Hopefully Trump will get us out of the UN altogether like many people and organizations want him to do. I hope it can be forever, if he does.

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He mentions the WHO but NEVER mentions the real problem which is the UN

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True but the John Birch Society often does and I send the request to congress.

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WHO...is/are the ones inserting this kind of garbage into these treaties? The authors of sick material such as this ought to be required to attach their name to it, so we know where this perversion is coming from

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I think that is the key to stopping evil. We need to put names to what our politicians are voting for etc.

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The UN is riddled with mentally sick members who don't know right from wrong. Most have no belief in anything except money and power. It is Murder Incorporated along with its other perversions.. America needs to end any connection to the UN. It would not have the power it has today, if American money had not provided one third of its support for years.

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Jan 8Edited

The UN is now run by individuals who do not share traditional Jewish, Christian or, frankly, any ideology that thinks minors and women should be protected. Some cultures do not think humans have value in and of themselves and/or they are just products to be utilized and commoditized for financial gain or pleasure. The situation in the UK where the government, fearing its Islamic population, hid the wide-scale serious sexual abuse of young British girls, is obscene and cowardly.

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I have been saying Get US out of the UN for over 40 years. I have never seen anything good come out of the UN, so not surprised in the least by this garbage.

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Looks like Britain got a head start on not prosecuting sex crimes.

I’m wondering if there is a child sex lobby like there is a lobby for almost everything else?

I just learned that there is a homeless industrial complex and I’m betting that they have a lobby too.

There was a reason why Epstein was never arrested until they wanted him dead.

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The UN and WHO are two sides of the same morbid, anti-human coin. Neither can ever be trusted.

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Troubling features is an understatement. Let us hope people awaken to these horrific institutions.

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This is a very old racket. Being a criminal global mafia, with unlimited financial resources (and the means to severely punish the disobedient), for hundreds of years they've been absolving themselves of their predations and crimes, as the need arises, by simply changing the rules - the law. They own the rule-changers. The syndicate's rep in the British Parliament is "the Remembrancer," who's there to make sure certain legislation doesn't happen, or never arises, and to ensure the enacting of new rules. Like legalizing child trafficking and pornography - a major syndicate enterprise. Meanwhile, they simply ignore the syndicate's genocidal programs. They either ignore the rules - what the rest of us think as "the rule of law" - or they change them. Hundreds of years of unaccountability and predation. Now with enormous technocratic powers. These people are almost universally the answer to the question, "Cui bono?"

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I believe the "soft porn" on our regular tv programs that we watch is meant to hurt the family unit. Of course kids watching that time and time again as they grow up catches their attention. Then they see sexual activity as "normal", but their brains have not grown to understand that they are too young for that and the consequences of acting it out. Often times this is how sexual abuse occurs in the home. Monkey see, monkey do. It floats the idea in the kids head way to early for them to understand when it is appropriate and when not appropriate. When this gets acted out in a family setting, often time when Mom and Dad aren't home, it destroys the family as they can never make it un-happen and always know who did what to who as they grow older.

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OMG! This treaty proposal is unimaginable. It encourages horrific problems.

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Jan 8Edited

What do you think opinion statement from Neil Oliver, Meryl? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuY-NlKNRSg

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It figures. They finally figured out a way to make child pornography legal. The network of 900 US/NATO military bases is the biggest child traffickig route at the moment. It's easy to point the finger at Epstein but we live in a continuum of violence and a global holocaust against children. Do people really care enough to stop the violence?

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How dare they, kow tow to the deranged, the totally immoral, at least god had it right when he stated any who dare to harm a child will wish they hadn’t been born, the yoke of a heavy millstone placed around their neck and they thrown into the deepest waters….

This latest U.N must have and acquiescing to morally bankrupt detritus of humanity is simply put… truly sick, it is depraved and the very essence of evil, that there are adults amongst us who indulge themselves selfishly I’ll add, by abusing our most vulnerable, our children who it seems will be readily exposed to this filth, without or resulting in prosecutors and parents being limited in their ability to respond and importantly to punish such disturbed predatory behaviour…. Hang them all I say any adult aged individual indulging and getting off on this sort of reprehensible and truly loathsome behaviour, no amount of bleating, excusing or feeling any kind of sympathy will whitewash and or add legitimacy of any kind to the absurd, selfish, depraved, repugnant behaviour, the excesses and self indulgences by these foul human beings, for what is as described and seeking to be legitimised the U.N is just sick and filth…. Period.

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Child pornography & the sacrifice of helpless children for "adult" pleasure is the lowest humans can stoop, bar none. I question if these scums are even human... perhaps reptilllians or other evil from somewhere else in the universe?? Children must always be protected from predators...their parents must always be watchful! I was a guard dog over my two children when they were small! My daughter told me that her first year in college revealed that she was the "only" female freshman who did "not" experience sexual abuse growing up! Where are parents today...always too busy or leaving their young behind with baby sitters or in daycare... where little protection exists for babies or small children?? I'm a counselor & specialized in child development & I recommend mothers stay with their children during their most vulnerable years: birth through grade school.

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"Getting rid of crimes"


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