Meryl - on the vaxx front, you know what you are talking about. Regarding this, you are sooooooooooooo wrong. Stick to what you know and do everyone a service and delete this errant post. You got it 100% WRONG.

Michael Yon has impeccable credentials of years of reporting from the front lines and has been in Holland with the farmers at the rallies. Read his accurate info on Holland here: https://michaelyon.locals.com/member/MichaelYon He can be seen in many videos on youtube, particularly w/Jordan Peterson too.

Caroline van der Plas is a shill.

The BBB (Build Back Better - should be a clue to you) is a fake leftist party that has hoodwinked many. The real farmer's party is FVD. This was a serious loss not a victory.

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In an hour I will speaking to one of the Dutch activists and if this is wrong I will change it.

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Great. Appreciated.

You should watch this Jordan Peterson/Michael Yon video just released:

Dutch Farmers: Canaries in the Globalist Coal Mine | Michael Yon & Eva Vlaardingerbroek | EP 340


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@Meryl - here you go: look how fast they've shown their betrayal as a WEF tool: https://michaelyon.locals.com/post/3820580/netherlands-bbbeter-party-working-to-destroy-dutch-farmers

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I agree with Dog. She voted nigh on on par with Rutte and the coalition partners, but voters don’t do much research. They prefer the image of opposition she projects. But, e.g., she was missing from the big Farmers protest in the hague, a group she supposedly would represent. The only party truly aware of what is being pulled off globally is indeed the FVD.

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Ya know I totally agree with your comments about Michael Yon but why do you have to be so rude to a woman that has worked hard for us. You could have made your point without being disrespectful and rude.

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Yes however it all sorts out - clearly the desire was to inform and uplift with good news.

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unfortunately, the cavalry is not coming.

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We'll have to agree to disagree on that... yes, we're on our own, but enough of us will turn this around.

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If BBB got 30% of the votes in that context they are the most important party. It becomes even more important to find out what they "really" stand for, regardless what rumours have been propagated about them.

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With a name like "Build Back Better" which is just another euphemism for the Globalist Malthusian Psychopaths new techno-Feudal state. Also called "Green Agenda", New World Order, UN Agenda 2030 or The Great Reset. And of course just like the Inflation Reduction Act was designed to Increase Inflation, and the Patriot Act was the opposite of patriotism and The Freedom Act was to steel our rights and freedoms, the Build Back Better agenda is actually Build Back Worse, replacing our functioning Energy Supply, Industrial base and Food Supply with contrived scarcity. Malthusians despise a World of Plenty, they love Scarcity.

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Absolutely a covert method these psycho sociopaths use - the language of DUPLICITY.

Whenever they anoint their “program” with a nice sounding noun or verb -

We need to use the ANTONYM to reveal the true goal -

because their religion is an upside down - one covered in deceit.

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The clips are in DUTCH, NO translations!!!

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Beat me to it :)

This will be one to watch. Fortunately, Michael Yon has been watching it like nobody else. Time will tell.

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"Dutch Farmer Protests are like MAGA events".

yep, thats more like it ... otherwise, would be really a shock ...

btw, trump is back to clean up what's left of the swamp - maga!!

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Thanks for pointing me to this. I was just going to make a comparison to the involvement of the Grange in the Populist movement of 1920-1930. A farmer-led coalition is the way to go. Terrible that this was co-opted and usurped.

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Even better.... From Mr. Yon's Locals.com posting:

Am still in Netherlands working on a dispatch for Daily Wire.

This just out. Very good and worth the time. Packed with usable and important information:

Dr. Jordan B Peterson - "Dutch Farmers: Canaries in the Globalist Coal Mine | Michael Yon & Eva Vlaardingerbroek | EP 340"


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WHERE is the climate science? There is none. It is all propaganda with no real facts or science. Those that are pushing this scam are not experts in the field. The real experts shoot down the climate change lies. They know this is all a control/$$$ agenda. Where is the proof that the Netherlands is committing climate atrocities? There is none. I too agree....Michael Yon is one I would believe before the propaganda coming out on this issue. Elections are rigged all over the world not just in the US. I cannot see the globalists allowing any party that is against shutting down the farmers score a win. BBB=Build Back Better (the slogan of the globalists)

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Clinton was using that term build back broken, sorry better…when he was in Haiti building his tax shelter - I mean charity.

He’s on video using that term YEARS ago. They’ve been talking and planning as a collective on these UN plans (BBB) for years, without public knowledge to put US back into the Feudal system because they want TOTAL control of you.

Even Jack (the twit who starter twitter) wants you (not him of course) to be on a universal income. Wait isn’t that communism? Yet do you think he’ll be on that stipend?

If you really search on honest search engines like Brave you may be able to find the footage where he uses that term.

By the way the Haitians did NOT get ANY of the help he promised when he asked you to give him your money to help them. Those rebuilding projects are still not where near finished ions later.

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I hope you are correct on this. Do you follow Michael Yon? He has been in Netherlands this week, and has been reporting that the 'Farmer's BBB' party is really a shell party to pull the wool over the farmers' eyes. (Think 'build back better'.) https://michaelyon.locals.com/upost/3683545/dutch-selections-bbbeter-shell-party

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Meryl is wrong.

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Don't know where this article came from but I just learned that the BBB is a false party. (BBB = Their version of the "Build Back Better".) Shell party of the CCP/WEF as reported by Michael Yon.

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It came from UNHERD

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Meryl, BBB has been negotiating with the WEF owned govt and their first tactic is to apologize for all the nitrogen farmers use to make food. This is the same as Al Gore beating Biden in 2024.

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Meryl, these are RINO's of Holland

Micheal Yon is there and ought to know.


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Figures. As the cult organization, Skull & Bones, spawned creeps like the Bushes & John Kerry, has for their motto: " We Will Lead The Revolution Against Us". Controlled Opposition is one of their main tactics to subvert their opponents, typical CIA methods.

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On the surface this looks like great news. But I invite people to consider that we face an enemy that is adept at planning, anticipating the need for opposition, and controlling that opposition. How can we predict that the situation in Holland will not end up following the enemy's playbook used with Syriza in Greece? I cannot help but feel a strong sense of Deja Vu at this time, I hope I am wrong.

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Ok, let's see, they want to ban gas cars, gas furnaces, gas stoves--excuse me, not "ban" simply phase out and make it impossible for you to replace your existing vehicles and appliances. They want to ban farming especially cattle farming because "climate change". They want you to go all electric but won't allow new power plants to be built unless they are solar or wind. What is next? I'll tell you--WINE and other fermented beverages! Did you know that wine releases carbon dioxide during fermentation?

Whenever I hear garbage talk like this, I gently remind the speaker that up until 300 years ago the world ran 100% on renewable energy. And I ask them, what do you think the standard of living was then? it is simply not possible to run 21st century society solely on green energy. The Amish can do it, but I don't see very many people going out and imitating them. And even they are reliant on fossil energy to some degree as many are now working outside the farm in non-Amish factories. For those who are a bit more freedom-minded than the rest, I point out that freedom as we know it and "saving the planet/going green" are not really compatible. For example, the farmland around my small town is being swallowed up by new single-family housing construction as we speak. That's farmland that will never recover. I said to one such person who was involved in climate change activism, if you were really, really serious about this, you would lobby zoning boards to ban this type of housing and build apartment towers. Because 100 people in an apartment tower would have a smaller carbon footprint than the same 100 people in a subdivision. This person was horrified and said, "That sounds like Soviet Russia." Exactly. People who can afford to choose to live in a subdivision do not want to live in apartments all stacked up on each other; if they did, they'd be living in an urban environment. No, they want THEIR freedom but don't want to let us have ours. It's worse than Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake--it's MAKE them eat cake!"

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So long as normal people living their lives and ignoring politicians begin to wake up, that is a step in the right direction. The madness of demanding productive farms stop producing food in a world with food shortages, all in the name of this "climate crisis" which has been a "crisis" which is always just about to kill us all for all the decades I've been alive is sheer lunacy.

The Left have all gone fully-collectivist. There used to be a rational Labor movement, which was all about firstly acknowledging that a free market is the ONLY system which lifts all boats and then negotiating a larger share of the growth to the laborers who trade their time and skills for cash from investors who fund projects to make a return on capital.

This new Loony Left is screaming about 97 genders (as per the San Francisco City Council) while demanding everyone except the laptop chattering classes sacrifice materially to stave off this supposed "climate disaster." It's insanity, pure and simple.

Good for the Dutch for telling the EU to get stuffed.

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They ain't the Left. They are Neoliberals also called ShitLibs or Illiberals. And they are just a surrogate of the Ruling Cult of Psychopath Parasites. They are neither left or right. They even embrace far right Nazi's in Ukraine. For them it is one thing and one thing only, what helps the Psychopaths gain more power and that means more wealth for their puppets.

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Thank you dear Dr. Nass for bringing us these bits of good news. It is so encouraging and uplifting during these dismal times and gives us hope that good may prevail after all

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It is not. Look at other's comments.

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that's the formula ... thats how this "election" game is played ...

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I listened to the Corbett Report and they say the BBB party is tied to $$ like Bayer/Monsanto. Looks like the people have been fooled.

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van den Plas is an opportunist. A mouth without substance. BBB is a trick to confuse the farmers. Their advertising swamped all others. The farmers were taken in by media. No farm is safe.

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Dear Meryl,

See the big industrial billionaires behind the BBB:


And compare it with the pharmaceutical industry!

Robert Bots

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I have heard that this may not be what it seems and there may be anomalies. Silence from Willem Engel & Eva Vlaadingerbroek on Twitter for many hours.

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