My nephew became permanently disabled in the military after those famous mandatory anthrax "vaccines". I developed nerve issues after my mandatory soup of "vaccines" in the military. It's always made me wonder how many people have strange health issues and, because they don't know their own bodies well and have been propagandized to death, don't even realize their problems are absolutely due to the host of "vaccines" they have taken. I pray that I get to see this whole conspiracy uncovered in my lifetime. "Vaccines"....the only product in history a person is not allowed to question. That right there should be enough to cause a thinking person to absolutely question them. Man I'm sick of all of this.

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The only effective weapon the elite psychopaths have, is their bribe money, which they've deployed to capture governments and virtually every institution that determines the manner in which citizens live. The global capture of mainstream media was a huge win for the psycho's. But the fact you are reading this now demonstrates there are alternatives, created by good and courageous people like Meryl Nass etc. Does she ever sleep!

You know, I believe there is a way to bring about an abrupt end to this evil capture of governments and our institutions. Simply replace the psycho's funding money with fed money - issue new currency. In other words, print money. But what about inflation? Well, I can't see a problem, as at the end of the day, it's just money from one source being replaced with money from another. But what about all the extra money the psycho's will end up with, won't that create inflation? Not if the 'un-captured' legislators introduce a wealth tax.

So, how do the citizens convince 'captured' legislators to bring an end to the bribe money? By deploying the only effective weapon they have against the psycho's and their puppet governments. Their numbers. Do a search on the 'Pots and Pans Revolution' and you'll see how the citizens of Iceland came within a cat's whisker of enacting a complete rewrite of their Constitution, which occurred shortly after the 2008 GFC.

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The history of our country is about fiat currency as the weapon of choice of elite groups. All history since US inception follows this playbook.

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Centralization of power is a result of local control losing most or all of its integrity. If it had integrity, it would fight like badgers to retain their control, realizing that those closest to the problems are best positioned to resolve them effectively and most justly. Too many, sadly, fall prey to the money for nothing propaganda that the centralizers are all too willing to use to get more power - lower taxes with no cuts in spending, welfare instead of workfare, etc. Tyranny is a slow train coming until it's all of a sudden. Praying for us all.

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I've thought for some time now that local democracy is the only true democracy and that local rule should be at the top of the hierarchy of government control. Who better to decide what should or should not happen in our own backyards than the people who live there? We currently have government completely backwards. We let the Feds tell the States what to do and the States tell the local governments what to do. It should be the other way around: Local government should not be able to be overridden by state or feds and state government should not be able to be overridden by feds. What kind of democracy is it that when the locals decide something they can be completely overridden by the Feds. The setup we have now is not democracy, it's tyranny. I saw that happen locally here where I live when every government agency locally was against a new open pit copper mine that would take over a state highway, ruin the night sky with dust and light pollution for 20 years forcing the closure of several astronomical observatories, use millions of gallons of water from our local aquifer, and risk contamination of the aquifer. Locals were overwhelmingly against the mine, but we don't get to decide. Some bureaucrat 2000 miles distant can tell us what to do. Empire is the worst form of government.

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Yes, and Darth Vader is reining at present. Truly.

This is like a starwars movie. It is a class and spiritual war.

The problem is they are such good actors, its difficult to distinguish friend from foe, because they lie so well.

They proudly leave their “mark” on full display though - 666 - look at CERN symbol on my icon, look at 666 in google, in WEF icon (its there - clearly designed and disguised). And there are many more corporates and NGO’s (non gov orgs) that are part of this cult.

It is an exclusive club - we, the 99% are not part of it,

and “they” own the world “at present”, but not forever.🙌

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🙌 Amen!

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The original understanding of the Constitution was that the powers of the federal government are those specifically enumerated therein. The 10th amendment said all other powers were reserved to the States and the people. People of the States further retained rights off limits from State government interference in their States bills of rights. And the 9th amendment implied that those bills of rights at that time were not contradictory to the Federal Constitution.

The Feds have usurped one State power after another, and the States have pretty much just acquiesced ever since the "Civil" War. I want to gag when I hear our government brag about it's rule of law. What a pathetic lie. And now it's resorting to lawFARE on top of it all. Shameless!

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well said. IMO the Civil War was really about asserting Federal control over the States, even though one of the lies of history is that it was about freeing the slaves. The Civil War was when the US went from being a confederation of mostly independent states to being an empire.

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Absolutely. Lincoln admitted that he had no constitutional authority to stop slavery in any State. That's why the border States in the "Union" had slavery right down to the end. General Grant didn't give up his slave(s?) until the 13th amendment was passed.

The States created the Federal government as their agent. And 3 of them, as well as Texas later, explicitly conditioned their entry into the Union on the condition that they would have the right to secede. That's why the 10th amendment says the powers not DELEGATED by the States to the Union were RESERVED.

Politicians can't accept that progress is slow but steady as long as leadership is at least LEGALLY just and ethical. When politicians think they're smarter than God and try to force what human nature can not do, but rather violate their solemn oaths in the attempt, they create more problems than they solve. There is no utopia. And never will be as long as mortals are in charge. But they're looney enough to think they can create one. And they always end up creating a hell on earth in the attempt.

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"Libertarian Municipalism" is approximately what you describe.

Murray Bookchin had the same reasoning.


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Marxist professor of linguistics Noam Chomsky phrased it, "Manufacturing Consent."


Lesser known, but inspiring Noam Chomsky, and inspired by was Alex Carey. Who wrote these works.

Taking the risk out of democracy : propaganda in the US and Australia (1995)

Taking the risk out of democracy : corporate propaganda versus freedom and liberty (1997)

Note: They are very difficult to find, Release of at least one of the books was terminated soon after it went to print. Works that threatened the powers that be at the time sufficient to squash wider awareness. Alex Carey died young, supposedly suicide. Or suicided. Those book titles are telling enough to know why they were suppressed. And lead to speculation about why he died so young.


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Sadly, Chomsky seems to have lost the plot in recent times But he was spot on then.

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Yep. He said he wanted me and millions of people dead from isolation and starvation because our consent to be killed by injection couldn't be manufactured. F him.

But his previous body of work is useful in understanding the global plot to manufacture consent to tyranny and democide.

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Great write up going over the failure of the WHO for years, you'd think that America would wise up and dump this scam. As well as the corrupt United Nations.

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Why would we do that? I'm sure out of all the money we pay them, someone gets kickback. That right there would keep them from being dumped.

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WE know Biden will take money from anyone out there

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Ain't it the truth?!

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They aren't done yet:

US.BARDA."Heqlth0fficials" perps culpable.

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Thank you for this history Meryl! I did not know most of this.

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His books and tv appearances on tucker and other platforms.


Courageous honest geneticist speaking out about genetic modification program at hand.

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well nextone will realy get thier attention b gates. ebola?

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It may get my attention if it's real. But they will still have to hold me down and force one of their demonic "vaccines" into my body. I'll take my chances and live or die choosing what's best for MY health.

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"...the WHO offers nothing to the citizens of developed nations."

The WHO offers $$$ to corrupt oligarchs, complicit professionals and corrupt politicians.

Clearly, the real enemies are not WHO enemies, over the hills and far away.

We are still suffering and dying at the hands of our own enemies at home.

Petition leaders to exit the WHO, who are not actively trying to stop more suffering and death?

Will exiting the WHO make all leaders accountable for their leadership?

Some freedom fighters, are shooting at other freedom fighters, whom they think, rightly or wrongly, have gotten it wrong, or gone off track.

Perhaps, the issue is simply one of focus and perspective, not real divergence.

Our leaders caused the suffering and deaths under the covid regime.

They continue to do so under this regime.

The WHO is NOT our real enemy - our own leaders are.

Treaty or no treaty, if we continue to suffer and die, our leaders are responsible.

And ultimately we are responsible.

Divide and conquer is the tactic of the enemy.

We are dividing ourselves through misunderstanding.

Meanwhile, the enemy marches on to victory and waltzes to the bank.

We have to KNOW and fight our REAL enemies.

Or we will go on suffering and dying until we do.

Our choice.

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Glad you appreciate my perspective Meryl.

I am an oversight person - try to see the bigger picture as clearly as possible - but am not so clear about the details.

Keep up the good work -much appreciated.

However, you MUST sleep sometimes - Dr's orders!

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I've got a 5 pound bag of anthrax in the pantry somewhere.

Lemme go find it and pull it out...


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The WHO offers us Tedros the Utterly Unconvincing Stooge - a perfect demonstration of how the elites really are taking the piss, as well as creating a dystopia.

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Read Turtles All The Way Down.

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If you willingly give up your freedom, FOR ANY REASON, don't complain when you are in the camp.

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Once people realize they've taken toxic jabs often mandated for viruses that don't exist you will be able to generate a ton of national and global will to exit the World Harm Organization.

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Anyone peddling the virus lie is a snake oil salesperson helping big pharma to feather their nest with sales of toxic shots for "viruses“ that don't exist. What a crime!!

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