Worth a watch how this happens. We MUST make sure this does not happen at the May 2024 meeting to usher in the Pandemic Treaty and a massively changed IHR
The United States 🇺🇸 of America must begin to remove itself from the UN 🇺🇳 to prevent its sovereignty from being stolen. Countries around the world must also remove their memberships from The UN 🇺🇳. WEF’ global Elites are already using injections to maim, weaken, and kill innocent children, pregnant women’s fetuses, young adults & older adults, to carry out their depopulation goals Agenda30. These aren’t humans. They are Satanic entities from another dimension ... Lucifer’s soldiers.
We are dealing with a spiritual warfare battle between goodness & evil.
I’m curious who is this man representing the United States and by whose authority? What are the names of the other people in the working group that is “negotiating” on behalf of the United States government? How were they picked/appointed? Which branch of our government do they represent/report to? How can such regulations developed by a group of unelected bureaucrats force us to do anything? How will the proposed regulations be enforced? Did they just or do they intend to amend IHR Article 55 in order to make it unnecessary to allow for the proper review and/or amendment of the IHR? All of these questions need to be answered before we get too far down the road. Like one of the commenters above I too am confused as to what I can do to stop this globalist effort to further enslave us.
Dr. Meryl, I am one of your paid subscribers and a huge believer in your cause, but I remain confused how I can best take constructive actions to stop this global threat? Can you please provide some further advice? Thank you,
What a disgrace to humanity that some very evil people who are billionaires actually believe that they are God. These people are mentally sick and spiritually evil. They want to inject humans with Graphene Oxide which reacts with 5G Electromagnetic Radiation Fields, causing myocarditis, still born deaths in fetuses & babies; causing deaths among children and adults when they are exercising ( blood clots, brain clots); cancer & make no mistake, everything that is happening to humanity is their agenda to depopulate the world & gain complete control over all humans.
Once their “Digital Monetary System” is established via their Covid Jabs’ microchips, we will become their slaves. They have altered our DNA 🧬, according to Federal Law, whoever owns the DNA, owns the body (property).
We are therefore their commodity, such as sheep, pigs, horses, cattle, and other livestock.
Yes, that is the video. There is also a second video on the subject with some redundancy but with additional information as well on the John-Henry Weston show..
How do we stop our government? Even if we somehow withdraw or reject the ammendments what will stop the WHO from passing them? If this country agrees to enforce them how do we stop that? We need real answers vs the anxiety-producing “we must stop” comments that wind up just freezing people in their boots or deepening their anxieties and/or depression or causing people to just delete the newsletter because everyone is being told they “must do something.”. What I see around me are folks waking up to the truth and rolling back over asleep because they don’t know what to do. Easier to just clean the chicken coop or join one’s buddies at the local pub. People feel helpless. They know more but still do not know what to do to stop things. Desmet refers to this issue as do many other psychiatrists on the subject. A simple example is a woman in a toxic relationship who knows she’s in a toxic relationship. She knows she needs to just walk but there are so many forces tugging at her emotions she winds up staying and continues to be hurt. If one woman can’t do that simple thing - and there are millions in that quandary - how do we stop this global insanity at levels most of us cannot fathom being able to reach?
I think it's time you got your guns out en masse...make it "heard" - NO !!! over-run the white house and any dissentors...take back your power by force without violence...sheer numbers everywhere across the country...all countries need to do this
MmmHmmm. Sounds nice but this falls in the same category as “need to stop”. There is no specific thing an individual can do. Getting people out in force isn’t something your average Joe can do and the masses aren’t going to be pushed and pulled until it’s too late. Getting an entire country to stand up is very difficult to do and when it is done, it’s usually via a revolt and those just cause more war and misery and rarely solve the problem. And the revolts don’t happen until everyone is desperate vs forward thinking.
Hi, don't need the entire country only a significant number of everyday folks all over especially the cities. Look at how many ppl turn out for sports? 100' s of thousands a time. All it takes is for the masses everywhere to unite in one body of voice, to grab the enemy's attention - we mean business. Like the truckie's did. This should be happening already - even combining protests in one large throng and keep it up. I charge my beliefs with positive energy and put my belief in "we can" not in..... "we can't"
The WHO is FINISHED! I speak for the thinking public. The CORRUPTED and now obsolete World Health Organization now functions under the control, whims and desires of its new owner - Bill Gates.
Gates took over the now-corrupted WHO when he became their biggest benefactor, donating well over 50% of their annual budget! This now means the WHO is now part of the 'Gates Empire' - Marketing Division.
Gates states "The most lucrative investment I ever made was (is) VACCINES". Not rocket science to 'join the dots' and realise Gates wants the WHO to have the authority to declare (perhaps falsely) the next Scamdemic and then dictate that EVERY HUMAN MUST accept the next 'EXPERIMENTAL and dangerous (mRNA) Gene Editing injection (they pretends is a VACCINE)!
These depopulating poisons will be administered with ZERO LIABILITY for the manufacturers and any of the supply chain. All under the approval of his collaborating partners in the CDC & FDA! The Covid mRNA injections have killed thousands of unsuspecting people who trusted Governments and the Medical Industry.
Big Pharma's Motto = There's no profit in healthy people - how can we make them sick for longer"?
The WHO is now redundant and obsolete as far as human health and safety is concerned. Disband the WHO.
The WHO is now totally corrupt, dangerously out of control and no longer functions for humanity.
Anybody ready to give up your God given Sovereignty??? It’s about to go!!!! This means if a gnat sneezes on the other side of the world “ under a rock” these A$$ 🕳 s. Say you will LockDown, Maak up! Take whatever Frankenstein shot they deem needed! Everyone No Exceptions! To bad so sad….. You do not control your life!!!! REALLY PPL. YOU JUST GOING TO ROLL OVER FOR THESE MONSTERS?!!!!!?
These "people" are completely DISGUSTING. I wonder how many of them bought stock in the death shot companies. They should all be rounded up and used as human LAB RATS, GUINEA PIGS, and research MONKEYS, for every goddamned injectable medication that comes along, and see how THEY do! In the meantime: "GET BILL GATES! GET BILL GATES! GET BILL GATES! GET BILL GATES! GET BILL GATES!!!!
It's hard to take this in, as it conflicts with my understanding that the globalist elites are Europeans, but this video is irrefutable proof that the U.S. is leading the globalist takeover of health. The bad guys are our government...
The United States 🇺🇸 of America must begin to remove itself from the UN 🇺🇳 to prevent its sovereignty from being stolen. Countries around the world must also remove their memberships from The UN 🇺🇳. WEF’ global Elites are already using injections to maim, weaken, and kill innocent children, pregnant women’s fetuses, young adults & older adults, to carry out their depopulation goals Agenda30. These aren’t humans. They are Satanic entities from another dimension ... Lucifer’s soldiers.
We are dealing with a spiritual warfare battle between goodness & evil.
Thanks Meryl,
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m praying daily for you.
I’m curious who is this man representing the United States and by whose authority? What are the names of the other people in the working group that is “negotiating” on behalf of the United States government? How were they picked/appointed? Which branch of our government do they represent/report to? How can such regulations developed by a group of unelected bureaucrats force us to do anything? How will the proposed regulations be enforced? Did they just or do they intend to amend IHR Article 55 in order to make it unnecessary to allow for the proper review and/or amendment of the IHR? All of these questions need to be answered before we get too far down the road. Like one of the commenters above I too am confused as to what I can do to stop this globalist effort to further enslave us.
Dr. Meryl, I am one of your paid subscribers and a huge believer in your cause, but I remain confused how I can best take constructive actions to stop this global threat? Can you please provide some further advice? Thank you,
What a disgrace to humanity that some very evil people who are billionaires actually believe that they are God. These people are mentally sick and spiritually evil. They want to inject humans with Graphene Oxide which reacts with 5G Electromagnetic Radiation Fields, causing myocarditis, still born deaths in fetuses & babies; causing deaths among children and adults when they are exercising ( blood clots, brain clots); cancer & make no mistake, everything that is happening to humanity is their agenda to depopulate the world & gain complete control over all humans.
Once their “Digital Monetary System” is established via their Covid Jabs’ microchips, we will become their slaves. They have altered our DNA 🧬, according to Federal Law, whoever owns the DNA, owns the body (property).
We are therefore their commodity, such as sheep, pigs, horses, cattle, and other livestock.
Agreed. Do a search on Garabandal + John-Henry Weston for the prophecy that I feel directly addresses this 'elite' takeover.
Yes, that is the video. There is also a second video on the subject with some redundancy but with additional information as well on the John-Henry Weston show..
How do we stop our government? Even if we somehow withdraw or reject the ammendments what will stop the WHO from passing them? If this country agrees to enforce them how do we stop that? We need real answers vs the anxiety-producing “we must stop” comments that wind up just freezing people in their boots or deepening their anxieties and/or depression or causing people to just delete the newsletter because everyone is being told they “must do something.”. What I see around me are folks waking up to the truth and rolling back over asleep because they don’t know what to do. Easier to just clean the chicken coop or join one’s buddies at the local pub. People feel helpless. They know more but still do not know what to do to stop things. Desmet refers to this issue as do many other psychiatrists on the subject. A simple example is a woman in a toxic relationship who knows she’s in a toxic relationship. She knows she needs to just walk but there are so many forces tugging at her emotions she winds up staying and continues to be hurt. If one woman can’t do that simple thing - and there are millions in that quandary - how do we stop this global insanity at levels most of us cannot fathom being able to reach?
I think it's time you got your guns out en masse...make it "heard" - NO !!! over-run the white house and any dissentors...take back your power by force without violence...sheer numbers everywhere across the country...all countries need to do this
MmmHmmm. Sounds nice but this falls in the same category as “need to stop”. There is no specific thing an individual can do. Getting people out in force isn’t something your average Joe can do and the masses aren’t going to be pushed and pulled until it’s too late. Getting an entire country to stand up is very difficult to do and when it is done, it’s usually via a revolt and those just cause more war and misery and rarely solve the problem. And the revolts don’t happen until everyone is desperate vs forward thinking.
Hi, don't need the entire country only a significant number of everyday folks all over especially the cities. Look at how many ppl turn out for sports? 100' s of thousands a time. All it takes is for the masses everywhere to unite in one body of voice, to grab the enemy's attention - we mean business. Like the truckie's did. This should be happening already - even combining protests in one large throng and keep it up. I charge my beliefs with positive energy and put my belief in "we can" not in..... "we can't"
The WHO is FINISHED! I speak for the thinking public. The CORRUPTED and now obsolete World Health Organization now functions under the control, whims and desires of its new owner - Bill Gates.
Gates took over the now-corrupted WHO when he became their biggest benefactor, donating well over 50% of their annual budget! This now means the WHO is now part of the 'Gates Empire' - Marketing Division.
Gates states "The most lucrative investment I ever made was (is) VACCINES". Not rocket science to 'join the dots' and realise Gates wants the WHO to have the authority to declare (perhaps falsely) the next Scamdemic and then dictate that EVERY HUMAN MUST accept the next 'EXPERIMENTAL and dangerous (mRNA) Gene Editing injection (they pretends is a VACCINE)!
These depopulating poisons will be administered with ZERO LIABILITY for the manufacturers and any of the supply chain. All under the approval of his collaborating partners in the CDC & FDA! The Covid mRNA injections have killed thousands of unsuspecting people who trusted Governments and the Medical Industry.
Big Pharma's Motto = There's no profit in healthy people - how can we make them sick for longer"?
The WHO is now redundant and obsolete as far as human health and safety is concerned. Disband the WHO.
The WHO is now totally corrupt, dangerously out of control and no longer functions for humanity.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
Anybody ready to give up your God given Sovereignty??? It’s about to go!!!! This means if a gnat sneezes on the other side of the world “ under a rock” these A$$ 🕳 s. Say you will LockDown, Maak up! Take whatever Frankenstein shot they deem needed! Everyone No Exceptions! To bad so sad….. You do not control your life!!!! REALLY PPL. YOU JUST GOING TO ROLL OVER FOR THESE MONSTERS?!!!!!?
No one should comply with this illegal and illegitimate organization.
These "people" are completely DISGUSTING. I wonder how many of them bought stock in the death shot companies. They should all be rounded up and used as human LAB RATS, GUINEA PIGS, and research MONKEYS, for every goddamned injectable medication that comes along, and see how THEY do! In the meantime: "GET BILL GATES! GET BILL GATES! GET BILL GATES! GET BILL GATES! GET BILL GATES!!!!
Collective!! Wow. What a load of 💩!!! Sick, Evil, NON ELECTED SONS OF BAAL! ( my version of sob!)Grrrrrrrrrr Do Not Comply ppl!!!
Hard to hear comments on something no one knows about!!!! 👿🤬
Masked bandits.
They should be all arrested.
Tweet from Andrew Bridgen, New Zealand Govt says NO!
Andrew Bridgen
We have had a win!
Our collective efforts have done it! The New Zealand government has said NO to the WHO amendments before 1 December 2023.
New Zealand will reserve its position on the WHO's time reductions for future amendments.
The collective power of the people and lobbying has worked! When will the UK Parliament wake up to the threat?
11:44 AM · Nov 24, 2023
Bizzaro evil clown show, masks and all.
It's hard to take this in, as it conflicts with my understanding that the globalist elites are Europeans, but this video is irrefutable proof that the U.S. is leading the globalist takeover of health. The bad guys are our government...
May 2024 meeting? Was this in the future? It's Nov 24, 2023.