The first US case occurred in early 2022 with 4 days of fatigue. The first case diagnosed worldwide was in 1997. 27 years later, the US finally has a severe case, but it's due to wild birds
What do you mean “next”… don’t you see the DAILY chemical toxins in the sky.
We never see the sun anymore.
What I don’t understand is WHY someone with resources hasn’t sued about this.
WHO exactly is DOING this to us and nature?
We could also represent the dying bees who appear to have also developed Alzheimer’s from the ALUMINUM they are spraying. Apparently they cannot find their way back to their hives…
I personally get choked up and my throat hurts and eyes run when going outside after the chemical poison they spray to block the HEALTHY SUNLIGHT is executed.
There is NO denying this is deliberate and toxic and it needs to STOP.
Plants need the SUN to grow, we need the sun too! These monsters have taken our gov hostage and we need an overhaul of leaders who really care for humanity.
Appreciate it can be a lot to take on board if you’re still living in your mother’s basement. However there’s something outside called ‘weather’. It’s a strange phenomenon where we used to have a large bright orb in the sky called the ‘sun’. This ‘sun’ omits bright light and heat on a regular basis called ‘sunshine’. Venture outside I dare you and please let us know how often you actually get to see it. Take your time..
Some plants can provide some nutrients for human needs. Edible plants are especially useful to 'stretch' more nutrient-rich foods, or in times of famine. It is well worth learning the edible & medicinal plants available in our local area - identification, what regions & habitat they grow in, what parts are edible or medicinal, which time of year those parts are available, etc
Note, however, that the 'bird flu' scare is being used to NEEDLESSLY destroy millions of chickens, reducing the availability of chicken meat & eggs, milk & milk products (especially milk in its natural state), and beef. (After about 2-4 years on an industrial style dairy operations, dairy cows are recycled as hamburger & products like corned beef, etc.)
Those orchestrating this know that the actual threat to livestock is very, very low. These people are big fans of natural selection. So why aren't poultry and cattle being monitored - as usual - for signs of ill health, and then culled (killed) - leaving those showing no sign of illness alive? Which is also a routine aspect of animal husbandry.
Is this just the latest chapter in the effort to reduce or eliminate our access to the most nutritional foods on earth? The foods that are the best (proteins, fats, etc), or only (B12, EPA & DHA Omega 3s, heme iron, true Vit A, etc) source of nutrients essential for optimal human development and function? Including the brain.
Or raise backyard flocks or keep other food-producing animals? Or get eggs, milk, or meats from local family operated farms?
Dr. Barry Groves, PhD - nutrition researcher - 'What are We Designed to Eat?'
BTW, in the '80s, a pesticide company won a lawsuit allowing them to keep their toxic chemical compound on the market for use on food crops by proving that all plants consumed as food by humans produce many kinds of pesticides and in much higher volume than commercial pesticides.
Good point. Animals in built up communities is not practical though unless you don’t mind cohabiting with chickens running around and goats inside your condo.
OH…so, you mean they’ve ACTUALLY isolated this “virus” and checked its genome⁉️ Strange how, even with all the supposed “strains”, they still never, supposedly, isolated the CONvid virus from any human⁉️
It’s by far and away the jab strain and not the wild strain they’re finding now. Gates and Co kicked out of India some years back by a furious Indian govt after harming hundreds of thousands of kids. Also look into the documented and apologeticly acknowledged spread of polio through jabs in the 1950’s and early 60’s worldwide. No wonder they have weaponised the term ‘Antivax’, it’s a phenomenal business model and control mechanism to bring us into our ‘new normal’.. It terrifies them.
Like the meanings of other words, in the context of virology,the word "isolation" do not mean "separated from everything else". Instead, during "virus isolation", stuff is added to the sample presumed to contain the target virus. Cytotoxic (toxic to cells) antibiotics are added to the cell culture with the alleged virus. Then, when cell damage or death is shown, that is assumed to be due to the "virus". Yes, this violates the scientific method, but reportedly that' he way it's done.
In virology, the word used for 'isolation' is "purification'.
As long as we raise chickens in tin barns without personal space, the chickens will be susceptible to pathogens including the bird flu! Stress causes the chickens to be susceptible to pathogens because their immune system is compromised!
My guess is the diabolical mad scientists have figured out how to embed toxins, pathogens , harmful bacteria etc inside of a nanoscale lipid which is then released by the body’s temp and mucous…..I would even bet the ‘PCR qtips ‘ which were being crammed in everyone’s noses likely were one means of deliberately spreading illness.
Not to mention the way the engineers of all of the madness use fear and stress to keep the people sick as well! People who are scared to death and stressed out because they are being told they are going to "catch something" have immune systems that are in the toilet.
Yes, fear and unrelenting or extreme stress that becomes strain are both proven to depress the function of the immune system. The people who stirred up the fear, creating the 'panic-demic' had to know this.
Limiting opportunities for exercise, sunshine, and social interaction added to the stress. Millions of people's lives were completely disrupted. Financial issues caused by forcing the closure of million of small & mid-size businesses caused yet more stress, and limited some people's access to basic necessities.
In some areas, people were arrested for being outside alone, in situation where they could not possibly infect another, or 'spread disease', like the surfer arrested alone on a beach in California. Tyrannical action by government created yet more stress and feat.
Masking requirements interfered with normal respiration, reducing blood oxygen levels (hypoxia), elevating CO2 levels in the blood (hypercapnia), and making communication difficult. Fibers from the disposable masks, which are made from plastic fibers, not paper as some believe, were inhaled deep into the lungs. Will the effects be similar to inhaling asbestos?
Access to routine medical care, screening, non-emergency surgeries, even cancer treatments became limited in some areas, or unavailable, no doubt resulting in some needless deaths. This also made hospitals vulnerable to the 'financial incentives' (as much as $500,000.+ per 'complicated' COVID case, with a bonus for deaths recorded as due to COVID) offered by government in exchange for following 'COVID protocols'.
These included medical mismanagement of patients- from diagnosing 'COVID-19' on as little as a cough or two per CC guidance, to advice to those with respiratory illness to go home without treatment and "come back when your lips turn blue", to reportedly intubating and placing on mechanical ventilators patients even some who did not it, overinflating lungs... to giving toxic remdesivir aka Veklury already proven to cause organ failure, and opiates that suppressed breathing. With holding hydration & nutrition has also been reported.
Three hospitals in Cali. were sued for wrongful deaths for the above.
Liver failure and damage to other organs was blamed on SARS CoV-2 / COVID-19, generating
All of this was contrary to- the opposite- of what was known about how to best deal with an epidemic. A pandemic is simply an epidemic in more than one country at the same time. These words used to apply only to serious illnesses with a relatively high case-fatality rate. Like the redefinition by the CDC in 2021 of the word "vaccine", the words "epidemic" and "pandemic" could now apply to the common cold.
Many of these actions by government and hospitals were also illegal- violating natural God-given and Constitutionally protected Rights. Congress has no authority to make 'laws' that deny, disparage, infringe, abridge, or violate any one of the rights of we the people. Nor does anyone in any government position have the authority to do so - no matter the excuse.
In spite of all this, and contrary to what we were told, the "excess death" numbers in 2020 were only slightly above the normal death rate-all of which COULD be accounted for by the government & medical responses to COVID-19.
According to data analysis by Ed Dowd, insurance claims for disability and deaths did not increase in 2020. Instead, the rate of disability and death and insurance claims jumped to levels literally never seen before.
Most of Meyrl's readers will be aware of all this. Let's make sure everyone we now, everyone we can reach, is aware. If we forget, the will do it again.
These vile things need to be stopped.I will never comply and will never stop hoping that most wake tf up and out and end to this. More #plandemicscoming
House Speaker and alleged man Mike Johnson’s continuing resolution is so full of utterly disastrous, irresponsible, and unconstitutional pork it is hard to pick just one part to highlight. But a little over 700 pages in is the section on pandemic response, and it apparently aims to expand and extend the unconstitutional tyranny of Covid lockdowns into the indefinite future for any alleged pandemic the government announces. At least one of the updated provisions tries to extend the idiotic pandemic response to 2034.
One notable theme in the CR is changing the specific word “influenza” in previous legislation to more vague and amorphous words like “response” or “a pathogen causing a pandemic.”
they pushed the money pox, but it didn't fly. So now they're pushing the burd flu to see if that will fly. The cows and chickens were a second thought. Best way to protect yourself in a grocery store from bird flu is to keep at least 10 feet awy from any shopper with webbed feet or one that says Moo.
Another California fustercluck. I have lived in CA for many years, and because of our inane state government, would have left years ago, were it not for the fact that I find the thought of being driven out by these weenies so disgusting. I have often wondered just how much insanity I am willing to put up with solely for the sake of nice weather.
What uncanny timing! All of it is made up nonsense. If people are getting sick, --and they are--it is because they are poisoning us through food, air and water. They have thousands of synthetic poisons that cause flu-like symptoms. Even radiation and cyanide poisoning look like the flu. Wake up America! And let's not give an inch this time.
"Those who would trade essential liberties for (the illusion of) a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
Thank you for having the courage and strength of will to STAND for your UNalienable rights. Your stand is also a stand for the rights of us all. Deep appreciation. We hope you are able to get just compensation for the unlawful job termination.
And you! I hope those who are afraid will come to know that "God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind." Maybe the will see that you are not afraid and as you why you aren't. You will have two sets of Goo News to share. :-)
And... it is cold and flu season. The same cold and flu season I remember my entire life. Sigh. I didn't give an inch last time and I sure as heck won't this time. Will we have anyone on our side? Or will the people, once again, fall for the entire thing?
And the American Association of Physicians & Surgeons - supporting independent practitioners and helping patients locate them:
And countless other medical freedom groups, physicians, scientists (like Dr. Robert Malone), attorneys... and a few of our public servants.
Most of all, WE have to educate ourselves, take care of our health, inform each other-and respectfully remind our agents in government that they work for us, and we WILL NOT CONSENT to the abuse of powers delegated to them by us tough our State and U.S. Constitutions.
Next will be Drone6-Flu3🤣
What do you mean “next”… don’t you see the DAILY chemical toxins in the sky.
We never see the sun anymore.
What I don’t understand is WHY someone with resources hasn’t sued about this.
WHO exactly is DOING this to us and nature?
We could also represent the dying bees who appear to have also developed Alzheimer’s from the ALUMINUM they are spraying. Apparently they cannot find their way back to their hives…
I personally get choked up and my throat hurts and eyes run when going outside after the chemical poison they spray to block the HEALTHY SUNLIGHT is executed.
There is NO denying this is deliberate and toxic and it needs to STOP.
Plants need the SUN to grow, we need the sun too! These monsters have taken our gov hostage and we need an overhaul of leaders who really care for humanity.
m cameron …
Appreciate it can be a lot to take on board if you’re still living in your mother’s basement. However there’s something outside called ‘weather’. It’s a strange phenomenon where we used to have a large bright orb in the sky called the ‘sun’. This ‘sun’ omits bright light and heat on a regular basis called ‘sunshine’. Venture outside I dare you and please let us know how often you actually get to see it. Take your time..
Cheers from the UK 👍
You dont think "Drone6- flu3 was funny? I did, you snarky troll phuck!
No, you need to understand that we ARE having chemical bombardments worldwide every day. Nothing funny about that my friend.
You really are talking to someone else- not me - & make no mistake im not your friend.
Some plants can provide some nutrients for human needs. Edible plants are especially useful to 'stretch' more nutrient-rich foods, or in times of famine. It is well worth learning the edible & medicinal plants available in our local area - identification, what regions & habitat they grow in, what parts are edible or medicinal, which time of year those parts are available, etc
Note, however, that the 'bird flu' scare is being used to NEEDLESSLY destroy millions of chickens, reducing the availability of chicken meat & eggs, milk & milk products (especially milk in its natural state), and beef. (After about 2-4 years on an industrial style dairy operations, dairy cows are recycled as hamburger & products like corned beef, etc.)
Those orchestrating this know that the actual threat to livestock is very, very low. These people are big fans of natural selection. So why aren't poultry and cattle being monitored - as usual - for signs of ill health, and then culled (killed) - leaving those showing no sign of illness alive? Which is also a routine aspect of animal husbandry.
Is this just the latest chapter in the effort to reduce or eliminate our access to the most nutritional foods on earth? The foods that are the best (proteins, fats, etc), or only (B12, EPA & DHA Omega 3s, heme iron, true Vit A, etc) source of nutrients essential for optimal human development and function? Including the brain.
Or raise backyard flocks or keep other food-producing animals? Or get eggs, milk, or meats from local family operated farms?
Dr. Barry Groves, PhD - nutrition researcher - 'What are We Designed to Eat?'
Dr. Zoe Harcombe, PhD -
Dr. G. Ede, MD - Nutrition & how it affects health, especially brain function:
Dr. Paul Mason - 'The Corrupt History of the Food Pyramid'
-all with references.
BTW, in the '80s, a pesticide company won a lawsuit allowing them to keep their toxic chemical compound on the market for use on food crops by proving that all plants consumed as food by humans produce many kinds of pesticides and in much higher volume than commercial pesticides.
Good point. Animals in built up communities is not practical though unless you don’t mind cohabiting with chickens running around and goats inside your condo.
What shots did he get and what tests did he use? Sorry, but I don't believe it any more than CONIVD19.
Just in time as Trump gets ready to be inaugurated. A second plandemic for Trump second term
1 death in Mexico, but that person had **severe comorbidities**
Mexican government forced the WHO to retract claim it was caused by bird flu.
OH…so, you mean they’ve ACTUALLY isolated this “virus” and checked its genome⁉️ Strange how, even with all the supposed “strains”, they still never, supposedly, isolated the CONvid virus from any human⁉️
Correcto. No viruses have ever been isolated. EVER. So virology pseudoscience is a psychological operation aimed at vaccinating everyone.
Comply at your own risk.
Virology was created based on nothing to simply support & promote genociding the population
I keep on posting similar statments but it's like shoutimg on a dear=f ear.
Glad to find a buddy!
Kenneth J Hinnenkamp is a troll or chatbot troll.
Whatever, but hes right
Says the real chat bot troll lol.
Really! Geeze- I would mute him
Thanks m cameron. How exactly can I mut him? See the comments at this thread to get a glimpse of Kenneth J Hinnenkamp.
Exactly. It's definitely not poison like polio was.
Polio was all but cured when they brought out the vaccine(?)…but you try and tell some people that!!
Salk admits that the Polio jab CAUSED Polio. See Salk’s book he wrote? Salk was a eugenics proponent.
The guy is a whack job.
Sherri Tenpenny mentions this in her vaccine book.
It’s by far and away the jab strain and not the wild strain they’re finding now. Gates and Co kicked out of India some years back by a furious Indian govt after harming hundreds of thousands of kids. Also look into the documented and apologeticly acknowledged spread of polio through jabs in the 1950’s and early 60’s worldwide. No wonder they have weaponised the term ‘Antivax’, it’s a phenomenal business model and control mechanism to bring us into our ‘new normal’.. It terrifies them.
Like the meanings of other words, in the context of virology,the word "isolation" do not mean "separated from everything else". Instead, during "virus isolation", stuff is added to the sample presumed to contain the target virus. Cytotoxic (toxic to cells) antibiotics are added to the cell culture with the alleged virus. Then, when cell damage or death is shown, that is assumed to be due to the "virus". Yes, this violates the scientific method, but reportedly that' he way it's done.
In virology, the word used for 'isolation' is "purification'.
I'd be interested to know if the two patients who have bird flu also got the covid jabs.
…crap… here we go again. NO. I’m not locking myself away for these murderers.
Me either. I'm certainly not giving up cream in my coffee, or any other dairy products, or meat either!.
As long as we raise chickens in tin barns without personal space, the chickens will be susceptible to pathogens including the bird flu! Stress causes the chickens to be susceptible to pathogens because their immune system is compromised!
How about this , the same people announcing all of these pathogens are the same f@#$&/=g ones spreading them….
My guess is the diabolical mad scientists have figured out how to embed toxins, pathogens , harmful bacteria etc inside of a nanoscale lipid which is then released by the body’s temp and mucous…..I would even bet the ‘PCR qtips ‘ which were being crammed in everyone’s noses likely were one means of deliberately spreading illness.
Not to mention the way the engineers of all of the madness use fear and stress to keep the people sick as well! People who are scared to death and stressed out because they are being told they are going to "catch something" have immune systems that are in the toilet.
Yes, fear and unrelenting or extreme stress that becomes strain are both proven to depress the function of the immune system. The people who stirred up the fear, creating the 'panic-demic' had to know this.
Limiting opportunities for exercise, sunshine, and social interaction added to the stress. Millions of people's lives were completely disrupted. Financial issues caused by forcing the closure of million of small & mid-size businesses caused yet more stress, and limited some people's access to basic necessities.
In some areas, people were arrested for being outside alone, in situation where they could not possibly infect another, or 'spread disease', like the surfer arrested alone on a beach in California. Tyrannical action by government created yet more stress and feat.
Masking requirements interfered with normal respiration, reducing blood oxygen levels (hypoxia), elevating CO2 levels in the blood (hypercapnia), and making communication difficult. Fibers from the disposable masks, which are made from plastic fibers, not paper as some believe, were inhaled deep into the lungs. Will the effects be similar to inhaling asbestos?
Access to routine medical care, screening, non-emergency surgeries, even cancer treatments became limited in some areas, or unavailable, no doubt resulting in some needless deaths. This also made hospitals vulnerable to the 'financial incentives' (as much as $500,000.+ per 'complicated' COVID case, with a bonus for deaths recorded as due to COVID) offered by government in exchange for following 'COVID protocols'.
These included medical mismanagement of patients- from diagnosing 'COVID-19' on as little as a cough or two per CC guidance, to advice to those with respiratory illness to go home without treatment and "come back when your lips turn blue", to reportedly intubating and placing on mechanical ventilators patients even some who did not it, overinflating lungs... to giving toxic remdesivir aka Veklury already proven to cause organ failure, and opiates that suppressed breathing. With holding hydration & nutrition has also been reported.
Three hospitals in Cali. were sued for wrongful deaths for the above.
Liver failure and damage to other organs was blamed on SARS CoV-2 / COVID-19, generating
All of this was contrary to- the opposite- of what was known about how to best deal with an epidemic. A pandemic is simply an epidemic in more than one country at the same time. These words used to apply only to serious illnesses with a relatively high case-fatality rate. Like the redefinition by the CDC in 2021 of the word "vaccine", the words "epidemic" and "pandemic" could now apply to the common cold.
Many of these actions by government and hospitals were also illegal- violating natural God-given and Constitutionally protected Rights. Congress has no authority to make 'laws' that deny, disparage, infringe, abridge, or violate any one of the rights of we the people. Nor does anyone in any government position have the authority to do so - no matter the excuse.
In spite of all this, and contrary to what we were told, the "excess death" numbers in 2020 were only slightly above the normal death rate-all of which COULD be accounted for by the government & medical responses to COVID-19.
According to data analysis by Ed Dowd, insurance claims for disability and deaths did not increase in 2020. Instead, the rate of disability and death and insurance claims jumped to levels literally never seen before.
Most of Meyrl's readers will be aware of all this. Let's make sure everyone we now, everyone we can reach, is aware. If we forget, the will do it again.
They always attack the food supply
These vile things need to be stopped.I will never comply and will never stop hoping that most wake tf up and out and end to this. More #plandemicscoming
I don't buy into the fact that any human has had it.
House Speaker and alleged man Mike Johnson’s continuing resolution is so full of utterly disastrous, irresponsible, and unconstitutional pork it is hard to pick just one part to highlight. But a little over 700 pages in is the section on pandemic response, and it apparently aims to expand and extend the unconstitutional tyranny of Covid lockdowns into the indefinite future for any alleged pandemic the government announces. At least one of the updated provisions tries to extend the idiotic pandemic response to 2034.
One notable theme in the CR is changing the specific word “influenza” in previous legislation to more vague and amorphous words like “response” or “a pathogen causing a pandemic.”
they pushed the money pox, but it didn't fly. So now they're pushing the burd flu to see if that will fly. The cows and chickens were a second thought. Best way to protect yourself in a grocery store from bird flu is to keep at least 10 feet awy from any shopper with webbed feet or one that says Moo.
I feed “my birds” everyday! I’d rather be around birds (pigeons/crows/seagulls), than human beings. I love them!💜🕊️🐦⬛🪶
Birds absolutely amaze me with their intelligence.
The crows have the intelligence of a 7-8 year old human child. I’ve gained their trust. They’re amazing birds!
Another California fustercluck. I have lived in CA for many years, and because of our inane state government, would have left years ago, were it not for the fact that I find the thought of being driven out by these weenies so disgusting. I have often wondered just how much insanity I am willing to put up with solely for the sake of nice weather.
I’m in Commifornia as well. There would be no problem if people weren’t brainwashed, and they used their critical thinking skills.
It’s not rocket science. 🙃😉
What uncanny timing! All of it is made up nonsense. If people are getting sick, --and they are--it is because they are poisoning us through food, air and water. They have thousands of synthetic poisons that cause flu-like symptoms. Even radiation and cyanide poisoning look like the flu. Wake up America! And let's not give an inch this time.
I didn’t give an inch last time, and I lost my job of 23 years.
I realized then, that I live among cowards that thrive on tyranny. Pathetic…
"Those who would trade essential liberties for (the illusion of) a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
Thank you for having the courage and strength of will to STAND for your UNalienable rights. Your stand is also a stand for the rights of us all. Deep appreciation. We hope you are able to get just compensation for the unlawful job termination.
The Founders are proud of you.
DRK, I truly appreciate your words. The last, nearly 4 years, have been absolutely insane!
I thank God for guidance and discernment, non-stop. Natural Law is something that can never be argued against…EVER.
God loves you.
And you! I hope those who are afraid will come to know that "God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind." Maybe the will see that you are not afraid and as you why you aren't. You will have two sets of Goo News to share. :-)
And... it is cold and flu season. The same cold and flu season I remember my entire life. Sigh. I didn't give an inch last time and I sure as heck won't this time. Will we have anyone on our side? Or will the people, once again, fall for the entire thing?
I'm on your side, Rob.
So is Dr. Meyrl Nass.
And RFK, Jr. And - effectively informing the public about risks to health, food, privacy... and freedom.
And the physicians & staff at the Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance
And the American Association of Physicians & Surgeons - supporting independent practitioners and helping patients locate them:
And countless other medical freedom groups, physicians, scientists (like Dr. Robert Malone), attorneys... and a few of our public servants.
Most of all, WE have to educate ourselves, take care of our health, inform each other-and respectfully remind our agents in government that they work for us, and we WILL NOT CONSENT to the abuse of powers delegated to them by us tough our State and U.S. Constitutions.
Exactly. We don’t need a ‘virus’..
A bunch of clowns trying to run a circus!