"Through this gathering, we will also seek to build stronger ties between the overlapping 9/11 and Covid research communities."


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"A topic that is virtually never allowed to be addressed within the hallowed halls of academia is any suggestion that the official narrative of 9/11 may not be entirely true. Self-respecting professors will not only avoid this topic like the plague, but will also prohibit anyone from discussing it in their presence, as if fearing they could be stigmatized as a “conspiracy theorist” by association. Whenever I raised pesky questions about 9/11 with my ex-husband, a scientist and professor at a top-ranked university, his curt reply, “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories,” ended the conversation. Kind of a bizarre thing to say, coming from a scientist, isn’t it?

But if inquiring minds persist, what should a principled professor do? What would Johan Galtung do?

On February 17 this year, the visionary mediator, writer, researcher and father of Peace Studies, Johan Galtung, transitioned to the ancestors, prompting heartfelt accolades from many whose minds he ignited and lives he touched, including this one by my adopted Burmese brother, Zarni, who recently joined Galtung as another worthy nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Galtung’s consistent goal was positive peace, not just the absence of war but presence of dignity, uplift and self-determination for all people, where inevitable conflicts can be transformed creatively and nonviolently. Always practical, he issued these five commandments for conflict transformation:

Try to see a conflict from above: the actors, their goals, their pursuits, their clashes. Including you. You may need outside help.

Try to be evenhanded. Try to see yourself or the other side of yourself as clearly as you see the others. Again, you may need help.

The legitimacy test: be judgmental about goals and pursuits, ends and means, including your own. What is legitimate–legal, compatible with human rights, with basic human needs–what is not?

Look at all those legitimate goals and pursuits and put your joint creativity to work: what are the minimum changes needed for a compelling vision, with maximum accommodation of all legitimate goals?

Enact that vision. And if it does not work, back to No. 1. Try again. And again…and again… Perseverance is the key."


The Johan Galtung Approach to Taboo Topics


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RemovedMay 19
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Nope it’s still spam. How can people not caught on yet?

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“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

― Henry Ford

Since then, making the best use of human and natural resources has been transformed to abuse in the West. One of the memorable moments, leaving the gold standard, another, outsourcing research and production to low wage countries (which rapidly wised up, to become unbeatable competitors due to investing in human resources). The culprits need security which translates to dictatorship for the rest, with a police state apparatus like in the former East-Germany (STASI), assisted by electronics. 911 was the official start for everyone familiar with controlled demolition.

Things will get worse when the Western public finally realizes that what is called "global elite" is nothing more than a gang of malicious parasites that claims to own the world and wants to collect rent forever, whatever that takes.

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I like listening to you talk; you have a very soothing voice. And not to put too fine of a point on it -but it's a very youthful voice as well

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Neils harit discovered the presence of nanothermite in the dust. The nanotech in the bioweapons is a similar feature. The use of sic explosive sic nano scale, soon to kill us all. Joy.

Further, I was at an answer coalition meeting where they democratically sic voted not to allow to hear and discuss this issue of the explosive nanothermite described as being able to cut thru steel like a hot knife thru butter when preplanted in the towers, the meeting voted by like two thirds to not give her issue any consideration because.... democracy.

That was their answer at answer. To ignore and then later gaslight what might stop more wars, which are all about racism. I don't think you can have a war without it....

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more agents than activists there?

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The video link here ^ currently (6p EST) says “this stream is offline”, but the webpage says, “If you are unable to attend, a video will be available shortly afterward.”

Does anyone know where the symposium video can be found?

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ACIP’s Universal flu shot recommendations are a form of security theater, exploited by a mockingbird song that was composed before 9/11 2001.

In the mid 90s MSM was pushing flu shots when they were only recommended for the high-risk population by the ACIP. Then they were recommended for healthy infants in the early 2000s, and now everyone is expected to get the shot every year for the rest of their life as a matter of “civic duty”.

Universal flu shot recommendations began in 2010, months after WHO declared a pandemic that was not caused by a novel virus and would therefore not have been classified as a pandemic under previous WHO criteria. Additionally, WHO contemporaneously altered its website description of a pandemic to include relatively benign outbreaks like the 2009 “pandemic”.

Under this new “description”, SARS would have been labeled a pandemic as well. WHO did not declare a pandemic in 2003, but it did release a “global alert” in response to the simultaneous community outbreaks that occurred in multiple regions and both hemispheres. Some sources refer to SARS as the first pandemic of the 21st century, but others say 2009 flu was the first.

There was an attempt to roll out universal vaccines in 2009, but the scandal [surrounding WHO’s changing pandemic classification system, a benign pandemic and a press conference with a Canadian epidemiologist regarding seasonal flu vaccines and their impact] prevented this from happening.

Masking in 2020 followed a similar pattern, first being supported by the media and the experts they elevated, then the CDC, and finally WHO. The plot to encourage public masking began shortly after 9/11 with mild praise of SARS intervention in China (what can we learn from them?).

Some view the WHO/UN as the lone orchestrator of the pandemic treaty, the weaponization of public health, and a global order that circumvents democracy. I believe it’s an apparatus, a proxy of the US intel agenda. This is why the media seems to be ahead of the agencies, because the intelligence community is trying to compel social acceptance prior to implementing authoritarian policies.

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My friends, I need your help to share THE FIRST Narrative Feature Film EXPLOITING THE CORRUPTION OF COVID by Michael Angel Loayza Jr. (a Conscious Filmmaker)


We must all peacefully work together to exploit the corrupt institutions and to no longer be a slave to their toxic, greed-riddled agenda.

Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram

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Deep Dive into Saskatchewan, Canada connections to NWO Agenda - Author, Boyd Anderson

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I certainly hope that you are right, but I also know that the US has decades of crimes to pay for.

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They are committing genocide against their own population while expecting us to applaud their endless wars, their non-stop propaganda, and their relentless suppression of truth. This can't last much longer.

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There are cracks in the edifice. We are getting to the point where the samizdat is more believable for many people than the official press, and that's the point at which the thing collapses. They know that, and so you see things like the desperation to spin the Slovakian PM assassination attempt as something other than what it was. We are getting close to being believed, and that's why WW3, the Sampson option, is being waved around, but they are bluffing. They will soon be on the run, I think.


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Hope you are right, but the people who want to "gather in all of the chips" avoid any physical (and often moral and financial) skin in the game

In a nuclear war, the"continuation of government" (bunkers, food and much more including swimming pools etc) ensure that war won't really affect them physically

The billionaires have their bunkers too. Like Kissinger said, power is the strongest aphrodisiac, which I believe means that power pursued for its own sake. Some elites pursue power, not for more money (most have more than they'll ever spend) but for other reasons. Klaus Schwab is the son of a Nazi war criminal. Pretty sure many of THOSE people just appreciated total power including life and death over other humans

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Nuclear war would affect everyone physically and the pathocrats know that.

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It would affect everyone except the people who are initiating it, the pathocrats, an apt term

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