For the Moon buffs, Josh Stylman has assembled a lot of evidence and compelling video clips, and asks how much of settled history we can really believe, and what it means
My favorite is the 3 astronauts during their hour plus press conference
According to the heliocentric model - the earth is spinning on its axis 1,000 mph at the equator (~770 mph is speed of sound), while at the same time orbiting the sun at 66,600 mph - all the while the sun, in its turn, is hurtling through the milky way galaxy at 500,000 mph and the milky way galaxy itself alleged to be racing through space from 300,000 to 1,340,000 mph. The earth has a 23.4 degree tilt (66.6 degree inversion).
We are told that the international space station is said to be 250 miles above the earth and is 356 feet - (the size of a football field) and is moving at 4.76 miles/second making a complete revolution every 93 minutes and circling the earth at 15.5 times every day. A plane is 200 feet long and flies about 6 miles above the earth - and yet they claim you can see the ISS from earth - assuming it had good reflecting material it would look like a shooting star. So what is causing the ISS to rotate 16x faster than the earth? Why do planes not have to compensate for the earth spinning 1,000 mph?
The sun is said to be 93 million miles from the earth and the moon 240,000 miles away. The amazing thing is while many people have problems with cell phone connections while driving on earth - the call from the moon to Nixon was not only clear but had less delay than the with newscasters reporting from on site and we have no problem sending digital pictures and calls with the ISS regardless of where it is located. Let’s not forget NASA also claims to have landed on Mars since the 1970s.
If Elon wants to cut waste - NASA would be a good place to start. O'h wait he has received 23 B from them. One last remark - Wernher Von Braun who worked with NASA and developed the rockets used for the Apollo missions wrote many sci-fi novels one was on mars where he described the government run by 10 men and the head of it was a man named "Elon". Actually in his later years Von Braun warned his secretary of what they were planning - the last thing he said would happen would be project Blue Beam - and it will all be fake- there are no UFOs from outer space all this technology is coming from here - the point would be to scare the public to agree to be controlled by one world government. He was correct on his other predictions. He died in 1977 and his tomb stone has his name, date and "Psalm 19:1" inscribed on it. look it up "The heavens declare the Glory of God: and the firmament shows his handiwork"
Here is a thought experiment
According to the heliocentric model - the earth is spinning on its axis 1,000 mph at the equator (~770 mph is speed of sound), while at the same time orbiting the sun at 66,600 mph - all the while the sun, in its turn, is hurtling through the milky way galaxy at 500,000 mph and the milky way galaxy itself alleged to be racing through space from 300,000 to 1,340,000 mph. The earth has a 23.4 degree tilt (66.6 degree inversion).
We are told that the international space station is said to be 250 miles above the earth and is 356 feet - (the size of a football field) and is moving at 4.76 miles/second making a complete revolution every 93 minutes and circling the earth at 15.5 times every day. A plane is 200 feet long and flies about 6 miles above the earth - and yet they claim you can see the ISS from earth - assuming it had good reflecting material it would look like a shooting star. So what is causing the ISS to rotate 16x faster than the earth? Why do planes not have to compensate for the earth spinning 1,000 mph?
The sun is said to be 93 million miles from the earth and the moon 240,000 miles away. The amazing thing is while many people have problems with cell phone connections while driving on earth - the call from the moon to Nixon was not only clear but had less delay than the with newscasters reporting from on site and we have no problem sending digital pictures and calls with the ISS regardless of where it is located. Let’s not forget NASA also claims to have landed on Mars since the 1970s.
If Elon wants to cut waste - NASA would be a good place to start. O'h wait he has received 23 B from them. One last remark - Wernher Von Braun who worked with NASA and developed the rockets used for the Apollo missions wrote many sci-fi novels one was on mars where he described the government run by 10 men and the head of it was a man named "Elon". Actually in his later years Von Braun warned his secretary of what they were planning - the last thing he said would happen would be project Blue Beam - and it will all be fake- there are no UFOs from outer space all this technology is coming from here - the point would be to scare the public to agree to be controlled by one world government. He was correct on his other predictions. He died in 1977 and his tomb stone has his name, date and "Psalm 19:1" inscribed on it. look it up "The heavens declare the Glory of God: and the firmament shows his handiwork"
It really is a Truman show.
"If the news is fake, imagine how fake history is." -Yuri Bezmenov (the substack version)