Here is another quote from this great post: "The way out of this is simply to refuse to lie, or to cover for the lies of others." Thanks Meryl & Dave.

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My thoughts exactly, with emphasis on the second half... we all need to call out absurdities that others continue to support. Only by making a mockery of it can we hope to transcend this madness since so many appear to be beyond reason.

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Personally I like Bret Weinstein's quote, printed on a Hoodie available at Dark Horse Podcast merch: "Lie to a tyrant." YES. LIE TO TYRANTS!!!

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Love Bret & Heather’s podcast!

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Here's a nice tune from JT's better days. Though I shudder to imagine that he like most wildly popular artists is probably "vaccinated" and on board with the terrible deal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnjxaJwYPBk

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ummm yah.. his Twitter so 'wittingly' said "The couple that gets pricked together sticks together!" when he and his wife got jabbed. https://twitter.com/jamestaylor_com/status/1367283187840405508?lang=en

I used to like his music but now I'd say he's just a prick. Far as I'm concerned, the famous hollywood folks that used their enormous platforms to cajole and shame sycophantic followers to fall in line with the prevailing narrative can all go eff themselves.

Certainly Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Pink, Dolly Parton, and probably the majority of them.

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let's add: Gene Simmons, Howard Stern, Jimmy Kimmel, Billy Joel, Justin Bieber, George Clooney, Taylor Swift, Whoopie Goldberg (OG vax shame queen) and probably scores of others, idk since I don't really follow celebrities, but these are the standouts.

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Isn't it amazing that so many "rebels" got hoodwinked and didn't even know it! There are a few that saw the light, not many.

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Right. A lot of it is all smoke and mirrors. Not to diminish another person’s journey but i’m just sick and tired of American culture glorifying the drug addicted, mentally ill, ignorant, self-aggrandizing, elitist POS people that are referred to as ‘celebrities’.

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Thanks for that link. I agree with you completely. I should have known that the privileged, draft dodging, mental illness feigning, pseudo cowboy scion of a med school dean would be stumping for covidiocy .

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Here's the quote of all quotes from this article, "COVID-19 made corporate colonialism respectable again." That's it!

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I (naively, I guess, but more on principle) still stick to integrity as my model. Yes it has gotten me in trouble a number of times, but I can face myself in the mirror, and hope that at my funeral, it will be a term that is used.

Thank you for standing for truth and integrity as well, Meryl.

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I love everything about this article!! And I have recently discussed this with family members who have bought the lies hook, line & sinker! They just can’t believe ALL these “Professionals” would lie like that! And of course they can’t believe MSM would lie, etc....

Worst of all, as one who has worked in healthcare myself for over 38 years, cannot stand how the big lies is so readily accepted & supported!! I find it disgusting and am trying to figure out what I am going to do now to make a living! I will NOT get the jab and it is a requirement with any job working in or with healthcare institutions.

Thanks again for sharing this great piece!! I will be sharing it too!

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Stick to your guns; i’m with ya sister. Much as i hate labels, they have made an antivaxxer out of me where i was neutral before. I will NEVER take their jab. Time for reinvention. Think of it as a great opportunity!

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Thank you, Meryl and David,! During my career as a clinical psychologist I've testified as an expert witness for a District Attorney office, educating the court about delayed reporting of sexual abuse by children. Betrayal by a trusted family member or authority figure (from whom children expect protection) is more emotionally and psychologically damaging than physically violent assault by a stranger. With no frame of reference for exploitation and abuse, and fearing that their reports will not be believed, virtually all young children accommodate to the abuse in order to maintain the integrity of their families. Those victims who have been symptomatic and eventually seek therapy demonstrate fortitude in confessing decades of shame and working through trust and intimacy issues, hence enabling themselves to emerge as survivors. While much of today's humanity is growing empowered with recognition of truth uncovered by FOIA, litigators and physicians honoring their Oath, it is distressing to observe the segment of humanity handicapped by cognitive dissonance and unmotivated to research the history of the technocratic movement, medical reasons for unprecedented childhood illness, pharmaceutical contribution to sustaining illness, and consequent pandemic anxiety and depression. The psychopathy of a few has poisoned the lives and health of much of humanity. I shall continue to pursue truth, health and freedom daily, yearning for more of humanity to rise -- like the sexual abuse victims who are finally ready to survive.

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wow. Impeccable piece. I'm gonna search out his writings / interviews now. So spot on in every facet. Thanks for introducing us to this astute thinker and writer Meryl, much appreciated.

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"This is the clear mark of fascism and is making the international public health field a specific threat to the health and welfare of others."

The big question is why people are so willing to accept fascism. Italy has been home of several bouts of infamous institutionalized fascism, and recently made law requiring vax. Take the shot from a nurse or get shot by cops. Every case where fascism was overturned required considerable force. This time will be no different.

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This article is spot on! It's true that being part of the questioning minority has made life very unpleasant over the past few years. The anger, frustration, and sadness over the manmade harms that have been wrought are almost unbearable some days.

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Covid dangers, Covid Vax, "SAFE & EFFECTIVE", Deaths from Covid, Deaths with Covid, Coincidental disappearance of Flu, Masks, Lock-downs, restricting public movement, No LIABILITY for Vax related injuries and DEATHS = ALL exaggerations or plain BIG FAT LIES used to create profit from dodgy pharmaceuticals! All part of the WEF Great Reset (Depopulation) = New World Order, which is still regarded as a Conspiracy Theory???

Reintroduce LIABILITY for Vax Injuries & Vax related DEATHS and we might get back to reality. It's simple COMMON SENSE!

The nest panic is on = Blood taken from the VAXXED is being declined in favour of uncontaminated UN-VAXXED Blood for transfusions. I wonder why?

LIABILITY for ALL medicines and Injected poisons (called Covid Vax) must be re-introduced.  Simple Common Sense!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots.

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Despite YouTube’s gruesome censorship, one occasionally finds true and shocking videos on it suggesting that the human being was badly designed for its survival in large societies that rely on unquestioning trust in authorities who are to a surprising extent individually—and most certainly collectively—functioning as full-bore Cleckley psychopaths. Here is one of them that came with a warning that far from learning our lesson from this remarkable part of history, mankind was prone if not doomed to repeat it. The fact that you and I remember it doesn’t readily stop that wheel from turning and grinding us into dust: CARING CORRUPTED - The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz8ge4aw8Ws&ab_channel=UTHealthNursing

I am also reminded of the vibrant Nazi science described in a chapter of Robert A. Brady's 1938 classic "The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism."

[BEGIN QUOTE] The reader must clearly understand that there is no fundamental difference between the Nazi attitude toward the "natural" and the "social" sciences. Let him consider the solutions to the following propositions:

I wish to travel to X, a distance of sixty miles, in half an hour.

I wish to shoot John Doe.

I wish to prove I did not shoot John Doe [having just shot him.]

I wish to know that my maid is inferior to myself.

I want to be told that there is no unemployment.

Let the reader then assemble the "expert counsel" required for supply of the answers which I wish given, let each expert be called a "scientist," and he has the full meaning of the Nazi position on both the physical and social sciences. The scientist, in short, is to proceed just exactly as does the conventional lawyer in the courtroom. He is to find out whatever the Nazis wish to know, and he is to prove whatever they wish to demonstrate. (p. 55)[END QUOTE]

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Such an important point that David makes! As I say in an episode describing the Rules for Propaganda, if you lie big enough, the person's own cognitive dissonance will take over and they'll become your biggest defender. They will tell themselves, "They could never get away with a lie this big! If it were true, other people would be talking about it. Nonsense!"

That's why minor corruption in gov't is assumed but the controlled demolition of the World Trade Centers, despite their contradictions to the laws of physics and Building 7's self-implosion, are fiercely ignored. The bigger the lie, the easier it is.

Here's my episode on YT, The Reality Puzzle & the Propaganda Playbook: https://youtu.be/X__TdauN95M

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A lot of work, thank you.

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Truth is transcendental and shall not remain subverted forever.

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Thanks for this article! A great read.

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Big lies from a Big entity? I could imagine telling absurdities that would call in to question (my) sanity or education, i.e. that I resided on Mars during 2022, to the IRS, and the result would be I get squashed. Acceptable big lies must correspond to the big-ness of the liar.

Small entity, small lie: I didn’t count sales tax on online purchases ✅ Don’t ask Don’t tell

Small entity, big lie: Mars example above ❌ Nope, investigate!

Big entity, small lie: Covid leaked from a lab in a dubious backward country that anyway steals tech all the time and was funded by this creepy short dude exclusively ❌Go investigate and get that guy!

Big entity, big lie: (your whole list above) ✅ How could this too big to fail altruistic behemoth EVER do any of those things! Somebody would obviously say something. Conspiracy talk!

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Thank you for this, excellent analysis, should be put in every mailbox in the world!

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