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Thanks Dr. Nass for the ammunition to fight the corrupt Dictator of the WHO, Terrorist Tedros. It makes no sense that someone like him - could be in this position. He has no credentials in the field of health, which would help gain him leaadership of a World Health Organization. This makes one question the legitimacy of the entire organization and all those who put him in charge.

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Methinks he is purely a puppet of the UN / WEF, to get their foot in the door under the guise of public heath.

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All these self-serving agencies, the UN, the WHO, WEF, etc., are out to take over the world...America should never have joined them. The UN (United Nations) started after WW11 in 1945. After WWI, The League of Nations began in 1920 to prevent another World War from occurring. Germany was disgruntled, because it lost; and this led to the failure of the League of Nations. Germany started WW11 in September 1939 with its invasion of Poland. The UN has 193 member nations. Many of them are anti-America. They form a block and vote against America on any issues...America brings up.. America contributes far more than most of these nations. It contributes one third of the UN budget. Our Constitution forbids American taxpayer money going to foreign countries and organizations. People must demand that our represenatives vote to get America out of the UN, the WHO or any other foreign organization. Our debt in America is astronomical... and Congress still passes bills sending billions to foreign counries, like Ukraine.. Representatives who pass bills get kickbacks from countries who get"aid" ..without any accountability for where our taxpayer money is going.

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The UN doesn't serve the interests of any Western nation. It's primary agenda appears to be to alter the geopolitical stage, making itself King of the World.

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The CCP is in the UN and its bioweapon labs are designed for bioweapon warfare; the exterminatiion of others with bioweapons (diseases). The bioweapon labs of the WHO have come from UN funding and this means US dollars are being used to support these labs. Americans need to demand their Representatives get us out of the UN, the WHO and all its other organizations.

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One of the worst mistakes the US made was signing on to the UN

and the 2nd allowing it to squat on our soil

It is the reality of Dicken's Oliver "Please sir may I have more?"

It is insatiable in its demands for more and more and US TAXPAYER foots

most of it.

A bunch of 3rd world whinny, hands outstretched beggars.

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that is all it is

The US taxpayer pays the greatest amount to keep it afloat and it turns around

wishing our demise

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