The modern stone age medical system has only fear to sell and market. They know nothing of curing disease or promoting health. That would destroy their revenue and profit streams.

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Some HCW know one thing about health: don't take the vaccines. That's for cattle. It's in the name!

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As a Pink Floyd fan, I’m wondering which specific thing Roger Waters was right about.

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Big man, Pig man, ha ha, Charade you are!

You well heeled Big Wheel, ha ha, Charade you are!

And when your hand is on your heart

You’re nearly a good laugh.

Almost a Joker.

With your head down in the pig bin

Saying 'keep on digging'

Pig stain on your fat chin

What do you hope to find?

When you're down in the pig mine

You're nearly a laugh

You're nearly a laugh

But you're really a cry.

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LOVE Animals!!

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Me too 😎

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"Hey, you!

Out there in the cold

Getting lonely, getting old.

Can you feel me?


Together we stand, divided we fall"


"Oh by the way, which one's Pink?"

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When I saw the notification for your reply, it truncated it immediately after “Hey you!” But I sang the rest of that stanza to myself and guessed Rog’s wisdom would be “united we stand, divided we fall” before seeing the rest of the reply. Sure wish I could memorize other things as well as I do song lyrics!

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I assume you saw the first covid vaccine paper to screen for myocarditis in post-second dose mRNA vaccines from a few days ago. **7** adolescents with elevated troponins out of 301 kids

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Yes, I must read that Thai study, very important. Here is the URL:


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from the study:

"The clinical presentation of myopericarditis after vaccination was usually mild and temporary, with all cases fully recovering within 14 days."

Why does Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, say that myocarditis is NEVER mild. Damage to heart muscle is permanent. The heart doesn't regrow cells like the liver can. So how can these researchers say that the myopericarditis was usually mild and temporary? McCullough leads me to believe that the damage is done and they will never fully recover, and that the heart can develop abnormal rhythms after myocarditis. So who is lying here?

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I believe Dr. McCullough. I think people could die within 5 yrs. It doesn't sound mild..

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here's the 18% abnormal EKG:

"After vaccination, ECG revealed that of the 301 patients, 247 (82.06%) had normal sinus rhythm, while an abnormal ECG finding was noted in 54 patients (17.94%) "--from the study

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thank you, I will take a look.

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recent Thai study found 1 out of 6 teenagers had abnormal EKG's after 2nd Pfizer shot.

"Researchers found that 18% of the 301 teens analyzed had an abnormal electrocardiogram after receiving their second dose of Pfizer, 3.5% of males developed myopericarditis or subclinical myocarditis, two were hospitalized and one was admitted to the ICU for heart problems." https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pfizer-covid-vaccine-myocarditis-teens-study/

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The data that is hardest to argue with is the troponin data. ECG findings are quite heterogenous in the study. Still important, but not as convincing for doctors. I'd also recommend going to the original link site for the sake of the journal's stats

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thank you.

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In 2003, the administration was Republican so the leftist media wanted to stop the vaccine. Now the leftist media does anything the current administration wants. If the current administration was Republican, the current vaccines would have been vilified as they should be.

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True what you say however the USA was GOP controlled until 2021. I only say this to amplify the Reality that Today we have but One “party” . One that continues to utilize the false dichotomy of Left/Right only creating turmoil via devision of US , the people, or the Serfs in “their” thinking, as they push hard to finalize an Agenda began several Centuries back. Remember, the Pen is Mightier than the Sword proven by the onslaught of attacks upon the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. Dr Nass is a doctor in the truest sense of the title. Thru sharing her wisdom and knowledge she gives us All a better defense when encountering those who, IMHO, are but mindless minnons following the Yellow Brick Road. Again only my opinion but a road leading to the cliff of Taratos …

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As a lay person who has followed the lies and medical tyranny since March 2020, I see no reason to ever take another "vaccine". Pharma are serial liars and have been caught repeatedly in the past. The only thing that has changed is that, now, they've paid off the media and government to hide their lies (recall Pfizer tried burying their input to the FDA for 75 years!!). So, no. No interest. Would rather take my chances without anything injected into my body from those criminals.

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You are singing my song.

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After having read "The Real Anthony Fauci", "Discovering the AIDS Virus", and "Dissolving Illusions", I have come to the conclusion that vaccines are ineffective and unsafe and - here is the kicker - always have been. Starting with Jenner and continuing through the 19th century, vaccines were very controversial due both to their questionable effectiveness and the frequency of vaccine injury ("Dissolving Illusions"). But since the shots were very profitable, these concerns were dismissed, just as they are today.

Of course the grift shifted into third gear in the middle of the last century and then achieved escape velocity with the arrival of Fauci ("In Search of the AIDS Virus" and "The Real Anthony Fauci"). I recommend all of these books, which are very approachable for the non medical professional.

Bottom line: I will never get another shot again. (Well, maybe a tetanus booster if I step on a nail. Maybe.)

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same here!

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Exactly my feelings.

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Excellent post. Your substack is in my top three for quality of content. You follow the ABC's of writing. Thank you for your work.

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Exactly. Take down the corrupt media ( feel free to interpret that as you wish :D ) and 95% of the battle is won. Thank you for all that you do!

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May [Big Pharma] die of Quadrillions of cuts!!!!

I know I have heard of death by a million cuts. This is not enough for Big Pharma.

Then, may [Big Agriculture/Big Technocracy/Big Banksters] die the same death!!!!!!!

I will not attend any of the funerals, but will have my own little personal party to celebrate!!!

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Thanks for a reminder of the days of medical choice freedom. Other lesson is that war enables hvax experimention. i'd be interested in hearing a historical on the AIDS epidemic. I never did see the movie Dallas buyers club but when I find it I plan to watch it because as I understand it's about the business side of AIDS. I feel like AIDSmay be one of the preplanned -experimental trials. AIDS never made sense to me. The use of Poppers has been speculated to lead to immunosuppression in the AIDS cohort.

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The Real Anthony Fauci goes into the AIDS story a bit. Turns out that the cause is still unsettled. Some who tested positive for the HIV virus had no symptoms, and some who had symptoms tested negative for the virus. The person who discovered the virus stated, three years after his discovery, that he no longer believed AIDS is caused by that virus. Meanwhile mass murderer Tony Fauci killed an estimated 1/3 to 1/2 million young men with the poison known as AZT, a drug whose animal trials as a chemotherapy agent had deemed it too unsafe to use on humans. Fauci was giving AZT to people who had no symptoms but had tested positive for HIV.

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Thanks for the synopsis. I was in my 20s living in San Francisco bay area during the AIDS crisis. It was frightening to think of working in a lab with blood. There are many scientific theories we need to reconsider. I am skeptical of prions as contagions. I believe Soils health is critical to planet health. Glyphosate kill soil and our gut symbionts. Symbionts allows us and soils to make additional compounds necessary for life

drugs were never tested for their effects on our microbiome.

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ACIP’s focus appears to have been exclusively on myocarditis as a risk from the ACAM-2000 (just one letter away from SCAM). The risk of injury must surpass 1 in 175 who were vaccinated with this, since there’s a host of other adverse reactions their chart failed to mention.

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Dr. Nass: I thought you may find this article interesting, written in part by "a senior scholar and epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, and served as the founding associate director of the Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." As you'll see, this article advocates for VRBPAC and ACIP convening to review whether ACAM2000 should be more widely used for monkeypox...As you'll recall, a couple of others from John Hopkins weighed in on ACAM2000 recently....Hhhhhmmmm....


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Why isn't info getting out to other side? Most if dad's extended side are vax crazies. Most st work. I would have expected terror a few months ago. Nothing. Nothing on the street. What gives?

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Healthcare professionals were a lot smarter back then.

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