As always, the devil is in the details. I haven’t been able to find the text for this bill mentioned above, but the last supposed “vaccine mandate ban” snuck some pretty nasty stuff through. This bill passed just 2 years ago and is current Florida law, and DeSantis signed it.


From pg 38&39:

4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to isolation or quarantine.

a. Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health Officer.

b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.

The plain text of this law allows the state health authorities to do whatever they want to you for whatever reason as long as it serves some vague public good. If this isn’t Soviet level tyranny, I really don’t know what is then.

And this is supposed to be the freest state in the union? Yikes.

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Thanks for sharing and I couldn’t agree with you more. Why is it that Desantis is really the only governor in the entire country that is speaking out about the medical tyranny against all citizens? Something doesn’t make sense about it all. I’ve read so many comments about him being controlled opposition and it’s hard to disagree based on the above.

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He’s the best politician in America, and I don’t mean that as a compliment. He is a master bs’er for sure.

Take the anti-groomer bill for instance, otherwise lambasted as the Don’t Say Gay bill. It was supposedly this epic takedown of the groomers I’ve been reliably told.

Except it only bans these discussions and lesson plans until the 4th grade. As long as they’re 9 years old, they’re fair game apparently.

Some of us are easily satiated with the scraps we get thrown I guess.

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I wasn’t aware of the small print in his bill. Pathetic!! I’m glad I’ve lived 70% of my life because the future looks fucked.

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It's a far cry better than nothing. Of course, absolutists mark it as a failure. But government and law is always a negotiation between potential pitfalls.

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Yes, I am an absolutist when it comes to outlawing the brainwashing of children into gender confusion. For me there is no acceptable age to introduce children to such a cancerous ideology.

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I agree with you. AND DeSantis has given us a window of protection. It might not be all the protection you desire, but it beats a blank.

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He needs to be encouraged to go further if he wants to be president.

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In your "Perfect World" you could probably get any law through that you like but in this very Imperfect World in which we live, "other people" have different ideas about how far things should go. It's called "democracy". I think the majority of every community can and does agree that there should not be "grooming" of children but in the World of the Internet children are being subjected to sexual information on all levels and at all ages. Dont forget, Two hundred years ago most families lived in one or two rooms and in many cultures slept together in one or two large beds... so sexual awareness came at a much earlier age than is now the case. Be that as it may, I think this whole preteen "gender transitioning" is something new and diabolical! Its actually being marketed by certain members of the medical and psychology community...

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For some reason I got a hold of the bill and wrote Gov DeSantis asking for more information. I heard NOTHING from anyone..staff included. Usually you get a form letter but I received nothing at all.

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This is completely false. There is no bill anywhere in Florida that allows forcible vaccination. It simply doesn’t exist. I am a 20 year Florida resident and follow DeSantis and his bills very closely.

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Im also a Floridian, born and raised, and this is straight from the Florida Senate website. That’s a .Gov address, not some random blog. SB2006 is the law, regardless of whether you want to believe it or not.

Do you dispute that the bill does not include that text?

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What does the US Constitution and Bill of Rights say about inalienable rights - meaning that NO-ONE can take them away? This being also backed by other such international laws and agreements of long standing.

Wasn't there a case where someone was quarantined in a tent for exposure to (possibly Ebola?) upon her return to the US, where this was declared unconstitutional?

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These are Amendments to an existing law... the wording you are referencing on Pages 38, & 39 is from the previous extant law...

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That does not change the fact that current Florida law allows for a state health official to forcibly vaccinate, quarantine and isolate someone “by any means necessary.”

Per current Florida law, as long as the government and not your employer is the one enforcing the jab mandate it’s all good.

Doesn’t that seem like a bigger deal to fix than private business mandates?

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I'm of the opinion that our medical freedom rights are ALREADY protected and furthermore, the "laws" that enable government to violate them should be abolished.

Creating more laws only allows legal warfare specialists to wriggle out more loopholes that justify oppressing the population.

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I owe you a lot more likes! And will add that there can be no legitimate law that 'allows' ANYONE to violate ANY human and other rights enshrined, as the basis of law, by definition, in every democratic (self-rule of/by/for the people, with all equal under rights-protective law) country.

There are NO excuses for human rights abuses. Not even for those who were 'only following orders'.

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Here is a critical, succinct and detailed explanation, with good graphics, about exactly how US laws have been subverted by special clauses in military legislation for emergencies and "other" things, set up over more than a decade, then activated in 2019-2020:


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Interesting comment for sure. Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova have really knocked this out of the park and use Substack.

That's a weird link though. Either you're trolling hard or made some sort of copy pasta error.

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Sorry about that "Florida Sunshine Tree" link. It was inserted whimsically elsewhere, and sneaked-in here. This is the more topical link: https://doctors4covidethics.org/session-iii-getting-away-from-the-control-grid-2/

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I’d better start writing to my elected officials in Florida about gates trying to vaccinate the cattle and ruin our vegetables with nano jabs . They already let the mosquitoes loose on us. Snuck it through during lockdown.

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Hi Rosalind, didn't you just post something about the manufactured storm Ean? My response to your post as well as the post itself seemed to mysteriously disappear while I addressed it. Metals

In any event, the storm was manufactured by pulling moisture from other areas combined with the patented process of chemical ice nucleation. You can find more information on this type of weather warfare at geoengineeringwatch.org. Despite the fact that that most people refuse to face the geoengineering atrocities, thousands of jet aircraft are spraying tens of millions of tons of dangerous metals and chemicals into sky's around the world annuall as the thrust of these programs. In most parts of the US and the world all you have to do to see the spraying is to look up and merely believe your eyes.

It's no wonder that the US Department of Defense was unable to account for over two and one half TRILLION dollars at its last reporting.

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Thank you, I see this comment. I’m behind with listening to Dane Wiggington lately. I’m sure my morgellons is related to the weather manipulation.

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Has anyone considered Floridas geographic situation, where they could be easily cut off from the rest of the country, by their will or others will? That panhandle part especially is a vulnerable place, given a good storm or 3 and all the geoengineering going on. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/. Best from Oregon

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Hurricane Ian may have been seeded to keep it slow and over Ft Myers. & yes the panhandle is vulnerable.

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Which leads one to a somewhat sinister conclusion in some ways, a lure....don't want to think it but oops I did.

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Keep thinking for yourself and pray for discernment.

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A good and timely warning! Some people are somehow still not aware of this...

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I don't trust DeSantis a single bit. I think he's playing to the voters for his run for President, but he refused to do anything about the bill mentioned below, which allows FORCIBLE VACCINATION!!!! https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/2006/BillText/er/PDF

Plus, I have read that he's getting his funding from the same people who funded Obama (part of the Globalist Takeover) and for all we know, he, too, may be a sub rosa member of the "Young Leaders" the WEF has been supporting.

And those splashy stories about convening a Grand Jury are just that. We don't need a stinkin' Grand Jury -- it's just something to make him LOOK like he's on our side.

What Scipio Eruditis posted below from Florida's CURRENT law is worth re-posting:

"From pg 38&39:

4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to isolation or quarantine.

a. Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health Officer.

b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.

The plain text of this law allows the state health authorities to do whatever they want to you for whatever reason as long as it serves some vague public good. If this isn’t Soviet level tyranny, I really don’t know what is then.

And this is supposed to be the freest state in the union? Yikes."

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This is completely false. There is no bill anywhere in Florida that allows forcible vaccination. It simply doesn’t exist. I am a 20 year Florida resident and follow DeSantis and his bills very closely.

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The previous protections De Santis enacted are set to expire end of June 2023…


There is some hope though:

17 January 2023 -

Ron DeSantis says he's seeking to protect Florida from the "biomedical security state," by permanently banning COVID-19 vaccines and masks.

"It required us over the past few years to stand against major institutions in our society: The bureaucracy, the medical establishment, legacy media and even the President of the United States who, together, were working to impose a biomedical security state on society." DeSantis said while speaking at the Todd Herendeen Theater in Panama City Beach.

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Great news. Hope he remains successful.

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I downgraded it 10 years ago from suspect to known criminal.

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Billy Gates will probably not vacation in Florida this year...😂😂👍🏽

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Yes! Wishing other states would follow🙏🏻

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You are top notch in my book Dr. as are a handful of others; unfortunately the rest of healthcare has hit rock bottom.

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Can we get this nationwide?

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Isn't this covered already, in the US, as in other democratic (self-rule, of/by/for the people) countries under domestic Constitutional law and international law/agreements?

Human and other domestically and internationally-agreed-upon rights are inherent and inalienable. They cannot be taken under any circumstances - only abused.

This says it so much better than I ever, albeit more bitterly.


Letter to the Editor: Six mistakes of the “medical freedom movement”


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You would think the populace of the USA would know this, but I bet you a dollar to a donut that there is a too-large percentage that doesn’t know or - especially - care that we have a constitution at all. Oh, they may know in the abstract, as in something they once heard in passing in some long-forgotten elementary school civics class, if schools even bother with teaching civics any more. But actually reading it? Forget that. Understanding it? Surely you jest.

So while DeSantis may very well be pandering with this, it at least brings the issue to the forefront to all those low-info voters, even though your example is much more powerful.

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Good point!

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I’m confused also how they’re going to try to pass the WHO pandemic treaty or the IHR?

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In 2005 the international health regulations were amended and the state department said they did not need advice and consent by the Senate since they had already been approved in 1969. My guess is that this is exactly what will happen with the new amendments. One state department flunky diplomat from the US will vote yes and more than half of the 194 countries representatives will vote yes and in one month they will go into force

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Very quietly, in a brimstone-smoking room.

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this is absolutely on target.

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My husband and I really enjoyed the weekend visit from “Team Reality” here in Stockholm Your presentation was killer. Thank you! I’m only sorry I didn’t get a chance to say hello to you. You are an amazing and inspiring human being.

If I ever move back to the US I know which state I’ll be moving to, and it won’t be my home state of NY (insert sad smiley...)

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I agree but these types of “mandates” go back decades or perhaps a century or longer and were set up for smallpox or other Real epidemics with high mortality.. Covid broke every rule and law in the books. I have a very high opinion of Mr Desantis. You might also if you lived in Covidiocy for 3 years under the blithering idiot Gavin Newscum like I have! That he resisted the pressure from not only MSM but the Whitehouse and Industry and didnt buckle while every other mealy mouthed politician bought into the Scam of the Millennia shows incredible courage and judgement unmatched by nearly anyone else! After spending 53 years in medicine myself and seeing through Fauci from the Get Go I feel confident that Desantis is a GodSend! Even Saints had there flaws….

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They should ban ALL direct to consumer advertising for Pharmaceutical products.

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Good, the scales should be falling from everyones eyes re the 1% screwing the life out of the common man.

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