Here is a thought experiment

According to the heliocentric model - the earth is spinning on its axis 1,000 mph at the equator (~770 mph is speed of sound), while at the same time orbiting the sun at 66,600 mph - all the while the sun, in its turn, is hurtling through the milky way galaxy at 500,000 mph and the milky way galaxy itself alleged to be racing through space from 300,000 to 1,340,000 mph. The earth has a 23.4 degree tilt (66.6 degree inversion).

We are told that the international space station is said to be 250 miles above the earth and is 356 feet - (the size of a football field) and is moving at 4.76 miles/second making a complete revolution every 93 minutes and circling the earth at 15.5 times every day. A plane is 200 feet long and flies about 6 miles above the earth - and yet they claim you can see the ISS from earth - assuming it had good reflecting material it would look like a shooting star. So what is causing the ISS to rotate 16x faster than the earth? Why do planes not have to compensate for the earth spinning 1,000 mph?

The sun is said to be 93 million miles from the earth and the moon 240,000 miles away. The amazing thing is while many people have problems with cell phone connections while driving on earth - the call from the moon to Nixon was not only clear but had less delay than the with newscasters reporting from on site and we have no problem sending digital pictures and calls with the ISS regardless of where it is located. Let’s not forget NASA also claims to have landed on Mars since the 1970s.

If Elon wants to cut waste - NASA would be a good place to start. O'h wait he has received 23 B from them. One last remark - Wernher Von Braun who worked with NASA and developed the rockets used for the Apollo missions wrote many sci-fi novels one was on mars where he described the government run by 10 men and the head of it was a man named "Elon". Actually in his later years Von Braun warned his secretary of what they were planning - the last thing he said would happen would be project Blue Beam - and it will all be fake- there are no UFOs from outer space all this technology is coming from here - the point would be to scare the public to agree to be controlled by one world government. He was correct on his other predictions. He died in 1977 and his tomb stone has his name, date and "Psalm 19:1" inscribed on it. look it up "The heavens declare the Glory of God: and the firmament shows his handiwork"

It really is a Truman show.

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Counterpoint: https://old.bitchute.com/video/7pXB4EVyV7kL [11secondes]

Maybe they should.. ah hell it's happy hour, nevermind.

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Take 2

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The idea that we’re in a Truman Show is a very good shortcut to understanding the magnitude of what’s happening.

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Excellent comment. Agree!

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"If the news is fake, imagine how fake history is." -Yuri Bezmenov (the substack version)

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The piece that finally pushed my doubting mind over the edge into the didn't-happen camp was the mass of hard physical and indirect (e.g. the press conference) evidence presented in the wonderfully wry 14-part series by Dave McGowan at:


If you want an even more engaging presentation of that piece, Mark Sullivan read it into a series of MP3s. Sometimes he can't help laughing out loud at the hilarious absurdity of the contradictions in the official narrative. His site is gone now, but his files were backed up on the Wayback Machine:

1. http://web.archive.org/web/20180505013335/https://puregracepodcast.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/wtmd001.mp3

2. http://web.archive.org/web/20180505013406/https://puregracepodcast.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/wtmd002-edit-fin.mp3

3. http://web.archive.org/web/20180505013443/https://puregracepodcast.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/wtmd003.mp3

4. http://web.archive.org/web/20180505013507/https://puregracepodcast.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/wtmd004_fin.mp3

5-6. http://web.archive.org/web/20181223220022/https://puregracepodcast.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/wtmd005_006.mp3

7-8. http://web.archive.org/web/20181223220116/https://puregracepodcast.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/wtmd007_008.mp3

9-10. http://web.archive.org/web/20181223220124/https://puregracepodcast.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/wtmd009_010.mp3

[Note: skips McGowan's Mythbusters debunking]

11-12. http://web.archive.org/web/20181223220131/https://puregracepodcast.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/wtmd_011_012.mp3

13-14. http://web.archive.org/web/20181223220136/https://puregracepodcast.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/wtmd013-014.mp3

Great entertainment!

I also assembled McGowan's text and images into a 132-page PDF (65MB) at


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Dave McGowan's work has been truly formative in my own journey of questioning established narratives. His investigations were important in my own understanding of how seemingly unrelated events often connect in meaningful patterns when examined closely.

Anyone exploring these topics today is standing on McGowan's shoulders, whether they realize it or not. His ability to identify inconsistencies while maintaining a sense of humor about the absurdity of some official explanations set the standard for this type of research.

Thanks for compiling these resources - they're valuable additions to the conversation.

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Americans are the most heavily propagandized people on the face of the planet

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Space shuttle record 1990 - 300 miles

Polaris Dawn record 2024 - 875 miles

Moon at closest point - 225,623 miles

Not getting into Hollywood lighting, New Mexico whistleblowers, astronaut disposition after achieving the unbelievable, etc etc etc

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They just sent two landers to the Moon, one has successfully landed yesterday, a private mission. Don't talk nonsense.

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Yeah take the Japanese lander…2023 technology with no human requirements…

launched 6 September 2023 at 23:42 UTC

entered lunar orbit 25 December 2023

touched down onto the Moon on 19 January 2024 at 15:20 UTC

What’s that? 110 days just to hit lunar orbit…another 25 days to land…roughly 3,240 hours…roughly averaging 70 mph. Not too far off Polaris Dawn 57 mph average for their record in Sept 2024.

And the lander isn’t coming back.

Contrasted with Apollo 11 claim of 72 hrs from surface of the earth to the surface of the moon…1969 technology and keeping humans alive constraints…yeah bogus bs for sheep…

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The Blue Ghost lunar lander launched on January 15, 2025 at 1:11 AM EST

The lander went into orbit around the Moon on February 13, 2025

Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost Mission 1 successfully landed at 3:34 a.m. EST on Sunday, March 2, 2025

Roughly 46 days…1100 or so hours…16 or so days just to get landed on moon…no human survival requirements. No return trip requirements.

Note time from lunar orbit to landing as no atmosphere for parachutes to assist deceleration.

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Intuitive Machines Athena lander

Launch Feb 26 7:16PM EST

Land March 6 12:31PM EST

8 days…shortest yet. NASA involved though. No mention of lunar orbit times.

Still if true…took 192 hrs. No human & no return requirements. And it’s currently unresponsive.

Remember official Apollo 11 mission there and back which included nearly a day playing on the moon…8 days 3 hrs 18 min 35 secs…or 195 1/2 hrs.

54 yrs later not even remotely duplicated…

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LOL…the “space” station is a 3 1/2 hour drive at freeway speeds…

The Polaris Dawn record last September is 11-12 hour drive.

We haven’t scratched the outer atmosphere let alone space travel. Everything else is a mirage.

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Yeah if you had a car that could drive straight up a cliff face, without the cliff for traction. And then it would immediately fall right back down because you need 18,000 miles/hr in horizontal speed to stay in orbit.

Even the ISS is above the outer atmosphere.

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The magnetosphere is claimed to extend out nearly 10,000 miles from earth’s surface

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Or even exosphere is out 300+ miles…

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Above a 100 mile you are in vacuum, and that is defined as being in outer space. So what's your point?

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Love you Meryl, you really have woken up!!!

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given the gravity of the moon, the astronauts couldn't jump high enough to actually prove they were on the moon to me.... so I always doubted it

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Everything in history has been a lie.

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I wonder how the moon buggy fit inside the capsule that looked much smaller than the buggy?

I’m now thinking that it was the biggest psyops ever.

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Sam, this link contains the information you’re asking for along with illustrations.


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It took 15 hrs averaging 57 mph for Polaris Dawn to get 875 miles out last September for the all time distance record outside of the Apollo missions. Supposedly Apollo 11 made it to the surface of the moon in 72 hours…in an analog black & white tv era. You have more computing power in your phone in your hand than NASA had in a room full of computers. Apollo 11 was 1969…13 years before the Commodore 64 was launched in 1982. Floppy discs weren’t introduced until 1971. 8” disc holding 80 kilobytes.

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Get a life, they launched two probes already well outside of our solar system, probes that zipped past Pluto, and orbited Jupiter & Saturn already, compared to that the Moon is peanuts. And 21 landers on Mars, by China, Russia, USA. Vastly more difficult than the Moon. Even 4 landers on Venus, the hellhole of the solar system. That goes back to the time of the Apollo missions, and that was the broken down Soviet Union. So quit inventing crap, you're making a fool out of yourself.

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LOL…and the Covid vaccine was “safe and effective”….stopped transmission didn’t it….

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Nothing whatsoever to do with it, strawman argument.

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It’s like trying to reconcile Operations Paperclip, Keelhaul, & Gladio along with Devil Unit 731 with the propaganda in the states at the end of WWII….or the Warren Commission magic bullet theory with the irony of Allen Dulles being a key member of the commission after being fired by JFK nearly 2 years prior….

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The series on Mass Psychology in Geopolitics would not have been possible without the serious research research of:

Joushua Stylman https://substack.com/@stylman

ICE-9 https://substack.com/@ice9

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I agree that the demeanor of the astronauts is possibly the strongest evidence that there is regarding the moon landing -- they did not act like they achieved it.

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Strongest evidence, that is ZERO evidence. I'd go with actual photographs & video, some of which is from current moon orbiters, including ones from India & Japan (I guess they are part of your 60yr long conspiracy).

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My rejoinder to that is that photographs can be faked easier than feelings can. Guilt and/or shame and/or fear permeates the visible demeanor of those astronauts. That is not the composure of someone who accomplished more than any human ever before.

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As I said you would be talking a 60yr long mega-conspiracy involving multiple nations, who aren't known to cooperate with each other. Costing at least a $100B in 2025$. To what end? There's no purpose to it. The Bankers, CIA, Deep State could care less about a Moon mission. They'd rather just cancel it the day after they assassinated JFK, save all that cash to fund their endless wars. No problem cancelling it, they do it all the time, more often cancel those programs than stick to them.

And no faking the photographs would be vastly harder than faking feelings. You would have to have advanced knowledge of moon terrain, how shadows work on the moon, by time of day & year, intimate knowledge of how the moon rovers and landers & apparatus were left. And put that all together, long before A.I. Extraordinarily difficult to fake.

And I like how you guys are always moving the goal posts. First you say no spacecraft has flown outside of the Van Allen belts, then you say no human has, then you say no human has gone to the moon. Not that much harder to send a lander & sample return to the moon than a manned mission. In fact its just a matter of scaling up. And you still can't explain what is the magic SpaceX, China & NASA are going to use to put people on the moon in the next 5yrs, well advanced programs, that it was impossible back then.

Sorry, moon landing hoax theories are just plain crackpot. I believe in a lot of conspiracies, from 9/11, to Covid, to Iraq, to the Anthrax attacks, to the pipe bomber & Jan 6, Oct 7 and more. But only if the facts prove that, moon landing hoax that's a fake conspiracy, and I'm a conspiracy factualist.

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how many nations conspired to hide the truth about COVID?

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Yeah this is for over 60yrs for something the Ruling Cult could care less about. There ain't any wars or $trillions in wealth transfer to be gained out of faking a moon landing. I see no advantage whatsoever. If you don't want to do a moon landing just cancel the program and save the $10's of billions spent on developing the Saturn V, biggest rocket ever, until Starship. And more. It's not like they don't routinely cancel space missions.

And its a whole lot easier to fake & mislead people about an unseen virus. You can't fake giant rockets and moon landers/orbiters. Or their launches. Amateur astronomers by the thousands watch and videotape those things.

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Yeah many ask why fake something of that magnitude and expense. Expense is easy when it’s OPM (other people’s money). My theory is from a religious context and the efforts/propaganda of the Tavistock Institute & OSS/CIA in that era…Beetles, new age, etc. trying to drive the man doesn’t need God thought pattern. The moon landing being one of the greatest psyops of that era. When the reality is we haven’t strayed very far at all from this testing ground. To each their own on it.

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The question is not whether some human vehicles reached the moon, but if PEOPLE actually did.

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And lived to return and tell the tale, using that kite-like mylar thing

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Yes, they do act like they haven't achieved what people believe they have. But there are other explanations than they never even went to the moon. Aldrin as well as Collins have make statements that UFOs with ETs in them were always with them on the way to the moon and that alien ships had to be avoided in choosing where to land on the moon. They also know a lot of stuff they can't reveal -- about how agreements had to be made with ETs to even be able to step on the moon. So just imagine then coming back to Earth, where the public doesn't know about any of this and having to constantly censor what you say (they did let stuff slip later). This is the weight are bearing, that makes them appear like not having had the same experience people believe they have.

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And why have the masses never questioned the round earth?

#1 From preschool onward that is all we are shown.

#2 When and IF we question #1, we are dissed and called conspiracists.

An aircraft’s instrument panel has an “attitude indicator” that shows the plane’s relationship to the horizon. The goal is to maintain straight and level flight. Of course a pilot must make adjustments for wind currents, other aircraft, etc.

Question #3 When does a pilot make adjustments for a round earth?

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I believe the “flat earth” argument is a means of confusing people and discrediting those who wish to see more deeply into The Truman Show.

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I’ve been around the world twice…by ship and by air. Explain that in a flat earth model…

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Be careful with touting the fake Moon mission fables. China, SpaceX & NASA will have men on the moon likely within 5yrs or so. So much for Van Allen Belts and all that crap, all those bunch of Moon deniers will look like real fruitcakes and that will taint everything else they believe in.

Like: "oh, that guy is a 9/11 truther conspiracy nut, also claimed Moon landings are fake, well just look people walking on the Moon right now, what an loon".

That's why I insist on a resolute commitment to the Truth, Follow the Evidence, I don't care where it goes or who it offends, whether it is deemed right or left wing, whether it is pro or anti-establishment, whether some club, gang or tribe believes in it or not.

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SmithFS, the moon is within the firmament. We can get to the moon. The famous moon landing was faked. The faked moon landing pretended that the moon is 238,000 miles away, beyond the Van Allen belt. It's true that we cannot get through the Van Allen radiation belt. Even Elon said we cannot get beyond the firmament.

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Sorry, not one thing you said was true. Do better.

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At the current rate of progress…in another 30-40 years man may get 1% of the distance to the moon

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A private company just put a lander on the Moon:

WOW! Watch Firefly Blue Ghost Land On The Moon

The Launch Pad:


One of two moon landers just launched, incl a private lander from Japan:


And that is with the Falcon 9, which has launched 455 times successfully.

And that is minor compared to the Starship which is on Flight 8 already. Can put over a 100 tons on the moon.

So don't talk nonsense. People will think you are mentally challenged.

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Two things can be true at once:

1. The televised moon landing was fake, and

2. Real moon landings have subsequently occurred.

If anyone wants to plumb the depths of the Truman Show then consider the Boston Marathon bombing: the man with legs blown off, sitting upright and being pushed in a wheelchair. Think about it. Sitting …. upright ? And conscious? After having his legs blown off? You would be too, right? There’s at least one good documentary that examines that scenario. It was a manufactured “reality.”

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The Moon landings have nothing whatsoever to do with Boston Marathon bombings. Unquestionably some news events are fake or propaganda, and many aren't. The task is to sort out fact from fiction.

Now you are moving the goalposts to the limit, claiming only the first moon landing was fake. Now why fake just the first landing? And there are Moon orbiter photos of the first landing site and lander. So that is dubious at best. And if just one landing was fake, that doesn't change the main issue of contention, i.e. that Moon landings are quite doable in the present and even were doable in the past.

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How are we doing in rescuing the 2 astronauts currently stranded on the “space” station only 200 miles out???

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SpaceX offered to rescue them a long time ago, but NASA refused under orders from the Biden regime, as they didn't want to give Musk (whom they despise) a win over their buddies in Big Aerospace.

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I already went down this rabbit hole years ago and came out of it. If Maryl's substack is going to be yet another "everything is a lie" rant-fest, I'll have to check out.

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This link is a lot of hot air. Confusion: that's all it is. TPTB want a confused population that is easier to control, so we're seeing a lot of fake messaging all over the place these days.

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So, we need to sort it out with the best science and analysis, right?

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Meryl, I've been reading your substack for some time and thought it very informative. Was this propaganda you were feeding me? Highlighting Joshua Stylman's article is a disservice to your reader. That is pure propagande. I'm an engineer and I don't have the answers the questions he poses, nor does he. I was totally flabbergasted. There were even picture of people that believe in a flat earth. That shows the level of intelligence.

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Hi Peter,

I'm the author of the piece Meryl shared. I appreciate your perspective as an engineer, and you're right - I don't have all the answers to these questions. That's actually the point of my exploration.

As you might have noticed, I specifically avoided making physics-based arguments about space travel feasibility - that wasn't my focus at all, nor it is my expertise. I'm more interested in documented historical connections and symbolic patterns that raise questions about our institutional narratives.

Regarding your comment about "pictures of people that believe in a flat earth" - I'm guessing you're referring to the source of the Challenger footage I cited. I referenced that specific documentary segment for its compelling evidence about the crew identities, regardless of the filmmaker's other perspectives. In my research, I've found that sometimes valuable observations can come from unexpected sources.

I'm genuinely just a curious person exploring ideas and seeking to understand our world better. If that's propaganda, I'm not sure who it's serving except our collective pursuit of truth.

Everyone's entitled to their perspective, of course, and I respect your engineering background and skepticism. That's how knowledge advances - through questioning and respectful dialogue.

Best of luck,


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Keep going…everyone needs some huge doses of skepticism and truth in this world today.

I was part of a unit that was going to take out Saddam in Iraq in the 97-98 era. War war war with CNN crawling all over us for 24-48 hrs then Billy Bob would call off the mission. Perfectly coincided with Linda Trip tapes, Monica Lewinsky dress, etc…just needed a media diversion to buy a day or two to craft a response strategy.

Saddam was trained & put in place by CIA. Iraq was utilized unsuccessfully to bring Iran back into alignment after Kermit’s operation AJAX finally failed.

Noriega asked HW to triple his monthly fee for CIA drug money laundering…off go uncle Sam’s misguided children to take Panama and extradite Noriega to a confined hotel in Florida.

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Don''t insult Meryl. She is a truth seeker and is looking at contrary evidence with an open mind. Try that yourself.

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