We need to keep our guard up- these monsters surely have more tricks up their sleeves and more wolves waiting in the wings. This is sadly not over by a long shot. Thanks Meryl for your dedicated work to continually shed daylight on the barbaric plan to enslave humanity.

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The Dossier acquires confidential Davos attendees list


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The are beginning to fall like dominoes. Freeland resign in Canada, Truedeau looking for exit strategy, Macron hanging in balance 1

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I read it "Macron hanging" and I thought YES!


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They are treasonous’

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Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom sold killafornia out to the child killer globalsluts

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Yes, Gavin is a YGL.

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Absolutely had enough WEF, WHO, CDC, ETC...

Praying Trump dumps them all.

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the best government is local. The worst is national, worse than that is empire, and way at the bottom of the list would be a world government. ugh!

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That's what our founders thought, pimaCanyon, Especially Sam Adams and Patrick Henry.

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yes. Their intent was to have most of the powers of government be at State level or with the people themselves. Their big mistake was allowing slavery to continue because that resulted in a Civil War, the outcome of which was that the Federal government became very powerful. That was when the intent of the Founders was buried and the US started down the road to becoming an empire.

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I pray we all stand up and hold his feet to a fire.

Honestly what can we expect from the world's elite? Since when did rich people give two shits and a damn about the poor and middle class?

Bearing in mind the middle class in the US rode the gravy train for a long while compared to the BRICS crew. You might insist they worked hard, a slave might think otherwise.

The WEF has made it abundantly clear the world population needs to be reduced. It might be somewhat less unappetizing if they didn't insist on profiting wildly from their fun!

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The world has changed drastically during my lifespan. Radio was in its infancy and everyone gathered around a radio set in a family to listen to the news together. Then, TV came into being, which was supposed to further educate people, but it created a nation of couch potatoes. Then, the Internet accelerated the proliferation of information, which opened the minds of many and connected people worldwide. No longer could people depend on the regular news media for information...it went the way of the dinosaur. My prayer is for the WEF to become obsolete, too.

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You put it very well.

These are tools not so unlike a rake or a plow. Tools inevitably become more complex and only usable in common, just as pen and paper have now become the internet. Capitalists appropriate each other in this process, and individual labor is driven out of it, until at last the thing is socialized.

We are at that stage with news organizations themselves and that is why the oligarchs who still own them are struggling to preserve their version of the news as they have never struggled before. That is changing everything because all their power stems from it. If they can't get us to believe what they want us to believe then they can't control us. That's why all this has come to a tipping point now, and why we're able to ask fundamental questions about many things like viruses, vaccines, health, climate, history, economics.

That's one reason why I appreciate Substacks like Dr, Nass', where she's never turned off the comments and doesn't put things behind paywalls.

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I concur, Barbara, How do you feel seeing a group of friends all sitting around a table like zombies mesmerized by their smartphones? Texting their friend to pass the salt!

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They are zombies...between the processed food and shots, since childhood that most received...they can't read, write or spell! Many College graduates today are far less educated than junior high school students used to be, when i was in school. People who have faith in our FUTURE WORK FORCE in all fields need to have their minds examined. These vaccines contain brain-damaging elements.

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Yes, brain & body damaging elements/ vaccines, that necessitate the need for patent medicine from our 50 billion in fraud fines. I.e. Big Pharma god.

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Like the Young Global Leader and technocrat, Elon Musk, whom now sits at the right hand of a two-headed bird ushering in the angel of light at Notre Dame. Yeah, I’ve had enough.

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Could you explain this further, please? I found the Notre Dame ceremony odd.

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Wonderful of you to ask. From dark to light… https://youtu.be/fDEF0P_BzEQ?si=JuzDqJtu7ki0Xr4H

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Looks rather ‘Freemasonry' than Christian.

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Correct, except Roman Catholicism is not Christian… https://www.probablyalexandra.com/an-inconvenient-religion

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And yet, I think there are many people who are saved who are in the Catholic church. Not everyone believes all the tenants.

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Please summarise .. so the burning it down was symbolic ?

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He ain't a YGL, that's nonsense. Why do people keep repeating that made-up disinformation? I know, its a regular part of the CIA strategy of equating people in the opposition with their disgusting, corrupted stooges. Seeing it regularly now, a bunch of the CIA sockpuppets are out listing Pierre Poilievre alongside Freeland & Trudeau.

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It seems there is online debate about whether Musk is a YGL. But his actions don't suggest he carries out the WEF agenda.

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James Corbett in 2022 clearly shows Musk is in alignment with the agenda. https://corbettreport.com/musk/. BTW, Corbett was then also onto Peter Thiel, puppetmaster of JD Vance.

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Try them all for crimes against humanity then hang them all.

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I'd go for drawing and quartering. Publicly.

But I'd be ok with hanging.

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People who are kind to evil people are evil to kind people! So I say hang em all live on T.V.! (after a fair trial!)

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The WEF YGL is just one of the programs. I am beginning to believe practically all of the leaders are onboard with the Satanic NWO and the show is to get the populace behind them. Once you decide to supports a person/group/agenda - it becomes harder to critically examine issues or recognize IF the path you are being taken down is not in your best interest and may be just another road to the ultimate goal which you are against.

The population of Kazakhstan is 20 million and the density is 16 people/sq. mile. It is abundant in natural resources – and was used by the USSR for many of the nuclear bomb test. Within 20 years this was built. Why?

Astana, Kazakhstan - The Illuminati and New World Order Capital City https://odysee.com/@stpierrs:f/Astana,-Kazakhstan---The-Illuminati-and-New-World-Order-Capital-City:5

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Keir Starmer, well that explains the 'YOU WILL HAVE ZEE BOVAER" edict. What a facist.

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What worries me is that Tulsi Gabbard and Peter Theil are listed as WEF Young Global Leaders. Peter Theil is a worry because he's rather too obviously the power behind the current US Vice President elect -- who has recently disappeared -- and according to the Constitution is a literal heart-beat away from becoming POTUS. Oddly enough I do trust your POTUS elect -- except that he's not very good at picking underlings and has been literally surrounded by WEF Young Global Leaders. Elon, for example, won't go home. Argh....

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Elon ain't YGL. Tulsi did take the course and was a fast riser in the Democrat party until she exposed them blocking Bernie Sanders nomination. Since then they have turned on her with a viciousness that is truly sickening.

You need to leave room for the once bad guys to realize the mistakes they have made and switch sides. As we know, insiders Gorbachev & Yeltsin brought down the Soviet Union.

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Tulsi Gabbard has said that she never participated in WEF functions and does not support their aims.

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Yes and I hope that's true. But Theil actually made his considerable fortune on the back of a CIA-requisitioned surveillance program that he NAMED Palantir (after the surveillance network owned by Sauron, the ultimate world-domination baddie in Theil's long-adored novel Lord of the Rings). And Theil DID then bankroll VPOTUS elect JD Vance .... I just hope Trump and RFK Jr can (1) survive and (2) preside over the effective destruction of the NWO. 2025 will be a very important year.

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not to say we're fighting a regenerative hydra, but like others note, we can never let our guard down

that said, this is encouraging, and I sense major positive changes coming

problem is, 'they' are becoming more desperate, and thus, more dangerous :/

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Who are the WEF actually? Is it an alphabet soup front? Is it another nation’s IC front? Is it a UN group front?

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It's a bunch of self appointed dictator of the world wannabe's. They think the world needs a dictator and they have volunteered for the job. The ring leader is Klaus Schwab who says things like "You vill own nussing and you vill be happy".

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He sounds is so comically ‘bad guy’ though…

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indeed. he is a bad guy, a very bad guy. He just "knows" how smart he is and because of that he should be the boss of everyone.

But he's also so obviously a villain--and has the accent to prove it--that he's hilarious!

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He was Kissenger’s protege, supposedly. So, whomever Kissenger was representing, that relationship is apparently ongoing.

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Kissinger was a City of London pawn

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Good things come to those who wait....

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Great news.

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BETRAYAL. GOP Rift Opens Over Social Security Bill




KICK THE BIDEN'S OF SS THEY GET $50 K A YEAR, PLUS HIS PRESIDENTIAL RETIREMENT. Joe Biden in Line for a $413,000 Dual Pension Payout upon Departing the Presidency.

Upon leaving the White House, presidents have generally been financially well-off and are afforded numerous opportunities for lucrative book deals, speeches, or other money-making endeavors. Regardless of the net worth of former presidents, they are entitled to an annual pension equivalent to the salary of a cabinet secretary, currently $246,400 in 2024 and often adjusted annually.

There is also a completely separate pension program available for members of Congress. President Joe Biden previously served in the Senate for 36 years and another eight years as Vice President, a role which serves as presiding officer in the Senate, making him eligible for a starting pension worth $166,374.

Biden is eligible to collect both pensions, for a combined payout that could start at $412,774, before any 2025 adjustment of the presidential pension (which won’t be known until late December).

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Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. These people will never give up. In the mean time the best thing we can do is reject reject reject any of their agendas the best we can in our own lives. The public must learn how to say NO again.

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