What we need to bring to the fore... to the public.... is the FDA is no longer the FDA... THe FDA is an arm of Big Pharma now... they are completely captured, they do what Big Pharma wants... they have been doing this for years because 70% of their budget comes from Big Pharma and you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Why do we still pretend there are a regulatory agency?

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It's not only the FDA. All of the lettered agencies are pretending to be actual regulatory agencies these days. They are all working against their original duties/tasks and methods of operations.

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If you look into the prophetic picture depicted by John in Rev. and Daniel the prophet, it will become terrifyingly evident that the "picture" (made by the former 'puzzle') is coming together and it's not pretty! I would STRONGLY suggest to focus any investigation of this upon that which the SDA church and all the reformers past, have come to know and trust as would be obviously intended by The God of our Salvation. Naturally, the opposition has constructed a "counter-campaign" full of lies and distortions to meet the occasion.. But, we are given a "Revelation" not an impossible riddle or puzzle which would obscure God's message of warning to the people of earth.

The blessed people here in this substack's forum, are pretty much fully aware of all that has been put forth in terms of disclosing the "breach" in the temporal wall of justice. We're angry about it, and continue to put forth all sorts of remedies toward the injustices thus taking place. I often wonder why it has not come to small-scale warfare.

It's been and will continue to be my tack to realign the "remedy" thought-paradigm onto something of supreme value and reliability. All who have read posts like this one, will readily recognize what that tack is. This, it seems to me, to be of worthy effort.

Until the "brown-shirts" come and kill me, (which would be a blessing) or the Savior of mankind is seen coming in the clouds of angels to redeem His faithful and resurrect the dead in Christ, I will do my duty as best I can in this devious "war" for men's souls. The Good News of the Gospel completely overshadows what evil men have conspired to commit. They will shortly become "as though they NEVER were!"



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Thanks for your comments. I also wonder about small-scale warfare but maybe people have gotten scared off because of what the Crappers did to those who even just came to see what was going on on January 6.

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That's probably the case. These selfish days, people put their personal safety and comforts before Truth and justice (for all). There is a lack of commitment among souls these days to uphold the rule of law. Although that seems to be quite evident ("self evident") it is none the less a source of due guilt. As well as historically, it prevails seemingly within the consciousness of humans individually.

Stalin was under the disillusion that Adolf was never going to attack his country, when a non-aggression treatise pact was formally signed. Consequently, he was caught with his proverbial pants at his ankles. Point(s) being: A: never trust an enemy. B: be prepared always for the unexpected. C: Never underestimate the strength of the aggressor or the depth of planning made thereby.

We soft-bellied, thin-skinned, dumbed-down, self-seeking, placated Americans have only ourselves to blame in this war against Truth and Justice. And that's what it is... a WAR! But we have beaten our swords into pruning hooks, when the reverse should have taken place. Being fully "armored" by the "sword of the Spirit" and yet militarily prepared for the probable encroachment of the enemies of God, we would have been in a position to retain the commission that God had arranged for the nation: to be a "light" to the world. But unfortunately, as a nation, her demise is very near its completion. Now, it remains the duty of the individual, since that is all which is left of her, to give the last warning of God before her "probation" closes; a time in the which she will enact a decree to trample on God's Fourth Commandment. This is the referred to "mark" that so many have been deluded with false doctrine over. It's a masterful deception to prevent any correction via repentance.


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Your writings are spot on then you veer off into the 4th commandment (given only to the Hebrews but we have “adopted” it with Sunday worship) being the mark. This is way off the mark! The mark is clearly a Jewish understood concept, although the majority don’t realize it now. One must Freely take the mark on their forehead and hand (tefillin!) to Willfully worship the Beast, that man of sin, the world leader antiChrist.

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Funny how the majority of what I write is spot on, but that which you don't believe, is termed "veered off."

And I don't mean to be mean. But it's almost funny that such doctrines are fully believed with such intensity when there is NO evidence in their support. E.G. The FIRST Sabbath Day was enjoined upon the human race at it creation, in the Garden of Eden. It is NOT a Jewish tradition, or a Law which specifies strictly for the Hebrews. That's a bald-faced construction of those who are under the delusion of Satan's pincer attack upon God's Ten Commandments. Think, write, and say what you want; it will not change anything regarding Truth. You alone will suffer the consequences of disobedience to God's Law. The Commandments have always been and will always be binding. They are the reflection of God's Character. He changes not!

Find these things out, while time allows. It takes a bit of time and honest prayer to do so, but you will KNOW the Truth about these things, which will "set you free" from the outpouring of lies by the "father" of lies. Check out Professor Walter J. Veith's plethora of info on the matters.

Best of wishes,


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You have lost me. The vaccines change your natural occurring DNA which everything has on this planet, but after 6 hours from injection, to ModRNA DNA which was made in a laboratory, so when you die and your Soul is transmitting ModRNA DNA's signal, so where do you think that Heaven will be - and guess what, you can't commit suicide, because wherever it is, you just find out sooner - get it?

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We are living in a horror show

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It is growing in that direction, for sure! And many of us have not suffered the intensity which others have for sustaining that claim. As a Fundamentalist Christian (messenger), which is what all Christians are given commission as, I would like to assure you that this is no "show" although fully an act of "horror." It seems surreal, after enjoying a number of decades of seclusion from the "brown-shirts" and the like. But goodness of any species is not tolerated in Satan's sandbox without an evil intent on his part. His every move is motivated to ensnare and entrap his victims. He KNOWS his time is very short now, and is "roaring like a lion" or at least has it in his intention to do so shortly. Prophecy is ALWAYS spot on, yet often seemingly delayed when in actuality it is God's Graceful heart which prevents His wrath from being issued in accordance with justice. The nation America, has boldly and brazenly kicked God out of the very country which was given the people as a gift; a refuge, as it were, from the tyranny they faced in Europe, allowing for pilgrim's freedom to worship God rightly instead of Rome's evilly dictated, pathetic, false, paganized system of religion.

You know the history! And so "infiltration" was the M.O. of the led opposition to undermine the protected nation that God arranged. Slowly but surely, inch by inch, not by open warfare, the steps of Satan were secured. Finally, the plan bore its wicked fruit, and today we face the pulling away of God's Hand and thereby our covering shield. Remember, "God is a jealous God" who "will not strive with mankind for ever." He has been short-changed, despised even, and now He is withdrawing His divine protection as might be expected. The nation's enemies are in position now to wield their evil plans to fully bring her down to ashes. This is not "theory" but truthful fact, and prophesied by God's servants of long ago.

USA is fulfilling the SAME course which ancient Israel pursued. Back then, it was a "national breach" but exemplifies (for our acknowledgement and repentance) a WORLD-SCALE event including ALL the world's nations, beginning with USA. Much prayer is in order for mercy.


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The Nation America which was given to people as a gift? It was stolen from the Native Indians!!!

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You might include that the Hebrew nation as well, "stole" the land which the Lord provided them (clearly stated as such in Scripture. They were commissioned by God to "utterly destroy" even the women and children of the indigenous peoples there. This is history. I did not write it, but archeology supports the Bible's Truths. The reason, for the complete destruction of the tribes that occupied the land of "milk and honey" had duplicity. First and foremost, they were a pagan worshiping bunch, all having false gods and were in direct opposition to the Living God whom they had certainly heard of but rejected. The nations which encompassed and encircled the "promised land" were the subjects of God's intention to show the "world" that He and He alone is God, and will not endure open, defiant aggression against His Government.

The second reason grows out of the fact that God's and Israel's enemies would be likely lifetime adversaries and therefore to allow any segment to survive, would invite future calamity. What about their cattle and booty, how does its seemingly unassociated destruction pertain? The reason was to drive home to the Israelites the COMPLETE destruction of such an abhorrent culture, leaving NOTHING to remind them of it. Those cultures often sacrificed their own children to the flames of their idol god to appease him. God was incensed and made that clear.

Which is also the third reason for the utter destruction of their enemies. But of course that was not often accomplished and so trouble followed and was brought upon by the favored nation to itself.

As for America, the big picture in the pages of history must be viewed with some discretion, or become lost in emotional disgust. I am convinced that such atrocities that pen should never have traced, were committed against the innocent. It troubles more than just MY soul, as evident by your reply. When I write about the big picture, it must therefore become inherent to the reader to overlook short-comings which are present in the hearts of mankind, and therefore manifested in his illicit plans and actions. I say, "In the scope of things prophesied" the intent of God was to provide a pavilion; a safe-house, where the faithful could hide from the wicked persecution of the Romish Church that "they" as God's children were to endure for over a thousand years! And whose tearful prayers were continually in solicitation of His Divine intervention for respite from the tyranny of Rome. This, the Divine Creator had an ear for. His loving design was to provide for them in their troublous time, and have them develop faithful appreciation along with works of mercy and justice to become the "light of the world" and over time, through courage and perseverance, become an example of God's greatness and mercy.

This explanation has been one of necessity for myself as well as those reading. I've always been troubled about the theme, sighting the cruelties along its steps. But in reading the SOP (Spirit of Prophecy) the matter has been fully explained. The Grand overview is set openly for our understanding, which in times future, will become fully realized to the Nth degree.

The native Indian cultures throughout the new country, and persisting today, were Pantheistic. They knew not the God of Israel, nor worshipped Him, but instead worshipped the creation. That is a definite abuse of the Truth, and the Lord does not excuse it when there is blatant rejection of the Gospel, when tradition takes precedent in the heart. The Indians were not treated with kindness, that I know of, but then again, every act of kindness was not recorded for us to view, either. The westerns on TV were propaganda outlets for the Jesuits to ply their trademark (lies and falsehoods).

So that's all I'll spend here. This is not intended to be persuasive to you singularly, because it is difficult to convince anyone that their perceptions are distorted intentionally by the framers of evil intent. Rather, it might be a dim light shining in the darkness of societal confusion, we ALL are groveling in to find our way "home."

Love to all,


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That was a long winded reply to assuage the Founding Father's mass murdering guilt.

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You refuse to get it, don’t you? It takes a loooong time to unscramble the garbage and lies people love to believe. Like Convid and masks and jabs. Well keep on trucking in your rebelliousness.

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True. Long winded indeed, but merely a snippet of the potential encyclopedic volumes of historical verbiage that would be required to adequately give substance to the demand of truth as it played out. If you would rightly be searching for truth, you might invest some time at least to read what the prophet has written. She has penned over a half million pages of historical and spiritually charged material, which is TOTALLY Christ centered, and Biblically based for the "end times" peoples of the world. She died in 1915 at age 87. Poor and overworked, but rich in blessings and an obvious love of God and His Word. Her collection of writings is referred to generically as S.O.P. Spirit of Prophecy. Her most circulated work is titled, " The Great Controversy" which she herself recalls how the "enemy" was so very active in trying to prevent its completion and distribution. It relays future events as well as the distant past, with assured accuracy. Her writings augment those of the prophets, scribes, disciples, apostles, kings and patriarchs. It's not imperative reading material, but it sure clarifies misconceptions and questions regarding (I would posit) EVERY issue of concern.

Thank you for allowing me this reply.

Yours in Christ,


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Read Jesus Christ's (Yeshua if you prefer) Revelation to the Apostle John. Chapter 2, verse 9. Chapter 3, verse 9. Most evangelicals chose to ignore these verses. These are the people you are supporting! Also Christ Jesus (not some prophetess) said: DO NOT MURDER.

Good day to you.

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Bull crap. You’re part of the intentional race baiting failed school system. There was no Indian Nation here, but multiple groups of very primitive tribes who constantly migrated and went to murderous war with other “Indians” to keep up with natural resources and food. None of these people had any written languages, let alone the sophisticated libraries of Europe, the Middle East, or Asia, and hadn’t even invented the stinking wheel! The Europeans taught them how to domesticate and ride horses. That doesn’t mean we did everything in a proper fashion. But God, that’s right, GOD, preordained this nation for His Purposes. And many of those pagan savages and their offspring were taught the truth of salvation from sin through True Christianity.

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Many innocent women and CHILDREN were massacred in cold blood too.

Trail of Tears.

Christians trying to justify the murder of innocent children. Does it get more diabolical than that? No.

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You can’t help yourself, can you? Let me help you. The Trail of Tears was a horrible ordeal for those five tribes, but it wasn’t “murder.” The definition of “murder” is an intentional goal of total extermination of a life or lives. They were in fact being displaced with the intent of them settling West, of which most did. And then you go off in blaming Christianity for this when it was in fact due to the discovery of gold. So you should blame those of Greed and not being diabolical Christians. Now I have personal family documentation of Indians kidnapping and murdering/scalping not one but two of my Female ancestors. Do you find that as diabolical? Or is it White European Christians bad. Pre-American Indians good. Btw, I don’t find the murder of women any more heinous than the murder of men. Children are totally helpless and innocent and another story.

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A little A.I., a dash of mRNA, a speck of LNP and abracadabra the Pharma Complex will have a vax for whatever ails you. No need for testing, A.I. will get it just right.

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My mom was murdered via the “Covid-19 vaccine”. How is this still happening?

On June 12, 2022, after four Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage-IV pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, B-cell lymphoma, and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. The fast-growing tumors spread to her bones, breaking them from the inside. She lived, suffering, until December 13.

I was her full-time caregiver.

In 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about the progression of her illness, the failed medical response, her unimaginable pain, her experience, my experience,and how her spirit refused to be broken.

I am currently in the process of editing and rewriting, on Substack.

My mom represents millions of people who were deceived, intimidated or forced into receiving an injection. Her story is all of our story.


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You're a strong, and dutiful daughter! Thank you for the example to emulate. Your dear mother suffered 6 months of agony before being laid to rest, which must have seemed to be an eternity for both she and yourself. And your story indeed is indicative of MANY others who are quiet due to the extreme pain and guilt of it all. We are in your support and you have our greatest condolences, for sure.


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The FDA (as well as HHS and agencies under it) needs to be obliterated, defunded, done away with. Then bring back a new agency that has ethical constraints. No funding from the entities it regulates. No revolving door between it and the entities it regulates for a period of at least five years. No kickbacks or royalty payments to agency employees. No investing by agency employees in companies regulated. Hey, I worked for state government and was prohibited from investing in those companies we regulated, or I had to recuse myself from involving any decision regarding any company invested. So, it is possible to set such a requirement. And that had to be disclosed annually on an ethics filing form. Enough of the Fox guarding the hen house. Anyone breaking these requirements lose all retirement benefits and subject to felony prosecution. Harsh, but how many people have died under the current system?

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That needs to happen every 25 —40 years; regulatory agencies routinely get captured by the industries that they supposedly regulate, so blowing the whole corrupt mess up periodically would be one way.

Alternatively no regulation and let the market and litigation regulate and weed out the bad actors; couldn’t do any worse than what we have now.

The press and politicians wouldn’t be comfortable with that approach, nothing for them to demagogue about.

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Since, as Sasha Latypova has so diligently outlined, the EUA biologic warfare countermeasures were approved as such and not on the basis of legitimate RCTs (The RCTs were political theater, handled shabbily and results fudged and doctored to suit the narrative, including dropping deaths from the outcomes and analysis that were only brought to light with FOI letters.

In order to legitimately approve them, they would have to re do the trials, or publish the original trials with all the dirty laundry. (but that wouldn't work, as the clot shots in production are a different product than what was trialed,). Then there is the issue of product purity, consistency (standard manufacturing practices and quality control--or what ever the technical term is for that). What is on the market now doesn't meet those standards, and if subjected to those standards, the whole manufacturing process would have to be revised and upgraded.

In that situation there would be (IMHO) a marked increase in truly horrific adverse reactions.

There is no way that any of these poisons could be approved legitimately. They are not fit for purpose.

Either Pfizer and Moderna are screwed or we are all screwed.

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GMP = Good Manufacturing Practices, SOP = Standard Operating Procedures, and, yes, QC = Quality Control.

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You must have worked in a lab.

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Ding, ding, ding, ding! You won today's prize! 🤗 😉😊😋 I did!

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Thanks, I couldn’t bring them to mind, understand the concepts, had only heard the terminology in Sasha’s posts. Not an engineer or QC guy.

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The FDA still promotes injections; the antithesis of strengthening the immune systems....It shows how ignorant supposedly educated "authorities" are; both in the Medical Industry and in our government. .They have to be blinded by greed. I read over 50 years ago how the Immune System worked. The "experts" claiming that injecting matter into the human bloodstream will cause a stronger reaction its true! The Immune System will fight like mad to eliminate any matter that does not belong. in the bloodstream. The immune system is composed of lumph glands in different areas of the body to protect the bloodstream. When there is any danger, the lymph glands start propagating millions of white corpuscles, which attack the matter to clean it out of the bloodstream. We have 5 layers of skin, in order to protect the bloodstream from becoming contaminated. A needle goes right through these layers and injects a man-made product designed to profit the manufacturer ....into the bloodstream.. NOTHING belongs in the human bloodstream, EXCEPT NUTRIENTS to nourish the organs in the human body. .This information was known over half a century ago.

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C,mon. "Authorities still promoting injections" are not doing this accidentally. I find it impossible to believe they don't "know". They have joined the murder brigades, they are not making mistakes, they are practicing premeditated murder.

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Yes until Rock & Roth decided they hated nutrition because they can't make money from it. So now we have to teach our doctors the nutrition education that they won't pay for. We still have to pay them.

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Why pay doctors, if you simply do it yourself and keep well? What do you need doctors for, when they give you 15 minutes and hand out a prescription for a toxic prescription? There is not one drug without one side effect (or more). A simple daily aspirin can lead to macular degeneration and intesstinal bleeding.

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I only go to an eye doctor and the dentist. I wasn't talking about myself, just people in general. I know about aspirin and haven't taken it for many years. It's the chemicals in aspirin that are the big problem and pure white willow bark is better when you need it. Though I never smoked, I have learned that tobacco wouldn't be as bad without the chemicals. Many of the big companies put things in their products to get people hooked on them. If two to four years of nutrition was added to medical school instead of one four credit course, doctors would be a lot smarter and not just prescribers.

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Tobacco smokers fail to realize inhaling takes substances into the lungs, even if chemicals were not added to the tobacco. These substances in tobacco fumes coat the lungs and prevent oxygen from getting into the bloodstream. The lack of oxygen contributes to the inability of hemoglobin to form...which the heart needs, in order to work. . As a young person I smoked, at the time, when doctors used to recommend it. They said that smoking helped people relax. It did not help people relax...it took away their energy. I gave it up after 15 years...and got my energy back.

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It's not just the FDA. From the bleachers it is looking more & more like the whole system has been corrupted & needs a MAJOR house cleaning. A Great Reset if you will. But not the sort of Great Reset the criminal globalist monsters are pushing. A Great Reset that pushes us back toward founding principles. Nothing is perfect, that is why we have checks and balances. But we've reached a level of rot where NOTHING seems to be working as it should, INCLUDING the checks and balances. It's all coin operated money driven.

IMO it's looking like "the business of law makers" increasingly is lawlessness. IE MAKING THE ILLEGAL/IMMORAL LEGAL seems to be what they are doing at every turn.

Don't want to get in trouble? Make a law to legalize the crime.

Best example is EUA. You can dam near murder with impunity under that abomination. But even predating that. "The Act" of 1986 effectively brow beat the government into giving pharma near impenetrable protection for whatever swill they wish to poison our kids with. As a result "the schedule" has taken off and the harm to kids has also "coincidentally" taken off. As long as a jab is on "the schedule" it is effectively a mandate if you want to send your kid to a public school and you are on your own if your kid is harmed

But it's not just medical. Catherine Fitts likes saying "crime that pays is crime that stays". They are VERY good at making crime pay. For example she made us aware of FASAB Statement 56 which they snuck into law while the Kavanaugh distraction fiasco was going on. Effectively IT IS LEGAL for the government to have 2 sets of books now. One you can see and one you can't and they get to decide if you can "follow the money" to see what the hell they are doing with YOUR money. How convenient. Just the law makers making law to protect the government and themselves.

Interesting how the law makers can decide you can't see something for 50-75 years. STILL waiting to see all the JFK papers. THAT crime really paid. BECAUSE IT WAS WELL PROTECTED BY LAW TYPES.

Whiney Webbs 2 volume book, "One Nation Under Blackmail" makes it more than clear that the whole incestuous cluster is a system of mutual blackmail where everyone protects accountability for their own crimes by holding others in check with metaphorical "dirty pics" of each other. "I won't tattle on you if you don't tattle on me". Or "look the other way or I will release this uncomfortable stuff". Funny how Epstein was able to avoid the law using the lawyers.

Point is, too much law making in the pursuit of lawlessness. Too many lawyers in the service of lawlessness. The whole enterprise is so corrupted it needs a MAJOR house cleaning.

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Here here!

Or is it, "hear, hear"? Either way, it's been a repetition of "this and that SHOULD take place, (in the pursuit of justice) so as to remedy the situation. How many times here are we reading how the "three letter agencies" should be held accountable for their abuse of justice and position?

I've written parables about the "foxes in the henhouse" posing as guardians, speaking lies to the farmer. I've mentioned many times how a revolution, whether on a small or large scale has evaded fruition. How the military was abused and offered zero resistance. And have read and re-read how the "zombies" of society willingly line up for their "protective shield." Protecting their neighbors, as well as their persons and family members, being paramount in doing so.

And all the while trying to encourage the readers here to investigate the prophetic picture that we alone, in these times nearing world's end, are privileged to realize. Sure, the world will never be completely gone, but will go through some cleansing and then remodeling by Christ. It is slated to be our "home" for all eternity. WE are comfortable with our planet, and would miss it terribly if relocated to somewhere else. Do we think God is unaware of this? He is not.

So, it is hopeful to relay these things in order to encourage thoughts (and actions) toward that which will be "eternal" and not simply temporal as is the times we face shortly ahead. There is certainly nothing else to hang ones hat of hopes upon!

Investigate and discover the power and assurance of prophecy! See SDA doctrine on the matter. It is nothing new; having stood the test of time and verification of many a foe.


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Well said.

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I think this conflates two separate issues.

Firstly the NORMAL approval process for all vaccines, which is woefully inadequate and never involves RCT testing against a REAL biologically-inert placebo. "Turtles all the way down".

Second the approval under EUA of the Covid gene therapies. Saha Latypova has written extensively and convincingly on this issue. In fact, the FDA has no jurisdiction over EUA under a "Health Emergency". It's an entirely separate approval track obviously designed to circumvent all controls and balances. Think again of the dreaded "national security".

IMHO, therefore, conflating the latter with the former does no good for the very real need to address the former and insist upon change. The latter simply confuses the issue and allows for obfuscation.

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That's probably right. I don't know.

But consider this: If EVERY single human (not counting the evil "elite") would refuse to comply, making a serious showing of their unwillingness to be counted as sheep, even to the point of revolt, what would the controllers do? Would they change their tack? Would they admit any wrong-doing? I think not. What, instead they WOULD do, just as in ANY war, by any working general, is to change tactics, approaching the problem from a different angle, using a different and unexpected tack, a surprise if you will, a diversion, which is the SOP of military tactics. They would NOT throw up their hands in surrender, or even throw in the towel of conflict and admit their defeat. They are possessed with the spirit of Satan, which is a well-known spirit of doom vested with the garb of illusion and false promise.

Our ONLY hope is that offered us in Scripture. In that we can depend, proven by the prophecies therein, coming to perfect fruition. An impossibility if God were not the Author.

Thanks for reading and commenting,


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It's not a problem of legality. It's the problem of experts. The FDA, the CDC and the pharmaceutical industries have no 'first class experts'. You can find them working at some academic institution...

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The FDA was originally only supposed to verify that what ingredients a company stated is in their product was actually what was in it. Oh how far they've fallen. Like I always say... The FDA has "approved" thousands of dangerous products over the years. Just because they say it's okay, doesn't mean I am going to trust it. If I came to your door with something I'd concocted and told you that I can't tell you what's in it, but it's good for you, would you consume it? The public has got to stop trusting things just because there's some kind of phony "seal of approval" on it from a 3 letter agency. I go back to the best mantra out there and one that the American People have *got* to learn immediately (it may be too late tho)... It's one word. It works every time (tho there may be consequences). It's the word NO.

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None of this shows disease prevention. Antibodies can be induced and detected for anything. Anyone who has developed an immunoassay knows that we can link anything, say aspirin or phenylephrine to a protein and inject it into any mammal and quickly find antibodies. Do it with spike and voila. It’s all unrelated to disease. And it’s easy and cheap but there’s no demonstrated efficacy against a disease. All of vax development is flawed.

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To know the FDA and CDC is to hate them for what lies they have perpetrated. There's even more treachery for mankind to observe in the very near future. Where are the prosecutions of these murderers?

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Mouse lives, it works - what else to consider - and the American's well? But joking aside, the American's tried the new Pfizer or was is Moderna's one one a herd of Texan Cows. All of the Cows died within a few days except one Cow which lasted 9 days before it died too, so then into Human arms, after all, it was proven that just Cattle died, so how could Humans?

And then the rest, as they say, was history: CDC Expected Huge Increase in VAERS Reporting of vaccines injuries and deaths.

The contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature:

According to the contract, VAERS had been receiving an annual average of 53,000 reports in recent years, so in contracting for up to 1,000 reports per day, the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher.

The initial total amount specified (with options) under the contract with Eagle Health Analytics was $5,925,388.58 or $7,077,054.90 “with all options” (which presumably includes the extension of the VAERS work through July). This amount also includes the CISA project assistance. However, it does not include the increased hours in the Oct. 29 revision, nor the increase for the V-SAFE pregnancy registry work. However, I have not been able to find the contract in any Federal contracts database. Perhaps one of my readers will have better luck.

How Much Did All of This Cost?

The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added, though it’s not clear for what since the contract had presumably expired by then. (Best guess is that General Dynamics continued some or all of its work on COVID VAERS reports with Eagle Health brought in for additional support.) Grand total? $35,425,642 of your taxpayer dollars.Military Revealed as Top Funder of Gene Drives; Gates Foundation paid $1.6 million to influence UN on gene drives 2016 December 4, 2017


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Well, that's one more animal trial than we got the first time!

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There is a horror story of a manufactured antibody (TGN1412) which got tested extensively in animals, with results coming back that it was "safe." They gave animals up to 50 mg/kg. But then they tried giving it to 6 unsuspecting humans, at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg -- and "all hell broke loose."

Within minutes of receiving the comparatively-tiny dose (1/500th the dose safe in animals), cytokine storms ("severe cytokine release syndrome") were created within their bodies, all 6 had long-term complications.

Even an animal-to-human uncertainty factor of 500 would not have prevented this disaster.


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So this was some sort of a therapeutic man made antibody? Who was the research company or university? And most know that the antibody theory of protection is questionable, since it’s the entire immune complex at work in mathematical harmony that works. And were they small rodents used and 500 times this dose wreaked havoc in human models?

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Deborah, it was artificially-created and tested in rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys. The details can all be found by searching out the PubMed Central tag for the study:


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