There are only 2640 billionaires and 8 billion of us. All this race and gender bollocks is to divide, lets come together and take them out. They should be terrified.

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There are only a relatively small number of us. The rest that you counted among “us” are better understood as pliant subjects whose attitudes and beliefs are being shaped before our eyes into a phantasmagoria of nonsense with which they comply, and which will in due time move them to come after us with a vengeance, or else nod their heads in agreement with those who do. And there are virtually no limits to the nonsense that “they” not “us” are willing to believe, for example, men who can make themselves women by declaring it so, pedophiles who are “minor-attracted persons” drawn to “adult-oriented children” and enjoy the full protection of the state and the assent of “them,” not “us.” Even those who have come to have their doubts about vaccine safety are a million miles away from what we understand are the causes of these grave "mistakes." The vast majority of the 8 billion are not with us.

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Sad but true. Great comment, M Green!

The fact that so many people didn't even question the BLATANT civil rights violations, and so many other things during the Plandemic, keeps making me go back to The Milgram Experiment. It is BEYOND frightening how easily most people can be duped.

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HOWEVER, remember: only about 3% of the American Colonists participated in the Revolutionary War and were able to defeat the greatest empire the world had ever seen.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog!"

WE WILL WIN because we have NO other choice!

The real fight hasn't even started yet. When it does, the Globalist monsters will discover that they have no place to hide — they will be literally dug out of their cozy little retreats and shot or strung up. They are mass-murdering mega criminals, and there are millions of us who know it!

Evil is IGNORANCE, much like darkness is the absence of light. Turn on the light, and what happens to the darkness?

The Evil perpetrators of all this nonsense are fundamentally stupid. Only their extreme hubris and narcissism makes them pretend that they are intelligent. They repeatedly miscalculate. They can't help it because they have NO discernment, NO connection to GOD, the ultimate intelligence! And besides that, there are Intelligences working behind the scenes for the Good. But none of this is an accident. There is a Greater Plan and purpose. The oblivious "Darwin Awards" candidates will not survive. The contrast between Good and Evil will force everyone to make a choice for how they want to live on this beautiful planet.

The present system of control, greed, and subjugation isn't working anyway and must be destroyed to make way for something actually better— a Great Awakening, NOT a Great Reset!

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When the masses feel the extremes of starvation and the misery of their deprived lives they will start to recognize their folly.

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At which point it might be too late for them.

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Absolutely! The Sheeple mostly still believe our Lying Government and Lying Media. Wait until they discover they have been gaslighted and hoodwinked!

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The other day we saw a seagull who landed on a balcony with a glass railing, and it couldn't get out because it kept trying to fly through the glass instead of up and over it. Very frustrating to watch.

We are doing something similar.

But we will figure it out.

The oligarchs don't think that we will, but we will.

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EXCELLENT comment, Faith.

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We have to wake them up otherwise we are all in deep shit. I am amazed by how many are now asking questions, lets wake them up quick. If enough know the ID, CBDC, Social Score drill is all a trap we can stop it. They need our compliance. Tell them where to shove it.

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Agreed! If everyone wakes people up within their reach we have a chance. For example when I started working 90% of the people believed all this nonsense, now 20%. By being relentless, by not giving a damn about what they think of me, by playing podcasts and interviews at full volume so they can’t be ignored I have managed to enlighten these sheep. Now I have to mobilize them and remind them this is about their childrens future, not them. It really is up to us to lead by example, to show no fear. God helps those who help themselves.

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The avalanche has started, and the newly awake are very very annoyed, it's now or 1984 beckons.

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Too few know that "our (potential) owners and controllers" are in the class of psychopaths and sociopaths. The 99.9% evolved for trust and cooperation, able to sort out differences by reasoning and (small scale) experiments. In a tribal environment, that class was prevented to rise to important positions. When passing a threshold (unacceptable (damaging) behavior) the threat was literally eliminated but in a way of "least harm" to family / friends. That mechanism started to fail with increasing complexity of society, long ago. Also, too few know the vulnerabilities of the present 24/7 control grid, that has to stay profitable for the owners and shareholders.

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This is how it went in Stalin's Russia, the Third Reich, Mao's China. Ionesco's play Rhinoceros dramatizes this, how everyone falls. Tonight is the anniversary of Zev Zelenko's death. He said to ignore that phenomenon, it had happened before, and to fight on. There are realms of being that neither they, or their AI bots, can imagine or dwell in, so, respectfully, I don't think this is about numbers. We can't predict how things will go, much as the left hemispheres of our brains (including mine) want to, and we wish desperately for permanence, but life is impermanent. Yet, there are black swans, and complex adaptive systems, and chaos theory in which the butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can affect the weather in Kansas, and there are miracles that scientists (the good ones) can't come to terms with.

Long, long ago, when I was young, I used to home visit as a health aide and the homebound people would think there were criminals behind the bushes everywhere because they were watching the news. I think we all track the daily seismic tectonic shocking shifts around us, try to keep track of all the evil shock and awe, and that seems to saturate and BE reality, but it isn't. That's what they want us to think.

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Cynthia, it is very much like Rhinoceros. I hope that nothing I said suggests giving up, but rather understanding who is on our side and who isn’t and never will be. Jimmy Dore is fond of saying that none of his friends can forgive him for being right about COVID and the vaccines. I’m luckier because my friends are logic- and STEM-based conspiracy theorists (with a strong real left background) so nobody ever had to say he was sorry. I live in Los Angeles where many more of the population do resemble the crazed woke stereotypes than elsewhere, and the rest are held sway by “social compliance” constraints demanding tolerance and inclusion so that intelligent informed conversation long ago came to a standstill, including and even especially, in academia (e.g., UCLA where faculty sputter stupidities and threaten non-compliers with expulsion from committee). The local Next-door seems to report a crime-of-the-day in my relatively nice middle-class neighborhood and I have learned to take precautions.

I retired nearly 20 years ago and am old but I almost got into a physical fight with a 99¢ Store security guard who demanded to see inside my bag, but refused to look when I put it down and offered it to him, and instead demanded my receipt and again refused to look in the bag when I told him both the items purchased and the receipts were in the bag, and then refused to let me leave the store and took out his Taser to make good on the threat. Only the intervention of a clerk who knew me (I have shopped there since the store opened 40 years ago) defused the situation. The irony is that (Soros-backed) District Attorney George Gascón refuses to prosecute shoplifting under $950. When I asked a black neighbor to do me a favor and have her dog poop on the parkway rather than my lawn, a “sister” came charging from across the street like a banshee, accused me of racism, and photographed me on her cell phone to document the crime. I have one institutional affiliation with 600+ members and there are three of us who understand what is happening—and one of us is in a position to know the opinions of all the others; everyone else subscribes to the dominant narratives. So my impressions of what is happening are not just from the nightly news and, to repeat my original point, none of these people are on our side. I agree that we have no choice but to fight however well we can but I have to say that chaos theory articulates the possibility of a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil causing a tornado in Kansas without making it more probable than flipping a fair coin and getting a thousand heads in a row. I would rather read about history than be forced to live through its violent throes, and these are violent throes despite the benevolent smiles on the clowns herding us onto the cattle cars while systematically destroying the fabric of Western civilization.

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I have appreciated your comments, M. Green.

You will remember 1968 and the paradigm shift about the Vietnam War ...

"Silent majority ain't keepin' silent, any more..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGEENWVlu0c

There was a paradigm shift, crystallized by the Tet offensive early in the year, then Walter Cronkite wondered out loud if we Americans had been truthfully informed... It answered itself. Bobby and Martin were champions for peace, a threat to the war machine, and were assassinated by that machine, but it was too late, the ship-of-state had passed the tipping point, LBJ the mass-murderer saw the writing on the wall.

It's that time again. We can feed the shift, help the tipping over to happen. It is getting ready to happen. There have been a lot of deaths. Something like Tet needs to make it common-knowledge, where "everyone knows that everyone knows".

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I am glad that you found my comments of some interest. Please forgive me for compressing very complex causes into simpler narratives. One of the last political events I attended featured Blase Bonpane not long before his death in April 2019 speaking of the power of collective action—at which point I whispered in the ear of my companion “It’s going to begin and end with protesting the Vietnam War,” something in which I had vigorously engaged; and indeed that was his sole example. According to Blase, protests against the Vietnam War were a major reason that the War ended, and we could do it again against US imperialism.

Every so often the Council on Foreign Relations amuses itself by providing access to its plans and records to those not in agreement. I believe they do so to illustrate their fitness to rule by demonstrating that the truth can be put out there in plain view without risk of negative repercussions because so few read and even fewer understand what they read. Carroll Quigley’s access resulted in “Tragedy & Hope”; Shoup & Minter’s in “Imperial Brain Trust.” (There was an important brouhaha re Tragedy but it was handled. There was nothing of import from Brain Trust.) During WWII the CFR comprised 14 of the 16 top State Department officials, and while the war was in progress they formulated their plans for the conquest of Southeast Asia which they believed was essential to control the world economy (see Chpt. 6 “The Council and American Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia 1940-1975”), but they miscalculated the odds of winning quickly and easily—and exposed the US to having to trade dollars for gold once it began to run a trade deficit—which led to an unusual and rare split in opinion (pp. 44-49) during which CFR member Daniel Ellsberg famously leaked their own prior machinations with a title that shifted responsibility to the Pentagon. I am inclined to see much of the decision to withdraw from Vietnam in such terms as these rather than the power of the people, though the latter definitely played a role in their deliberations, and has been greatly weakened by elimination of the draft.

I too hope that we can find some simple, clear, direct and compelling moment of truth that will wake up the people to what is happening, but since the other side has control of the trusted megaphone, and since these issues require rethinking one’s theories of both the world and human nature, it is beyond the vast majority of our fellow citizens. (The tiniest example comes to mind and makes me smile because the point is so simple and trivial yet went over the heads of two very smart grown men. Del Bigtree recently interviewed Scott Atlas on The Highwire about his time as COVID advisor to President Trump. Atlas at one point was upset at how Fauci, Birx, et. al. ignored the crucial difference between IFR and CFR in terms of assessing how great a threat we faced from COVID. Speaking to his two adult sons, who he said were smarter but not more knowledgeable than he, Atlas stated that he went over the crucial difference repeatedly, but they just didn’t get it. This leaves a very big space for the operation of gross incompetence within a bureaucracy sans malice and even with good intentions.)

You also mention Walter Cronkite as a beacon of truth from better days, but I am afraid that he was simply on the same team as Ellberg, as he had been before with the JFK assassination. One of the more absurd claims of the Warren Report was that Oswald could fire a rifle with a misaligned scope and a defective manual chambering mechanism quickly and accurately enough to have gotten off the relevant three shots in the necessary time. Walter helped to sell that narrative:

[BEGIN QUOTE] The CBS effort was nothing if not monumental. Whereas those who had come before had used fixed targets to test the magic bullet hypothesis, CBS went a giant step further, rigging up a moving target. But the money and manpower thrown at the project was undercut all along the way by errors in procedure and logic; if not motive. For instance, in trying to determine whether Oswald could possibly have fired all the rounds believed to have been squeezed off in Dealey Plaza, CBS used a rifle that was faster than Oswald's: capable of three shots in 4.1 seconds as opposed to 4.6 seconds for Oswald's. The 11 CBS marksmen fired 37 firing runs of three shots each; of those, an amazing 17 of the 37 runs were disqualified as Cronkite said "because of trouble with the rifle." And, even with their faster guns and time to practice, the 11 marksmen averaged 5.6 seconds to get off their three shots, with an average of 1.2 hits. Oswald, a notoriously bad shot firing with a slower gun, is alleged to have done much better--three shots and two direct hits in 5.6 seconds, with no warm-up. CBS neglected to inform its viewers of the poor total average hit ratio. How did CBS interpret these rifle tests? "It seems reasonable to say that an expert could fire that rifle in five seconds," intoned Walter Cronkite. "It seems equally reasonable to say that Oswald, under normal circumstances, would take longer. But these were not normal circumstances. Oswald was shooting at a president. So our answer is: probably fast enough." [END QUOTE] “JFK: HOW THE MEDIA ASSASSINATED THE REAL STORY” Robert Hennelly and Jerry Policoff

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Thank You, M Green for being so clear and presenting so much information and perspective.

I meant to portray Cronkite as playing a certain role of crystallization of "common knowledge", of "everybody knowing that everybody knows".

I greatly appreciate your perspective of strategic schisms within the CFR, and know that Ellsberg's leak favored the CIA position over that of the Pentagon (and Johnson admin), which may or may not have been coordinated.

You will know that Michael Hudson's analysis of American gold leaking out through Vietnam was not appreciated in Washington, though quite accurate. They liked his petrobuck ideas from "Super Imperialism" much better a few years later.

I was sent home from first grade at lunchtime 11/22/63, and everybody smiled but nobody said why. Dad came home early. Dad never came home early. Dad and Mom stayed inside listening to the radio, and told me and my younger brother to stay in the front yard. I remember it all very clearly. Oswald was a patsy, a Marine who was sent on some odd jobs. Did Gordon Liddy fire the fatal shot under JFK's chin? Some think so. There were at least 3 snipers to triangulate in Dealy Plaza as the limo slowed down into that turn, almost standing still... Most think that at least 2 of the snipers were Cubans, who got hung out to dry at the Bay Of Pigs, when JFK would not take the bait in the trap.

There is something else in Paradigm Shift. I think it is a form of hive-mind, like stock market manias and lynchings. I think humans are not just individuals, but get hive-mind in things like big sporting events. I never liked the feel of that, myself. We are not all the same. I think a mix of human types protects the species somewhat from total extinction. This is not a universally accepted view at all, but it seems to work in those settings.

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So miss Dr Zelenko's wise words. Very wise man, a loss for the world.

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Let's make lotsa money.

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Not "One health". "One Hell" is more like it.

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It will never have anything to do with health. WHO has never saved ONE life, ever.

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"One herd" is what we are now...


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Notice how "CoVID" & "CO2 measurements" are both essentially 21st-century witch hunts: Those In Charge (who are ALSO Those Who Benefit) have "indentified" invisible boogeymen which ONLY THEY can detect, so THEY have to lead everyone else around by the nose in order to "protect" us. Seems to me they'll keep doing it as long as they get to profit from it.

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Yep they create the chaos that they pretend to "help" solve, while they remind us thru their paid stooges that we are incoherent animals undeserving of rights.

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Yep; while WE are paying their stooges & profits.

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Brilliant! I love the first graphic, paralleling COVID and climate. (Though, it needs a third column: for food control). Dr. Day is close: we should call it One CAFO Herd. Humanity is being corralled into industrial confinement like a gigantic Auschwitz.

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'ohne' means 'without'

the proper translation of Prof. Homburg's sign is : without WHO there's no pandemic; Without EZB (European Central Bank) there's no inflation; Without WEF there's no Great Reset

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One Hoax

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The gangsters are scared too.

JPMorgan Board Member Who Served On Obama’s Intelligence Advisory Board Dies In Car Crash


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Potential whistle blower?

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Not "One Herd". "One Funeral".

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Funny thing . . . I'm not in the least bit a violent person . . . I've never been in a physical altercation in my entire adult life. BUT . . . those SICK, EVIL, PSYCHO BASTARDS of the WEF have pushed a lot of us to the limit. God help them if they keep this up! That footage from the Rawhide T.V. show . . . Hmmm . . . what do you think those Globalists would look like if an ENTIRE HERD of us "cattle" decided to stampede RIGHT OVER THEM!!!!? LOL! Can we say "FLAT"?

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Thank You, Faith.

You are a "work of the spirit".


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". . . rope 'em, throw 'em, brand 'em". Yep! That's how they want to treat us. But I've got a better use for their ropes . . . HANG THEM HIGH!

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We create what we anticipate! Prepare for becoming unhealthy...it will manifest. The medicine chest philosophy! This is Tedros and the WHO! However, their agenda is more sinister...promote products that generate revenue...and lower the population at the same time.

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Zee bugs will likely cut up the gut tissue making one want to die.

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Unfortunately, their hypothesis - their proposed requirement for "oneness" - is flawed. All peoples, everywhere, on each and every continent, do not respond in kind to pathogens. Genetic adaptations occur differently in order to adapt microbiomes to unique environmental conditions to attain microbiological homeostasis for indigenous peoples.

To circumvent this effect, those who create the bioweapons must install actual poisons into the delivery system to diminish adaptivity and undermine immune response. "One size" has never been appropriate for all, and this is true for pathogenic threats. Each region's response to disease has required specificity based on historical differentiation.

The problem with a lie is that it requires successive lies to remain relevant. If we call out each and every lie at its inception, we should be able to - in theory - break their chain....and their plans for ours.

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The purpose of "One Health" is to decrease codified and long-established individual human rights, which must be subordinated to the needs of all life on earth. The needs of all life are carefully overseen and provided by the bureaucracy, which is very busy taking care of all those needs, so we should try to not be so selfish and inconsiderate, and get back in line with all of the good, quiet, polite people.

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One world government! Control and cull the masses! Humans are hackable! Non-productive humans need to be first to go. All designed to enrich the puppet masters!

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Just say no the NWO.

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Translating the 3 German words that form the heading above the "ohne" ("without") slogans:

"Peace. Freedom. Justice."

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It’s already happening they already poisoned those who got the bioweapon shot...how do you take over societies east answer you cripple them medically financially it is happening fast

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