You nailed it by placing The End of Informed Consent as the ultimate goal. All the disturbing trends could still be topics for conversations, defensible arguments could be presented, perspectives could be understood with some compassion. That is not the goal, however. That is because any attempt to look objectively at one issue has become a mere distraction - the enemy is pouring forth all its power to make consent, the basic foundation of freedom, an abstraction. Inner freedom, discernment and compassion are despised by the adversary, because they lead to the flowering of our humanity.

And, it is precisely because of this that these deeply human qualities, which are the future, are welling up within so many people. Yes, the end of human freedom is the ultimate goal of anti-human forces, but, OUR goal is the undaunted pursuit of the true archetype of the human being, and we will insist on living in understanding and love. They cannot win.

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The WEF club refer to human animals & « non-human animals.»

The last few years have shown they view us as cattle - to be fed & inoculated however they choose.

It’s up to us to....REMOVE their power. We have to find a way.

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Thanks for all the great charts!!!

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This is very good. I would add war on children. It crosses a lot of your other points but nothing changes the future as much as a bunch of complete programed, mentally dysfunctional children.

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Yes--that was a big mistake--you are totally right. War on children and on families

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Interesting. The 1917 Fatima revelations, including that the final battle between God and the devil would be over the family, was derided and mocked.

Yet here we are: children killed, ignored, mutilated and/or brainwashed; families do not eat or play together. Materialism runs rampant.

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The so-called “fatima” prophecy is a cultic imagined, or likely demonic phantasm, of the Catholic Church’s creation. There is no mother or queen of heaven, aka Mary (but this is NOT the real earth human Jewish mother of Jesus Christ.) This is the same idolatry practiced in every ancient empire and primitive societies since the beginning. Is there a war on the family? Absolutely: The devil isn’t 100% wrong, that’s how his power works.

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70,000 witnesses got it wrong - but you've got it right.

Got it. Thank you for sharing your acuity.

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Where do you even get 70,000 “witnesses?” It supposedly was three children the entity appeared to and they went and told people. If I’m wrong, what do numbers have to do with anything? There are billions of people living and adhering to false belief systems every day.

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Try a search engine. Yandex, Bing...

Fatima is also referred to as "Miracle of the Sun".

Could be 40,000 or 100,000 witnesses, but far more than 3 children.

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I’m not sure Dr Nash we can call this war on “children and families” was any mistake. After reading a current peer reviewed psychological study on left wing ideology, it was found the left side was 2.5 times more likely to suffer from mental disorders. IMO, this study solidifies why so many people are going along with such insane attacks! I believe the left is so “deranged” they really don’t care who or what they attack! I’ve not read any psychological studies which were peer reviewed indicating this conclusion! Literally we can say without hesitation, “these people are absolutely insane”! That’s the most scary part I believe if Americans don’t wake up and realize how detrimental these psychopaths are! Which leads me to this one point, “does anyone have any doubts why the left must cheat, lie, threaten and steal votes to win”? NOT At ALL! Thank you Dr Nash for all your diligence.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I can remember when autism was not even heard of!

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Yes & some pretend it was ‘always there but not diagnosed’.

To which some have replied, correctly:

« So then, where are the hordes of autistic adults who were not diagnosed as children? Where are all the 50, 60, 70 year old autistic people? »

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Mar 16Liked by Meryl Nass

You're missing one of the most important ones. Energy. This wind/solar/hydrogen/batteries energy scam will collapse our industrial economies.

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Mar 15Liked by Meryl Nass

I know this to be true. What I don't know is if all of this is stoppable.

I fully agree with this mighty essay of yours. However, as a social scientist, I have this perspective on why our Western civilization collapses.

Our culture has been subverted for the most part in the last 70 to 80 years. I have attached some relevant information for you to take a look at. On several occasions, Hannah Arendt accurately predicted that consumerist democracies would someday lead to authoritarianism.




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Makes perfect sense now Luc, as any “consumerist democracy” becomes dependent as an “addict” becomes dependent on their “authoritarianism” dealer! Humanity is being dealt a raw deal by those who have the way and the means to hoard and later sell at a much higher price, that price is life! “You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy”.

Thanks for your post Luc.


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Dear brother Luc,

Those two vids are telling. Nothing new really, in fact you can be corrected about the 70 to 80 years you surmised. It has been LONG going on before that. The processes involved have been instilled into and put forth by evil men by Satanic intentions that are rooted deeper than we know. The "commander" of the forces at play here has been studying the nature of man since Eden; perfecting his dark art of subversion through the promotion of sinful activity.

I cannot recall where, but I've read a sort of "manifesto." I think it was of Communist origin which listed quite openly "how" to subvert the most powerful nation on earth: USA. The list included EVERY single social disorder we are confronted with, from evolution teaching, to the induction of hard-core pornography and everything in between, both political and social, and naturally, spiritual subversion as well. In order to obtain an inside foot-hold there first was the necessity to infiltrate and take command of the associated disciplines and agencies which shaped the nation's tack toward righteousness and truth.

This has all taken place already, as anyone of age can see.

Now there is another layer of depth to the onion most cannot nor will not ever see. It is very secretive whose workings and scheming is kept well-hidden so as to not arouse suspicion, as it goes about subverting un-noticed much less unseated. It is the R.C. system of religion which has organized numerous "front" players, such as Communism, to "be the bad-guy" while it was she, all along who planted the seeds, prepared the soil, supplied the implements for it's growth and care, all of which had behind it a LONG term plan to spiritually take over the entire world.

Who or what has such "long-term" plans in its written manifesto? There can be only ONE ruling entity, aside from the "Father of Lies," which conforms to the position given it by the devil. It is the militant side of the RC church. It is directed by the most powerful man in the world, the Black Pope. This truth gives fuel and legitimacy toward any investigation of the facts of history regarding the secret society named "The Society of Jesus." Entire volumes could be written of her evil deeds, and indeed are still being recorded in the "Books of Heaven" to attest to her savage and wicked escapades. She is the "Mother of Harlots" and is responsible for "all" of the shed blood tragically spilled from the bodies of young men from the time of its inception until today. As far as "motive" one need only read the "Extreme Oath of Induction (of the society of jesus") to confirm all of this darkness, and much more, too grim to put to words.

If only it were not so!


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Yes - communism came hot and heavy to the US long ago.

Here’s a short read from one of the ground-floor lawyers in the US communist party, Bella Dodd: genus.cogia.net

No surprises here, just a game plan, and she testified in front of Congress.

These are the (rotten) fruits of a materialistic people.

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Thanks for the link- am currently reading American Betrayal- by Diana West- excellent book if you have not read it. Addresses Soviet penetration of FDR administration.

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Thanks, I will order it! I read a lot, these days...

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Yes it summarizes a lot of work done by other scholars on the Venona files- check it out if you have not already- its mind numbing - the extent of Soviet espionage and control in the US during WW2 and post WW2.

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Yes. I know some of this. I will read the book.

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Mar 15Liked by Meryl Nass

in the Air Force document that has been declassified, weather as a force multiplier 2025, The Air Force admits that they have to follow the UN rules. They can't just modify the weather as they would please.

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Mar 16Liked by Meryl Nass

And of course you believe them. The military has joined the Globalists that control the UN. Being on the Security Council means there can be no enforcement of the rules against the US

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Absolutely Diamond! In addition to facilitating weather via cloud seeding, you can also add the myriad of societal enforcement mechanisms beginning with MSM / Social Media narrative controls, uninhibited “Illegal Border Violators”, which has a multi-pronged purpose designed to; overwhelm citizens, overwhelm city / state budgets, prioritizing all Illegals by dividing illegal”s and citizens, allow border jumping terrorist, bringing drugs, sex trafficking and disease! Good God Diamond there’s so many destructive elements when a sovereign nation with rules cast down, it’s sovereignty and breaks all the rules by political hacks ! Just an “OPEN BORDER INVASION” alone is so destructive! In addition they’re attacking the farming system, food production and distribution, banking controls via CDBC, dissolving medical informed consent,m and then continue to print money to cause uncontrollable inflation, tear apartments and dismantle our natural resources and utilize quantitative easing again and again! (F.Y.I, One Trillion Dollars are being printed every 100 days which is the cost of interest on our debt alone)! Then by doubling federal budget from 3.2 trillion 3 years ago to a proposed 7.2 trillion this next budget cycle one can say there’s no turning back now! Oh and the endless wars, wars and more wars! Black VS White culture wars, along with CRT and Gender modification wars in children’s mental health, and don’t forget to remove all parental rights. I could go on and on with so many other destructive policies pushed out by Washington and implemented using bureaucratic appointed whack- jobs, while NGO’s

round out the team! This is insane and beyond comprehension! Unless you’re looking to “Fundamentally Transform America”, gee I wonder who said that? Of course all which I’ve written here is by the book, right? And it’s all legal and constitutional, right? My summation is simple, attack anything or anyone Patriotic and then implement and force upon the masses, all of the tried-before and failed, “ISM’s”! Socialism, Fascism, Communism, Totalitarianism, Maoism, Stalinism! My layman’s assessment is so simple and I feel quite accurate when “We The People” are witnessing exactly one part of each “ISM” happening every day! It doesn’t matter the order or how many unique components of each “ISM”, used, “the ends justifies the means” at all cost, right? NOT! Not at all! The end result will be if they’re successful a “Total Collapse” and far more loss of life than the Covid Bioweapon result! Weather, is certainly another part and actually a very important component, because nobody wants to be without shelter in heavy rainfall or heavy snowfall. Seeding the atmosphere allows these evildoers to have further control over the masses! The same way everything else is controlled and connected. This will cause people to beg for the government’s help! After all, power and money and control is the ultimate weapon! So this 100 year plan is nearing completion, once America falls, so too goes the rest of the world, falling like dominoes! The most important part of all, more Americans and more people around the world are noticing, which is sometimes easy to overlook, which is how protesting / protestors have been marching in unison for similar policies. They are, the so called “Useful Idiots”! Today protestors are protesting worldwide nearly the same policies home and abroad at nearly the same time with the same ideologues. It’s quite clear what’s happening is Global and if successful the world will have a “ONE WORLD ORDER”! Thanks but no thanks! It’s anyone’s guess how successful, without starting WWIII, though I believe had already started! Americans and people of the world, are being “Slow Boiled”. The same way you boil a frog. Thanks Diamond for your insightful post.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Your in depth (yet incomplete) assessment is fully correct in my humble opinion. Much more, much deeper threads and roots can be unearthed which point to a systemic cancer below surface level. Is it curable? Surely, with God, anything is possible, but from the viewpoint of prophecy, history, and current events it seems highly unlikely, and practically impossible.

Was the nation of Israel in about 600 BC. exempt from its prophetic take down by the King of Babylon even though she boasted a presumed protection from the God of heaven? Answer is no! She COULD have been protected, but was left to try and protect against a force that God used to exemplify her dependence upon His shield, so long as she remained faithful to the Covenant relationship she had "signed onto" with Him. But she deviated and proudly thumbed her nose at the prospect of being overtaken. The resulting onslaught is historical and given to us as a warning NOT to follow the same course, and suffer her fate.

But USA, like Israel, has not complied with her "covenant" (so to speak) with her Provider. Instead, she has denounced God and disavowed her relationship with Him, resulting in the gradual pulling back of His "Hand of Divine Protection" from her. Refusing to awaken to the fact, she has filled out her own death certificate. It is simply a matter of time now for the nation, the GREAT national leader of the world, to accept her fate of destruction from within, as with a cancer. She, being a "protestant" nation was supposed to "protest" the invasive Catholic System of false religion with all of its evil, blasphemous doctrines and dogmas; USA setting truth and light on its rightful pedestal for the world to understand and likewise follow.

She has allowed a fire to build in her lap of luxury, and has now not the space, time or humility to ask for God's help in extinguishing the burning flames. Now, she will become victim of her own carelessness, and faces internal ruin.

There are MANY honest, Christ-loving souls within her borders, and around the world, and it is THIS group which constitutes "Israel" or "The Church" or "God's people." They will have to suffer through some persecution and "trouble" but will live to tell about it in the New World if they remain faithful. These are they who are spoken of in REV. who do not see death, but are "translated," caught up in the clouds (of angels) and ushered, along with the resurrected saints, to their temporary heavenly abode.

A beautiful picture to contemplate and give us courage to face what is shortly slated to take place! Let us all pray and be thankful that the "New World Order" of God's design will be an eternal one! NOT the Satanic reverse NWO that, if allowed to occur, will be HELL on earth to say the least!

Yours in the Battle for Souls,


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Thank you “R”for outlining this spiritual fall of mankind! To use your words, “a beautiful picture to contemplate” is ahead for all who understand what’s happening today. Most certainly, as you’ve so eloquently depicted. Understandably, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, will not, nor should He, interfere with mankind’s lust for power and control, which are the evil forces we’re battling today! Those who understand and believe, must dig deeper and help others understand, if they so choose. We have been “shown the way” and “given 10 commandments”. We can either choose to see the difference or suffer the consequences! This intersection between good and evil shows how evil destroys and how destruction from within, is now occurring and has been exposed. Full force exposure of these evil forces hasn’t and will not stop the inevitable destruction of man’s soul, if man allows it. Evil has reached the point where darkness will loom, figuratively and literally, with the upcoming total solar eclipse about a month away, this occurrence and others, are not by chance, this has been planned. Mankind must determine what side of history, what side of “good versus evil” truly matters, for our souls are what’s at stake. While rearing its ugly head, everyday people can now see, how evil operates and how Jesus Christ continues providing for, all who choose and must give their life and their only soul to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Those who do, will be saved! We must believe! Because determined forces have “come out of darkness” to “deceive and conquer”! This is solely a battle of spiritual strength between good and evil. This battle must be waged. Mortal man has been deceived, by allowing themselves, to veer away from what has been written and has been told, in love and in truth. “Jesus Christ Shines His Light Upon The Earth” for all to see, if one wishes to open their hearts, close their eyes, get down on their knees and ask for forgiveness! Thank you “R” for explaining, quite well, the coming reality, humanity must face!

God Bless you and your family “R”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Let the Lord our God be eternally praised!

This is the commission by, the duty of, and the outcome of knowing the Truth as it is in the Gospel. Eternal praise to the Creator. We are told that throughout eternity, there will be new and deeper revelations of His Character and Creation for our minds to grasp and contemplate as we admire His handiwork throughout the universe as well as what is directly under our noses.

It is such a privilege and honor to speak of these things, knowing that nothing new is here reported, but rather the established doctrine of Truth through past ages, pointing all, rich and poor, great and small, to the God of our Salvation for man's Redemption slated to take place soon.

And to receive confirmation in your post, AJR, provides not only myself, but hopefully, other readers whose faith has been compromised by the "system" to undermine the divinity of Christ. No assessment can be accurately placed upon such things, for a human soul is infinitely valuable and unique; much loved by Jesus, whose desire is for that soul to receive the welcoming statement from His own lips; to "Enter into the joy of thy Lord."

Therefore, we who are more familiar with the Truth of the Bible, and/or have a testimony to share with others concerning the miracles leading to our conversion, are to share these things, as confidence builders. At the same time, there is a very dire warning to be given to all false religions AKA Babylon, whose "wine" (false doctrine) they have partaken of. REV 14: 6-12.

May God direct our paths to this end.


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Exactly “R”, exactly! God Bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing such accurate and inspiring words! God Bless you “R”. I am most thankful.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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To God be ALL the glory, my amazing friend and brother!


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Also the “catching away” or modern term of rapture, harpazo in Greek, is written in 1 Thessalonians 4 by the Apostle Paul, not in Revelation.

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Below is that portion of chapter 4: But I do not see anywhere therein, which can be used to substantiate the "left behind" doctrine. Clearly, the dead in Christ will "rise first" and then they who are Christ's; both to be "caught up" together in the clouds (of angels). Sleep, obviously is synonymous with death. And where will the throng then "go" after being "caught up together"? They will obviously go to heaven for the "thousand years" as written in the last Book of the Word.

13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.


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You are mostly correct, but no cigar. My judgment? You fell into the same corrupted “Church Replacement Theology” that so many Protestants and Catholics have. Was Israel left to suffer the enslavement and diaspora because of their unbelief? Yes. Will most be left behind during the rapture? Yes, along with, I might add unfortunately, the majority of the earth's populations. God’s covenant with Israel is an Everlasting one. That means that No Church believers replace this. You as a Gentile are extremely lucky that you were allowed to be “grafted in.” You Never replaced an entirely different covenant that is solely Israel’s.You and I are not under Jesus’ Gospel of the Kingdom. You are under the Apostle Paul’s Gospel of Grace Plus Nothing. You will be in the heavens while the left behind saved Jews and gentile survivors rule with Jesus Christ on Earth for the thousand year millennial reign. I will continue this correction until the Church gets it.

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It’s all this right here, Ray.

Curious what brought you to this spiritual point of view.

God bless and keep faithful and keep praying.

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What brought me to "this spiritual point of view?" I give credit to the H.S. and the Truth that He has so patiently led me to embrace over the years through prophecy, and I might add certain happenings which I hold as nothing short of miraculous interventions in my life as a Christian (and certain other occurrences which might be defined similarly even BEFORE I was enlightened through prophecy and its amazing accuracy. Also, I found a dark conspiracy to be present among the false churches which preach ecumenism and leave off "duty" to obedience, which the Scriptures condemn. That's better stated, Scripture condemns the concept of ignoring duty and focusing only on the "unity" of diverse Christian-taught doctrines. In the book of James, it is pointed clearly out that "faith without works is dead." The "works" are a RESULT of thankful reciprocation and a desire to obey the commission to spread the Gospel and warn the world of what is shortly to transpire. Everyone are brothers and sisters! Everyone has a choice to make.


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Pardon my dullness - what is the HS?

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Oh, not at all, my brother! Learning is a "curve" that never ends and can begin at anytime in ones life. The "H.S." is an abbreviation for The Holy Spirit. I too get a little annoyed trying to keep up with all the acronyms come call "alphabet soup!" Most of the time, they refer to some govt entity or agency, and that's good enough for me to classify them. Thank you for drawing my attention to this thing, which signals me to be less presumptive, and to use fewer abbreviations.

Not much is commonly known regarding the Holy Spirit, and yet He (NOT "It") is clearly part of the "Godhead" as a separate Entity. He is our "Comforter" assigned to the task by Jesus Himself since Jesus' physical presence occupies the heavenly sanctuary. The prophet, E.G. White has probably more to write on the matter than any other author, describing the different stations and functions of our (Triune) God. Three individual entities, yet connected so closely in function and desire, they are considered as "One." That's how that works.

Anyway, I hope this will inspire you to investigate further, and embrace the Truth as it is in God's Word, the Holy Bible. (KJV or King James Version, or "Received Text"). The others are corrupted.

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Mar 16Liked by Meryl Nass

It's a war on human rights, dignity, and autonomy.

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And on the innocence too.

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A good local beer, locally grown vegetables and fruits, super divine healthy bread, together-community-gardens, herb medicinal health care, Free Energy sources, tools to clean up weather modification for every one, no presidents, new types of mold-free and EMF radiation-free buildings, schools and housing, affordable for every one, a few cars, trains and trams, natural fertilisers and pesticides (on the basis of urine?), only local small banks, many forrests, no wars, a bit of meat, lots of wine and much local theater, dancing and parties!

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This is the best summary I've seen so far! You pulled it all together so nicely. If anyone asks me to explain what's really going on and I think they are ready, then I'll refer them to this chart.

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Mar 16Liked by Meryl Nass

Add Social Impact Bonds - investors trading off of solving the very problems they created. But they only ever purport to solve them at the individual level (‘we care sooooooo much we will help you overcome YOUR problems’) rather than not create the problematic conditions in the first place.

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The psychopaths are using 1984, Brave New World, and The Communist Manifesto as a concomitant playbook for the Great Reset New World Order. It’s been many decades in the making, but Trump put a wrench in the works, forcing expedition by use of extreme measures.

We have been dumbed down for years. The loss of curiosity, critical thinking skills, personal independence, drive, ingenuity and conscience isn’t an anomaly. It’s been effective propaganda. Constant entertainment, 24 hour fake mockingbird news media, “ catastrophic events”, psychotropic drugs,fearmongering , coerced tribalism and divide are all psycho local conditioning. We’re numb, have no focus other than hating each other. Whenever there’s a momentary awakening,, either a catastrophe or rewarding effort occurs. Enough to re-Stepfordize the masses.

Huxley warned of what was coming down the pike during a 1958 interview with Mike Wallace. With such chilling,extraordinary, detail as to be inexplicable. Technocracy, tyranny, transhumanism, willful servitude. Mike Wallace was patronizing and completely dismissive. Disrespectful. Albeit, in 1958, Huxley indeed seemed eccentric and slightly disturbed. He wasn’t. He was unbelievably prescient.

During a conversation with a brilliant friend and mentor, I asked whether he believed there were prophets placed here with specific purpose. He’s religious-I’m not,, His answer was funny, but remarkable. Yes, he does believe there are people chosen as messengers, describing Huxley as a “ time traveler”. Back from the future to warn us . To change the course of history before it becomes our horrific reality

We’re on our own. NOBODY is coming to the rescue.Our vaunted government, elected( yeah, right) to serve “ We The People” hate us we useful idiots until we’re no longer useful. We’re disposable. We cannot let them win. But how do we fight back? Going down like a lamb, in resignation, isn’t an option.

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Resolutions in state legislatures, attorney general statements, governor statements (that authority for health resides in the states and so it cannot be handed to the WHO), discussions in parliaments and congress, etc. And FINALLY, people making it clear that


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Mar 16Liked by Meryl Nass

What the charts to some also might suggest is that even on the way to implementation, Western"outsourcing" economies will collapse to the extent that nothing remains to build (back and / or better). One reason, the US can't afford losing the proxy war in the Ukraine as that already is exposing NATO as "the evil alliance that can only bomb developing countries to dust". All NATO equipment in the Ukraine gets blown up, often in spectacular fashion by the Russian military. That suggests, end of US military industrial complex racketeering - who buys the loosing (yet world's most expensive) stuff? It also might be behind the accelerated effort for pharmaceutical racketeering via WHO, even risking legal errors (that can be used by activists).

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Mar 16Liked by Meryl Nass

Glad people are catching up. Its Controlled Demolition to be followed by Build Back Better. Your Government (both parties) and the Corporate Partners (Global Corporation) are working together to make it happen. China and Russia are partners with them (don't let the Fake Wrestling fool you) and they provide the excuse to roll out many of these destructive policies

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Thanks Meryl and David Schonbrunn ...Right on! The charts say it all. If people love America and dont want to see it taken over by those whose major impetus is to eliminate us all...they must wake up and not accept any of the lies being spouted. Knowledge is Power...and the Depraved Ones want to eliminate any information that would reveal their intents. In Unity there is strength and trust that our Creator only wants a good outcome for his children.

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Nice summary of the evil we face!

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Just checking in again to say this & I guess everyone here can come up with their own version:

I’m sitting in an interior courtyard, in the sun, below a blue sky. It’s spring. I can hear a chorus of small song birds preparing their nests & new arrivals! In a moment we’re going to eat beef & salad. Tomorrow, we’re going to drive through a long beautiful gorge (canyon in Europe) & visit a cave full of Neolithic paintings. This world is beautiful.

We are NOT going to give it up to a handful of psychopaths in the WEF-CCP club.

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