Pharma squashing drugs that could and would potentially interfere with marketing goals is nothing new. With 75% of the FDAs budget coming from Pharma when they say jump the FDA says "How high."

A drug came out in the 80's called isoprinosine... and antiviral immune modulator. Worked great on HPV for example. It was available everywhere on the planet except in the USA (you can buy it on Amazon now). Newport Pharmaceuticals, the one drug wonder company that made it wanted FDA approval to treat HIV positive patients whose CD4 counts were too high to go on the $$expensive$$ antiretroviral drugs. THat is, it would have kept the CD4 counts high and HIV patients would not have to take antiretroviral drugs to the same degree, perhaps not at all.

So, Big Pharma told the FDA to make sure isoprinosine never came to market in the USA. And it never did.

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Does this work with any viral infections, like shingles, Covid?

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Isoprinosine increases activity of Natural Killer cells, so it should help with COVID. My experience is it does little to nothing against herpes class viruses. On the other hand it is incredible for HPV.

Now, I have run into some where it does nothing, so there may be some genetic issue that stops the drug from helping everyone.

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OMG in what universe? This is the twilight zone. Thank you for your comprehensive to-do list. Even knowing all this was happening, when I see all the points outlined, I am flabbergasted! Jeez. frickin' Jeez. SHARING wildly.

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WOW, this is extraordinary! In a just world this would win a Pulitzer Prize.

And then they did the exact same thing with ivermectin. Which suggests an extremely high level of planning and coordination.

Catherine Austin Fitts says this is about the bankers.

Mathew Crawford says this is being coordinated by DoD.

In your view is this a Bill Gates operation or does it go beyond him?

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Bill is part of a cabal that seems to serve a hidden cabal. I expect every lever the upper cabal could push got pushed to make HCQ go away, which likely required more levers than even Gates has.

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US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is probably near the top of the hidden upper cabal. CFR grew out of the avowedly secret society started by Cecil Rhodes, a century or so ago in Oxford, England. NOW the CFR includes ex-Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton, economists Jeff Sachs and Joseph Stiglitz -- and (drum roll please) Henry Kissinger. Back when Kissinger was Nixon's Secretary of State, he organized his student at Harvard Klaus Schwab to start the WEF -- AND (possibly) got the UN to embrace China, after K's visit there made him entranced with Zhou Enlai's intellect and diplomacy. The timing is right anyway (1971).

The WEF supports (among many other industries) Big Pharma -- from which Bill gets much of his loot -- and from which loot he provides 45% of the UN's funding. Oooh.

Now at this point, all of China, the UN/WHO and the WEF quite openly say they want a Global Government. The first requirement of a Global Government is destruction of national sovereignty. Unless you actually want to go in everywhere with guns (which is not feasible), destruction of national sovereignty requires all of us sheeple to believe that our national governments are unable to deal with a bunch of terribly threatening global "problems". So this crew have invented a couple of terribly threatening global "problems" -- like (1) the fake 'climate crisis' and (2) lots of lovely global 'pandemics' (keep 'em coming, guys). There fake disasters (and the hopeless actions of our local gummints in response to them -- this is why they let Joe stay in power) are supposed to so frighten us quivering sheeple that we will WELCOME rule by important, well funded, global agencies like the UN in general and the WHO in particular.

So yes, there are lots and LOTS of outfits pulling levers -- and all of them desperate to make HCQ (and ivermection) go away! I mean, what's the use of a big scary pandemic, if you can cure it upfront by drugs that (just to add insult to injury) make NO money for Big Pharma -- and also prevent the unannounced global testing of the WEF's loony attempts to "hack" the human genome? You have to laugh, really. Except that actually, it's not funny at all. Millions of people have died from their *&^%*in' "vaccines".

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PS: Re global "problem" #1, there's a WONDERFUL video from 2007, called The Great Global Warming Swindle, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIRICfZOvpY&t=967s (pity about the disgusting ad you have to wait 5 seconds to dismiss). The message is, again, that there is a HUGE constituency of people dependent on the $$$ available for promotion of the idea that man-made carbon dioxide causes global warming. But there's good evidence that IT DOESN'T ! The correlation between CO2 and temperature is the other way round -- changes in the sun cause warming, which causes release of CO2 from the oceans. Do take a look ;-)

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Perfectly put together analysis - thank you

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FWIW, long ago, in the era of the Carter administration, it was admitted by Newsweek that major policies are decided by supranational bodies epitomized by the entire Carter administration itself composed of members of the powerful Trilateral Commission. IMHO one could effectively argue this open declaration and visible shift merely formalized what has been taking place since at least the Wilson administration. BTW, it has been stated the Council on Foreign Relations reports to the TC. It seems these bodies are all connected in networks and hierarchies.

Toby Rogers, if I recall correctly, you worked as an aide for Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor, who famously said “The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress are irrelevant. ... America's domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve, and America's foreign policy is now being run by the International Monetary Fund [IMF]. ...when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress.”

That statement is the tip of the iceberg, the tentacles are long and deep. Gates is merely one of many unaccountable power levers controlling foundations (see congressional Reece Committee investigation report 1954), corporations, media, professional organizations, national and local governance bodies, etc.

We have other billionaires like Elon Musk whose grandfather Joshua Haldeman oversaw the Canadian branch of Technocracy Inc, essentially the early blueprint for today's "Great Reset" biosecurity state. Haldeman was also Chairman of Canada's Social Credit Party. He was eventually forced to leave Canada having been charged with subversive activities.

I recently learned Jeff Bezos' father oversaw a department in the US Atomic Energy Commission and, interestingly, at that time there was picture of him with Monsanto executives. This fits with 4IR 'Great Reset' Technocracy being a project birthed out of the merger of corporate, military, academic, and banking arms of the powerful pyramid cap "elites" who create and mold societies. Deep capture.

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"Direct Evidence now Proves the US Govt, NIH, other's, CCP developed Covid and Gain Of Function!"

Time for the US Govt to Stand Up to the Plate and 'Compensate for those Terminated by Mandates, plus Injury's and Deaths!, plus from the allege Vaxx'



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Awesome post. What can we do?

You mean to say that this entire hierarchy has decided to reduce the population with bioweapons?

Full disclosure: this sounds like the awe part of shock and awe. Its not over until its over.

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Their would be No Big Pharma $$ Jabs, if Hydroxy, and Ivermectin worked, they had to be Suppressed!

''Who “They” Are, “The Names and Faces Of COVID, Dr. David Martin!''


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To follow that trail requires grand juries, discovery and subpoena powers, in a country with at least some functioning judiciary remaining since the WEF and WHO corruption. Its time for non-violent, legal action carried out in the most decentralized way possible. There must be *something* left standing.

There was an old TV comedy called "Get Smart" where the antagonists were Chaos and Control, but I think it really should have been Centralized Chaos and Decentralized Control.

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Sad, Americans sit on their Duff's as Bidens Inflation Tax robs them of two Months Pay, not so confident Americans will do anything?

Look what Big Pharma has been doing to our Children with all the Childhood Vaccines, they are embolden with their new Vaxx Plan on Adults?

Vote for a Red Wave in November lesser of two Evils?

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Don't like to repost in the same blog comments, but maybe it was hard to find. Here's a plan (just one possible):

"There was a cystic fibrosis expert on the 2015 Menachery/Baric team that designed SARS-CoV-2, with NIH/NIAID/US-AID and Chinese funding, for maximum transmissibility and lethality: SARS-like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses Pose Threat for Human Emergence, Nature Medicine.

Biological weapons expert Francis A. Boyle calls the paper the smoking gun that should be the cornerstone of criminal prosecutions, in his legal strategy proposal for ordinary men and women to find and embolden county prosecutors with integrity to file criminal murder and conspiracy to murder charges under 18 USC 1111 and 18 USC 1117."


"The dam is going to break, but only if the water pressure keeps rising."

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Maximum lethality? Covid? Really?

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They miscalculated. Also, the much more lethal bioweapons are the "vaccines" supposedly to protect people from the first.

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I followed banned doctors to internet ghettos as I also got banned. A blessing!

They told me about vitamins , esp D , sunlight etc... Why didn't WHO, Fauci ever mention it? We all know why ... Dr. Nass explained it again.

These are wolves

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please do not denigrate wolves like this ;-) I

prefer the word "monster". They are monsters.

They are evil, there is no other word for it. They're guilty of mass murder of millions due to their suppression and prohibition of effective treatments and due to their pushing poison injections into billions of people. How many died already from the injections and how many more will die early deaths from the damage done?

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They are monsters

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Sounds good... They are other species.. It refers to those who attack sheep, poor ordinary folks, good shepherds and bad sheohers s (wokves).

Francis is a wicked shepherd, a wolve

Here is actual footage of false pope Francis, false pres Biden and fake Dr Fauci at very early age


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Baby aspirin was never widely recommended for Covid patients.

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Take a baby aspirin everyday since it was deemed poo-poo by the almighty...

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He did mention Vit D, but only once I know of? I remember Fauci telling some reporter early in the pandemic that he took 8000 units of Vit D per day. Interesting that he never recommended it to anyone else. He has serious dupers delight in putting out a drip of truth here and there amongst his usual flood of lies. So he absolutely knew Vit D blood levels are critical to warding off Covax. Wolf indeed.

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Wow! The extent of the corruption is astonishing, so many people involved, so many institutions. How did it come to this, that Pharma is all powerful, that they control the very agencies that are supposed to be regulating them, that they control governments, and are even in cahoots with Klaus Schwab and the WEF? We are in a battle for the future of humanity. God help us!

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This is controlled above the level of Pharma. Pharma got 100-200 Billion. This war is for trillions or quadrillions

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yep. You're saying the globalists are the ones in charge? Pharma gets a windfall because the globalists need them to create fear, create widespread acceptance of global edicts like mandatory "vaccination", and hasten depopulation with their poisons.

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How did it come to be that so many who choose careers that involve the wellbeing of others live out such immorality?

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yes that has been a huge disappointment, seeing that the majority of doctors and nurses chose to go along with the madness rather than risk getting ostracized by their peers or worse, losing their license altogether. Makes you wonder what WAS their motivation for going into medicine.

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I've always thought the nexus of law and medecine was at play. "Emergency Use Authorization" and thereby bypassing the safety standards, could not be deployed where there was an early effective treatment. Ergo, "no treatment" was a bludgeon that hammered all. They all play in that sandbox and bury those who stick their necks out and speak the truth. The horror of it in terms of lives ruined ie doctors and lives lost ie patients, and profits earned and nations indebted, and citizens divided, and economies shunted and then humans inflicted with the unsafe technology has a magnitude that circles the globe. Perhaps the most vicious aspect is the coordination necessary to suppress the truth. I did a video on this topic. Youtube had it down in under 3 minutes.

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"without further proof of efficacy..." Oh, like the poison jabs? Proof of their efficacy? What proof exists is that they are NOT effective and never were. The hypocrisy is so thick in this whole fetid affair.

Thank you for creating this compendium of evidence. Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for bringing Truth to light. God bless.

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Published: 14 September 2022

'Hydroxychloroquine blocks SARS-CoV-2 entry into the endocytic pathway in mammalian cell culture!'


'Fauci Would Prescribe Chloroquine to Patient Suffering From COVID-19'!


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Did I forget to include this last link? I had intended to put it in--it's important.

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I would like to add to your substack, the Canadian billionaire couple were murdered in Dec.2017. They were the founders of Apotex, who were the lead suppliers of hydroxychloroquine in Canada.


It has been declared suspicious, even after the Toronto police said it was a murder suicide. A private investigator said it was murder.

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I read about that! The Billionaire Murders by Kevin Donovan. Donovan also didn’t buy the murder suicide story. Barry Sherman was an out of shape septuagenarian, for one thing, and Honey was strangled by someone with considerably more strength. The cops looked half heartedly at the couple’s son and others who might have stood to gain but nothing came out of it. Apotex is (was?) the largest generic drug maker.

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In the midst of reading Billionaire Murders! Page turner like Ann Rice’s book on Ted Bundy serial murders. Thanks for the connection. I wish Trish Wood would speak to these murders being an investigational journalist with loads of accolades and awards behind her.

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Thank you Meryl Nass for this wonderful article. And special thanks for your actions that led to the end of the SOLIDARITY trial which no doubt saved lives.

Back in 2020 I was compiling my own list of attacks on HCQ - particularly with regard to media lies and misdirection - and I stumbled across your website and found your article. This enabled me to add several cherries to the cake, for which I am extremely grateful. I published a book called The World In Bullshit - COVID19 - Setting the Trap in March this year, and referenced several of your articles in the endnotes.


The first part is called "the War on Hydroxychloroquine" and it serves as a case study in how the powers that be will band together to demonise a dug or treatment they do not approve of : the media, silicon valley, academia and the health institutions themselves.

It's obvious how much the work of people such as Meryl Nass and Didier Raoult irritated these powers by the concerted puerile and irrational attacks on their characters. It restored my faith in humanity that at least a few eminently qualified people are willing to speak out to such evil. As I said in the book:

"When propagandists, ignoramuses and apologists for official narratives bleat that you should ‘follow the science’ tell them that you do. Tell them that you listen to what Meryl Nass has to say and recommend that they start doing likewise. "

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Everyone’s reaction, however misguided; came after he changed the endpoint in the trials, in addition to the intentionally harmful doses. I took HCQ for malaria in the 80’s; so when he did that, I knew there was a new game in town, and not a good one. The DOD has known about its effectiveness for a long, long time; meaning he’s lying.

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Phenomenal documentation!

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I repeatedly tried to comment in the Washington Post and the NY Times about early treatment. At the time I just kept asking where it was, why weren't they working on it. This was when I was trying to decide about getting the vaccine or not. I knew nothing, at that time, about what you wrote here, it just seemed senseless that you had no treatment till your lips turned blue and had to go to the hospital for any treatment. Each time I made that comment, I had a number of trolls all saying the same thing, that the vaccine was safe and why was I so stupid about a simple thing, basically denying what seemed common sense, drowning me out.

I eventually just cancelled my subscriptions in disgust. I only look at the NYT headlines these days to see what nonsense they are pulling now. The next fear-mongering is around climate change, to be sure. Same thing, ineffective solutions that transfer wealth and scaring people unnecessarily instead of looking for good solid solutions.

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Maybe your info could be translated into evidence for a trial for a holocaust.

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Everything in this emergency response from around the world tunnel visioned the public towards the vaccine as the one and only savior. Which is absurd.

From other non medical options such as the use of safety controls and a lack of options within the disaster preparation/mitigation cycle from the get go. Eg we needed more hospitals, more staff, more tools, therapies and better holistic management strategies. This we never got. Why?

LtCol Theresa Long's recent talk in Alaska raises viable concerns about being attacked and a new form of bio warfare. Along with concerns drawn from the defense data base. 30 mins but important to consider.


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Yes! Absurd.

There coulda been 5, 7 effective treatment, if you didn't shut down honest doctors, shut down scientific method

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It's bad eh. Not only fewer treatments but some minimization strategies too. And then we were bombed with fear. Fear/stress negatively impacts your immune system. It was a cluster of everything not to do. Yet only a handful of us caught on and asked questions despite being social outcasts.

Unfortunately by the time the alarm was raised... How many now have an experimental gene therapy inside them? Too many is the answer.

Now consider it from the perspective that was the objective... Seems strategically advantageous to do it this way. Seems too perfect.

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Dr. Yeadon... It only makes sense...

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To quote a friend, "What it IS, is what it DOES." Covid and their toxic 'jabbies' are the means to an end. It would seem to be the road of global tyranny. Evil has a name...secularly it is greed, power in the guise of a 'one world government'. Run by the wicked of West or the wicked of the East. Pick your demonic stronghold.

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