
Interest of Justice vs Costa Rica

(and the WHO, FDA, EMA etc)

Start of global case to stop the WHO recommended unethical covid vaccine biological agent experiments in all Countries.

The Appellate judge is appointed by the constitution to “get to the truth” and stop misuse of power and illegal acts.

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Thank you Piki! Shared with all my family and friends and everyone else I can🙏🏻

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Thank you Piki. I will be watching

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This is their Substack page: https://interestofjustice.substack.com/

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Big Pharma own the judiciary! Mick.

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I’m tired of hearing comments like this. The globalists and big pharma have already defeated you. I’m glad for people like Dr. Nass that keep fighting. There are examples of judiciary that have not been bought.

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I'm tired of being forced by globalists and big pharma's lobby minions to lock down, mask up & jab up on experimental clot shots, in spite of you guys examples of judiciary that have not been bought! If you guys think a Godless world can win a war against Satan's people, good luck! Remember our nation was [once] Creator inspired?

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And it can be again. We the people need to lead the way and share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And reach out to one another in unity and love. Stop letting these demonic folks divide us, and sow chaos and fear.

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Amen brother! As the good book tells us, when nations turn their back on God, he then his back on them! How many times has the been described and documented?

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Hello Mick, that is their planet, not ours! Not anymore!

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Sure the pendulum will swing our way, temporally! But remember Satan's peoples logic of three steps forward [to Hell] then one step back! The book of Revelation can tell you WHO own's the planet!

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Hello Steve, as long as we let the wounds of these idiots hook into our own wounds, we will not get anywhere. Heal yourself from everything and they become vapour!

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I try to use God's wisdom just as our founders used Our [all powerful] "Creator's" wisdom and guidance, to build the USA! I've read [vaporous] How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, AND the Bibles, how to find freedom in this and your next life!!! Considering that this short life is only a test, I place more importance on the latter, i.e. doing it God's way! BUT that's just me! Most take the wide road!

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I will be watching.

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It appears all we have to look at is the fact that the most dangerous entities have decided to indemnify themselves from any charges or prosecution should they do harm. No entity should exist that can literally do any crime and not be investigated whether it be major global and reserve banks, big pharma, WHO and others. When you're planning on committing crimes it's the one thing you'll need to set up in advance.

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Exit completely is the only solution seeing that it was started by fabian and eugenics cabal. The more sane governments going forward will establish coordination with each other's countries on a case by case basis. There really has never been a worldwide pandemic and as Balliwick News stated, never will be. Only a worldwide poisoning and targeting program they orchestrate.

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Godless Fabian communist's credo is, "Out of chaos, comes change." Can you see any chaos in your neighborhood? I think Satan's people are winning & owning the world, question is, [respectfully] are you & your loved ones going to Hell with them?

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No. 99.9% of the people in the world are NOT going to participate, are good and as Katherine Watt also reminded us, since good is far more powerful than evil than just gazing on the venality and size of the evil can only remind us of the massive glory of the divine and good we are only beginning to uncover that is defeating them.

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I don't understand you! Do you mean 99.9% won't be effected by the planed evil chaos? from Satan's one percenters? I also don't get your NO! In response to my un-woke question, do you know that kind, delightful, gracious people have and will go to Satan's tormentfull Hell, for all eternity, i.e. IF they don't know and love Jesus Christ? (IF you can believe his documented word and commandments'?) OR like the 90% believe, I am my own god and do what I/ me "thinks" is good, like killing Jews or lynching Blacks! Based on that old saw, "Who are YOU to judge."

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Great point to weave in...Katherine’s post yesterday.

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Excellent synopsis with clear direction for action! Thank you Dr. Nass

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Time to react is now! We must respond with immediate action. Our God given rights as humans are at stake. 2024 is moments away.

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Here’s an idea, put this in your calendar fir tomorrow morning at AM with a link to Dr Nass’ Substack post here and ‘invite’ 10 or 20 friends /family to do the same.

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Dr Nass, because we won’t reach them by phone today, Sunday, should we wait and call tomorrow… Monday morning, rather than leave a voicemail?

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YES. And today I will work on additional questions from the new treaty draft released on Monday, Oct 16.

Remember that Big Pharma already said NO to this draft because of its intellectual property giveaway.

And that may be why the WHO wants to keep the final draft of the amendments secret--to avoid the pushback they would receive if seen in advance of a vote.

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I would contact Jeff Childers Esq. of Covid and Coffee as he regularly puts out tasks and multipliers for medical freedom causes, and his readership are big fans of Marjorie Taylor Green, the last multiplier being for Dr. Ryan Cole's legal defense. They are a Christian/Biblical Republican group, though these designations don't necessarily mean much as it is really Team Humanity against Goliath.


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Just ask #3 related: Why should the US adhere to the the Pandemic Plan?

Justification is necessary which opens the door for rebuttal to the BS answer that will be coming and, if no direct responsive answer comes and instead waffling, you are being had.

A deeper question is "Why should inhabitants in the US adhere to a "US plan" regardless of whether it adheres to a global plan or not. (Hive collectivist/socialist/communist mentality).

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Yesterday I read that Congress in most states supports exiting the WHO. Now to get the Senate to approve it which will be much harder as there are many more RINOs.

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Great if true...‘Congress in most states supports exiting the WHO’. Where did you read this?

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53 R members of the House cosponsor HR79

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Do you have also their emails so we can send these questions to them which are to lengthy for a phone call?

I am calling all now.

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Calls are more effective than emails. But James Roguski has collected their websites, facebook pages and twitter handles--scroll far down for them--at:


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I have called and left messages for all these persons with abbreviated questions.

Many will not allow emails unless in their district.

I do not have any connections to these representatives but support Exiting the Who if there us any hope to reform and adding one more voice to this goal.

11 nations have already pushed back against the new amendments. The US has immense power and influence over other countries. Let’s use it.

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Oct 22, 2023
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The cabal is truly unbelievable in their single minded attempts at dominance of populations! We must stop them now!!!

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Unfortunately the Uniparty will implement their owner’s will against the interests of we the citizens. We have been far too comfortable for far too long.

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“human rights, dignity and fundamental freedoms of persons"

Only criminally insane people would even attempt to remove “human rights, dignity and fundamental freedoms of persons" from the International Health Regulations. Where are the neuropsychologists now? This is PROOF the WHO needs to be shut down.

Nobody in their right mind would agree to any of this. The WHO may have started out trying to help people but they are despicable now. .

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This just appeared in my email from Women's Rights without Frontiers:

Dear Friend,

Our voices have been heard.

The United States House of Representatives has voted to defund the World Health Organization. The House also voted to require that any agreement drafted by the World Health Assembly or any other United Nations body will not be funded until it has obtained the required advice and consent of the Senate. These are huge victories!

Check out the language on pages 249-250 of H.R. 4665.

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Meryl, please rewrite the questions to not have any acronyms at all. Spell it all out literally instead.

As soon as people see acronyms they don't know, they lose interest.

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