Yes! The US needs to exit the WHO and the UN. I will let my rep and senators know - AGAIN!

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Here's the deal though. Both of my senators and my rep are career GOP politicians connected at the hip with Big Corp (includes Big Pharma, Big Energy, Big MIC). They are tools of the globalists, and will never see or act the way I would like them too. They respond to me with form letters.

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One of my Senators is Bernie Sanders (former anti big pharma) A couple of months ago I spoke to an intern at his office about what a truly bad idea it was to give so much power to the WHO. He asked many good, probing questions. He also asked if I'd like a response from Bernie. I said Of Course! In 20 years I have never NOT heard back from Bernie. Until now...no reply concerning anything anti-narrative CO19. Now what does this total silence, ignoring the issue tell you??

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I live in VT too. I just The James Roguski letter to Peter Welch. .. All I ever get from Sanders is standard form letter.

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Sanders is a chicken-shit. He's a washed-out blue-washed pie-in-the-sky eedjot. Sorry for the rant. Congress lacks the barest knowledge of what a spine is for. I'd love to know how many of them are invested in Big Pharma. Probably most.

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Bernie is a dog. Bow wow.

They put on crappy teevee narrative

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Congress will do nothing. And I will not comply with any edict that issues forth from the WHO. Thanks for trying Dr. Nass.

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We SHOULD NOT give up. "Lie down and die, you mass of dirty PEONS, YOU WILL take this shit lying down!!!" Reeeeally??? Come 2030, I "VILL OWN NUSSING UND I VILL BE HEPPY..." Yeah... s-u-u-u-r-e I "vill," sure I "vill..."

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Let's all get T-shirts printed in white letters on black backgrounds that say "Do Not Comply," "Lie to tyrants," "Defund the Thought Police" and "PAY ATTENTION!!"

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I prefer to act! join the nation’s largest grassroots army of citizens for self governance at http://conventionofstates.com/?ref=57705

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Those at www.thenewamerican.com have been talking about this and so many other issues for years. If it comes from the WHO (UN, CFR, WEF, etc) it is NO GOOD!!

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We need to make a big stink about the words, language, and terminology they use because they are luring everybody into their safety net like flies to a Venus flytrap. The keywords they use that sound so altruistic can have a variety of different meanings. It is relative language, it is deceptive, it is meant to deceive, and it has to be exposed. The US must exit this group of organized criminals. The world looks to the United States as the leader of the free world and the millions of people in the world who see this atrocity unfolding are counting on us to stop it.

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Bret Weinstein does a great job of pulling the curtain away from the language-benders. I hate this "newspeak" shit. It's "woke" on steroids.

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Except it's not "newspeak" it's dry soulless killer speak disguised in equality and wrapped in recycling paper.

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It's the crazy stepchild of psychobabble, hatched out on a stump at the Tavistock Institute, likely.

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Yeah, psychobabble meets AI - they might as well be using just vowels on a conveyor belt and adjectives to lay down their ground rules for bio warfare.

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Hah-- that's PURR-fect, Cat!

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The US being part of the WHO constitution violates the US Constitution and bill of Rights

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Tedros was a member of the Communist Party of Ethiopia.

There were two factions, pro-CCP and non-CCP, but he was in the pro-CCP faction. Therefore, he was reluctant to investigate the source of Cov19.

I think it's good to point out this point as well.

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My friends & Family have already condemned the corrupt WHO to history - since Gates became the biggest contributor (influencer). The WHO has no authority in our world!

Simple solution to the Covid issue =

Realise it was/is a man enhanced virus that was created for profit and the justification of a new and expensive profit making treatment.

Consider the manufacturers of this useless ("SAFE & EFFECTIVE") rubbish bare no 'LIABILITY' for any injuries or deaths that follow the injected POISON!

Realise that WHO approved meds (Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, etc, were proven SAFE anti-viral treatments that existed successfully for decades until Big Pharma had to 'RUBBISH' them in order to obtain an Emergency Use Authorisation from their 'friends' at the FDA!

I'm (Covid) unvaxxed and 77 years of age, generally fit and healthy! Whilst I doubted the serious nature of Covid in the early days, but realised it could have been 'modified' by Fauci & friends to be as dangerous as possible for humans, I became more suspicious every time I read more details that seemed to be unrealistic in the 'real world'! One minor cold (= 2 days) since the "deadly" farce began.

Why, for example, would all Big Pharma manufacturers of 'cures' (called vaccines), require total immunity from LIABILITY for their "wonderful" speedy injections that were originally claimed to have been SAFE & EFECTIVE? It made no sense and still, 18 months later, makes even less sense, unless you realise the manufacturers know they can get away with such a nonsense.

Everyone with half a brain, by now knows by now that Covid was created for the purpose of taking the (World Economic Forum's 'New World Order' Control Program to the next level of dominance, which includes impregnating humanity with deadly chemicals that will complete the WEF's (NWO) plans for those that survive the ("SAFE & EFFECTIVE" - BUT in reality DEADLY!) injections - called VACCINES.

We must totally refute any threatened alterations to WHO guidelines and intended authority because the WHO has been 'sold' to the highest bidder' = Bill Gates is the WHO's biggest donator = benefactor = influencer.

The WHO is now the commercial arm of Gates vax sales interests and therefore obsolete to it's original Mission = Human health and Well-being! The WHO are now also fulfilling Gates's other need = to considerably depopulate the planet.

Bill Gates's new WHO stooge = Jeremy Farrar (Ex Wellcome Research) has been chosen by Gates to front the illegal activities of the World Health Organisation. Specifically, to prepare the organisation to take over the universal Sovereignty of every Nation - worldwide. To prepare the world population for world dominance of humanity under the guise of Human Health and Wellbeing.

Jeremy Farrar will continue the Covid tactics planned years in advance of the Coronavirus release, and announce the next FICTITIOUS PANDEMIC, along with intensified 'Control' tactics that will make the ridiculous Covid lock-downs and ineffective Mask Mandates even more urgently required and MANDATED.

In addition, the WHO believes it has the cooperation of ALL NATIONS to declare the next false Pandemic when another injection will, supposedly, be invented in 'miracle time' to counteract the next man-enhanced virus. We, the people deny the authority of the WHO to act in our best interests and therefore demand the WHO be terminated.

This time, the injection, (again called a 'vaccine') will be MANDATORY for the PLANET - with onerous consequences for any that dare to argue the Depopulation injection's necessity, safety and purpose.

His title = 'World Population Reduction Director'.

'LIABILITY' must be reintroduced for the makers of these unsafe, useless 'vaccines' as they are now just another means of Vax marketing and will inevitably reduce the world population, leaving the remaining 'injected humanoids' as SLAVES for the super-wealthy 'Elites'.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer and fight tyranny.

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Thank you so much, Dr. Nass! I needed that direction to educate my representatives. You've made it short and succinct which politicians might listen to. James is thorough in providing information, but I was a bit overwhelmed. I like your plan. Solid. Thank you, again.

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Does anyone have a boilerplate message for congress members to support this bill? Thanks in advance!

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This from jamesroguski.substack.com:

Dear Representative/Senator:

This email is to bring your attention to the secret negotiations being conducted by the World Health Organization regarding proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations as well as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”

This is absolutely unbelievable, but the proposed amendments actually strike out the words “with the full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.”

In addition, the proposed amendments would violate every American’s unalienable right to privacy by instituting a digital global health certificate that would give access to each individual’s private health records.



Demand 1:


There has been no official public discussion and no way for the will of We the People to be heard in this process. I demand that you work to STOP the United States participation in the negotiations regarding the proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations. The information that you need to know and investigate is below:

Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR)



International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC)


CONTACT: Mr. Colin McIff is a Vice-Chair of the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations and is an executive in the Department of Global Affairs in the Department of Health and Human Services.

https://twitter.com/CLMcIff | Colin.McIff@hhs.gov | 202-205-8943

Demand 2:

The WHO has completely ignored over 33,000 written public comments calling for them to stop these negotiations. I demand that you work to STOP the United States participation in the negotiations regarding the Conceptual Zero Draft of the proposed Pandemic Treaty.



CONTACT: Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto was named to be the United State Negotiator for the Pandemic Accord by Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Twitter: @AMBHamamoto | Pamela.Hamamoto@hhs.gov | 202-545-4883


Demand 3:

The United States needs to stop providing financial support to the World Health Organization. I strongly urge you to support the following legislation:

H.R. 419 - No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act


Demand 4:

Continued U.S. membership in the WHO represents the greatest threat to national sovereignty we have ever faced. The United States also needs to completely sever our ties to this corrupt organization and withdraw from the World Health Organization. The World Health Organization’s blatant ongoing attempts to craft two (2) “legally binding” documents in order to gain nearly unlimited power, authority and money at the expense of national and personal sovereignty and autonomy only has power over the United States because we continue to make the mistake of being a member of the WHO. These regulations will have no power over the United States once we end U.S. participation in these negotiations and rescind our adoption of the IHR amendments

H.R. 7931 - WHO Withdrawal Act


Detailed procedure to leave the WHO:


I will not stand for the loss of my unalienable rights and freedoms.

It is imperative that you work to expose and stop the current negotiations and it is also imperative for you to lead an effort to remove the United States from the WHO.

As my representative, you are sworn to protect my interests, which include protecting the Constitution of the United States. Our participation in WHO’s IHR and Pandemic Treaty negotiations and our membership in WHO and the UN work directly against those interests. You must exert every effort possible to end the negotiations and #ExitTheWHO to prevent this egregious POWER GRAB.

Please provide me with a specific response to my letter, not a generic one.

Yours in health and freedom,

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The response I got from Sen. Schumer (NY)

Dear Mr. ....:

Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns about expansion of the World Health Organization.

The United States, through its humanitarian aid and support for international bodies such as the United Nations, has traditionally been at the forefront of global efforts to combat poverty and disease. The World Health Organization in particular has been instrumental in battling several international outbreaks, such as the Ebola crisis in West Africa, the Zika virus in Latin America, and the COVID-19 pandemic that has impacted every corner of the globe.

Throughout my career, I have been a staunch supporter of foreign aid and international development programs. Additionally, I believe we must prioritize increased funding for global health programs such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). During this Congress, I was proud to lead the effort to include $11 billion for international aid and the global response to the coronavirus pandemic as part of the total $1.9 trillion in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which passed the Senate on March 6, 2021 and was signed into law by President Biden on March 11. The American Rescue Plan-the most comprehensive and sweeping economic relief package passed through the Senate since the passage of the CARES Act in March 2020, and the second largest economic relief package in U.S. history-allocated funding for vaccine production and distribution, small businesses, schools, anti-poverty programs, and stimulus checks for every American. Furthermore, during the 115th Congress, I was proud to cosponsor S.210, the Global Health, Empowerment and Rights Act of 2017, which sought to broaden the scope and reach of our global health initiatives.

I believe that in a time of tremendous global uncertainty, the U.S. should not withdraw from world leadership. We have a long and proud tradition in this country as a shining beacon of hope, and to turn our back on that tradition would be a travesty. To reduce funding for these vital health programs would seriously affect the safety, prosperity and health of the United States and the world-therefore, I will do everything in my power to support them.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please keep in touch with your thoughts and opinions.


Charles E. Schumer

United States Senator

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Thank you for writing about this and creating ideas for all to help!

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Also, while I’m at it… why wouldn’t we create a Peace Room at the White House instead of a War Room? Huh…

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Meryl ~ this is my 3rd attempt at this. I personally handed over copies of your “ Eight items of major concern…” AND your 8 points on “What Can Congress Do?” - which included exiting and defunding the WHO and Revoking the Prep Act of 2005 to -

Allison L. Murphy, Chief of Staff for Congressman Van Drew at an event that included Congressman Jim Jordan - earlier this month. These congressmen seem to really care about WE THE PEOPLE. I think it could prove fruitful for you to follow up with them since they did telephone me personally to tell me Congressman Van Drew would look at your points!


Thank you for your work Meryl !!!

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I do not see any comments since December 2022???

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Meryl ~

Allison L. Murphy, Chief of Staff for Congressman Van Drew has your "What Can Congress Do? sheet with 8 points, including Revoking The Prep Act, Exit and defund the WHO and soooo much more.

I also HANDED Allison the "Eight items of major concern regarding the proposed WHO treaty and International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments...at a fundraiser earlier this month.

This event I attended also included Congressman Jim Jordan. I was told that he would be given copies of your info. If you follow up on this with Allison, I think it may prove fruitful. These gentlemen seem to really care about...WE THE PEOPLE. many, many thanks!

p.s. what will it take for THE WHITE HOUSE to create a PEACE ROOM instead of a WAR ROOM?

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Meryl ~ can you follow up with Allison L. Murphy - Chief of Staff for Congressman Van Drew. I received a return phone call from them telling me Congressman Van Drew is in receipt of the 8 points (I personally handed them) in which you stated “What Can Congress Do?” Tell them over and over…

I also requested that they pass that info on to Congressman Jim Jordan. They were both at an event I attended.


Who wouldn’t take your call? Thank you for your crucial work.

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Yes, we know why it failed. Our government is complicit in the control of the w.h.o.

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Something similar would be just the ticket in the UK. Parliamentary sovereignty works this way, with or without Gates and Schwab.

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