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Thanks again for your highly important information. But I have to get back to the geoengineering if we are going to live to utilize your work.

In a previous post some of us went on about how we could stand against the Subhuman Globalists. I'. Afraid we are running out of time to do so.

FRAUDULENT is also a good term for the so-called weather reporters and climate scientists. Raytheon and Lockeed Martin who control the weather and pass down the scripts reported by people who are under a illegal gag order that prevents them from telling the the truth

Merly, you have said before that that anthropogenic global was a hoax.You doubt that the deadly erratic weather patterns are not caused by geoengineering. You seem to believe that the extream flooding and wild fires are somehow natural

tha temperatures thar are being recorded these days are the highest in recorded history. Areas of middle east are hitting above 150 degree temperatures. This is on the brink of the ability for human survival. That is, the healthy individuals, not the physically distressed.

In Canada the wildfires since May have claimed three million acres of forest, a necessary environmental element in our, survival as well as the wildlife experiencing this carnage. As of today, there are over 900 active wildfires eating up the Canadian wilderness. Spraying of geoengineering poisons has been detected above this and other wildfires around the world. Why?

Again, we are running out of time. The Earth can no longer this assault along with OTE forms of human pollution.

For whoever has the guts to face reality go to geoengineeringwatch.org and and read the report, How Wild Fires Serve the Geoengineering Agenda. Then go to the top right side of the homepage and listen to the latest recording of the weekly Ggobal Alert News radio broadcast. I guarantee that if you do this, and can accept horrible truths, you will be motivated to further address this atrocity that will prevent any of our work from saving freedom and society from ever happening. Please forgive my blumtness!

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