A very interesting video debunking the Moon Landing Conspiracy from a film maker - we had far better space technology than fim and video technology back in the 60s


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Never landed on moon 🌝 watch the 3 astronauts in their interview, they can’t even agree on what the sky the stars looked like. If you think we landed on the moon then I have some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona.

Btw 911 where are the jet engines, porcelain?

Controlled demolition… 2 planes 3 buildings after all this time still people are under a spell

Keep wearing your mask 😷 lol

Either people believe in bc he lies or they are spies

Trying to keep the lies alive or they watch cnn or they just refuse to investigate 🔬

Covid con job

Not sure about the fiat currency scam?

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Not sure what the fake moon landing has to do with the fiat… but here’s the thing when I watch the 3 astronauts on there press conference answer or try to answer really simple questions they fail miserably.

Now if myself and my 2 buddies had actually landed on the moon we would be fist pumping winning Super Bowl marrying Marilyn Monroe … these 3 looked like they killed grandma buried in back yard.

You could talk till you’re blue in the face about the moon landing but will never change my mind.

Nasa says they lost the telemetry data to the moon?

Nixon talks on the phone to a them from 280,000

Miles away.

In an aluminum tin can when our phones have more computing power than they had then

I don’t believe 1 word nasa says their logo a serpents tongue says it all.

I used to believe until I went down the rabbit hole

Just saying you have yet to find the truth but appreciate your response.

Watch that interview you tell me I know when people are lying and they are bad liars!!

Why would Walt Disney be one of the founding fathers of nasa??


Have you seen the other moon landings it’s pathetic

Riding a dune buggy on the moon come on

ISIS is traveling 17,000 MPH

AND has never needed maintenance

Space a big lie but that’s just me.

There is a scientist that says the moon is plasma

Not a rock?

I’m still fascinated by the moon. But if I had landed on it you can bet I would of put my hand on the Bible and swore I did. None of the astronauts ever did that either.

Happy moon landing

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You are correct about 9/11, but incorrect about the Moon landings. I really don't see by what stretch of the imagination the Moon program has anything whatsoever to do with fiat currencies, Covid Plandemic, 9/11, 7 wars in 7 countries in 5 yrs, Anthrax attacks etc.

The culprits who did that are anti-science, anti-space exploration, malthusian psychopaths. Their disposition would be to cancel the moon mission first day after JFK was buried, as the finally got Nixon to do. Got to fight those $trillion, megadeath wars, can't do creative things like a moon & mars colonies.

So the truth, we did land on the Moon and we will land on the Moon again, as will other countries, China has a very advanced program, and is fully committed to put people on the Moon by 2030.

Moon landing hoax debunking videos TikTok compilation by Astro Alexandra:


Everything You Need To Know About China's Moon Missions

The Space Race:


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I don't think this is good summary. Most of it is typical smoke laid down by economists with regard to money and inflation. They'll wave their arms about everything, all in order to camouflage the real situation, which is: the BOE (and it's subsidiaries, such as the Federal Reserve), create the gov'ts money (thus transferring sovereignty to themselves) as an interest-bearing debt. And they don't create the money to pay off the debt; thus the debt grows exponentially over time, regardless of what otherwise happens. Of course it grows faster the more money is spent by the gov't, hence WWI, WWII, Great Society, Space Race, Arms Race, etc.

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You've probably seen this one, but a good history lesson to share with those still bamboozled: https://youtu.be/xuhMW47aVag?si=0vqdvAkAUP-D2O6s

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For those of us paying attention, and not glued to corporate media in late 2019 early 2020, there were a handful of financial people and even some doctors sounding the alarm that the government had something planned. It frustrates me to no end that more of the public couldn't see what was happening. And now... "bird flu" and this new admin is doing the same thing they did last time. Only this time it's our food supply being culled instead of the people. Why aren't people demanding that this madness stop? Probably because this time the victims are "just chickens" and no people? Trump chose a "One Health" veterinarian to rule over this madness and boy oh boy they just loves them some mRNA "vaccines". If they can't get it into people, let's just put it in our food animals. I hope I'm wrong because there's a lot of good happening but I've said for a long time now... just because we have Trump *doesn't* mean the real agenda isn't still in place by the monsters in this world that want to control everything on the planet.

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A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xciCJfbTvE4

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Sorry the Apollo 11 and Sept 11th fantasies he is engaged in ruined anything else he had to say.

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I will copy below comment and reply to a query on Moon Landing, I hope this clarifies:


Regarding putting man on the moon.

China, India & Russia are putting hardware on the moon almost routinely. That is approx 90% of the difficulty for the task, adding life support for the journey is the easy bit.


Putting hardware is completely different than putting a human being.

Protecting hardware from Van Allen belts is a trivial matter, protecting a cabin with 1 or 3 humans on board would require shielding in the tens of tons, there is no rocket yet that can carry such a payload.

To date NASA doesn't have protection against Van Allen belts, in the following video NASA admits that they need to solve the Van Allen radiation problem before they can go to outer space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpPMoIv1lxI

The most comprehensive debunking of Man on The Moon movie is the reference #5 provided in the text:

American Moon. Luogocomune2, YouTube, Oct 15, 2019


This reference is long, 3.5 hours; however it is the most comprehensive analysis of the Man on The Moon movie.

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Van Allen belts are no problem. Calculated dosage passing through the Van Allen belts to the moon and back is a meager 2.1 mSv. You will get 10mSv from a CAT scan. The overall dosage for a Moon mission is largely determined by the level of Solar Proton Flux. Which can in a bad year amount to 406mSv for an Apollo type Moon mission. That won't kill you, it won't even make you sick. Acute dosages of >1000mSv will lead to some radiation sickness. Some long term increase in cancer risk but lower than ~ a hundred things humans do with total apathy.

So the truth, we did land on the Moon and we will land on the Moon again, as will other countries, China has a very advanced program, and is fully committed to put people on the Moon by 2030.

Moon landing hoax debunking videos TikTok compilation by Astro Alexandra:


Everything You Need To Know About China's Moon Missions

The Space Race:


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The reference I chose for the article was specifically selected because it debunks the debunkers. Very professional, goes into the minutest details, hence 3.5 hours.

You may find it worthwhile:


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Hardly debunked, they can't even debunk the Van Allen belt facts, and they've destroyed their credibility by even making that claim, funny China & the US are spending $billions to go to the Moon by 2030, when according to your video "in fact there's no way they can go today there's no way they can go tomorrow [through the Van Allen belts]":


"...By February of 1964, NASA was confident that Apollo crews would be passing through the belts fast enough that the spacecraft’s skin and all the instrumentation lining the walls would be enough protection. It might seem foolhardy in hindsight for NASA to have accepted the risks of send astronauts through the Van Allen belts without extra protection, but it was a minor risk in the scheme of the mission.

To monitor radiation exposure during the flights, Apollo crews carried dosimeters on board their spacecraft and on their persons. And these readings confirmed NASA had made a good choice. At the end of the program, the agency determined that its astronauts had avoided the large radiation doses many feared would ground flights to the Moon. Over the course of the lunar missions, astronauts were exposed to doses lower than the yearly 5 rem average experienced by workers with the Atomic Energy Commission who regularly deal with radioactive materials. And in no case did any astronaut experience any debilitating medical or biological effects. And beside, the Apollo astronauts were former test pilots. Flying to the Moon, radiation exposure included, was still a safer day at the office than putting an experimental aircraft through its paces in the skies above Edwards Air Force Base...."

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The power of mass psychology.

Following is sneak peak into part 3, it may be helpful, but from I learned, I doubt it would be:

Key Findings of Mass Psychology

§ Humans are emotional, irrational beings:

- Emotional resonance matters more than facts or logic.

- Can never change people’s behavior by appealing to them rationally.

§ Truth and reality are irrelevant; perception is:

- Shift in value systems from emphasis on “truth” to emphasis on “credibility.”

- We live in a world where fantasy is more real than reality.

- Reality is irrelevant, perception is, provided it is credible.

- Media shapes perception.

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Fake moon landing claims are of course crackpot nonsense but believing the government's fairy tale about 9/11 is even worse crackpot nonsense.

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Thank you. I was going to comment on that too. The "fake moon landing" claims have been debunked time and time again.

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Turkey to export 15,000 tonnes of eggs to US amid bird flu disruptions


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Shopped a fairly empty Krogers, late for me, eggs 60 were $26.95. Few eggs in the cooler. Produce was just being put out by the slowest moving 19-20 yr old, had finished shopping he'd still hadn't finished the fresh produce that get misted.

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Guns and Butter (including the Space Race) led to financial crisis. That’s is what necessitated ending Bretton Woods Dollar System (the $ was pegged to an ounce of gold and other currencies were pegged to $). Was it planned? Probably to establish King $.

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When you control the money you control just about everything else: https://youtu.be/xuhMW47aVag?si=0vqdvAkAUP-D2O6s

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