatory behavior:

• “Letter to the German Bundestag” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-german-bundestag)

Apologies in advance for the bombardment of links, but the two above seemed valuable in the context of your article, and the piece I just published this morning I want to share because it includes an incredibly important letter by Jews around the world condemning the weaponization of “anti-semite” to demolish dissidents. My essay shares the tragic story of Austrian biologist Clemens Arvay, who was driven to suicide after three years of relentless harassment by the media, including baseless accusations of antisemitism:

• “Requiem for a Smear Victim: Clemens Arvay” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/requiem-for-a-smear-victim-clemens)

I would be grateful to all who can help us share Clemens’s story to both clear his name and help defend other dissidents who are currently being bludgeoned with this cudgel—including Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Neil Oliver, and (astonishingly) Vera Sharav.

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If the fathers say no, this part of the plan would be over.

But the parents are not allowed to even think of saying no. They are victims of mind control.

Eugenics is a death cult, but many people will never know.

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Just saw your Mistakes Were Not Made video (narrated by Dr. Tess Lawrie). So powerful, humbling and objectively astute. Thank you.

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This is why we need to get rid of the term 'public health'. It's a misnomer. You can't possibly have the public be healthy if we lose focus on the individual. Public health is a mother's milk term that makes people feel good but actually achieves the opposite. When more than 50% of our population over the age of 12 is currently being treated for at least one chronic condition and upwards of 1 in 20 children is now suffering from vaccine and antibiotic induced brain damage (what some call Autism - another name we need to lose in favour of its real name), the health of the public has never been worse! It's time to start lobbying for individual health. Only then will the health of the general public start to improve.

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Makes sense, What is the cure for autism?

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TMRead - we don't call it 'cured', we call it recovered. and yes, it most definitely is possible but sadly, only for a few. and its a long, costly, intensive process and highly individual. its such a multifactorial condition, think pealing back the layers of an onion. first there's heavy metal toxicity. then there's mitochondrial and immune dysfunction. often there's a lot of gut dysbiosis and all this constellation of symptoms are intertwined. so even with the best naturopaths, functional & other specialists and an unlimited budget, its a tough battle. but us parents celebrate EVERY gain, every improvement. I was told that my son would never interact, speak, be toilet trained... he is all of those things. he is still lead, aluminum, mercury and cadmium toxic. we've been chipping away at all the medical issues for 15 yrs now. he's still a 'work in progress'. (but thanks for asking! truly.)

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There are many different therapies that are proving useful for this type of brain damage. The Mindd foundation (mindd.org) is at the cutting edge of some of these but homeopathy, naturopathy and other therapies are also very useful as well as dietary changes. Like all chronic conditions though, prevention is better than cure. Simply not vaccinating and not using antibiotics unless they are absolutely essential (and not eating conventionally raised meats and fish which are laden with antibiotics) is a great way to avoid these issues in the first place.

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UN - F**KIN - Believable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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One spike, two spike, three spike, four.

Give 'em lots of spike, and then give 'em even more.

Don't worry about the studies

Don't stress about the harm

Just keep injecting babies

Dumb dumb dumb

Mutating the babies

Mom mom mom

Make it stop.

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Per the Dr Jenson video: (paraphrased) perhaps the CDC and FDA are caught in a time warp which explains why they are not up to date on the vaccine data.

I love dry humor like this.

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Plus the average conventional doctor is about a decade or more behind in any canard their sources of training gaslighted them with. Little to no nutritional training. High Cholesterol causing CVD as just an example. Why millions are on statins. Total cholesterol is meaningless. There are other tests to check the status of your lipo particles for small or large particles. That tells the real story. But many docs are still blathering about this and not ordering the real testing. I judge any new doc by this one thing. I’ve fired 2 already.

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RIGHT?! omg, funny you should mention the Cholesterol Myth thing. I'm in the middle of a debate with my bestie (of 45 yrs!) about this right now. she is an uber-crunchy, plant-forward, nutrition-focusing food columnist & recipe developer. I'm trying to tell her that the 'plant forward' thing serves as marketing for mono-crop agriculture (yes, we eat too much meat in the standard Western diet, but still...) She tells me that her cardiologist says that eating less animal products is the #1 thing to do for heart health. Whaaaat? so he's like 15 yrs behind the actual science then. I could totally get on a soapbox with this one. my BIL is on a statin and it has made him incontinent! he's only 65! and dietary cholesterol has miniscule effect on the lab number. and the lab number alone is no kind of indicator of health.

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Yup. My hubby is on the statins. Since 1996. He does not move well anymore. He moves his head up and down when I try to talk to him about this but his mind is going the other direction. I gave up. As to your friend: what about the glyphosate drenched veg, even the clean stuff is getting polluted these days.the massive resources used to harvest plant foods that are but devoid of real nutrients with modern soil depletion and chemical fertilizers. Remind me how much kale and pea protein you have to stuff yourself with (yuck) to get any decent whole nutrition. Most people I know are eating very little meat because of the lies. The state of their health proves the inadequacy. I eat mostly animal protein plus full fat dairy and a nice big salads with veg. I make my own mayo with avocado oil because those poisonous seed oils are also contributing to the massive disease state of Americans. The food pyramid??hahahahahaha. Sorry this is my soapbox too. I had a runny nose Covid before jabs. I’m set. Most cardiologists are dunces about nutrition.

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the weird thing is that my friend does in fact buy all organic, never buys the processed plant-forward 'substitute' crap, except her hubby likes that nasty Beyond Meat crap. he is a super-healthy 71 yr old who quit eating conventional beef & pork in the 70's! and neither are on any Rx meds whatsoever (but he has chronic Lyme & she has a mineral metabolism/nerve disorder, for which she sees 3 separate specialists; she has had issues almost constantly since turning 50.)

BUT she is all about the 'meat causes inflammation & heart disease' BS, that's 15+ yrs out of date. its a head-scratcher. she has written a food column for 20 yrs that highlights local produce (carried by smaller publishers in MI, IN & OH) and advocates cooking with whole, fresh foods. the only meat they eat is bison & heritage poultry.

I trust allopathic doctors exactly ZERO. been to one twice in almost 20 yrs. I'm 62. I had my last child at the age of 44. no Rx meds; only ailment is arthritis in my hands.

no covid at my house, which includes 2 teens (one with autism) and my elderly parents (85 & 90 yrs old) :)

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and that time warp contains a huge bank account ;)

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No doubt!

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Somehow this Virtual Tour of St. Jude Hospital for childhood cancer and other childhood aggressive illnesses seems appropriate here.


Loads slow but worth the short wait.

Press Red Button - Take the Virtual Tour -- to begin.

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Tragically, childhood cancer is a booming industry. Pfizer's acquisition of Seagen underscores this. "Oncology continues to be the largest growth driver in global medicine..." Such a horrible time for humanity.

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when I was growing up, back in the 60's & 70's, childhood cancer was so rare that there were no doctors or clinics devoted to it. I don't remember ever hearing about a kid with cancer until well into adulthood. now there's entire hospitals and hundreds of doctors and endless appeals to 'give' to the childhood cancer 'charities'.

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They (the lying media, Big Pharma, and the government) hope parents don't read or listen to anything. That may have been the case when the debacle began, but not so much anymore. More and more people are researching and finding that these shots are bioweapons that maim and kill these innocent children. The NWO's game is up and now let the arrests commence.

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I think it would be a good idea if some doctors and lawyers could get together and ask people who have had their kids jabbed and who regret it to contact them and then if something happens to those kids then a team could come out and see that a proper autopsy is done and everything is documented and a court case is ready to go.

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What...one child in 100,000 might be hospitalized? No vaccine will ever help any child. Vaccination is a built up 70 year mystique never proven to be of any benefit or even safe.

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If he hadn't been there, the situation wouldn't have gotten this bad.

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Dr Nass, Thank you for posting the clip by Dr Jansen. He is such an honorable man, and I remember they went after him rather early. he articulated very clearly the absurdity of the letter from the monkeys at the CDC & FDA. I some how think that that letter is going to come back and bite them on the arse!

May both Dr.Jansen and yourself prevail in you “tribunals”.

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Dr Jenson should have been the governor of Minnesota. The campaign attacks on him were horrific.

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Since the US lags in charging health officials with crimes outside their legal authority, it would be helpful to humanity if other countries initiated these proceedings in their own countries.

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This is horrible!! How in Gods name do these BUFFOONS get away with this crap!!! They must be stopped!! Immediately!!

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