I will not take a vaccine ever again. My trust in public health officials is shattered.

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May 27, 2022
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Right there with ya!

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DItto for me, my partner, my pets, and my kids while I can.

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me as well. I think our whole concept of bacterial and viral disease is warped. I've come to the conclusion that the germ theory is wrong, or at the very least misleading. Expose 20 people to the same "germ", they don't all get sick! So the germ does NOT cause disease! Pour bottled grape juice into a bowl, put some cooked meat into another bowl. Leave both bowls at room temp exposed to the air for a week or so. then look at the "germs" in each bowl. you'll find completely different germs even though both were exposed to the same germs from the air. It's the terrain that determines which germs thrive and which do not. Health is created by keeping our bodies healthy(!), not by killing off some evil germ, or by artificially stimulating out bodies to overreact to a specific germ. We will always have bacteria and viruses, and they are constantly changing. If we continue down this path of vaccination for every bogey man "germ" out there, how many vaccine will we be shooting ourselves up with 100 years from now? Hundreds? Thousands?

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200 vaccines are in development. With no liability childhood vaccines are a true endless source of revenue. We need to stop feeding the BEAST.

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that is completely insane!!!! What kind of cumulative damage will 200 vaccines, plus the 60 or so they are already giving to infants and children, do to long term health? We have no idea, but I have no doubt it will not be good.

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It's already completely insane. The majority of our kids have chronic health conditions. That is the true pandemic but no one pays attention except moms and RFK Jr. In NJ, where they require school kids to get an annual flu shot, the autism rate is estimated to be 1 in 10.

Look at the latest Pfizer data dump on the reproductive health study. 44 days of rats. The offspring of the rats had issues but the FDA approved the covid shot for pregnant women.

Brook Jackson's trial on fraud with Pfizer has started. Pay attention. You will have to search to find any news.

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Hey! Let's not insult other species of animals! Monstrous is what humanity is. There's apparently a term in genetics, "hopeful monster", describing a new species whose eco-niche has not yet been established. Seems to me humanity has turned a corner--from hopeful to hopeless monster.

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I think both theories have some merit. That there are germs or pathogens able to spread from infected hosts etc. But the terrain is equally (or arguably more) important.

I think decades of preservatives, sugars and other environmental toxins and ironically overly cleanliness in our environments making us sensitive are taking a big toll on our terrains and bodies.

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I just listened to an interesting piece on nano-particles and how they’ve been adding them to food for color, texture, etc. but only since the 90’s. Showing yet, another thing that changed drastically in the 90’s. Childhood vax schedule drastically increase, glyphosate was approved, so much more junk food and nano-particles in food which cross the blood-brain barrier. So much toxicity came about in a single decade.

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And all the hormones in foods too in order to get bigger more consistant milk yeilds or larger chicken breasts.

Then there was something I read many years ago about the rate of body decomposition due to food based preservatives.

Surely none of these things are perfectly safe. There is likely some hazard to health as a result.

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More or less the same. Honestly I'd trust one cooked up in someones kitchen or garage more than one from big pharma at this stage.

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thank you Dr Nass, as always for timely levelheaded info. I, for one, think the monkeypox thing is hilarious. However, with recent and not so recent history looming in my mind I can’t help but thinking there’s something suspicious here. With the definite correlation to WHO and WEF mtg I just wonder..... was this to underscore the so-called “need” for the so-called pandemic treaty? My suspicion.

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They had a ' Simulation' on March 2021. I believe that's what I read. Also Amazing Polly has done a Rumble Video and deep dive.

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My theory is that the reason there is more monkey pox than usual is due to the fact that the Covid gene injection "vaccines" are suppressing the immune system and making the vaccinated more susceptible to any viral infections. I haven't heard any reports on the Covid "vaccination" status of the monkey pox infected.

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Some say the Monkeypox is to hide the vaccine injuries symptoms so we get off the case. "It's the Monkeypox not vaccine injuries!"

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I actually trust you to answer this question. Has there ever been a "good" vaccine program in your opinion? I can't find evidence of one if there was.

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Hib vaccines did get rid of most Hib cases at a dangerous young age. Smallpox may have been good when smallpox was rampant. Tetanus might have saved many. The data are hard to evaluate however.

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That's good to know. I remember several times when I was younger when I needed stitches they would give me a tetanus shot.

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What about measles or polio? Although with polio there have been some notable incidents in all fairness.

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Read "Dissolving Illusions" to find the truth about the polio and small pox epidemics. The doctors back then used the same tactics as today - same covering up and muddying of data, same experimental jabs forced on folks that didn't work well, same coercion tactics, same side effects ! You've heard of the Cutter incident? If not, read up about it. Another vaccine disaster.

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Then read "Bitten" to find out what the US (and other country) military were doing to infect ticks, fleas, mosquitos with bacteria, spirochetes, and viral diseases to incapacitate civilians and enemy soldiers, back in the Cold War times - that now escaped (accidental or on purpose?) and causing diseases such as Lyme.

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Thanks "Bitten" sounds very interesting to me

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I just finished it last night - quite a revelation and makes so much sense. I got bit by a tick (dog tick) a few weeks ago and starting doing some investigation regarding RM spotted fever and Tularemia, which they can carry. Then I just happened to listen to a broadcast on the McCairn Dojo where they had Kris Newby and some other experts discussing how all these things are linked with what is happening now - so I ordered the book.

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Is this the book by Pamela Nagami M.D.?

Or Kris Newby?

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The Cutter incident definitely came to mind. But that is more of a quality control and manufacturing issue than a vaccine design flaw wasn't it?

In my mind there are 3 primary types of vaccine incidents.

1) The vaccine doesn't work because it's mechanism of action is incorrect. Eg wrong antibodies are being produced in the wrong place thus it cannot and will not work adequately.

2) Failures due to safety and side effects being higher risk than the disease it is treating but in essence the vaccine still works. Just not safely.

3) Quality control issues. As in the vaccine works and is safe in theory and lab testing, but during upscaled manufacturing and distribution things go wrong causing instability. Either temperature degrades. Mixing ratios. Sanitation issues etc.

Then we also have combinations of those three categories occurring together. Some of the above and or all of the above.

Eg covid vaccines probably are all three of the above.

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This article has some pretty hard hitting statements I had or have never considered before. Shaking my world view somewhat. So there is no polio person to person transmission identified?

I did not know that.

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right. that right there makes it very suspicious that it's caused by a virus. The other anomaly is outbreaks happening during the summer. Viral and bacterial infections tend to occur during winter and early spring when vitamin D levels are low due to lack of UV on the skin. It was also interesting to read that two doctors presented their findings to Congress and Congress covered their ears. Reminds me of the Senators who walked out at the very beginning of Dr. Kory's presentation on Ivermectin. These criminals have been duping us for a very long time. They are worse than hardened criminals, they're mass murderers. No punishment would be severe enough for them.

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Makes me wonder if this is another strategy to depopulate us as they did not meet their goal with the covid jabs. One has to be a complete idiot to not start seeing the underlying malice in all this.

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In reference to #5: I got the smallpox vaccine as a kid. I seriously doubt I need another one. This is yet another ginned-up sky-is-falling scenario that is devoutly to be ignored. Observed, yes, but as an urgent thing that needs to be done, no.

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I still have my scar as well as my husband.

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Husbands are hard to get rid of sometimes!


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My late uncle had a divot in his upper left arm from his vaccine. Mine was a lighter shade of skin that I can barely see any more.

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I had the vax, too. I have no divot, as it, apparently, didn't "take". Whatever that meant. I don't recall being told if they tried again

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When I was in high school in the mid-70s, I remember there was a lot of fuss being made in our region (not just in our high school) about ringworm infections. The level of hysteria was off the charts. All we did was laugh and point at each other and yell “Ringworm!” after gym or swimming classes. I don’t recall anyone becoming afflicted.

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If you jump off a high cliff you can eliminate your risk of dying from colon cancer...

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Yes the appearance of moneypox in such widespread areas is more than fishy!

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Thanks Dr Nass!

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No wonder they put so much effort into promoting these vaccines as safe and effective if people refused with the small pox one as so many side effects. They built that culture around vaccines - repeat it often enough and everyone believes it.

Interestingly enough a colleague just said his son (about 5) just got a chicken pox rash from the varicella vaccine. The doctor apparently said it was mild but to keep him away from the baby sister. I thought it would be the perfect chance to get the baby a mild version so they don't need a vaccine, but no, that goes against the narrative and they lose money if they don't get those needles in arms.

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My grown children never got the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. It was optional in the 80s-90s when we lived in a culture that still had chickenpox parties. My four children all contracted chickenpox from their cousins. Immunity. Naturally-acquired.

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Moneypox indeed! A pox on the vaccinating 💉 fear mongers 😨 and their minions😰😨🙀.

The song "Money, Money, Money" from ABBA is going around and around in my head: https://youtu.be/ETxmCCsMoD0

Do you think they're singing this song at the big Pharma WHO pandemic factory? I do!

Find the lyrics here: https://www.lyrics.com/lyric/3801/Money,+Money,+Money

Perhaps someone will write a song called “No more shots for me! Not me, not me, not me!”

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WEF is EVIL - in 5 minutes - World Economic Forum & Klaus Schwab.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w04LjNjPLso&list=TLPQMjcwNTIwMjInPT2KPxi3KA&index=4

These people are not human....

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A lot of very good points in this article and throughout the comment section too. Worth reading.

A planned release of any agent (harmless or not) certainly screams out to be a breach of the biological warfare convention. Although some have insisted that this is just a cover up disguising the side effects for the last coerced botch up. Maybe.

Also the leaked wargames document states the varient is engineered "vaccine resistant" I wonder...

Bioterrorism of this sort is not something small militia, pirates, gangsters or terrorists could put together. Only state run and operated, highly funded laboratories can cook up and release this type of agent.

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Regarding your question "Why would ANYONE take such a high risk of cardiac damage to avoid a miniscule risk of money pox?", the answer is quite simple: People love getting juiced up in exchange for their rights and freedoms, which they could have anyway if they just stopped complying. I know a guy who got the third dose just because he had planned a trip to Disneyland and didn't want to miss it xD And that's only one example. I mean wtf?

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