Yep, this sort of thing has been going on for a long time. About 15 years ago, I was there when the then head of the physics dept of which I was then an inhabitant told his mates at the lunch table how he'd sent a paper to Nature saying -- oh, I forget exactly what -- the point is that Nature had replied that they liked his data, and would publish them if he reversed his conclusions. Well this gentleman, who was already at the top of his profession and had no particular need of funding, snorted and threw the data in a drawer. But if he'd been a postdoc desperate for his first job -- well, a paper in the then-universally-respected journal Nature may well have been irresistible. It's all very sad, Meryl. Science, as the religion of the modern age, has become just as corrupt and evil as the Church that ran the Spanish Inquisition.

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Back in the 1980's when HIV was purportedly "proven" to be the cause of AIDS by the Chief Government Medical Hack, Dr. Robert Gallo, one very highly renowned virologist, Dr. Peter Duesberg waited for the actual paper proving the causation to come out of Gallo's lab. Unfortunately, though the actual paper and proof was NEVER forthcoming from Gallo or anyone else, Dr Duesberg waited too long to take his misgivings public. Though the magazine Science did publish his article "Ten Reasons Why HIV Cannot be Causing AIDS" he was effectively neutralized by the Arch Criminal Team Gallo/Fauci/Ho at the NIH at the time... Gallo didn't actually even produce any work on HIV.. his lab assistant at the time did and came to the conclusion HIV was NOT the cause of AIDS but Gallo, desperate to "make a name" for himself changed the conclusions in the paper from "negative to positive" and the rest became history..

Here is the crux of the paper from Dr. Duesberg's website:


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Yes. And a very good friend of mine who had haemophilia and thus lots of blood transfusions had the misfortune to be diagnosed with AIDs simply because he tested positive for HIV. He never had ANY symptoms of "AIDS". But the AZT he was given to "cure" it killed him. Thanks very much, Robert [expletive deleted] Gallo.

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This is the real travesty of the whole HIV/AIDS debacle that can be laid squarely at the feet of big pharma and Antony fauci may he die in squalor and agony. And “the public” will never know or believe the real story. I’m sorry. In 100 years or so I pray that they have risen from the ashes of the travesty of our “health care system” and look back with pity of our ignorance and the evil / hubris of these people are seen in all their glory.

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I am sorry for your loss, Susan. A very dear friend of mine, (also a Susan) had a younger brother who was her only sibling that also had hemophilia and also had to take factor K every day which was made from donated blood products just to survive. He was “diagnosed”with HIV/AIDS also from tainted blood product. This was known by the

pharmaceutical company that manufactured the factor K.

Horrified by the stigma of being labeled a homosexual, he committed suicide at age 21.

His family received a pittance of a settlement from a class action lawsuit years later.

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Everything is affected, not just science. Humans are broken. Ethics, religion, spirituality used to be the remedy applied to that brokenness. When we leave God in the wastebasket, everything man applies himself to is forever changed.

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1.) ''There have been two studies on Ivermectin this past year. Each study concluded Ivermectin ineffective against covid. The studies were flawed both in the dosage of Ivermectin and the duration of treatment.''

''This was deliberate.''

'The largest study of the two was called the ''Together Study''. Guess who funded that study?'

''Sam Bankman Fried and FTX.''

''Now you know the rest of the story.''!

2.) "FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation"

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) telling people to “stop” taking ivermectin for COVID-19 was informal and just a recommendation, government lawyers argued during a recent hearing.


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1. Not at all surprised about the SBF / FTX (aka Demo_rats) funding of deliberately negative Ivermection trials. And/but 2. not sure you can trust the Epoch Times (see comments section on ET article referred to by Atticus).

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"The FTX scandal involves Democrats sending billions to Ukraine only to have it converted into crypto via FTX and laundered to send back to Democrats to use to seal the midterm elections. So the taxpayers are funding the theft of the democracy by the Democrats in the name of "democracy"!


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The Democrats and probably Republicans as well have been laundering money via Ukraine for decades. But most Americans had no clue because they depend on the lying media for the truth. Ukraine has not been labeled the most corrupt country in Europe for no reason. They ARE the most corrupt and their partner in crime is the US. Wake up people. We are being sold down the river by our own government.

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I think we must admit, come to understand that we are being played both sides against the middle. The infiltration, the money laundering, the big pharma payoffs, the literature. This is bigger than a dem/repub thing. It is ignorant to think that republicans hands are tied and there is no recourse. Many years in the making... by cooperation on both/ all sides.

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YES! When will an honest reporter ask a politician, ANY politician why we continue to write blank checks to Zelensky and co. with absolutely NO accountability for where it goes?

Of course they would get a BS answer, but I want to hear it anyway.

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I agree with everything you said. It does appear that some of the money being laundered comes from some of the billionaire USA-based individuals who appear to identify as "Democrat" but those people and their organizations are just distributing donations they receive that are made up of USA tax revenues.

The Rockefeller brothers played both sides of the R vs D political spectrum. Another old-time medical science guy who was part of the brotherhood of darkness was Alexis Carrel.

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Wrong! dem rats not republicans are to blame. trump did all his best and saved millions with his vaccines. dem rats tried to steal credit from him, but people know who saved them from the pandemic. DJT pressured FDA like they had never been pressured before, and approved new vaccines never seen before in record time and saved millions!!

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Sorry but those injections have already killed more than COVID. Not Trump's fault he too was deceived but your point that the injection (it is not a vaccine) only shows that you truly are clueless about the real death toll globally. And again you show your indoctrination. Republicans over the years have played their part in all of this too. Perhaps not as many as the Democrats but the Republicans are not totally innocent either. You really need to turn off the TV and do some real research.

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dem rats have run the country for a long time from beyond the scenes.

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When your ideas can't win fair and square, if you have no integrity, you CHEAT. You censor, use Propaganda, subvert Justice, demonize your opponents, suppress Truth, vilify (or murder) whistle-blowers (see "Seth Rich". Julian Assange), you weaponize Law Enforcement against your opponents, and you Lie, Lie, Lie to hide the Truth. You subvert elections because Your Ideas SUCK and they wouldn't be bought by The People, no matter what party they might normally favor.


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The article you linked mentions Ross Rheingans-Yoo as the representative of FTX. Check out his bio here. "His work focuses on pandemic preparedness"


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Oh good grief, so this guy claims to be an economist. He knows nothing and cares less about medicine, or epidemiology, or biology, or actual science of any kind. To quote his bio [sic] "He enjoy research​ in {market design, network structure theory, quantitative epistemology​, algebraic tameness}, teaching, educational game design, puzzles, poetry, cellular automaton art, fencing, and ballroom dance." And this is who works on future pandemic scams??

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Fascinating how all this works, isn't it?

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Lol. Yes - it is fascinating like a highly unrealistic, sprawling planetary crime novel. But we all lost the threads of the plot awhile ago. Unfortunately for the screenplay we already know who did it. Big spoiler alert.

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But does he die in the end?

Hopefully, all of these bastards do.

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I think all the evil knights and dragon slayers die. They’ve been doing it for many years. How many of the ancestors of these died on Flodden Field? Tilting at windmills and dragons.

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Sadly or not, we ALL die in the End.... it's called "Nature"...

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Yes, sure. However many of us believe that it is how and why we live and die is what’s important.

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But this book should end with all of the bad actors in the same plane, crashing into a lake filled with piranhas and which is surrounded by cannibal tribes.

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We do? Tell us, tell us -- who dunnit?

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If someone told me this story 5 years ago, i would have laughed.

Now, not so much.

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For those not already intimately familiar with just why the “TOGETHER” trials are fraudulent the video below and its introduction may help make it clear. I am confident Meryl has addressed it elsewhere. To the list of “designed to fail” components that the analyst of the below video notes should be added that participants were required to take Ivermectin on an empty stomach, which drastically impairs absorption and efficacy. Taking it with a fatty meal improves absorption by varying factors depending on what fats taken by which people how many minutes after initiation of eating or after eating—these are not hard numbers but are context dependent stochastologicals. The key point is that researchers cannot be proceeding honestly to insist taking Ivermectin on an empty stomach. It’s not quite so bad as having my sister take Ivermectin for me to see how well it works, but the intention is the same.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/6rvvcCzAEtwY/ A walk through the TOGETHER trial FLCCC Weekly Webinar (6 April 2022) Here is the analyst of the video.

[BEGIN QUOTE] Pierre Kory leads a wonderful discussion (for the research scientist or the very diligent layperson) of the recent TOGETHER trials in Brazil. The WSJ flashed headlines and detailed accounts of just how--after all the hoopla and fanfare from the crazed "Ivermectin advocates" the largest ever super-scientific TOGETHER trials from Brazil proved once and for all that the drug is worthless against COVID. Except that, just as Meryl Nass, M.D. demonstrated nearly two years ago for hydroxychloroquine, these Big Pharma-sponsored trials were fraudulent from top to bottom. For details of the HCQ issue please see https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/search?q=hydroxychloroquine

I watched this video while doing other things, but to make it easier going for the non-researcher, here are several of the key deliberate sins of the study: 1) it was designed to under-dose patients. First by trying to give only a single dose of IVM, then by limiting dosing to three days and limiting the top dosage for someone weighing circa 200 pounds so that the most obese (who are most vulnerable and die from COVID) were inadequately medicated. 2) The control group did not use concurrent usage of IVM as a rule-out condition for participation. Hence, some of the control group patients were also self-treating with IVM (for other conditions). 3) The treatment and control groups were from different time periods. The control group was taken from a period given a mild strain of COVID was afoot (so IVM's utility was limited) while the treatment group was challenged by a devastating strain of COVID so even IVM's power faced a much stiffer challenge: and thus there was no honest comparison between the effects of IVM on the same disease at the same time for the same population. 4) The TOGETHER trial is so large because it compiles a series of smaller ones. The Standard Operating Procedure was to report that the trials “prove” no benefit even when even after all the biases the trials showed change in the direction of benefit but were too small (i.e., under-powered) to reach the arbitrary level of “statistical significance” of 95% certainty. So if a small trial showed only 3 IVM patients hospitalized but 6 controls hospitalized, instead of saying 50% reduction in hospitalization, TOGETHER said, “look, no effect at all!” even when the stats, properly analyzed, showed a good probability of there being an effect if the sample size were larger. There are many more such instances of cynical fraud. The tragedy is that so much of the scientifically ignorant and morally cowardly medical profession cheered on these results.

Kory correctly places the disinformation campaign into historical context: it follows in the footsteps of Big Tobacco faced with devastating evidence of cigarette carcinogenicity as early as George Seldes' 1938 exposé quoting the real science. The strategy is to create doubt in order to immobilize political action (more research is always needed). This is the same strategy that the CIA used in its control of the media to squash and derail political organization against the public understanding the JFK assassination. Pierre Kory expostulated in anger and dismay, "And it works!"[END QUOTE]

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I just acquired some Ivermectin. Yes, it’s available here in my state no rx needed.

The pharmacist told me that a study had been done, and that beer was also improves absorption. Of course, a good beer like Guinness, not “bear whiz” Coors Light! 😄

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What a tiny click of mafia corporate and fake philanthropy families colluding!

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This FTX racket is deeply involved with the COVID scam. Linda Fried, SBF's aunt, is an epidemiologist with the WEF.


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I have been in medicine for 54 years, first as a pharmacist and for the last 34 years as a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist. Our doctors and public dont' quite know what to do with acupuncture, and herbs "compete" with pharmaceuticals and our medical personnel are taught nothing of value about herbal medicine. Thus the oldest and safest and very arguably the MOST effective line of medicine is cut off from our most educated practitioners. It is no exaggeration to say that the thousands of years old medicine I practice can actually cure problems which we haven't got a clue how to treat in our Platinum Plated medical system and sadly which lost more people to Covid than any other medical system in the World! Third world countries did better with their home brews than we did under Fauci who pushed Remdesavir, the kidney destroyer, on all hospitalized American Covid patients! Ive seen the studies which prove HCQ is effective dating back to 2005! Ivermectin is a amazing natural product with untold uses and one very important one being viral neutralization.

FYI, The Chinese Ministry of Health on February 2, 2020 ordered all hospitals treating covid in China to begin using their herbal pharmacies to cure patients coming in with it. Within a few days patients were being moved from ICU to regular wards and by March they were dismantling those extra wards they were supposedly building for Covid. April found Chinese "lockdowns" and quarantining pretty much over as they approved an OTC herbal medicine, Lianhua Qingwen Jiaonang for first and second stage Covid 19. If the illness progressed to more serious stages the patient could be hospitalized and other herbals given. I knew they would wipe this thing out since they had done the same to SARS Covid 1 back in 2003 and this new variant is 95% identical to every other corona virus. Kill the virus and the spike protein is denatured along with it.. China was opened in Summer of 2020 where they held a Rock Concert with hundreds of thousands in attendance and New Years Eve of 2021 a million people were in the streets of Wuhan. This latest "Zero Covid" insanity is a political power play to embed the New Emperor Xi Jin Ping into permanent power... and paper over the terrible financial crisis their economy is experiencing with the collapse of the real estate bubble...

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FTX...the gigantic democrat front money washing machine now gone bust. I wonder how many other FTX's there are out there? Democrats are excellent at fraud, terrorism and theft....the only way they can survive. Don't worry, no one is going to prison or being fined...unless the are repubs, conservatives or MAGA.

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Take a peek at their other projects of interest:


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Funny how that works.

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1.) ''There have been two studies on Ivermectin this past year. Each study concluded Ivermectin ineffective against covid. The studies were flawed both in the dosage of Ivermectin and the duration of treatment.''

''This was deliberate.''

'The largest study of the two was called the ''Together Study''. Guess who funded that study?'

''Sam Bankman Fried and FTX.''

''Now you know the rest of the story.''!

2.) "FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation"

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) telling people to “stop” taking ivermectin for COVID-19 was informal and just a recommendation, government lawyers argued during a recent hearing.


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1.) ''There have been two studies on Ivermectin this past year. Each study concluded Ivermectin ineffective against covid. The studies were flawed both in the dosage of Ivermectin and the duration of treatment.''

''This was deliberate.''

'The largest study of the two was called the ''Together Study''. Guess who funded that study?'

''Sam Bankman Fried and FTX.''

''Now you know the rest of the story.''!

2.) "FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation"

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) telling people to “stop” taking ivermectin for COVID-19 was informal and just a recommendation, government lawyers argued during a recent hearing.


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For a good article about FTX and its deep state connections to the Democrats, check out Craig Murray's excellent article. I would just point out that somethiing similar to this happened when the Savings and Loans industry went bust back in the 80s because they were secretly laundering CIA drug money from the Iran-Contra scandal.




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"FTX didn't just fund Ukraine and Democrat campaigns; it also funded Science"

I think you mean Science(TM).

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