You can bet the 'different appeals panel' has been threatened, bribed, coerced or something similar to hold them accountable to the Biden Admin. This is a dark chapter (I hope it's only a chapter) of US politics. Judge Terry Doughty has made a thorough and prudent judgment with the evidence before him. Scary to think our Constitution and our civil rights are in the hands of these all but proven criminals.

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Everyone knows that this goes to SCOTUS where The Big Guy gets his rear pockets handed to him at which point he will announce a workaround.

Here is the ONLY solution. Never, ever vote for a democrat for ANY office ever again.

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Or a RINO.

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It's a uni-party. They are ALL useless. Peace.

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Time for a serious 3rd party.

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There is the truth.

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Let's get it to the Supreme Court asap.


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Does anyone believe Deep State is just going to roll over? There are layers of corruption which are extremely difficult to drive through. All these battles are worthy but we should stop fantasizing that we can change the system though its internal mechanisms. Only an unstoppable critical mass of awakened and pissed off people can put a stop to this. As long as our energy is channeled into support for “democrats” and “republicans” there will be no change.

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Agreed. Well said. We Americans may need emergency transfusions of French blood before we have the will to stand up for ourselves and our children.

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I think the time is right for a third party. What have we got to lose? We've already lost our Constitutional Republic. Our reps are bought and paid for by international corporations, and those that aren't are being blackmailed by the Deep State.

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In winner-takes-all electoral system the two-party system always comes on top. There is no need for third parties. Our problem arises from our inability to vote for anyone else but the operators of the two political corporations, both serving the same oligarchical structures. If we expect a change through election, we must stop voting for democrats and republicans. Anyone else but them! That is easier said than done. They always manipulate us into voting for either democrats or republicans. Oligarchy is happy with either, but they make us believe that the “other side” is is devil incarnate. Therefore, if we cast a vote for a third party, that only gives power to the "opposite" side, the least desirable option. We don’t seem to be able to escape this mental manipulation. For a long time I voted for anyone else but Demopublicans, but this is not working unless a growing number of people do the same. I came to a conclusion that participating in elections just gives the sheen of legitimacy to the criminal system. That is why I no longer vote. I don’t care about if one corporation wins or another. I just don’t wish to give legitimacy to this system. I withdraw my consent to be ruled by criminal oligarchical servants. If I detect a major shift in American electoral preferences, I might reconsider.

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So…you believe that the rad lefts & rhino’s (deep state proxies), supposed shock and horror of Trumps 2016 win against the sure fire winner Clinton, was staged?

Or do we possibly have a fighting global faction of narcissistic tribes at war?

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All our staged events are hybrids of real and synthetic. It is exceedingly hard to detect with any precision where one ends and the other begins. And yes, elections are staged events! The important thing to remember is that our political system is manipulated to serve globalist oligarchical interests, not our interests. We are at a stage where people simply do not count in any meaningful way. We are there to be manipulated into voting for either political corporation and provide the legitimacy to a system which is waging a war against us. Both political corporations work for the same exact system, with factions favoring one or the other corporation. Oligarchy wins in either case, and we always lose.

In order to fool us into voting against ourselves they create an appearance of real differences between the political corporations but in reality what unifies them is their total subservience to the criminal globalist imperial oligarchy.

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I’m beginning to see their blueprint of “handling the masses & looting the treasuries ), as the fog of their hypnotized delusion dissipates from my mind, after years of trust programming …

This is all pretty shocking how deep this cancer is here and worldwide.

And it’s generational crimes that are rinsed and repeated - The Bushes, the banking crimes (housing market), vaccination campaigns (Carter H1N1 injuries etc)

This was a VERY informative interview about the authors research on banking, CIA , Drugs - his book is about Bush family crimes.

I also learned about Bush’s grandfather nearly going to jail for treason!

And apparently Bush senior was also involved in some shady stuff when he ran CIA at one point…

Why did I not know all this before!!!

Because it’s NOT exposed or shared by captured (oligarch hidden hand) MainStream Media.

And now they are attempting a complete coop with proxy’s like UN (15 min cities, and removal of private property), WEF who regards us as useless class “animals “, and WHO, via health (vax passports & mandatory destructive culling programs) treaty to strip us of all nation state protections.

This must not be permitted.


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Not voting is the same as agreeing to mass murder, such as the Covid shots mandate. Not voting is agreeing to the economic collapse and devastation of our country. That's really outrageous.

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You are entitled to your opinion but you fail to convince me by your statements. I am all for voting but voting within a captured system delivers exactly what you are describing. I did not vote for mass murderers, I did not vote for economic collapse, I did not vote for COVID mandates, and I did not vote for the emerging totalitarianism. All of these are happening despite your votes regardless which political corporation “wins”. You are essentially voting for these and providing legitimacy for this criminal system.

Here is an author whose thinking resonates with me:


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Yep - what we have is proxy agents working for the globalists masquerading as “our representatives”.

Remember the history of “No taxation without representation “ .

It didn’t end well for King and country.

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What the feds are doing is clearly defined as a violation of the First Amendment by Judge Doughty in the original ruling. The DOJ is claiming that the federal government will suffer "irreparable harm" by not being allowed to violate the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution! There are no grounds on which to issue this stay. In fact, the defendants named in the original order should be prosecuted for Treason. The "irreparable harm" has already been (and continues to be) suffered by every American citizen victimized by the federal government's censoring, propaganda, and the illegitimate laws and mandates that the censoring and propaganda supported. When Joe Biden and his cohort of traitors is eventually brought to justice, every last bit of their accumulated wealth must be distributed among the victims of these crimes before their sentences are executed. It won't even cover a tiny fraction of the damages suffered, but it will at least leave nothing to be inherited or left to fund criminal organizations.

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I agree. Treason. Convict and execute them. No consequences, no change. Peace.

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Now THAT would be the “equity” they like to preach to everyone else.

And all the money made on the death shots should be equally distributed to those that were attacked and disparaged like lepers during the last 3 years.

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That goes for every US administration since LBJ was sworn in. No exceptions.

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And Woodrow Wilson…. (Installing the privately owned Federal Reserve run by the gobblelist families)

But those that have passed on - we cannot prosecute (God will take care of that), however those here now - should be held to account.

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You nailed it.

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Thank you, Lou.

After I read your comment - and offered that brief reply - I started to try to figure out what had happened. And I then realized that what hadhappened; and then spent the better part of two hours composing my own comment.

I didn't post it, though, because it got too long and I wasn't certain I had all the facts right.

I'm sending it to you, though, because I think you will know whether I had missed something.

Here you go:

Imagine how Judge Doughty feels right now.

He has read the Constitution, and its amendments - including the first one - probably many times. And, after considering the arguments presented to him, issued AN INJUNCTION - in no uncertain terms - prohibiting the Federal Government from continuing to do whatever it is accused-of doing that may be in violation of the Constitution. That injunction is, basically, a "time-out" UNTILL a hearing on the merits of the matter is conducted andresolved.

That sounds pretty reasonable to me.

But then, a "three-judge-panel says: "No!" "No time-out!" The Federal Government may CONTINUE to act in a manner that may (or may not) violate the Constitution, until a hearing on the meriits of the matter can be conducted and resolved.

In other words, Judge Doughty had ruled that the Federal Government must stop allowing third parties to deprive We The People of our First Amendment rights until it can be determined whether or not it is okay for the Federal Government'smediaa pals to stab us in the back in the back.

And now, a "three-judge-panel" has ruled that the Federal Government may CONTINUE to allow its social media hacks to CONTINUE to strip us of our rights until an even bigger bunch of robed royalty can determine whether or not it is okay for ANYONE to deprive ANYONE ELSE of our righ to speak freely.

Or, put even more simply: "You may continue to physically discipline your child - however brutal that discipline may be - until a bunch of 13 more black robes determines that you may have gone too far."

But, by then, of course, it will be too late.

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Treason is very narrowly defined in the constitution.

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Treason is defined in the U.S. Constitution thusly:

§2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Since Americans were forced, via the use of political power (e.g., laws, mandates, restrictions), to take experimental mRNA injections, a single death resulting from the injections is a case of premeditated murder. This is so because the victim was NOT informed of the risks and NOT given an unbiased choice (take the shots or lose your ability to keep your job, your business, attend school/college, travel). Additionally, FOIA requests have revealed that the bureaucrats in charge of approving and monitoring the adverse events of the injections knew within a month of their approval that they were causing harm and death. They knew, but they pushed the shots anyway.

This crime was (and continues to be) perpetrated on all Americans, and it violates Constitutionally guaranteed rights on a mass-scale. It was and is an attack on all Americans. Force was initiated by those in political power against the people they were sworn to protect. Note that traditional war is fought with kinetic weapons, such as bullets and bombs, but the result is death and destruction; this injection campaign has much the same result. Also, wars are fought over resources. Always. Traditional war, fought with kinetic weapons, destroys much of the infrastructure to be looted, and the destruction can take place on the soil of all sides. This attack (I would call it a war) was fought by stealth (propaganda, censorship, mandates, illegitimate laws) to not only spare the infrastructure of all sides, but to transfer the wealth of the victims rapidly to the ruling class. The Federal Reserve Bank used the pandemic as an excuse to rapidly create new currency, which was given to the big banks first. This newly created currency was pumped into Treasuries, stocks, real estate - every asset class in which regular citizens invest for retirement, driving up the prices. Politicians, bureaucrats and banksters all front-ran these rises, taking huge windfalls, but savers realized much smaller gains and found that the cost of living rose far more rapidly than their savings. Of course, the artificially inflated stock and real estate prices are going to crash, and the same people who front-ran the rises will front-run the falls, having insider knowledge. This will wipe out savers and make the front-runners super wealthy - a transfer of wealth on a massive scale. Once people are bankrupt and destitute, they will be at the mercy of these tyrants - just as if the country lost a kinetic war.

I think the actions taken by the Biden administration satisfy the definition of Treason, specifically, "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them...", based on what I wrote above. But even if Treason could not be proven, mass murder (for which there is ample evidence) should warrant the same sentence.

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Disgusting. Make execution for treason great again.

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I’ve always been opposed to capital punishment but lately I’ve been rethinking that position. The corruption is mind-numbing.

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Especially when intentional injury and death is being mandated with vaccine passports and vax’s…even for pregnant women.

The evidence is mounting day by day from these “death shots.”

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And make it public!!

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This is terrible! Is this how things are going to go now? Back & forth with corrupt Judges?

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Same thing happened with a 3 judge panel for the Federal workers vaccine mandate stay being overturned in 5th circuit but the 5th circuit EnBanc 15 judge panel reversed it a few months later, so there is major hope!

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One can only hope at this stage!🙏

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Well, and the cocaine-gate at the White House is over, too..... so, what can go wrong......

I guess, the good news is that people saw/read/heard about Judge Doughty's decision and hopefully more can see the corruption and help us in this fight.....

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Epoch partly got it wrong. It used the word "merits" when that's not what the Order said. Merits has a technical meaning: It's the proceeding that would/will take place after the Preliminary Injunction was granted, to determine whether the plaintiffs have proven their case. If they do, a Permanent Injunction will issue. A different panel of the Fifth Circuit will review the Preliminary Injunction at the next available oral argument. This is not a merits hearing.

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Hoping we’ll see a good legal update from CHD attorneys by Monday. Maybe lots more too.

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No surprise there. Somebody is pocketing cash or somebody is on his knees fellating somebody.

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We should look into these three who made this decision. Who do they owe?

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Or who is blackmailing them and what for?

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We should remain resolutely realistic. Doughty’s ruling was clear, impassioned and compelling in declaring what the gross constitutional violation was, and why the government must stop engaging in such behavior immediately. The New York Times spun the story as though Judge Doughty has compromised the government’s ability to help the people learn the truth and do what was best for them. Now we go up a step to the panel that is more likely to represent collective judicial opinion rather than the lucky draw of Doughty for a judge. And the panel backs the need to let the government lie through its teeth to people in order to protect them because well, that is how those judges maintain their current position and perquisites and prepare an even brighter future for themselves. Their opinion is a measure of the Spirit of the Times and is genuine grounds for pessimism. They should have been roused to unanimously support Doughty but they instead looked at the bread and found the buttered side. We may yet be lucky at the Supremes (who lose cachet if they support Doughty and whose authority is under attack), but for now I take this as a good rough index of how the Spirit as described below in a prior comment on the same topic is to be informally measured.

We have very few elements of government not weaponized against us, and much of the judicial system is corrupt, but this [Doughty] decision is crucial, especially in conjunction with Justice Gorsuch’s rebuke that COVID was used to produce the greatest infringement on civil liberties outside of wartime. When a nation shifts to fascism the judiciary’s opinions on crucial cases is often the canary in the coalmine. A decade ago I attended a lecture by the director of the Holocaust Museum in Los Angeles that addressed the topic of how the German laws changed to accommodate the dictatorship. The surprising answer was “very little.” Few new laws needed to be passed and few old laws needed to be discarded. The key was reinterpretation “in the spirit of the times.” An example was a famous Jewish film director under guaranteed contract who was due 50% of his fee if the studio cancelled for any other reason than his dying or becoming disabled. He was alive and well when the studio fired him. The case went to Germany’s high court which decided in favor of the studio, arguing in the Spirit of the Times that in light of Hitler’s programs the director, being undeniably a Jew, might for all practical purposes be considered either dead or disabled. So hang on to this one from Judge Doughty. We need it. We are skating on exceptionally thin ice. Michigan recently passed a "hate crime" bill with felony time of up to 5 years and $10,000 for such against any protected category--which includes transsexuals and their choice of pronouns--for using force or violence or causing grave bodily injury OR "intimidating" someone. Yes, smashing someone with a baseball bat is the same "hate crime" as deliberately and maliciously intimidating them if the motives are the same. Both are "hate crimes" and subject to the same punishments. http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2023-2024/billengrossed/House/pdf/2023-HEBH-4474.pdf So we need a lot more of Gorsuch and Doughty while the Biden administration culls and winnows such people from judicial appointments. This, in the Spirit of the Times, is equal protection under the law, as is this bone-shaking example from New Jersey:

New Jersey AG Sues School Districts Over Policies Prohibiting Teachers From Secretly Transitioning Students

All three school districts recently enacted policies that require school staff to reveal a student’s transgender identity to parents, according to the three briefs filed by the AG. (RELATED: House Armed Services Committee Moves To Suspend Program Responsible For US Navy Drag Queen)

“The involuntary disclosure of students’ gender identity or gender expression will irreparably harm transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary students, who already face vastly increased and even deadly risks to their health and safety,” the briefs read.

The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination requires that schools not subject students to different treatments based on their “gender identity and expression.” The New Jersey Department of Education’s Transgender Guidance also stipulates that “a school district shall accept a student’s asserted gender identity” and that “parental consent is not required.”


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Hard to say what this actually means. Courts often provide temporary stays until a full panel has a chance to rule. Yes, they could overturn it but I don't think this stay tells us anything.

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It means nothing. Read my comment under this post on hopium. It's as if the powers that shouldn't be are pouring a barrel of blood into shark infested waters to amuse themselves looking at the sharks going crazy. Nothing will come of this.

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You think they ever stopped spying? These people don't obey the law - never will... they need to be expunged along with the agencies they work for

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So I know nothing about the law but please tell me what is the use of having any court pass a law and then they can just go get it canceled in another court. It’s a joke.

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It’s like Biden sending troops to Ukraine. He only has authority to augment existing official deployments that are specific, as to a 2014 official deployment, as to which troops are being rotated in and out of Europe and where. There is no deployment to the area he is sending these troops, therefore he’s violating the law (yawn) again. There will be a lawsuit. Years later it will be resolved. He knows it. We know it. Everyone knows it. This is how they play their dirty little game. Hopefully we’re not a vapor cloud before the courts get to this latest violation.

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US troops are already in Ukraine.

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And is the specific area he is sending troops to this time one of the agreed upon areas from the 2014 agreement which is the only agreement Biden has authority to augment. What I have learned is that it is not.

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I don't know where the upcoming 3,000 are going, but we have had US troops in Ukraine even before the proxy war started.

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Right, well that's the rub. According to RFK, the 2014 agreement allows the President to augment troops in the specific cities that are stipulated in the 2014 agreement. X troops stationed here, Y troops stationed there and so on and so on and so. The moment he attempts to put troops somewhere else NOT in the 2014 agreement he is in violation of what his authority allows him to do - and that's what he's doing. Which you can understand makes sense, because the President shouldn't be allowed to unilaterally create mass troop build-ups in areas that Congress and "The People" have not agreed upon through a legislative agreement.

I don't know if you are a Democrat, but Democrats have always hated war, the war hawks, the MIC, and increased military operations particularly one that might initiate a war, and a nuclear one at that.

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Democrats are now the party of war.

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The DOJ is a sad shame of a rogue agency. When will people be fed up with all this garbage enough to revolt? That’s what it may take.

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