More like reduce the population, rather than any such climate issues.

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Yep, that's the one. They haven't managed to cull enough of us with their gene-therapy "vaccines" and their inescapable radiofrequency emissions (though still working on those -- more genetically engineered viruses, 5G transmitters outside every window). So now they plan to simply starve some of us to death. And control those who are left, by controlling food production. In NZ they're even trying to control WATER -- again by invoking the UN's diktats, this time UNDRIP. What is the matter with these people?? Did they not get enough cuddles from their mummies?

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Questions like yours abound. "Follow the money trail" doesn't quite answer them, now does it? Would anyone in their right mind make "investments" to increase their wealth of 100 Billion? It doesn't fly. There is something far more sinister at play here. It's obvious.

Take the flying saucer subject! It's impossible to toss out the myriads of eye-witness accounts. What's left then? Reality of their existence, right? But does that automatically mean that they MUST be deemed three-dimensional, and physical? Not necessarily. Looking at tons of reports over decades past, give evidence of a peculiar, and very strangely illogical aspect manifested in many of the reports, especially the ones up close and personal. That is, that they scare the living hell out of folks, and do all manner of weird and perverted things according to testimonies collected. The assumed "advanced" space travelers have been supposedly visiting, or camping among us for eons. Why then have they not fully come forth and made their presentation complete? Why do they harass and frighten continually certain of our population? These and a whole host of other breaches of logic are woven throughout the concept.

One might ask What does that have to do with "people" and their agendas? I'll tell you. It is MOST evident that there is a VERY dark and menacing power among us on this planet. We who are unmistakably convinced of The Creator's existence, know this fact FULL WELL, and immediately recognize that the UFO scam is of the devil's making. Just exactly like how he is able to twist the minds of those who refuse the Truth of God's Government, and side with the Luciferian Paradigm. Do us all a great service, and identify for us, who are said to be "in the dark," ONE honest Christian, who is not masquerading as such, but one who is a Commandment keeper, and shown to be worthy of his calling.......Show me just one which takes the stand that this C-Plannedemic was just an honest mistake, and that Bill (Hell's) Gates and cronies, are REALLY doing a good work for society. You might as well be searching for that illusive "missing link" among fossils! Let me know when you are successful.


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Oh, it certainly wasn't an honest mistake. But whether your explanation is the right one, Ray, is another question. "Eugenics" was a very popular doctrine among the 'intellectual' classes of both Britian and the US in the early part of the twentieth century. The idea basically arose from (a) Charles Darwin's explanation of the origin of species ("survival of the fittest") and (b) some of the earliest shonky mathematical models (predictions of population growth vs food production, by Thomas Malthus). If you want to label mathematical models in general a thing of the devil, I can only agree! But basically, these guys sincerely believed that if population growth was not curbed, humanity would end up eating ourselves out of hearth and home . What to do about that? Well, 'survival of the fittest' dictated that THEY (being, as they confidently assumed, the few "fittest" members of the human race) should be encouraged to reproduce like rabbits, while the great unwashed should be prevented from doing so. After Hitler's holocaust, they learned to stop calling these ideas 'eugenics', and in fact to disavow them. But they still believe them. Our Bill's grandfather, for example, was a prominent member of the US Eugenics society -- so I guess young Bill learned eugenics at his daddy's knee.

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Biggest scam after COVID. They’re trying to destroy farmers so that the population is dependent on the fake food they’re trying to introduce. All made with garbage seed oils & other unhealthy things. This is just the continuation of the global genocide.

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Bug guts

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Carbon isn’t climate damaging it

is life sustaining.

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What an incredibly creative handle!!!

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This disturbs me at LEAST as much as this whole COVID mess.

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I feel as though Covid will be remembered as a bright sunny day compared to what we have waiting for us just up around the bend. Just a gut feeling.

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Unfortunately, I think you may be right.

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Nothing is set in stone yet. Time to get motivated. They are incredibly outnumbered. Become ungovernable.

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Indeed! We’re working on it!

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I wonder if they’ve already rolled out solyent green.

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Making progress now that composting human remains, which supposedly helps in the fight against Climate Change, is allowed in some places:


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"Soylent Green", you say?

I Resemble that remark!

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Messing with the food supply is the tipping point. Be prepared for mass starvation on an unprecedented level. THIS is how you have ultimate control over people - by taking over their food supply. We had better start tearing up our backyards so we can plant our own food and pray they don’t get their evil mucky fingers into that. Start growing your own food and get friendly with local farmers. I feel sorry for those in the big cities with no means to grow their own. Everything these globalists touch is against people and always profits them. My god they are evil.

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I remember a saying to the effect that if you want to hold sway over people, feed them.

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Everyone, with forewarning, should have their home stocked with food and water.

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Even in cities there are often vacant lots which can become urban farms. It's where the very old (who remember) and the very young adults (who have the vision) need to come together and create these food zones.

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Good essay. Worth your time to read.

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Let's face it, this is probably another step toward their true goal -- depopulation.

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That's odd, they didn't call me and ask what my opinion was with regards to this little scheme. They must have just forgot, I'm sure they'll contact me any day now.

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You're being "contacted" every time you buy inflated cost groceries at the stores.

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You all better study the Holodomor and quick, because the same people are doing it again, on a global scale.

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Even if people read about it, they won’t think it can happen to them

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Does Sri Lanka have a seat at the table? Because haven't they already gone through this process?

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Starvation will follow.

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Smells like a push for eating insects .. **Important info on that - it's not just reduction in indulgence, taste, or even quality of protein. (And I do think eating less meat, that's not farmed in huge, cruel, polluting operations makes sense). But eating insects can destroy our health, and bring more diseases. https://hiddencomplexity.substack.com/p/edible-insects-parasites-microbiome ( please read / share )

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Obviously their nsects are not wild. They're growing on farms which of course will have a footprint but we won't know about it. Same as beyond beef. processed food takes way more energy and sterile processing to make than eating nonpatentable food.

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Bugs; yuck.

Bad for our health absolutely.

And for the birds whose food source will disappear

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Do you want to know what I found?

How this was planned?

Hunger Games https://youtu.be/uWUDobJQDYE

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"It's much needed because for the energy sector there are clear roadmaps which really attracted a lot of investors... but for agriculture we don't have such a map," Ould-Dada said.

Remember people, it is the investments/investors that define the benefits of these solutions. Everything is about greed for these people, they want everything on the globe under their control.

"There has never been this much attention to food and agriculture anytime before. This COP is definitely the one."

Because of the war driving up prices and putting so many into food insecurity? Because commodities are all so far above normal bounds? Because this was always the Agenda, and C19 was just to soften us up? Because of the 24/7 propaganda campaign against cows?

The Agenda is unfolding as telegraphed by TPTB. Note they want to squeeze out those elements in the food industries they cannot exploit - or those they do not represent. The family farmer producing high quality beef and real milk is about as sustainable as it gets. The cricket factory from GatesOfHell is the opposite.

The real war grinds on, while distractions in terms of variants rule the day.


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Reuters owned by Rockefeller

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