What does the world homocide organization have in store for us

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We need to round em up and hang them all together.

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I would volunteer to help build the gallows.

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These psychos needed to be stoped a long time ago, they’ll just keep dreaming ways to destroy humanity if we don’t stop them ASAP😒

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No one coming to the rescue. The people are their own'white knight'.

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Or pick them off one at a time. There is enough evidence to submerge these

haters of humanity to the depths of the sea.

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Whatever it takes.

As long as it gets done.

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We need to determine who has he will and authority to make the arrests, ASAP

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Hang'em, high!!

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"Out through the night an' the whispering breezes

To the place where they keep The Imaginary Diseases" - Frank Zappa 1974

How did he know?

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Zappa knew about the NWO somehow.

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As well, George Carlin

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I think Zappa's father was a chemist at Fort Detrick.

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"Weird Scenes inside the Canyon" by Dave McGowan is a very interesting read and highlights how many in the '60s music scene had fathers with prominent positions in the military. That said, I consider Frank Zappa to be one of the most interesting musical minds of the 20th Century and enjoy many different aspects of his oeuvre.

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It's a very enlightening read about the entire flower power movement. I'm sure it was all just a coincidence.

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I can't remember if McGowan acknowledged that Zappa completely skewered the crass commercialism of that "movement" with his Sgt. Peppers parody entitled: "We're Only In It For The Money."

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I can't remember either, it's been a while since I read the book. I do remember that according to McGowan, Zappa was quite contemptuous of the entire movement and thought it was pretty phoney. And if our intelligence agencies either created it, or at the very least co-opted it, as McGowan implies, then Zappa was correct.

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close. mostly it was aberdeen proving ground in maryland. exposure to toxic chemicals there may have factored into zappa's untimely demise

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Oh yeah!

Also the song " I'm The Slime" Very prophetic.

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"I am the slime from your video, oozing along on your living room floor" was an observation, not a prediction, as I recall.


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Yes it was an observation. It was happening then... and it is still happening with even more sophistication now. The "sleepwalkers" are covered in it and don't even know! Listen to the song and think CNN and Pfizer as you do. Zappa was very observant.

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good one, Dr J! ;)

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What album was this song lyric on?

:) I used to love Frank Zappa

Still have my old albums.

Recall this lyric: 'Who cares if hair is long or short or sprayed or partly grayed?

We know that hair ain't where it's at

There will come a time when you won't even be ashamed if you are fat.

Woah, woah, woah, woah

(this lyric was before living in an obesity epidemic. before GMOs, High Fructose Corn Syrup, and crazy amounts of vaccines.

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The line you mentioned is from the song: "Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance," and is on "We're Only In It For The Money."

The album with "Stinkfoot" is: "Apostrophe(')."

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"At midnight all the agents and their superhuman crew, go out and round up everyone who knows more than they do. Then the take them to the factory where the heart attack machine is strapped upon their shoulders, and then the kerosene is brought down from the castle by insurance men who go check to see that nobody is escaping from Desolation Row." --Dylan

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Frank Zappa's father was a chemist at the Edgewood Arsenal. "From 1955 to 1975, the U.S. Army Chemical Corps conducted classified medical studies at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. The purpose was to evaluate the impact of low-dose chemical warfare agents on military personnel and to test protective clothing and pharmaceuticals. About 7,000 soldiers took part in these experiments that involved exposures to more than 250 different chemicals, according to the Department of Defense (DoD). Some of the volunteers exhibited symptoms at the time of exposure to these agents but long-term follow-up was not planned as part of the DoD studies."

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The Pathogen is fear

The Source is The WHO and the Globalists

The mechanism of action is the vaccine.

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Hear! Hear!

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I'm thinking God won't reckon me guilty of suicide if I can succeed at keeping that vaccine from jabbing me. :)

Given the amorality of the designers of the vaccines, I'm guessing risking sickness from any virus they throw at us is a safer bet. Praying for us all.

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To fear death is a sin, but to be so afraid of death that you commit a sin is worse. Snake venom changing our DNA.

Part one of Dr. Bryan Ardis's interview with Stew Peters, called "Watch the Water"


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I think I caught Delta. So I'm sure my body probably has some lingering foreign stuff in it. But from what I hear, it seems that you get more of the peptides and in more places from the vaccine than from the virus replication. And it makes sense since the body is probably creating the protein from a vaccine much faster than an infection would. I'd think the immune system would eventually cap the rate at which the virus could replicate such that the damage is less that way. Just my guess.

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Listen to me, Jeff. There are veterans of the secret space programs who have etheric implants in their brains. Etheric means the vibrational frequency is of a higher dimension. They remove these implants mentally.

A man who had HIV went from positive to negative after attending a faith healing at his church.

Smokey Robinson quit crack cocaine after attending a church service.

If you put all of your faith in God, anything is possible.

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No worries. The only noticeable effects are some mild taste and smell abnormalities. And I know of lots of things to do to detox. I just don't have time right now to commit to that much work. I hope to do so before the end of the year. Detoxes even make me feel better in all ways, even. Then I'll be ready for the next round with these monsters. :)

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In addition to the below, a natural infecton is in the lungs (where defense mechanisms against airborne virus exist) and the shot is in the muscle so the billions of spike proteins are mostly generated in the cells that line the veins and arteries. [edit: changed "above" to "below"]

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Dr. Meryl Nass' post today with streaming of the conference in Sweden has one fellow explaining this--the much greater amount of stuff in the vax than from natural causes.....

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A sin I don't know but fear is of the devil and he has this world by it's ...

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I urge anyone who is an Ohio resident to take a moment to email your local county sheriff and prosecutor these documents and let them know that Governor DeWine and AG Yost have been sent a jump drive containing them. We must make them accountable. I fervently believe we can move the needle in getting the truth out, even if our captured governor and AG won’t convene a grand jury.


How many more deaths of young people will happen before the willful blindness ends?

She was 17. This makes me weep with anguish for what is happening and will continue to happen if WE THE PEOPLE don’t demand accountability.

Substack author, TriTorch recently wrote:

....please do not make the mistake of confusing the outcome of this all-encompassing conflict with the struggle to win it—it is the struggle itself that holds the meaning, and that is where your true personal victory lies. Nothing in your life has ever been about whether you win or lose, it has only ever been about how you conduct yourself the during these trials and tribulations”

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My nieces graduated from that high school several years ago. There was also a sudden death of a 20 year old college tennis player in Bexley, Ohio (Central Ohio) in January. The Franklin County coroner could not find a cause of death. His college had mandates. My heart breaks for his family.

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Ree - do you happen to have the obit for that 20 year old?

Edit: I think I found it, but he lived in Colorado, but was from Bexley


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Yes! He grew up in Bexley and went to college in Colorado. He was home for winter break and at his parents house.

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Ree - I just can't bring myself to hit "like" on this comment. We need a choice for "acknowledged" perhaps?

Heartbreaking. I just keep wondering - what is the tipping point?????

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Laura wrote: "I just keep wondering - what is the tipping point?"

We have to roll this over, Sister. It is up to us.

It is about at the tipping point and we need to keep heaving and ho-ing on it.

I remember the Paradigm shift regarding Vietnam in 1968 after my dad got back, and the Tet offensive.

Keep shoving in unison. Make it keel over.

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Amen, Dr. John!

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You are so right. It’s just so awful. My 58 year old second cousin just “died suddenly” two weeks ago in his sleep. I didn’t know him well but it was shocking to all those who did know him well. And Megyn Kelley just announced on her podcast yesterday that her 46 year old friend died suddenly over the weekend. Maybe Megyn Kelley will question things?! From what I understand, excess deaths in people under 60 is way over what would be expected. Why doesn’t anyone care about this?!

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That's what Ed Dowd brought out two years ago November (I think)

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So sad Ree.

Megyn came out recently and talked about her own vax injury. She has an autoimmune issue now. She asked her doctor, "Is this from the damn booster?" and her doctor said yes.

I just wonder when she will talk about the sudden death of her sister a few months ago.

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Can't commend your post highly enough.

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Kathy - Thank you!

I feel like I've highjacked Dr. Nass's stack, but I'm trying to post this comment on all the substacks I read so that I can get the word out to as many people as possible. I know that Dr. Nass has many, many subs.

Hope you don't mind, Dr. Nass!

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I totally know what you mean. All is well!

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What a crock of bullsh*t. The next PLANDEMIC to be sure. Keep yourself healthy and your immune system tuned up at all times. Don't take any immunosuppressant drugs (just about all of them created in the past decade suppress your immune system in order to mitigate the symptoms but do not cure the root cause) And don't give in to the FEAR PORN!!! Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me twice, shame on me.

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Great comment

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At this point, the WHO has the credibility of a sadistic camp counselor telling scary stories at a cub scout campfire before bedtime.

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The WHO has, in my view, conclusively proven that they cannot be trusted to apply a band-aid without first smearing it with gangrene.

Virtually everything done under the human-rights-abusing terrorist Tedros, et al, during the pre-planned and pre-practiced COVID scam was Opposite Day to the pre-existing non/less-damaging protocols abandoned in so many WEF-agent-infiltrated governments to facilitate profiteering, abusing, terrorising, 'social engineering'/'conditioning' the global population, as well as too-often outright enforced population maiming and reduction.

Not surprising, perhaps, but ALL of the various perps need to be held accountable in a 'clean', rights-protective-law-respecting court, and in prison, and, in many cases, in having their assets seized to help alleviate whatever can be alleviated among their many victims and their families.

Our salaried fellow-citizens in public office have no business illegally attempting to dispose of what is not theirs to dispose of.

This obviously includes such as sovereignty, inalienable human and many other rights long enshrined in law.

Citizens are not obligated to pay or maintain in public office public servants not only working against but attempting to betray us all to the hostile foreign self-interest groups they work for, at all cost to the public they seek to utterly dispossess, even of our very selves.

Any claims that pre-existing and inherent/inalienable/un-removable rights enshrined in rights-protective Constitutional, Bills of Rights, Charter and many other instances of such law(s), international as well as domestic, can somehow be 'superseded' by after-the-fact 'laws' in violation of these have NO power or force and are appalling crimes of betrayal in themselves.

All these abusive 'Treaties' by whatever name are scammy, perception-bending psy-ops and must be recognised as the deadly scams they are - not 'negotiated' as though these criminal attempts at handing over the country and people forming each country as chattels could ever be valid.

We need a return to respect for global and domestic rights-protective law, and we need it fast.

Whatever 'law' opposes democratic principles and law is invalid by definition.

Democracy being literally self-rule of, by and for the people, with all equal under (sensible and humane) law, even if transient fellow-citizen-proxies are employed by the general public to maintain the country as the public's proxies/representatives.

Government is to be formed of its citizens, NOT self-termed, hyper-wealthy 'elites' claiming to be 'above all rights-protective law' that ALL citizens are subject to - and to administrate and maintain sovereignty, human rights, democracy and civilisation, etc..

There can be, by definition, NO 'rulers/ruling class' in a democracy.

'The government' itself owns nothing, managing such as public funding, public property and public works for the benefit of the public - members of which are also to form the government at all levels.

We have to stop being conned by those who are publicly paid to serve us, but instead have too-often come to view fellow-citizens not as equals but as live-stock/waste-of-spaces/interference with their own (damaging/destructive) personal goals and, in too-many cases, as completely disposable, as these WEFfers, et al. have now made blatantly obvious to anyone paying attention.

We, who are capable of recognising civilised concepts such as that of 'intrinsic human worth', have to win back control of our countries from those who can't and are in the process of destroying everything and everyone via brute force, ignorance and megalomania, whether deliberately or not.

The perps are destroying the genetics of Life, dimming the sun, poisoning once-fecund Earth n a myriad of ways, toward making her like Mars - inimical to Life.

We can still salvage something, if we will.

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Let’s see the 1918 pandemic death rates were high because the used lethal doses of aspirin. The did not have antibiotics to use to treat the bacterial infections that were the ultimate killer. 2020 Covid-19 pandemic we overcounted deaths we literally killed people using ventilators and remdisver and we denied people early and effective treatment that would have saved hundreds of thousands if not millions. And we did this to hide Fauci’s connection to the funding of the research that became COVID. Nope I will never ever believe the lying bastards again.

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Be afraid. Be very afraid.....

Or, be very brave. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Many people are beginning to see that the ones to fear -- and oppose are the purveyors of fear point.

There has always been a threat of a new disease. And now suddenly it is rolled out gravely. It used to be people had a healthy fear of tyrants....

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If you somehow know a disease is coming but cannot prevent it, than you are worthless as an organization. Defund the WHO. What's the point of all this "pandemic preparedness" and billions of dollars spent, if we have MORE and DEADLIER pandemics as a result than we ever had before in recent history.

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It's their business model. Dr Makis and other oncologists seeing Turbo Cancers after jabs, already pHarma developing mRNA cancer jabs. Schizer developed both Alopecia drug and kids Stroke or clot drug after jabs, both side effects seen in trials.

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Excellent points, Mary Jane.

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There is absolutely nothing these idiots can say that will get me fearful. I have survived without their crappy drugs for over 7 decades and withstood all their fake pandemics and other BS.

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Funny how they warned of disease X in 2018 and the first one promptly entered the scene. But, hey, I am a coincidence theorist.

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Shock and Awe method and rely on mass formation and mass formation psychosis.

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Just say, "No!" (will that work?) It has worked for me so far. But they are so determined and wicked clever.

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As if "Lady" Kate hasn't made enough dough from buying up everything that was on offer, and now our hopeless Gov't are lumbered with a quaccine that no one will take and so they're left with the NHS trying to scare more pensioners into having their 7th dose...............f****** disgraceful.

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These people need to get real lives and leave the rest of humanity alone

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