Just another piece of the puzzle falling into place about the positioning of a scamdemic as a pretext for one-world government takeover of all the means of food and medical production. Communism 101. A rotting snake by any other name still stinks the same.

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Well saiid, and all rotting snakes lead to Rome, aka Davos.

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1.) ''There have been two studies on Ivermectin this past year. Each study concluded Ivermectin ineffective against covid. The studies were flawed both in the dosage of Ivermectin and the duration of treatment.''

''This was deliberate.''

'The largest study of the two was called the ''Together Study''. Guess who funded that study?'

''Sam Bankman Fried and FTX.''

''Now you know the rest of the story.''!

2.) "FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation"

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) telling people to “stop” taking ivermectin for COVID-19 was informal and just a recommendation, government lawyers argued during a recent hearing.


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Curious, was it just a “recommendation“ that doctors who don’t toe the line will lose their license and gainful employment? Same for the millions of government workers who in good conscience and correct knowledge chose not to take the poison jab? And was it merely a “recommendation“ that no pharmacist be allowed to dispense ivermectin, nor hydroxychloroquine under penalty of loss of license to practice medicine? Same for doctors and hospitals?

And now these alphabet agencies are seeking forgiveness?

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Mad men - ALL OF THEM!

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Pests. Swat them like flies.

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Meryl, I think the readers of the Substack most want to know "So what do we do other than cry in our beer?" All ideas appreciated.

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Good point. I plan to go into it, once I outline more of the plan. Remind me if I take too long.

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This is not meant to be a criticism, because I very much appreciate your hard work, bravery and dedication - but could you and your peers consider a less top-down approach? For multiple reasons, I think we need more grass-roots level action, especially since things are moving out of the realm of medicine and public health towards a broader economic destruction. It's possible that most people would rather be anonymous and limited to clicking on hearts and thumbs up, but I would like to have the opportunity to meet like-minded people in person where we could brainstorm and strategize new ways to communicate with and educate the public that haven't been explored yet. Thanks.

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I'm hoping that Drs. Kory, Malhotra, Doshi, Bhattacharya, and Nass would be able to work together to create a network of private physicians unfunded by the W.E.F.-controlled banking/insurance financial system so that we normies could reliably be treated with care, respect, dignity and no harm. I'm willing to pay an annual concierge membership fee to get out from under what will surely be an increasingly horrific "standard of care" from Medicare.

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I don't know if it's still a thing, but I've heard of myfreedoctor.com.

Just throwing that out because I agree with you.

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Yes. Who, what, where up here? Thanks Dr. K for asking the question

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This dovetails very nicely with the National Park Service's forced establishment of a National Monument up here in the Katahdin region.

What began as an 80,000 acre "seed" in 2015 as an executive order from the bastardly Obama desk has already ballooned by another 5000 acres of very well managed forestland.

The merchants here in Patten have been snookered by NPS after going all out to get this travesty OKed.

It has been announced lately that they will be "acquiring" another 70,000 acres to the south, nearly doubling the footprint with relatively featureless industrial timberland and the main entrance, assumed to be through Patten will now be near Millinocket.

People such as myself have known all along that it is nothing more than a landgrab.

The NPS has been planning since the early eighties to establish a "pre-European nature preserve with a small area designated for regular visitors and as much as 5 million acres reserved for "Nature.

The great carpetbagger Anus King is responsible for this being enabled along with the plan to control most of the coastal forestland of Downeast Maine and Washington County and the useless Susan Collins has sat on her hands throughout this debacle.

It really is true...........you will own nothing and be happy.

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Once again LAND and its resources are wealth. And when currencies fail or are pushed aside, the modern day robber-barons will steal it from both the citizenry and nations.

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Just part and parcel of the gates health plan where you die or else we murder you.

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Absolutely the greatest single group of lies ever perpetrated on the People of the Earth. From the same source of Evil. And the perps know it. Someday they will beg for mercy, not just amnesty.

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GOD bless you Dr. Nass for your commitment & courage to being a TRUTH Warrior. I respect & admire your work - thank YOU ...

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Always good listening to the good Dr. And Thanks for stepping into the "sewer" of lies !!!!!

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and what about Gates who bought half of agricultural earth of the US ?? !!! he's the bighest owner, what for ?

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What for? "Frankenfood" perhaps, or perhaps just to lie fallow and prevent useful production. It's not like Gates needs a return on his money, and he has pitched reduced population as a "solution". Another "final solution"? Hmmm.

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You've not heard of UN's 30 by 30? 30% of all land with all human inhabitants removed? It also means that he controls whether it will be planted at all = he controls obedience by starvation.

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The truth is 75% of all land is to be off limits to all humans. 30% is just the start. Heck they already own over 30%. UN AGENDA 21 and the Global Biodiversity Assessment clearly state this. People who live in rural land WON'T in the future. Why do you think they are trying to blame cow farts for climate change? According to the Biodiversity Assessment large hoofed animals, pastures, paddocks, fences, dams and a long laundry list of society must go and is deemed unsustainable. Enjoy your bugs, weeds, fake food all which will guarantee a short lifespan.

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I think the end goal is probably far less than 75%. They are planning "smart cities" where - if you're allowed to live - you will live out your isolated, drugged-up life in a space no larger than a shipping container, one that has no exit door. People are building those systems right now, and when confronted, their response is a blank stare. https://wrenchinthegears.com/2022/06/19/elite-views-on-automated-law-and-vending-machine-democracy-synthetic-pretenders-part-5/

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I will not argue with you about 75% or less. I have the proof that the plan is 75PLUS%. People have building the plan for many, many decades. Everything they so they do slowly and incrementally so the sleeping Americans won’t notice. I know the author of wrench in the gears and she has refused to believe that UN Agenda 21 has anything to do with what we see today. It has EVERYTHING to do with what is happening today. I have discussed this with her many times and she refuses to believe it. She is a progressive living in Philadelphia. Recently she started mentioning UN A21 and I told her I was happy to see she has finally seen the light. I never heard from her again. She is brilliant but she is still a devout leftist. The Global Biodiversity Assessment backs up what I said. Many years ago when the US Senate was scheduled to vote on the Biodiversity Treaty, Dr. Michael Coffman took the data from the Global Biodiversity Assessment and proved to them that the plan is to seal off 75+% of all land from any human presence. When he testified and showed them the proof the treaty was DOA. Of course this never stopped them. Just like they tell us that UN A21 is soft law they have never stopped moving the agenda forward. Nancy Pelosi passed an HR (House Resolution) right after the 1992 RIO Summit to support the policies of UN Agenda 21 and the Clinton Admininstration wrote it into the fabric of just about every federal agency. The President’s Council on Sustainable Development under Clinton sealed our fate. Anyone that supports UN A21/WEF Great Reset is a traitor and also guilty of sedition.

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I don't doubt any of what you're saying - and there's a few things you mentioned that I'll be looking up to learn more about. As far as Alison McDowell, I'm not sure when you've communicated with her in the past, but she is definitely on board now. In that lecture link I sent you, she mentions UN Agenda 21 as being right in the middle of it all. Her slides say things like: "Who runs the game? Military, State Intelligence, WEF, UN, Hedge Funds/Media, Tech, Pharma..." It may have taken her a while to come around because she's coming from an education background where things are moving much slower than in the public health area - but to the same end of us all being enslaved. Regardless of her politics, she doesn't want our kids to end up as drugged-up slaves, either. I share your last sentiment wholeheartedly. There does need to be a Great Reset, only its agenda needs to be removing all sociopaths from society and any further access to power.

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I am glad to hear that because I tried my best to make her see the roots of what is happening and she totally refused to believe the UN was behind it all. The first time she acknowledge it I thanked her for finally seeing the truth but then she cut me off. Obviously didn't want folks to see that she had refused to acknowledge it previously. I was glad to see she woke up but I will not follow anyone that cannot admit they were wrong but now see the light. I can send you info on the Biodiversity Assessment if interested. I have a copy of the book. Look into the Wildlands Project too. The WP is all about animals over humans. UN A21/GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT, WILDLANDS PROJECT is the complete package. They are a set in order to connect the dots. My email is: karen.bracken@reagan.com

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Translated: This might as well be a "Hmmm" For Dummies. Of course we know what The Plan is, and It's not about food.. And who hasn't actually seen The Map by now?

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Expose, expose, expose. The more we expose the more people will be on alert, the more they'll refuse to comply. I believe, looking at the statistics of who is still getting vaxxed, that all the movement under the carpet is having an effect as more are waking up to the "new normal."

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Congress needs to investigate Big Pharma Billy and his pharmaceutical approach to agriculture. We already have everything needed to create a very healthy network of organic and biodynamic farming that truly restores the earth. We don't need lyin' Bill Gates taking over every last square millimeter of arable land!!

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"Oh what a tangled web we weave."


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Nov 15, 2022
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Have we actually killed the damned thing yet? These kinds of battles we find ourselves in are far more complicared than the one we read in Alice's adventures..

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Thanks. Yes. We are fortunate to have many writers who understood and told the tale well. It is a tale which is far from over.

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Dr Nass, you may have seen this... upcoming event:

18 November 22 10-11.15am Egypt (8-9.15amGMT?)

COP27 Joint Quadripartite Side event - Integrating the environment into One Health


"The One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA) was developed by the Quadripartite (composed of FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH)"



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Also watch the Colleges of Agriculture at our land-grant universities. The One Health concept has been adopted by many under the increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary teaching and research.

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Thanks again, Doc (a real one). We are finding the presence of turtles all over the place here in Australia (and I am hoping I don't end up dropped from a helicopter into an active volcano - but I expect it would be a quick ending). I recently connected with a long lost cousin (former mental health nurse) who was coming at it from a different angle to me and we are going WOAH! at what we have independently and now jointly 'discovered'. To see the University of WA proudly boasting its alliance with UN 'Sustainability' goals and to see one of their alleged PhD graduates as deputy head of (hopelessly compromised) ATAGI - when I can't find what his PhD was in, or when he got it, but his background was in 'mould infections' with a 2014 paper (where he was named as first author) listing his 'conflicts of interest' as 'Pfizer and Merck Sharp & Dome'. Those conflicts of interest are not shown in the actual RACP Internal Medicine Journal paper - only in the submission document. I am starting to assume that our Health Ministers are totally reliant upon advice from people who have been appointed as purported experts, when they too are likely imposters. We need to somehow get past the gatekeepers and head these (potentially unwitting) mass murderers off at the pass. Emails and rallies won't be read or seen by those who need to see - because they are being deliberately blinded. I don't think they are all wilfully blind; I suspect many are as clueless as the masses. We gotta keep at this like a dog at a bone.

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I believe that vaccines will become a thing of the past in as little as 2 to 5 years. The only way they can stop this development is to drastically restrict the internet.

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What if we just IGNORE these f*ckers? Why not? What if we keep focusing locally. LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL. To create local havens from these monstrosities?

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