I was paralyzed with Gillaine Barre by a flu shot in 2010. Anyone one who believes the claptrap that "most people recover from it" are absolute fools. Most of us are crippled for the remainder of our lives. If we live.

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My SIL got GBS in her early 40’s; now 83. She was paralyzed but “recovered” after years and years of physical and medicinal therapy. She still has not regained the muscle in her ankles and uses braces. If anyone actually knew what GBS is they would never take a vaccine with even the smallest risk.

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I wonder if you could try nicotine, just to see what happens. (what's to lose?)

See the details from Dr. Bryan Ardis:



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More and more people are mentioning blocking the nicotine receptors! Someone said it got rid of the buzzing in their ears.

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Well, Dr. Ardis explains that the nicotine receptors expect nicotine and have the highest affinity for the real deal. There are some chemicals that attach to the receptors, blocking functionality. So when you get nicotine, it dislodges the look-alike, restoring functionality.

(There is nicotine in lots of vegetables, and your body is built to use it.)

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It was one of the reasons that the swine flu vaccine (1976) was pulled. (I didn't get that one even though there were advertising posters with pigs all over the Berkeley campus. My friends got it though.)

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I'm in a number of gbs groups. The flu shot is STILL causing it. It's mindblowing. But, unlike 1976, I guess they no longer give a crap. No warnings, and certainly no withdrawals. Just money.

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As I mentioned in the thread, Shingrix is more likely to cause it than some other shots They just slap on a black box warning and keep allowing it to be sold. I don't think they put any warning on flu shots.

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It was the last year that the media reported on vaccines adverse effects because aft Reagan gave big pharma immunity big pharma started giving news organizations money and they stopped holding them accountable.

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Here in the Bay Area when Gardasil was first approved, there was a report in the local press from a researcher at UCSF. The researcher said that the shot should not have been approved because it was likely to be dangerous. I never read anything in the media about it again. That was in 2006.

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yeah, it's serious, can't get out of bed or walk and the medical community has zero concern for the vaccine injured!

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Godless suckers & fools have their conformation bios to rely on!

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One of the "conspiracy theories" is that the "pandemic" was intended to kill elderly people and save money on Social Security. Wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that the federal government has been bankrupt for15 years?

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Because they keep stealing our money which is now going to illegals giving them preloaded debit cards and paying for hotels! 🤬

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Bankruptcy (in a technical sense) already was mentioned ~26 years ago, in this glossary, required to explain the US economy. Since then, things only got worse.


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Anybody allowing the Murdering Medical Complex to inject them or any loved one with anything is as murderous as the Medical Complex. To inject with anything is to define incompetence which means people are already twisted, sick or dead.

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G-B is also a problem with Shingrix.

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Once again suggesting we were to expect a different result in the population than in the clinical trial did not happen.

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Having recently hit my 60th birthday, I can now question why 60 is considered elderly. I don't know any elderly 60 year olds. Who asks "their" doctor about vaccinations? (I've never been to a doctor as an adult.)

> "patients 60 and older should talk to their doctor and then decide whether to be vaccinated."

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Me too, and I'm still dancing and performing, not to mention running a business that involves lifting boxes full of steel. Old, schmold. However, I have seen plenty of people in my age range who are completely decrepit - and what a coincidence, they're the medical industry True Believers.

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By the way, the Baby Boomer generation is 1946-1964, so this year all Baby Boomers are 60+. I doubt we are the largest generation anymore, but I don't know.

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I'm a proud conspiracy theorist and believe these vaccines are meant to depopulate.

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Real shame when anyone takes a toxic jab for things that don't exist. Particularly, heart wrenching when the poison needle maims and kills children and our elderly folk. Maybe, when more peeps wake up to the fraud of viroLiegy, they'll stop rolling up their sleeves for meaningless, deadly shots.

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I am old. Didn't fall for it

I eat as well as I can

Sleep when I can

PTSD from previous years of

Marital mental abuse

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I'm 80 & learned at age 12, when my Mom of 8 boys, found a home remedy to treat my brothers granulated eye lid problem, [that the pediologest's drugs coulden't fix,] he just blew her off as a nut case! Then later I learned about Ivermectin & HCQ's blow off, {that cost un-toled lives & misuery!}

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We just need to put vaccines on hold. All vaccines, and re-evaluate. By now, we got multi-generational herd immunity and whatnot, but to have this mile long list of "mandatory" vaccines while the population is getting sicker & sicker, and dying "from death," and kids are ridden with who knows illnesses, is surreal. Living in Europe for 3 decades, I only knew 2 kids, and in different cities who had allergies. Now, kids wear their allergies and syndromes like some badge of honor.

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Do you mean "multi-generational damaged immunity"? (herd immunity is not really a thing)

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I meant both, the transferred immunity from a mother to children and herd immunity of vaccinated majority.

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With the exponential rise in child hood disorders correlating with the rise in toxic, heavy metal laced, immune system tampering, un-scientifically tested jabs, from our beloved 30 BILLION in FRUAD Fines, Big Pharma’s what do suckers & fools expect? Honesty, Health, from our “First do harm,” fraudulent, industrial medical complex! It’s all to teach, the living, folks who have no God to believe in, can be made to believe anything! I.e. “The jab, is safe & effective.”Ivermectin is worthless foe our coved!

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VA was pushing the RSV, the flu shot, and the covid DeathVax all at the same time.

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You might want to do a deep dive on the shingles vaccine that a doctor tried to foist upon me yesterday. Is it another way of murdering old people?

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I don't doubt that at all. So what did you say to your Dr when he/she said you should get it? 10 years ago I got a very mild case of shingles the size of a quarter on my inner right thigh. I went to my then Dr who I really liked and he said "yep that's shingles." He prescribed a couple of meds and suggested I get the shingrex shot. I didn't like the meds (I treated it with lavender and tea tree oil) and took 1 of the shots. I didn't get the 2nd one because it was new and pharmacies were out so I never went back. I start seeing my new Dr in 2020 and said "it's not too late to get your 2nd" I said "no thanks I'm good." He tried to talk me into the jab too! I get tired of being asked if I want a flu shot. 🙄

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Regarding the shingles, mine was quite severe, across my back and down my arm to my hand. As it was something I knew nothing about, and I was still very sick from "long covid", I went to a doctor and they prescribed me an anti-viral and very strong pain killers. I took the anti-viral against my instincts, and the rash continued its march down my arm. I then finally got my "long covid brain fog" pushed aside for long enough to intuit my own solution. I said thank you for the opioids, I sprayed a hand sanitiser comprised of just alcohol and lavender on the rash, and started taking a home made elderberry tincture. Within days the rash had stopped spreading, the lesions had dried up and I was able to enjoy the opioids for the pain. It did take a while for all evidence of the rash to disappear and for the neurological pain to stop, but it all become bearable once I started the elderberry tincture.

I did a lot of research on shingles in that time, and you know, it just doesn't make sense. there is something very wrong with the explanation.

My shingles was along the T1 nerve and before I put a stop to it, looked like it might be going to travel down the T2 nerve as well. My subsequent melanoma was on the T1 nerve and breast cancer is partially supplied by the T2 nerve. Just saying.

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Have any of your doctors tested your vitamin D?

I just tested mine at 77. But I’d like it closer to 100. Doctor Mercola recommended vitamin D3 twenty years ago and many doctors made fun of him because of it. But when I took it, it hit me like a bus crossing the street. I had been working the night shift for 13 years. I must have been massively deficient.

Any doctor who does not check vitamin d is Ignorant and malpractice.

Mercola was the first doctor that I know of to say you don’t want to get this experimental faux vaccine.

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Yes, the pressure to get shots is relentless. I keep getting letters from the government telling me what shots I haven't had, and that I should go get them. This particular consultation was in the form of an "interview" where I was testing this particular doctor to see if he had any capacity to view the body holistically. I told him that prior to "covid" in 2022, I only had a few injury based muscular skeletal problems, and after "covid" I have multiple systemic diseases many of which are potentially terminal and the list growing in length and killing power in the two years post "covid". I handed him the list of everything that had beset my body in just two years, and told him that it was my belief that most had arisen from a common cause that was in some way related to my collapsed health in 2022 from what they called "covid". I told him I want to find a common cause and treat that common cause. I even pointed out metabolic syndrome which is a catch all diagnosis for 4 apparent diseases they treat with 4 different drugs - so even though they do have a common name for the 4 ailments, they do not have a common treatment. Nope. He still couldn't get it. He offered me a drug to deal with my anxiety state, and a shingles injection, and told me to get a mental health plan. I will not be back.

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My elderly neighbor fell for the fear early in 2021 and "believed their doctor" and got the experimental gene editing and ended up paralyzed for months on one side with the tell-tale droopy face. She never did recover completely. But, I'm sure it was just a fluke and had nothing to do with the "safe and effective" "vaccine".

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Our [evil, 30 billion in fruad fines] "medicine" industry has *killed & wounded far more the ALL the wars USA has ever been in! BUT with advertising money & good propaganda, suckers & sheeple can be lulled to sleep! (*See, the book, Death by Medicine by Dr. Null!) [Satan woulden't have it anyother way!]

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Didn't Peru call a state of emergency in relation to the rise in GBS post jab rollout? I seem to remember that.

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My friends, I need your help to share THE FIRST Narrative Feature Film EXPLOITING THE CORRUPTION OF COVID by Michael Angel Loayza Jr. (a Conscious Filmmaker)


We must all peacefully work together to exploit the corrupt institutions and to no longer be a slave to their toxic, greed-riddled agenda.

Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram: www.instagram.com/thejackedpoet

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Thanks for the link! Here is what I posted there! This nation was settled by and founded on Christian law and values! Now that we dumped all that for a neo-Sodom Gomorra, mass baby killing pro LGBTQA+ religion, looking to Government to be our god, what do you expect to happen? When you dump God, you get Hell, so wise up suckers!

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Is there a GENETIC predisposition to getting GBS? I read about the predisposition for other childhood vaccine injuries if one has certain gene mutations. And Guillain Barre is on the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) - it is a “tabled injury” which means it is an established, known injury and is on the “table” of injuries.

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