"Far Right" in the eyes of MSM is, of course, anything to the right of Chairman Mao

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Europeans still hold the WWII delusion that Hitler is far right. They learn very slowly and the hard way every time.

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You'd think that they would see the clue in the "National SOCIALIST" (Abreviated to NAZI) name?

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Yes, one would think so, but in WWII when Hitler and Stalin came to the end of their non-aggression pact and Hitler attacked the USSR, the Europeans had to find a way to explain 2 socialist countries fighting each other, so Hitler/Fascism was painted on the right and Stalin/Communism on the left. F.A. Hayek pointed out the discrepancy in "The Road to Serfdom" explaining clearly that those on the left want to control everyone (by owning the means of production - including people). Since Hitler also wanted to control the means of production by controlling those who owned the means of production (fascism), that put him on the left along with Stalin. But the Europeans never quite got over the bottom line that that communism/socialism/fascism are all leftist ideologies.

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The Pilgrim's Leftist style/ collectivist gov. under Thomas Bradford best demonstrated the death, disharmony & failures of, "Man playing god" government! [Bradford's words] Bradford dumped the proto-Marxism crap for Laissez-faire capitalism & brought abundance, harmony, & our first Thanksgiving feast to America! Then Marxism's B.S. came & starved & murdered over 110 million & never brought harmony & abundance, but godless free stuff suckers & fools keep wishing & hoping!

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Excellent point that tells at least me that the root failure is very flawed education. When I watch Mike Rowe talk about all the necessary subjects that the schools no longer teach, like shop and civics, I wonder how we get anything productive done - then I wake up and realize we get most things undone in search of seeking a life like the Eloi in "The Time Machine", only we didn't have to go 800,000 years into the future. The Morlocks are alive and flourishing, only today we call them globalists and they just murder* we, the Eloi, instead of eating them.

*killer vaccines, instigating wars to cause food disruptions leading to famine and starvation, inciting riots and massacre4s, etc.

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I'm one to trust that "evil" is very real and can make "prophetic" statements which find fruition by tested methods, learned of by the master of deception himself. In that way, among many others, he is able to draw converts into his ranks. One thing stands out. His very evil and twisted sense of "humor" if one can call it that, is manifested by the movies and music that he promotes. It's like he exults in flaunting the evil plans he has right in plain sight and in the faces of those who blindly dance to the "pipers" tune.

We who trust God's Word, are the minority and the despised here on the planet, and should never lose sight of that reality, but never grow wary and give in or give up to despair, even in the face of death. We should remain faithful to the Creator, and refuse the antics of the "father of lies" simply because his intentions are toward our hurt, and evil against the Government of Heaven. The Word of God is right and good, and the lying words of Satan are the opposite, and will cause our eternal destruction if trusted.


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Didn't Hitler breach the pact with Stalin previous to its natural end? And isn't that the reason Stalin was so disbelieving the reports that obviated Hitler's intentions to double-cross? (That and the fact that to do so would stretch Hitler's war resources considerably)


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You are right. My bad choice of words.

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So being hand and hand with corporations and virulently racist and antisemitic is "left" is it (yawn)? And by the same token, those Americans who collaborated with and bankrolled the Nazis must have been lefties, I suppose?

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Far left and far right meet in the back, out of view. The political spectrum is a circle, not a line. (Tyranny is as tyranny does; at that level, "left" or "right" doesn't matter.) J.P. Morgan bankrolled Lenin and Trotsky. That tells you everything you need to know.

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The extremes of the political spectrum, left and right, bend back on each other like a horseshoe.

All pigs eating at the same table

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More important than Left or Right were our God-inspired founders' design questions! So they deferred to "Our Creator" to establish the [once] greatest "One nation under God" nations, on God's green earth! (Now under new mass baby killing, neo-Sodom Gamorra, LGBTQ-promoting, management!) Telling us,... the end is near!

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And from what I've learned, there is a tactic referred to as Hegelian Dialectic.

'Best I can understand it to mean is that if a secret plan has been hatched for which to direct the minds/actions of the masses in a certain direction, then two choices are produced named "thesis and anti-thesis." Eventually, if controlled correctly, there will be a settling in to what becomes a compromised condition, which is called "synthesis." That "synthesis" is the very direction which was originally intended by the masterminds for the masses to go.

Everyone should realize that there is a "master-mind" behind the master minds who busily work to benefit their personal well-being, whatever that might be. Many are oblivious to the actions they take being evilly induced. They don't realize the extent of control which Satan exercises upon mankind, nor the varied tools he uses in differing circumstances. The machinations which affect the peace in this world, are a product of Satanic origin. And the most frightening thing about all of this, is that the worst is yet to come. Civilization is six thousand years old. If we now, in our self-proclaimed "advanced" moral standing, find ourselves at a point of such depravity, how is it logical to assume that given more time, the situation will improve? It will not. Prophecy has opened the truth to those who are trusting and all those who are curious.

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: [20] Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2 Pet. 1: 19-20


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True.Odd how many descendants of supporters/financers of the Reich hold such lofty positions in Western dumbocracies.History is indeed written by the victors.

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Anyone whose goal is to control everyone else is on the left by definition (to control the means of production). Doesn't make any difference what they call themselves or what others call them. It is actions that matter, not so much words.

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Everywhere all over the globe people are trying to keep darkness alive. And those of us ready to fight for the light are getting stronger. We win!!💫✴️

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Cheer when it's over, not before. We don't win anything until the check is banked and we withdraw our cash. And even that is not good enough if cash is banned. The left still owns many, if not most, of the national institutions of many countries and every time they say they are losing, it means they believe they are winning and are lulling many of us into complacency as they attack from different directions.

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I've learned that we are supposed to "cheer" being children of the Most High God, for Christ having banished the dreaded payment for sin (death) after dying on the cross of Calvary. Yes, it was a terribly brutal Sacrifice on His part, which goes to manifest His love for mankind, His empathy for our weaknesses, and willingness to put Himself in harms way to avert our being sentenced to death. Eternally speaking. We can therefore have joy in our hearts (and "cheer") our living Lord for His Sacrificial Atonement performed for every one of us.

FYI: Neither the Left nor the Right wings of "government" are actually designed as a means to a righteous end. Satanic forces direct the "pendulum effect" which will inevitably bring about Satan's desired outcome: I.E.: to become so very dissatisfied with paganism and the insanity of atheism and all that pertains to the Left's circle, that they will naturally embrace the alternative provided them by the "deceiver" the "man of sin" who attempts to change times and laws. We know him to be the Pope, the Anti-Christ who set's himself up as God, in the place of God, showing himself to be God. The "alternative" mentioned will encompass "signs and wonders" magnificent in themselves, and disarmingly believable to the eye which is not set straight by Scripture. The "man of sin" himself will be motivated by Satan to, at a given time, proclaim that he has been divinely informed that the reason for all the "natural" chaos and calamity experienced of late is due to a lack of spiritual adherence and therefore a call to honor the (false) sabbath day (Sunday) will be put forth.

You can read all about it in the book, "Great Controversy" by E.G. White, the trusted, tried, and true prophet (died 1905?) who had given her life to God. It's even in audio-form, so it's easy to absorb.

I just wonder why no one ever has anything to comment about it. It seems like she is ignored and filed away along with false prophets of the past. Could this be true?


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To be honest, I had not even heard of her before, but that is probably because I either did not notice or because other matters preoccupied my time and interests. I just read a small bit about her using the freespoke.com search engine, but I can see it would take me some time to absorb enough to make any comments, so I won't. My priority at this stage of life (quite old) is to help create awareness of what is coming if corrective actions are not taken in time.

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I hear you, Al.

Same here, but in my thinking, the only dependable source for acquiring the wisdom and knowledge of future events, is God's Word. E.G. White is pointed to as a mankind's "modern day prophet." It does stand up to reason, that since God has made Himself known through the works of His Hand (ie. nature and Creation) and that His Character is one in which His Love for all that is His has been made very evident thereby, (along with prophecy), that God would most certainly send a prophet to warn, reprove, and educate mankind of the impending destruction which is slated to occur at the Second Coming of Christ. If He were to not warn the masses of this, then it would not fare well in the eyes of His other creations among the distant planets situated in distant galaxies. So for that reason; ie. to support His Glorious and dependable Character, this warning has been proclaimed thoroughly.

E.G. White's EXTENSIVE writings and books, manuscripts and other literature has been named "The Spirit of Prophecy" There has been some fringe efforts to discredit her for silly reasons, but these fall miserably short of having any merit.

I'll leave it at that, and let all those who doubt, or are simply curious to uncover the Truth as it is expounded so fluently and divinely endowed by the lady. How will we know if she is a "true" or false prophet? The answer is given us plainly through Isaiah the Prophet in the book with the same name in Ch. 8 verse 20.

May God bless all who are searching for answers.


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***The cat is out of the proverbial bag.***

Prosecutor: What's in the vaccine vials?

Gov't shill: It is a proprietary secret

Prosecutor: Well let me tell you what's in the vials...

Gov't shill: (stunned silence)

Prosecutor: Now you can explain how double stranded DNA, graphene, squalene, parasitic eggs, etc etc etc ended up in the vials? Because this was a scam to make money off of injuring people.

Gov't shill: We deny everything.

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Exactly your dead on! Nuremberg 2.0 by THE PEOPLE! I do not believe THE PEOPLE would have let go so many Nazis at the end of


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Pretty soon everyone who is vaccinated is going to know someone who is really fucked up by the vaccines. It will be interesting to see how they deal with it. Because they’re next.

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They’ll be blaming the unvaccinated.

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Thanks Dr Nass.

Hooray Slovakia!

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She sounds like she is scapegoating others for her own lack of competency and failure to research the facts - it’s easy to swim with tide but dead fish do so too

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Dolinkova is ordered by the banksters to lie.

Trick Or Treat at the Coroner's Office!

this Halloween...


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My friends,

YouTube has Shadow-Banned my content and I need your help to keep us going! So then I can bring my following to Rumble

My production company LowWiseZah Studios creates purposeful entertainment to awaken society. I would greatly appreciate your support so that I can produce more eye-opening movies!


We need to put an end to the current tyranical Leftist puppets of the Globalists!

Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram so I can continue to create this content:

Awakening Society With Purposeful Entertainment


Your love is much appreciated.

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Why did they give the role to investigate the "pandemic" to this lady when she clearly cannot handle an opposing opinion? Good riddance.

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Good riddance indeed. What an awful excuse for a human.

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it seems like everything is far right when the left is at the edge of the galaxy

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Take note of the "pendulum effect." It is designed with intent to bring about the movement of the masses to a desired mindset. It is a sneaky way to control the people, who just want to be left alone to raise their families in peace and security, absent the false fears put upon them.


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Third World War: inevitable, as countries scramble for diminishing oil reserves. Could be other reasons, too, but if those don't work out, then the energy problem will take care of it.

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In a selfish, world, one which has relegated the Creator to the trash pile, any form of chaos is possible. War, being a product of an evil entity, has always been masked by some "patriotic" endeavor of retaliation or another. The Truth of the matter is that war is a tool in the hands of the enemy of souls (and God) which sustains his inexhaustible lust for death and destruction. It rewards those who partake at high levels, and at the same time, eliminates those at the grunt level, while bereaving the women who bore and raised them. It's a "win-win" situation for Satan. War also provides an extremity for the pendulum to reach and work it's intent. On its return, the guard is let down, and the enemy resumes his course of advancing (promoting) sinful steps.

It's a plan that will continue to work wonderfully in both politics as well as armed conflicts.


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Nobody shot the health minister, so she still has all of her guts, unlike Robert Fico, who at least has cajones. ;-)

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Kind of think I may move there!

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wow, these pieces of sh** sure are not digging the accountability. too bad almost none of them actually are being held accountable. so kudos to the Slovaks!

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It's great to see some 'Anti-vaxxers' (those with the ability to investigate before accepting DEADLY medical experiments) having an impact on Big Pharma's intent on fleecing the planet while culling us with their useless but deadly crap injections!

I'm approaching 80 - fit and healthy with serious concern about what has been going on since Fauci (& friends) lab-modified a virus in order to create a disease which requires a 'CURE'. PROFIT from 'the cure' was the end game! A 'Cure by Injection' makes massive profits, even if it doesn't work or did nothing and a few vax recipients died along the way. "So What - nobody can prove we're lying!"

I have absolutely zero medical education - just a logical brain and over the past 4 years I've diligently investigated this extremely 'foreign' subject. I have concluded that the whole Covid/Vax Plan was one coordinated concept to make money and reduce the overpopulated world with a Cull by vax.

The biggest Clue as to the honesty and sincerity of Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) is ZERO LIABILITY. It's unbelievable that they are exonerated from any/all culpability. A CONTRACT CONDITION that Vax makers insist upon for everybody who agree to sample their deadly EXPERIMENTAL mRNA injections. I have determined that mRNA is a highly dangerous, uncontrollable Gene Altering experiment which creates Spike Proteins that cannot be regulated or controlled. The net result is a sudden Post-Vax TSUNAMI of diseases that seem to be occurring in those blindly accepting these mRNA injections. How can Big Pharma justify ZERO LIABILITY? They know they're killing thousands with their 'medicines'. With ZERO LIABILITY casualties don't matter because there are ZERO consequences. No need for the manufacturers to prove safety or efficacy. No need to 'quality control' the vials full of deadly crap for 'contamination', etc,. Big Pharma's friends at the FDA 'turn a blind eye' to policing any of our reasonable expectations.

When I was a kid, there were perhaps ONE case of Autism in 1000 - today, with hundreds of opportunities to poison kids by injection, there are maybe 10 Autistic or ADHD issues in 1000 kids.

We now can't eat peanuts because Big Pharma has moved the goal posts by 'OVER-vaccinating' our who now die from 'deadly peanuts'. This insanity must stop!

I frequently comment on these topics and many seem to concur with my thought process.

I'm currently in conflict with my local GP practice, which I have just learned is part of a larger consortium of Private Health providers. Since 2021, I have frequently emailed evidence of Vax harms, excess Deaths, Unsafe and ineffective injections called VACCINES, etc,.

They have now decided I must be reigned in from spreading the truth. They suggest that my 'opinions and beliefs' are unwanted and unhelpful in their quest in providing care in their patients best interests.

I've told them that I am NOT sending my 'OPINIONS and BELIEFS' but factual evidence from other 'experts' of what has been apparent since the release of a man-modified disease in late 2019 and the dangerous 'cure' (Vax) that was knocked up in a few short weeks.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer without corrupt medical interference!

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Good, a little success in all the efforts and yours too in the medical freedom and medical truth movement. Brownstone published a good article also re-posted by the Defender about 12 policies which need to change for medical freedom in the US. The other related policy is of course a total ban on the dual purpose gain of function research. If the US would stop meddling in world affairs ( CIA overthrowing governments for the benefit of corporate interests) maybe other countries wouldn’t feel so threatened by the US. Also of course the entire weaponization of the US dollar contributes to global insecurity. So many pieces all contribute to the global elite continued monopolistic control, power, and economic grabs across the globe. These are nothing more that truly evil, and those in the driver seat of these organizations etc. have no moral compass. They have allowed their minds and souls to be controlled by the Devil/Satan/ . One cannot have true freedom unless one has the moral,compass that one is supposed to understand comes from God. When one Reads the Bible, one does discover this as well as a treasure trove of wisdom.

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That was an excellent article by Leslie Manookian

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