These trials are purposefully designed to fail in order to quash the use of Hydroxychloroquine. These monsters are beyond evil. Like you, l am a physician and saw the lie from day one. I feel like l have been screaming into the wind when it comes to waking up my former colleagues. Thanks for all that you do and l am so sorry for all the trouble you have had for simply telling the truth.

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Thank God we have you and your persistent expertise. God Knew what you were going to fight for with all the knowledge you accumulated during your life!❤️🇨🇦🙏

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Crimes against humanity

Thank you for sharing

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THose trials didn't use Zinc did they? HCQ is a zinc ionophore - how much it can do with out zinc is highly questionable. HCQ and other zinc ionophores were the gun but the zinc was the bullet.

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So designed to fail...by murderers

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I'm sure they didn't include zinc and also used a deadly dose of HCQ. We all learned about zinc and HCQ from the great doctor, Zev Zelenko. Though he had been diagnosed with cancer years before C-19, his death was a great tragedy and he was another casualty of the fake virus.


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Thanks for mentioning the elephant in the room: THE FAKE VIRUS! We still haven't seen any proof that any virus exists, let alone this "Covid-19" thing that the perpetrators of the crime named years earlier.

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Be ready for more fake (probably) viruses coming before the next election.

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Thank you for the work you do. I’m glad I finally found you, the FLCCC, Med Cram and Dr. Been. As a retired ER doc, I was so thirsty for knowledge during COVID......FINALLY some answers. The cover up was so BLATANT...and those physicians working through the pandemic did not have the time or energy to search for answers.

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HCQ should be dosed for 'ideal weight', not for body weight because it does not bind to fat. Short i.e. light people were doomed with those doses, especially when already weakened in the hospital. Of course height and weight data of those in the trial will never be published, so no one will find an excess of small people in the deceased.

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So, what exactly were these “treatments” for? An invented illness that was, and still is, impossible to diagnose? “Medicine” has lots of such ailments and “treatments” as well:


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The WHO is not who you want calling the shots for your health, that is unless you have a death wish.

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Anyone who believes that these people and these organizations can be negotiated with and stopped is blind and naïve. This is the whole purpose of their creation. To control things for their “vision“ using secrecy. The only solution is to stop dealing with the tar babies which waste time and energy (their purpose) and lead to cul-de-sacs which do not increase understanding or resistance or preserve freedom.

It amazes me how many examples of malfeasance are tolerated. After 2 or maybe 3 examples, the whole thing is rotten and should be opposed in toto. The same with the WHO and UN treaties and other over-arching hierarchical (Masonic formatted) organizations including federalism which are designed and utilized by puppets of a ruling secret society to control and enslave us to their vision using secrecy. This is what tolerance (which is promoted) gets you. Slavery!

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If you did receive the stated drug, a "standard" which is dubious at best, you only received it in doses which were toxic and fatal to some.

Who ever was behind this study is guilty of murder, and improper dosage for a research effect,

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Great work, Meryl. But it is hard to accept that the principal investigators were totally unaware of the misuse of HCQ in the trials they directed. Whatever happened to dose-response testing in clinical trials? And it is infuriating to realize that people may have died from toxic doses in a trial that supposedly was done for their benefit. And that is before we even consider the outright fraud that occurred in the report published by LANCET. Is it not possible to sue the fraudsters and those responsible for the misuse of HCQ that may have resulted in death of a loved one?

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There were some designing the trial who must have known, who were in the malaria treatment field. Probably most doctors in the field had no idea.

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Enrollment in a clinical trial in the US means you sign a waiver of liability. HOwever these were conducted with fraud, and btw only a few Americans were enrolled.

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Already back in June 2020, France Soir published several articles about the Recovery trials dosage matter. Here is a link to one of them (I don't know if it's ok to publish links here, we'll see): https://www.francesoir.fr/politique-monde/oxford-recovery-et-solidarity-overdosage-two-clinical-trials-acts-considered

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"I like to think my investigation has helped save some lives" - Rest assure it did as has so much of your work - Please never give up on the goal of awakening the sleeping masses and exposing the crimes and intentions of this death cult. Thank you. Take care and stay free.

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Meryl, who are the people who agree to be in these testing programs? There must be some huge financial incentive. Otherwise, why would anyone do it?

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