I don't think this is what most have in mind when they say they would give their life for their country.

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The Mengele experiments are not for the USA. They are for the globalist fascists, Klaus Schwab, WHO, UN, Bill Gates and the climate cabal.

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I wish they knew that their country had been seized since 1913. They're still living in 1776!

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Meryl, you are a Godsend to humanity....we are so lucky to have your brains, compassion and beauty.....

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Excellent accounting of the History Dr. Nass. It is so good to know your place in it. Thank you for continuing to tirelessly work to bring the truth to light.

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Thank you Dr. Nass for this great report. Like I say often, I don't know everything but I've done my best to learn and share the best truth I can since I realized that the Twin Towers were blown up on live TV after the planes were likely remote-controlled into them on 9/11. Then I learned about the weaponized anthrax scam starting seven days after 9/11 where weaponized anthrax was sent to the two of our Senators who were slowing down passage of the so-called "Patriot Act" at that time. This bs was even admitted to be a scam later when their fake story fell apart and most people forgot about it. I was coerced with the rest of the military to get 4 unproven "anthrax vaccines" that didn't do any harm to me that I know of, so far. But according to this documentary it did to many of us in the military:

"Direct Order" Documentary (Full) - Soldiers Ordered To Take Anthrax Vaccine & Got Brain Damaged (44:08)


Note: Amy Goodman, like many so-called "truth advocates", doesn't pass the 9/11 truth litmus test for some reason, but helped with this documentary.

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I was on Amy's show several times about this issue 20 years ago. Gary Matsumoto tried to write me out of the history. Amy is said to be Soros funded and no longer sees the woods for the trees.

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If young men and women knew the military would subject them to human experimentation with untested “vaccinations”, injections of untested doses and experimental adjuncts that would result in a myriad of severe adverse reactions- no one would ever join the military anymore. My grandfather fought bravely in the US Air Force in WW2. He says forced medical experimentation on service men without their consent is unforgivable. What the government is doing to our country’s bravest men and women is unforgivable.

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And yet the UK military - if not all others - compelled recruits to submit to injections.

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So tragic that no one, generally speaking, paid much attention to the Gulf War Illnesses and the mycoplasma patent. As a Gulf War Veteran, I truly believe that the experimental vaccines that were given to us is the precursor of today's covid vaccines.

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All too familiar. And the military has used members as guinea pigs for a very long time, with no advised consent whatsoever. The military has used the public as test subjects in different ways for over 100 years. Unfortunately this is hardly news, but as it is kept out of the public view, it's always "here we go again". Vaccines are one travesty, aerial spraying is even bigger, and the 3rd rail of every public discussion. Nuclear testing and production was and still is a huge experiment that affected millions. Then we have to incredible toxicity of 911, the Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, depleted Uranium poisonings of millions of acres, agent orange, and thousands of toxic chemicals that a lazy and politicized FDS, CDC, EPA, etc, have looked away from. Part of the irony is that many who enabled all this nonsense died from effects of this toxicity; they didn't "get it" and that effect is even more established in more recent generations of so-called "scientists" and "doctors". They really don't get it, and many have and will die from this lack of critical thinking and genuinely human experience. The military is a special case, an opportunity to do many illegal and immoral things to human beings. As always, it must be countered everywhere by better minds, better politics, better intrinsic understanding of the planet and the very short lives we live here.

Thank you for decades of sane service.

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I'd like to mention here the history of Morgellons, which was happening at the same time as the Gulf War Syndrome and the discussions were closely linked. (If you're unfamiliar with the condition, do an image search for Morgellons.) After extensive outcry from victims of this condition, the CDC opened a medical 'investigation' partnered with Kaiser Permanente and the Airforce. Rather than giving an explanation of findings to victims, two things happened: (1) mass coordination of media and censorship of online information to label victims as 'delusional', (2) quietly moving gain-of-function research overseas. We see the geopolitical impact of the latter playing out today.

Victims have still never been given an explanation for their condition, including fundamental things like how it is contagious and how to protect others.

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There is extensive discussion of Morgellons in Elana Freeland's excellent book "Engineered Transhumanism".

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Thank you for pointing that out. I'll have to look it up, I haven't heard of it.

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Eerily familiar to 2020. Thanks for sharing this history and your place in it.

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Have you read Vaccine A by Gary Matsumoto? He lays out a pretty strong argument to suggest gulf war syndrome was caused by these experimental shots.

As a former soldier, medic and CBRNE specialist that later developed CFS/ME this subject is quite interesting to me.

For a while I thought perhaps GWS and CFS were two peas of the same pod just given different names.

I am not so sure of this now. But I still think they are closely related. Mitochondrial mutagenesis. Damaged mitochondria leading to a host of complications depending on which cells/tissues/organs were most exposed to the agent that lead to the mtDNA damage in the first place.

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I sincerely believe Gulf War Syndrome was caused by the vaccines. However, there are 3 possible explanations:

•Gary Matsumoto's squalene hypothesis

•The gulf war vaccines either being contaminated with mycoplasma fermentans or the vaccines causing immune suppression that caused this engineered mycoplasma to activate.

•Nass's thesis that the anthrax vaccine was an inherently dirty vaccine that clogged the filters that were used in vaccine production, leading the manufacturer to switch to larger filters that did not clog but let more contaminents in.

There is really compelling evidence supporting each of these and some evidence arguing against each which is why I am unsure which was actually the issue.

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Great article - The alarm on the ancient religious practice of inoculation has been sounding for decades. A great read from 1957 -- THE POISONED NEEDLE, Suppressed Facts About Vaccination. by Eleanor McBean, 1957 - https://tinyurl.com/5b8rrh6d

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Excellent book. Also recommend Dissolving Illusions and Virus Mania.

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Virus Mania is very good. I don't have the other one yet. The Bailyes' have a comprehensive channel that provides answers to every question Sam's audience can ask. I send everyone who wants to get up to speed to her site. - https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c

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Gulf War syndrome or how the United States poisons the world and our own troops.

Lead acetate and DDT spraying of all of our schools, children, public facilities, Parks, swimming pools, campsites and then we have an explosion of flaccid paralysis a.k.a. polio. You can’t sue a virus but you can sure as hell Monsanto.

In 1917 and 1918 US tubes were bombarded with between 12 and 15 vaccines to protect against and cephalitis. William Frederick Gates was behind this, funded by Rockefeller medicine. Our soldiers were dropping like flies. Not from encephalitis but from the vaccines. The public was warned that the soldiers were bringing back a strange virus from Spain and therefore they started inoculating the public with the same killer vaccines. History repeats itself.

Gay men doing poppers, destroying their moon systems and develop an acquired immune deficiency syndrome. What does Fauci and Big Pharma do, start killing gay men with AZT.

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A fascinating presentation by Raymond Obomsawin (deceased) who presents research exposing pharmacy, inoculations and allopathic medicine as originating from ancient Egyptian RELIGIOUS cults -- So could the US government be in violation of the First Amendment establishment clause? - See this - https://tinyurl.com/2errwatu

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Because we are all so specialised, we heavily rely upon others (who may be neither trustworthy nor competent). I was horrified when, as a graduate Biologist in the early 1990's, I was told if I didn't come up with the results the mining company wanted I would be out of a job - but who knew that developers were 'influencing research outcomes'? Who knew that mining companies were 'donating' money to WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) who then laundered it to fund research by government appointed scientists on temporary contracts (for the Minister to tell the scientists that if we wanted job the next year we had better come up with the results that the mining company wanted). In other words this corruption is not only in medicine but likely in every area of research where there is money to be made. For those who haven't watched the COVID Inquiry 2.0 chaired by Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts, I commend it to you. He had some incredible speakers - including Brooke Jackson, Pierre Kory, Philip Altman, Julian Gillespie, Peter Parry & Carla Mandell (explaining how they did it - including the psychology and gaslighting). I would lay money that 99.999% of Australians (including me) were clueless that - in stealth - our federal government had installed a fourth tier of government ceding virtually all medical decisions from state to federal and from federal Prime Minister to WHO. I knew there was a reason that I never felt comfortable with Bob Hawke. He just wasn't credible - but the troops all loved him because he would drink with the ordinary folk (except some of us don't drink beer). And I came across corruption in the medico/legal industry 15 years ago when carer for my partner. I quickly realised government and UN and WHO cared not a whit about the elderly or disabled (from Agenda 2021), but to knowingly inject children?!?!?!


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Ironically, one of the congressmen on the "Committee on Government Reform" from 2000 that Dr Nass testified to, was Joe Scarborough, the same Joe Scarborough who has been pushing the covid vaccine for the last 19 months. I guess he never did bother to read the anthrax report and put 2+ 2 together for covid, or he is an idiot, or, he accepted the 30 pieces of silver from HHS to sell out his fellow countrymen. I suppose it could be all three.

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If he was, he didn't care then, because I never saw him at a single hearing.

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The travesty of what has happened to our military, past and present, represents a war against our warriors, plain and simple!

We are so lucky to have you in the world, Dr. Nass! Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do in the face of so much persecution.

You wrote the biggest colonel (spelling intended) of truth when you said: "...it is impossible to produce vaccines that will keep up with the rate of development of new bio-warfare agents, and that vaccines should clearly not be the first line of defense in this or any case against the threat of biological warfare."

What's the answer? I don't know much about anthrax, but with COVID-19 (also caused by a bio-weapon) the answer is simple: PREVENTION + EFFECTIVE, EARLY TREATMENT! Many options are available for COVID-19 including those from AFLDS, AAPS, FLCCC, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Syed Haider, Dr. Ben Marble, Drs. Tyson and Fareed, Dr. Zev Zelenko, and many others.

Another doctor who has valiantly and extensively covered the attacks on our military by the pharma-industrial complex is Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, founder of Truth for Health Foundation (https://www.truthforhealth.org/). Read Dr. Vliet's columns and hear her podcasts on America Out Loud: https://www.americaoutloud.com/?s=military+vliet&et_pb_searchform_submit=et_search_proccess&et_pb_include_posts=yes (query picks up a few items from other sources; sorry)

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"Even if the vaccine were 100 percent effective against all strains of anthrax, which nobody claims, it still would be a porous defense because an enemy would simply choose another biological agent, one that occurs naturally or one created using genetic engineering.”

I just wonder about all the genetic material collected from PCR testing and if it's the pathway to develop the mother of all human bioweapons. I can't imagine there's ever been a time in history when they had such a great collection of human DNA from all corners of the world.

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Yes, PCR testing is undoubtedly being used in this way. I have not researched this, but the logic is screamingly loud.

Chinese companies, including Fosun Pharma, are behind many PCR tests: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/facing-the-beast

Also consider the DNA analysis companies, such as 23AndMe, to which people have voluntarily submitted their DNA: https://www.23andme.com/.

And don't forget widely used diagnostic labs (LabCorp is one) with close ties to their newly purchased drug companies: https://drugdevelopment.labcorp.com/

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