Education is key here. Maybe MAHA, in spite of all its efforts, will be thwarted at every turn in its attempt to change the industry and the FDA, but if we take responsibility and stop buying foods with seed oils, dyes, refined sugars, and any "questionable ingredients" in them, the industry will die on its own.
Yes, I agree. Wish people would stop buying the fake foods with disease producing ingredients. If we begin to label these “foods” as disease producing foods, in our daily conversations, the tide will begin to turn. Folks gotta start caring about what’s in their food & how it’s produced.
It's far deeper than that. Besides, those aren't the things contributing to our agribusiness toxic from input to product substance labeled food. No doubt they're not good for you but the pesticides, GMO commodity ingredient and industrial waste fillers containing other indrican disruptors are even more toxic
Not to mention many companies are now really hiding the "made with bio-engineered ingredients" or the other I've seen is "Bio-engineered food". The companies make it really hard to see this on the item. I've been shocked at just how many of the foods anymore have this on the label somewhere.
It's about time. This process has always dumbfounded me with industry in charge of their own safety (like vaccines too), but more than that, it's 'let's put it in food and if people fall ill, then we will do something about it'. Insane. While we herbalist's have to prove the herbs we buy are indeed what they say on the package. Tells you what is supported and what isn't.
I just emailed HHS Secretary Kennedy asking him to stop the farmers from spraying Glyphosate on the corn and sunflower crops. We know it is in the Girl Scout cookies! I don’t think we can buy bread or chips that come from crops that have not been sprayed with Glyphosate. All of this talk of gluten intolerance is really probably a poisoning of Glyphosate. I certainly get skin reactions from buying a commercially made sandwich .
It may not be listed as a food additive because it is applied at harvest. But it’s definitely in the corn and sunflower seeds. Have you noticed that many potato and corn chips ingredients include sunflower oil or safflower oil? All previously sprayed with Glyphosate. Even some organic products may include Glyphosate. Get the poison out!
Yes! I’ve been harping about this for decades! It’s been bothering me for SO long! I feel people have largely not payed attention nor cared until now. Finally, folks are rising up. We need to keep the pressure on for these 4 years! There also needs to be a nationwide ban on Fluoride in our water. Ugh.🤨
It is just our government trying to kill us again. Don't want that many of us to reach retirement age as "they" don't really need so many of us anyway.
The firs t question that comes to mind is- Why is anyone eating potato or corn chips? :-) Or industrially made 'girl scout' cookies? I'd like to see the girl scouts go back to baking the cookies they sell.
RFK, Jr. litigated against Monsanto, now part of Bayer, over glyphosate and he is well aware of the problem. However, he is not the Sec. of the USDA. The contamination of grains and other things we eat with glyposate and other ag chemicals is a real problem but they are not technically food additives.
Maybe if we cc the Secretary of the US Dept. of Ag at the same time - Brook Rollins - that would be more effective.
The powerful chemical corporations are currently pushing a bill that would provide legal immunity from any liability for injuries or deaths caused by their pesticides. The AGs of 11 States claim their farmers 'need' these chemicals to produce crops and stay in business. We should let our own state AGs know this isn't true. Organic and regenerative practices produce comparable crop yields, with lower costs - especially when animals are incorporated into the system, like a natural ecosystem.
No organic products contain glyphosate in the United States. NONE
IT'S AN IMPOSSIBILITY. They don't have the GMO genetic resistance it would kill it long before harvest.
You do realize every single GMO technology in today's commodity crops is nothing more than a resistance Factor to toxic pesticide applications, right? There isn't a GMO drought tolerant variety or yield increase choice. Simply all about resistance to the toxic applications they are subjected to The reason for its existence.
A classic example of GRAS abuse came from a Korean company, who brought out a new food thickener that unlike gravy, was transparent. They achieved the trick by boiling wheat gluten in soda lye until completely hydrolyzed.
50 years ago wheat gluten, aka wheat germ, was an inexpensive source of the tocopherol antioxidants as well aa of wheat protein.
The trouble started when people who ate foods prepared with the hydrolyzed gluten, caught any kind of enteritis. Influenza B, C diff, staph (aka Roto Rooter Disease as it's called in emergency rooms) infections, anything that upsets the gut flora and causes purging, sends the immune system off on a mole hunt to find and neutralize the invaders. What too many peoples' immune systems did, is mistake hydrolyzed wheat protein for a pathogen and develop an immune reacfion to it. That then became a problem for those folks when they ate whole grain bread and cake products. The whole grains contain gluten, because it is nsturally part of the grain. And they immediately developed an immune reaction that causes nausea and purging. A healthful, natural food became an allergen, by combining two GRAS substances in a kettle and bringing them to a boil.
This is exemplary of why science not proven, is not science but guesswork. To assume risks making asses of you and me, is the old proverb, and the increase in wheat gluten allergy over the past 3 decades is exemplary.
What is not proven, is unproven. Assuming it is safe until it kills somebody, is not being scientific. It's playing roulette with life.
"What is not proven, is unproven. Assuming it is safe until it kills somebody, is not being scientific. It's playing roulette with life." - Well said!
It should be noted that most of the protein in wheat is gluten. Not everyone reacts to it or is 'gluten sensitive', but the human G.I. tract cannot effectively digest glutens, thus most of the protein in wheat - even ancient varieties grown without glyphosate or other chemicals - cannot meet human dietary needs for protein.
Humans thrived for most of the time they have existed without consuming grass seeds. Some groups, like Inuit, Masai, and others, consumed essentially no grains well into the 20the century and thrived. Studies found no evidence of cancer or heart disease among them.
In fact, consuming grains, especially when ground into flour, can cause 'leaky gut', though there is no doubt that pesticide residues and combining grains with other toxic ingredients can make the problem worse.
More on glutens, and other harmful substances found naturally in the domesticated grass seeds we call grains, by Dr. Georgia Ede, MD (references at the bottom of the article):
"Eliminating the self-affirmation process would require companies seeking to introduce new ingredients in foods to publicly notify the FDA of their intended use of such ingredients, along with underlying safety data, before they are introduced in the food supply."
That the above statement is even necessary speaks volumes as to what's wrong with our system.
"Trust us - it's GRAS (generally recognized as safe)" What a HOOT !
This is what we elected Bobby Kennedy for! This would never have happened under a Kamala administration! Hopefully more of the haters will stop hating Bobby and Trump. and see that they are doing good for THEM!
Wow! How is Big Food with free GRAS inputs any different than a fox guarding the hen house? We need fiduciary oversight with civil and criminal fines over those who poison us with bad chemicals and additives.
I've been wanting this to happen for decades now. At the same time, it's looking very much like a limited hangout as I'm seeing nothing of the issue of the dangerous chemicals in fragrances and other chemicals used around us on a daily basis. The word "fragrances" sounds simple and even benign, yet it's a convenient trick that allows manufacturers to put virtually whatever they want in their products.
Neurotoxins, carcinogens, endocrine disrupters, and more, causing the same kinds of cognitive, behavioral, and other effects as food additives. Not only are the health hazards just as significant as the products in food; it's arguably worse because people wear these off-gassing products on the bodies, their clothes, their bedsheets, in their cars, workplaces, public places, etc. Laundry products, deodorants, air "fresheners", perfumes and cologne for people and even for cars . . . casinos, stores, and any number of other public spaces are polluted with "signature fragrances". And yes, essential oils are on the list of offenders.
What makes them worse is that at least for our food, we have a choice to avoid as many offenders as we wish. Our digestive tracts and liver will detox some of it. After our meals are done, we wait until the next "food" that we eat. But with these products used publicly everywhere we go, we don't have the choice to avoid them; people everywhere force their choices on us. If you suffer from migraines, going out in public can be a short-term disaster, but at least you're aware enough to protect yourself from long-term effects, unlike the majority of people.
We would all like to see the issues with lack of regulation and "agency capture" of the FDA by corporations end. Yet it may not be that simple to overturn more than half a century of flawed legislation and agency regulations & 'rulemaking'.
The FDA should be returned to it's original role of ensuring honesty in labeling and that foods are not "adulterated" - not mixed nor contaminated with anything else.
At least we can choose to avoid nearly all the products that contain chemical fragrances in our own homes, on our bodies, in our laundry, etc. The amount of money Americans spend on needless 'personal care' products is staggering. There are safe and affordable alternatives to all these chemical-laden products.
And we can try to educate others about the dangers of the chemicals found in 'fragrance', and in 'natural flavor' - under which the FDA allows food manufacturers to hide a number of chemical additives.
"At least we can choose to avoid nearly all the products that contain chemical fragrances in our own homes, on our bodies, in our laundry, etc."
The same thing could have been said about second hand smoke in restaurants, places of employment, stores, etc. The effects of these products are forced on everyone, whether they choose to use them or not.
Everyone has the right to refuse any medical treatment or intervention. That is what "fully informed consent" means.
This video presentation is focused on the COVID-19 jabs, but the laws and case precedents (aka 'case law') that apply to all medical products and procedure is also shared:
If we own our own bodies, we can say, 'No.' If we don't educate ourselves and exercize our rights, if we let doctors, insurance, corporations, or the government dictate what goes into our bodies - they own us.
This is definitely one area I hope gets “cleaned” up. Pun intended. The mass poisoning of our food & water has bugged me for decades. Grocery shopping is less than enjoyable because 90% of what’s on the shelves is unhealthy & disease producing. And then I look in people’s baskets & see the processed crap they’re buying for their families. It makes me sad. I hope & pray we can squash the evil in this country & make integrity, honesty, & health great again.
Takes me forever to shop with reading labels and scanning QR codes, put 90% of it back on the shelf while saying garbage out loud. People look at me like I’m nuts.
We buy most of what we don't raise ourselves from local independent farms and smallholder, aka 'homesteaders'. Toilet paper is the main thing we buy at the supermarket. :-)
Skipping the aisles and sticking to the food along the walls saves a lot of time.
Real, whole food may seem expensive, but do people compare price per pound?
When comparing price per nutrient content, 'expensive' meats and milk products are still the winners. Even eggs. ~6 whole eggs provide most of the essential and provisionally essential amino acids (protein), essential fats, and other nutrients, like Vit A, D, etc- that the average adult needs each day. Even at $10./doz, that's not a bad deal!
Better yet, let's all try to support smaller, independent farms in our local area.s- while we still have a choice.
Education is key here. Maybe MAHA, in spite of all its efforts, will be thwarted at every turn in its attempt to change the industry and the FDA, but if we take responsibility and stop buying foods with seed oils, dyes, refined sugars, and any "questionable ingredients" in them, the industry will die on its own.
Yes, I agree. Wish people would stop buying the fake foods with disease producing ingredients. If we begin to label these “foods” as disease producing foods, in our daily conversations, the tide will begin to turn. Folks gotta start caring about what’s in their food & how it’s produced.
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
Exactly. Teaching our children will help too.
It's far deeper than that. Besides, those aren't the things contributing to our agribusiness toxic from input to product substance labeled food. No doubt they're not good for you but the pesticides, GMO commodity ingredient and industrial waste fillers containing other indrican disruptors are even more toxic
I would love to see RFK force them to list every ingredient on Labels!
Not to mention many companies are now really hiding the "made with bio-engineered ingredients" or the other I've seen is "Bio-engineered food". The companies make it really hard to see this on the item. I've been shocked at just how many of the foods anymore have this on the label somewhere.
It's about time. This process has always dumbfounded me with industry in charge of their own safety (like vaccines too), but more than that, it's 'let's put it in food and if people fall ill, then we will do something about it'. Insane. While we herbalist's have to prove the herbs we buy are indeed what they say on the package. Tells you what is supported and what isn't.
I just emailed HHS Secretary Kennedy asking him to stop the farmers from spraying Glyphosate on the corn and sunflower crops. We know it is in the Girl Scout cookies! I don’t think we can buy bread or chips that come from crops that have not been sprayed with Glyphosate. All of this talk of gluten intolerance is really probably a poisoning of Glyphosate. I certainly get skin reactions from buying a commercially made sandwich .
It may not be listed as a food additive because it is applied at harvest. But it’s definitely in the corn and sunflower seeds. Have you noticed that many potato and corn chips ingredients include sunflower oil or safflower oil? All previously sprayed with Glyphosate. Even some organic products may include Glyphosate. Get the poison out!
Yes! I’ve been harping about this for decades! It’s been bothering me for SO long! I feel people have largely not payed attention nor cared until now. Finally, folks are rising up. We need to keep the pressure on for these 4 years! There also needs to be a nationwide ban on Fluoride in our water. Ugh.🤨
No, there are a few communities that don't have the required amount in their normal consumption paradigm. Generalities are always poor policy.
It is just our government trying to kill us again. Don't want that many of us to reach retirement age as "they" don't really need so many of us anyway.
The firs t question that comes to mind is- Why is anyone eating potato or corn chips? :-) Or industrially made 'girl scout' cookies? I'd like to see the girl scouts go back to baking the cookies they sell.
RFK, Jr. litigated against Monsanto, now part of Bayer, over glyphosate and he is well aware of the problem. However, he is not the Sec. of the USDA. The contamination of grains and other things we eat with glyposate and other ag chemicals is a real problem but they are not technically food additives.
Maybe if we cc the Secretary of the US Dept. of Ag at the same time - Brook Rollins - that would be more effective.
The powerful chemical corporations are currently pushing a bill that would provide legal immunity from any liability for injuries or deaths caused by their pesticides. The AGs of 11 States claim their farmers 'need' these chemicals to produce crops and stay in business. We should let our own state AGs know this isn't true. Organic and regenerative practices produce comparable crop yields, with lower costs - especially when animals are incorporated into the system, like a natural ecosystem.
One farmer tells the story of how he switched from a connventionl 'chemical dependent' farmer to 'Treating the Farm Like an Ecosystem' -
No organic products contain glyphosate in the United States. NONE
IT'S AN IMPOSSIBILITY. They don't have the GMO genetic resistance it would kill it long before harvest.
You do realize every single GMO technology in today's commodity crops is nothing more than a resistance Factor to toxic pesticide applications, right? There isn't a GMO drought tolerant variety or yield increase choice. Simply all about resistance to the toxic applications they are subjected to The reason for its existence.
GMO BT corn makes its own BT toxin
Wheat and soy are even more polluted.
Non-organic wheat flour is the most toxic laden thing in the grocery store.
A classic example of GRAS abuse came from a Korean company, who brought out a new food thickener that unlike gravy, was transparent. They achieved the trick by boiling wheat gluten in soda lye until completely hydrolyzed.
50 years ago wheat gluten, aka wheat germ, was an inexpensive source of the tocopherol antioxidants as well aa of wheat protein.
The trouble started when people who ate foods prepared with the hydrolyzed gluten, caught any kind of enteritis. Influenza B, C diff, staph (aka Roto Rooter Disease as it's called in emergency rooms) infections, anything that upsets the gut flora and causes purging, sends the immune system off on a mole hunt to find and neutralize the invaders. What too many peoples' immune systems did, is mistake hydrolyzed wheat protein for a pathogen and develop an immune reacfion to it. That then became a problem for those folks when they ate whole grain bread and cake products. The whole grains contain gluten, because it is nsturally part of the grain. And they immediately developed an immune reaction that causes nausea and purging. A healthful, natural food became an allergen, by combining two GRAS substances in a kettle and bringing them to a boil.
This is exemplary of why science not proven, is not science but guesswork. To assume risks making asses of you and me, is the old proverb, and the increase in wheat gluten allergy over the past 3 decades is exemplary.
What is not proven, is unproven. Assuming it is safe until it kills somebody, is not being scientific. It's playing roulette with life.
In addition to this theory, it’s also the GMO’s & glyphosate causing major gut issues & whole body inflammation. Thanks & have a great day!👍🏻
"What is not proven, is unproven. Assuming it is safe until it kills somebody, is not being scientific. It's playing roulette with life." - Well said!
It should be noted that most of the protein in wheat is gluten. Not everyone reacts to it or is 'gluten sensitive', but the human G.I. tract cannot effectively digest glutens, thus most of the protein in wheat - even ancient varieties grown without glyphosate or other chemicals - cannot meet human dietary needs for protein.
Humans thrived for most of the time they have existed without consuming grass seeds. Some groups, like Inuit, Masai, and others, consumed essentially no grains well into the 20the century and thrived. Studies found no evidence of cancer or heart disease among them.
In fact, consuming grains, especially when ground into flour, can cause 'leaky gut', though there is no doubt that pesticide residues and combining grains with other toxic ingredients can make the problem worse.
More on glutens, and other harmful substances found naturally in the domesticated grass seeds we call grains, by Dr. Georgia Ede, MD (references at the bottom of the article):
"Eliminating the self-affirmation process would require companies seeking to introduce new ingredients in foods to publicly notify the FDA of their intended use of such ingredients, along with underlying safety data, before they are introduced in the food supply."
That the above statement is even necessary speaks volumes as to what's wrong with our system.
"Trust us - it's GRAS (generally recognized as safe)" What a HOOT !
Food corporations deciding what's safe (and effective) for their recipients (um, customers) sounds like a real good idea to me. Not.
Why would anyone have any confidence in the FDA? They are bought and paid for.
This is what we elected Bobby Kennedy for! This would never have happened under a Kamala administration! Hopefully more of the haters will stop hating Bobby and Trump. and see that they are doing good for THEM!
Wow! How is Big Food with free GRAS inputs any different than a fox guarding the hen house? We need fiduciary oversight with civil and criminal fines over those who poison us with bad chemicals and additives.
I've been wanting this to happen for decades now. At the same time, it's looking very much like a limited hangout as I'm seeing nothing of the issue of the dangerous chemicals in fragrances and other chemicals used around us on a daily basis. The word "fragrances" sounds simple and even benign, yet it's a convenient trick that allows manufacturers to put virtually whatever they want in their products.
Neurotoxins, carcinogens, endocrine disrupters, and more, causing the same kinds of cognitive, behavioral, and other effects as food additives. Not only are the health hazards just as significant as the products in food; it's arguably worse because people wear these off-gassing products on the bodies, their clothes, their bedsheets, in their cars, workplaces, public places, etc. Laundry products, deodorants, air "fresheners", perfumes and cologne for people and even for cars . . . casinos, stores, and any number of other public spaces are polluted with "signature fragrances". And yes, essential oils are on the list of offenders.
What makes them worse is that at least for our food, we have a choice to avoid as many offenders as we wish. Our digestive tracts and liver will detox some of it. After our meals are done, we wait until the next "food" that we eat. But with these products used publicly everywhere we go, we don't have the choice to avoid them; people everywhere force their choices on us. If you suffer from migraines, going out in public can be a short-term disaster, but at least you're aware enough to protect yourself from long-term effects, unlike the majority of people.
It's the 21st second hand smoke.
We would all like to see the issues with lack of regulation and "agency capture" of the FDA by corporations end. Yet it may not be that simple to overturn more than half a century of flawed legislation and agency regulations & 'rulemaking'.
The FDA should be returned to it's original role of ensuring honesty in labeling and that foods are not "adulterated" - not mixed nor contaminated with anything else.
At least we can choose to avoid nearly all the products that contain chemical fragrances in our own homes, on our bodies, in our laundry, etc. The amount of money Americans spend on needless 'personal care' products is staggering. There are safe and affordable alternatives to all these chemical-laden products.
And we can try to educate others about the dangers of the chemicals found in 'fragrance', and in 'natural flavor' - under which the FDA allows food manufacturers to hide a number of chemical additives.
"At least we can choose to avoid nearly all the products that contain chemical fragrances in our own homes, on our bodies, in our laundry, etc."
The same thing could have been said about second hand smoke in restaurants, places of employment, stores, etc. The effects of these products are forced on everyone, whether they choose to use them or not.
How about HHS putting whatever it want into your arm?
Everyone has the right to refuse any medical treatment or intervention. That is what "fully informed consent" means.
This video presentation is focused on the COVID-19 jabs, but the laws and case precedents (aka 'case law') that apply to all medical products and procedure is also shared:
'Knowledge is Power.'
If we own our own bodies, we can say, 'No.' If we don't educate ourselves and exercize our rights, if we let doctors, insurance, corporations, or the government dictate what goes into our bodies - they own us.
Finally, how on earth did that get through in the first place. FDA however is questionable.
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
This is definitely one area I hope gets “cleaned” up. Pun intended. The mass poisoning of our food & water has bugged me for decades. Grocery shopping is less than enjoyable because 90% of what’s on the shelves is unhealthy & disease producing. And then I look in people’s baskets & see the processed crap they’re buying for their families. It makes me sad. I hope & pray we can squash the evil in this country & make integrity, honesty, & health great again.
Takes me forever to shop with reading labels and scanning QR codes, put 90% of it back on the shelf while saying garbage out loud. People look at me like I’m nuts.
We buy most of what we don't raise ourselves from local independent farms and smallholder, aka 'homesteaders'. Toilet paper is the main thing we buy at the supermarket. :-)
Skipping the aisles and sticking to the food along the walls saves a lot of time.
Real, whole food may seem expensive, but do people compare price per pound?
When comparing price per nutrient content, 'expensive' meats and milk products are still the winners. Even eggs. ~6 whole eggs provide most of the essential and provisionally essential amino acids (protein), essential fats, and other nutrients, like Vit A, D, etc- that the average adult needs each day. Even at $10./doz, that's not a bad deal!
Better yet, let's all try to support smaller, independent farms in our local area.s- while we still have a choice.
I agree. We buy from local farmers and farmers markets mostly. The meat, dairy, & eggs are better quality. 👍🏻